991 resultados para Hospitality sector


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When applied to hotels, the terms “facilities management” and “hotel management” are in many ways synonymous. Certainly effective  management of the physical aspects in the hotel business is essential for maximum efficiency. This paper presents a research into facilities  management operations in medium sized hotels (11-50 rooms) in the UK. Medium sized hotels were selected for this research, since 90 per cent of UK hotels have fewer than 50 bedrooms. The key objective is to establish any trends that suggest a relationship between the application of facilities management techniques and the success of hotel businesses. Financial measures were not identified as being of critical importance and there seemed to be more of an interest in cost reduction than in income growth.


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Labor management relations in the hospitality sector is an important aspect of effective management. Increasingly, unions are becoming proactive in organizing hospitality workers. This manifests itself in strikes, boycotts, picketing, sexual harassment complaints, and complaints to OSHA regarding safety and health workplace violations. This research monitors the current scene with respect to labor management relations and analyzes work issues that have been brought up for third-party resolution by NLRB staff or arbitrators. The study reports on 66 NLRB cases and 104 arbitration cases. Issues brought before the NLRB include mostly contract interpretations. In arbitration, there were mostly discipline issues, including work rule violations, disorderly conduct, poor performance and employee theft. Quite often, the proposed job action on the part of the employer was discharge. In NLRB cases, the employee usually prevailed, while in arbitration the employer usually prevailed.


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This report presents a metric called FRESH (for Foodservice Impact Rating for Environmentally Sustainable Hospitality Events). FRESH can be used to evaluate the performance of any foodservice meal period or event in the hospitality sector with regards to its sustainability, based on seven measurements. These measures are: a (post-consumer) food-waste indicator, a no-show indicator (when unexpectedly few people show up), an over-show measure (when too many people show up), a planning indicator (measuring intentional overproduction), a portion-size indicator (measuring per-guest consumption against expectations), an economies of scale indicator, and a post-event indicator (which depends on disposal approaches). FRESH can help managers, authorities, and potential guests evaluate the sustainability of food production in any establishment.


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Es un lugar común afirmar que una de las repercusiones positivas del desarrollo turístico es la facilitación de la incorporación de la mujer al mundo laboral. Así, las mujeres representan la mayor parte de la fuerza de trabajo del sector hostelero español y están representadas en todas las categorías laborales. Sin embargo, se sabe que dicha incorporación se realiza en condiciones desiguales y, específicamente en los hoteles, las mujeres ocupan mayoritariamente puestos de baja cualificación. También es un lugar común que una de las claves para el éxito del sector turístico es asegurar que los trabajadores sean eficientes y estén comprometidos con la empresa para garantizar la calidad del servicio prestado. Las políticas laborales deben promover una mayor igualdad de oportunidades, remuneración y condiciones de trabajo en el sector. En este trabajo se presentan evidencias de la disparidad salarial, la segregación vertical y la mayor precariedad laboral que sufren las mujeres en el subsector de la hostelería en España. Con este propósito se analizan datos estadísticos secundarios procedentes de organismos oficiales. Finalmente, se propone una reflexión acerca de las razones que motivan estas desigualdades, así como de las políticas que deberían seguirse para mