958 resultados para Human experimental anxiety
This review covers the effect of drugs affecting anxiety using four psychological procedures for inducing experimental anxiety applied to healthy volunteers and patients with anxiety disorders. The first is aversive conditioning of the skin conductance responses to tones. The second is simulated public speaking, which consists of speaking in front of a video camera, with anxiety being measured with psychometric scales. The third is the Stroop Color-Word test, in which words naming colors are painted in the same or in a different shade, the incongruence generating a cognitive conflict. The last test is a human version of a thoroughly studied animal model of anxiety, fear-potentiated startle, in which the eye-blink reflex to a loud noise is recorded. The evidence reviewed led to the conclusion that the aversive conditioning and potentiated startle tests are based on classical conditioning of anticipatory anxiety. Their sensitivity to benzodiazepine anxiolytics suggests that these models generate an emotional state related to generalized anxiety disorder. On the other hand, the increase in anxiety determined by simulated public speaking is resistant to benzodiazepines and sensitive to drugs affecting serotonergic neurotransmission. This pharmacological profile, together with epidemiological evidence indicating its widespread prevalence, suggests that the emotional state generated by public speaking represents a species-specific response that may be related to social phobia and panic disorder. Because of scant pharmacological data, the status of the Stroop Color-Word test remains uncertain. In spite of ethical and economic constraints, human experimental anxiety constitutes a valuable tool for the study of the pathophysiology of anxiety disorders.
In order to examine the relationship between anxiety and reinforcing effects of alcohol, drug-naive male Wistar rats weighing 250-300 g were classified as "anxious" and "non-anxious" in the elevated plus-maze test. A conditioned place preference test was then used to investigate the reinforcing effects of ethanol (EtOH) on these animals. On 2 alternate days, groups of "anxious", "non-anxious" and "normal" rats received intraperitoneal (ip) injections of EtOH (0.5, 1.0 or 1.5 g/kg) immediately before a 15-min confinement to the white compartment. On the 2 intervening days the same rats received ip injections of saline before confinement to the opposite compartment. On day 5, a 15-min free-choice test was carried out with no injections. Rats classified as "anxious" showed a significant, though not dose-dependent preference for all doses of ethanol compared to saline-treated animals. These data demonstrate that rats regarded as "anxious" are more sensitive to the reinforcing effects of EtOH than "non-anxious" and "normal" Wistar rats and emphasize the relevance of the basal levels of anxiety of rats when trying to detect the reinforcing effects of EtOH.
Literature reviews suggest flavonoids, a sub-class of polyphenols, are beneficial for cognition. This is the first review examining the effect of consumption of all polyphenol groups on cognitive function. Inclusion criteria were polyphenol vs. control interventions and epidemiological studies with an objective measure of cognitive function. Participants were healthy or mildly cognitively impaired adults. Studies were excluded if clinical assessment or diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, or cognitive impairment was the sole measure of cognitive function, or if the polyphenol was present with potentially confounding compounds such as caffeine (e.g. tea studies) or Ginkgo Biloba. 28 studies were identified; 4 berry juice studies, 4 cocoa studies, 13 isoflavone supplement studies, 3 other supplement studies, and 4 epidemiological surveys. Overall, 16 studies reported cognitive benefits following polyphenol consumption. Evidence suggests that consuming additional polyphenols in the diet can lead to cognitive benefits, however, the observed effects were small. Declarative memory and particularly spatial memory appear most sensitive to polyphenol consumption and effects may differ depending on polyphenol source. Polyphenol berry fruit juice consumption was most beneficial for immediate verbal memory, whereas isoflavone based interventions were associated with significant improvements for delayed spatial memory and executive function. Comparison between studies was hampered by methodological inconsistencies. Hence, there was no clear evidence for an association between cognitive outcomes and polyphenol dose response, duration of intervention, or population studied. In conclusion, however, the findings do imply that polyphenol consumption has potential to benefit cognition both acutely and chronically.
Citrus aurantium L. is popularly used to treat anxiety, among other indications suggesting central nervous system action. Previous studies showed anxiolytic effect in the essential oil from peel in mice evaluated on the elevated plus maze [Carvalho-Freitas, M.I.R., Costa, M., 2002. Anxiolytic and sedative effects of extracts and essential oil from Citrus aurantium L. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 25, 1629-1633.]. In order to better characterize the activity of the essential oil, it was evaluated in two other experimental models: the light-dark box and the marble-burying test, respectively related to generalized anxiety disorder and to obsessive compulsive disorder. Mice were treated acutely by oral route 30 min (single dose) or once a day for 15 days (repeated doses) before experimental procedures. In light-dark box test, single treatment with essential oil augmented the time spent by mice in the light chamber and the number of transitions between the two compartments. There were no observed alterations in the parameters evaluated in light-dark box after repeated treatment. Otherwise, single and repeated treatments with essential oil were able to suppress marble-burying behavior. At effective doses in the behavioral tests, mice showed no impairment on rotarod procedure after both single and repeated treatments with essential oil, denoting absence of motor deficit. Results observed in marble-burying test, related to obsessive compulsive disorder, appear more consistent than those observed in light-dark box. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) represents the leading cause of cancer death worldwide, and 5-year survival is about 16% for patients diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and about 70-90% when the disease is diagnosed and treated at earlier stages. Treatment of NSCLC is changed in the last years with the introduction of targeted agents, such as gefitinib and erlotinib, that have dramatically changed the natural history of NSCLC patients carrying specific mutations in the EGFR gene, or crizotinib, for patients with the EML4-ALK translocation. However, such patients represent only about 15-20% of all NSCLC patients, and for the remaining individuals conventional chemotherapy represents the standard choice yet, but response rate to thise type of treatment is only about 20%. Development of new drugs and new therapeutic approaches are so needed to improve patients outcome. In this project we aimed to analyse the antitumoral activity of two compounds with the ability to inhibit histone deacethylases (ACS 2 and ACS 33), derived from Valproic Acid and conjugated with H2S, in human cancer cell lines derived from NSCLC tissues. We showed that ACS 2 represents the more promising agent. It showed strong antitumoral and pro-apoptotic activities, by inducing membrane depolarization, cytocrome-c release and caspase 3 and 9 activation. It was able to reduce the invasive capacity of cells, through inhibition of metalloproteinases expression, and to induce a reduced chromatin condensation. This last characteristic is probably responsible for the observed high synergistic activity in combination with cisplatin. In conclusion our results highlight the potential role of the ACS 2 compound as new therapeutic option for NSCLC patients, especially in combination with cisplatin. If validated in in vivo models, this compound should be worthy for phase I clinical trials.
Human experimental pain models require standardized stimulation and quantitative assessment of the evoked responses. This approach can be applied to healthy volunteers and pain patients before and after pharmacological interventions. Standardized stimuli of different modalities (ie, mechanical, chemical, thermal or electrical) can be applied to the skin, muscles and viscera for a differentiated and comprehensive assessment of various pain pathways and mechanisms. Using a multi-modal, multi-tissue approach, new and existing analgesic drugs can be profiled by their modulation of specific biomarkers. It has been shown that biomarkers, for example, those related to the central integration of repetitive nociceptive stimuli, can predict efficacy of a given drug in neuropathic pain conditions. Human experimental pain models can bridge animal and clinical pain research, and act as translational research providing new possibilities for designing successful clinical trials. Proof-of-concept studies provide cheap, fast and reliable information on dose-efficacy relationships and how pain sensed in the skin, muscles and viscera are inhibited.
Simulated public speaking (SPS) test is sensitive to drugs that interfere with serotonin-mediated neurotransmission and is supposed to recruit neural systems involved in panic disorder. The study was aimed at evaluating the effects of escitalopram, the most selective serotonin-selective reuptake inhibitor available, in SPS. Healthy males received, in a double-blind, randomized design, placebo (n = 12), 10 (n = 17) or 20 (n = 14) mg of escitalopram 2 hours before the test. Behavioural, autonomic and neuroendocrine measures were assessed. Both doses of escitalopram did not produce any effect before or during the speech but prolonged the fear induced by SPS. The test itself did not significantly change cortisol and prolactin levels but under the higher dose of escitalopram, cortisol and prolactin increased immediately after SPS. This fear-enhancing effect of escitalopram agrees with previously reported results with less selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and the receptor antagonist ritanserin, indicating that serotonin inhibits the fear of speaking in public.
Evidence from animal models of anxiety has led to the hypothesis that serotonin enhances inhibitory avoidance (related to anxiety) in the forebrain, but inhibits one-way escape (panic) in the midbrain periaqueductal gray (PAG). Stressing the difference between these emotions, neuroendocrinological results indicate that the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is activated by anticipatory anxiety, but not by panic attack nor by electrical stimulation of the rat PAG. Functional neuroimaging has shown activation of the insula and upper brain stem (including PAG), as well as deactivation of the anterior cingulated cortex (ACC) during experimental panic attacks. Voxel-based morphometric analysis of brain magnetic resonance images has shown a grey matter volume increase in the insula and upper brain stem, and a decrease in the ACC of panic patients at rest, as compared to healthy controls. The insula and the ACC detect interoceptive stimuli, which are overestimated by panic patients. It is suggested that these brain areas and the PAG are involved in the pathophysiology of panic disorder. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Oxytocin (OT) is known to be involved in anxiety, as well as cardiovascular and hormonal regulation. The objective of this study was to assess the acute effect of intranasally administered OT on subjective states, as well as cardiovascular and endocrine parameters, in healthy volunteers (n = 14) performing a simulated public speaking test. OT or placebo was administered intranasally 50 min before the test. Assessments were made across time during the experimental session: (1) baseline (-30 min); (2) pre-test (-15 min); (3) anticipation of the speech (50 min); (4) during the speech (1:03 h), post-test time 1 (1:26 h), and post-test time 2 (1:46 h). Subjective states were evaluated by self-assessment scales. Cortisol serum and plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) were measured. Additionally, heart rate, blood pressure, skin conductance, and the number of spontaneous fluctuations in skin conductance were measured. Compared with placebo, OT reduced the Visual Analogue Mood Scale (VAMS) anxiety index during the pre-test phase only, while increasing sedation at the pre-test, anticipation, and speech phases. OT also lowered the skin conductance level at the pre-test, anticipation, speech, and post-test 2 phases. Other parameters evaluated were not significantly affected by OT. The present results show that OT reduces anticipatory anxiety, but does not affect public speaking fear, suggesting that this hormone has anxiolytic properties.
In experimental psychopathology, construct validity is usually enhanced by addressing theories from other fields in its nomological network. In the field of anxiety research, this construct is related to antipredator behavior, conserved across phylogeny in its functions and neural basis, but not necessarily on its topography. Even though the relations between behavioral models of anxiety and statements from behavioral ecology and evolutionary biology are commonly made in anxiety research, these are rarely tested, at least explicitly. However, in order to increase construct validity in experimental anxiety, testing predictions from those theories is highly desirable. This article discusses these questions, suggesting a few ways in which behavioral ecological and evolutionary hypotheses of anxiety-like behavior may be tested.
Animal and human studies indicate that cannabidiol (CBD), a major constituent of cannabis, has anxiolytic properties. However, no study to date has investigated the effects of this compound on human pathological anxiety and its underlying brain mechanisms. The aim of the present study was to investigate this in patients with generalized social anxiety disorder (SAD) using functional neuroimaging. Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) at rest was measured twice using (99m)Tc-ECD SPECT in 10 treatment-naive patients with SAD. In the first session, subjects were given an oral dose of CBD (400 mg) or placebo, in a double-blind procedure. In the second session, the same procedure was performed using the drug that had not been administered in the previous session. Within-subject between-condition rCBF comparisons were performed using statistical parametric mapping. Relative to placebo, CBD was associated with significantly decreased subjective anxiety (p < 0.001), reduced ECD uptake in the left parahippocampal gyrus, hippocampus, and inferior temporal gyrus (p < 0.001, uncorrected), and increased ECD uptake in the right posterior cingulate gyrus (p < 0.001, uncorrected). These results suggest that CBD reduces anxiety in SAD and that this is related to its effects on activity in limbic and paralimbic brain areas.
BACKGROUND: The central function of dendritic cells (DC) in inducing and preventing immune responses makes them ideal therapeutic targets for the induction of immunologic tolerance. In a rat in vivo model, we showed that dexamethasone-treated DC (Dex-DC) induced indirect pathway-mediated regulation and that CD4+CD25+ T cells were involved in the observed effects. The aim of the present study was to investigate the mechanisms underlying the acquired immunoregulatory properties of Dex-DC in the rat and human experimental systems. METHODS: After treatment with dexamethasone (Dex), the immunogenicity of Dex-DC was analyzed in T-cell proliferation and two-step hyporesponsiveness induction assays. After carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester labeling, CD4+CD25+ regulatory T-cell expansion was analyzed by flow cytometry, and cytokine secretion was measured by ELISA. RESULTS: In this study, we demonstrate in vitro that rat Dex-DC induced selective expansion of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, which were responsible for alloantigen-specific hyporesponsiveness. The induction of regulatory T-cell division by rat Dex-DC was due to secretion of interleukin (IL)-2 by DC. Similarly, in human studies, monocyte-derived Dex-DC were also poorly immunogenic, were able to induce T-cell anergy in vitro, and expand a population of T cells with regulatory functions. This was accompanied by a change in the cytokine profile in DC and T cells in favor of IL-10. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that Dex-DC induced tolerance by different mechanisms in the two systems studied. Both rat and human Dex-DC were able to induce and expand regulatory T cells, which occurred in an IL-2 dependent manner in the rat system.
Cue exposure treatment (CET) consists of controlled and repeated exposure to drugrelated stimuli in order to reduce cue-reactivity. Virtual reality (VR) has proved to be a promising tool for exposition. However, identifying the variables that can modulate the efficacy of this technique is essential for selecting the most appropriate exposure modality. The aim of this study was to determine the relation between several individual variables and self-reported craving in smokers exposed to VR environments. Fortysix smokers were exposed to seven complex virtual environments that reproduce typical situations in which people smoke. Self-reported craving was selected as the criterion variable and three types of variables were selected as the predictor variables: related to nicotine dependence, related to anxiety and impulsivity, and related to the sense of presence in the virtual environments. Sense of presence was the only predictor of self-reported craving in all the experimental virtual environments. Nicotine dependence variables added predictive power to the model only in the virtual breakfast at home. No relation was found between anxiety or impulsivity and self-reported craving. Virtual reality technology can be very helpful for improving CET for substance use disorders. However, the use of virtual environments would make sense only insofar as the sense of presence was high. Otherwise, the effectiveness of exposure might be affected. © 2012 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Sodium fluoroacetate (SFAC) or Compound 1080 is a potent rodenticide, largely used after 1946 for rodent and home pest control. The toxic effects of SFAC are caused by fluorocitrate action, a toxic metabolite, which has a competitive action with aconitase enzyme, leading to citrate accumulation and resulting in interference in energy production by Krebs cycle blockade. In the present study, domestic cats were intoxicated with oral doses of fluoroacetate (0.45 mg/kg). The intoxicated animals presented emesis, diarrhea with abdominal pain posture and an abdominal palpation, tachypnea, bilateral midriasis, hypothermia, hyperexcitability and convulsions. Blood gas analysis indicated decreased pH and bicarbonate levels. Serum ionized calcium was also decreased. ECG showed non-specific changes in ventricular repolarization and ventricular arrhythmias. The survival rate was 75% in the treated group with calcium gluconate and sodium succinate and 37.5% in the non-treated group.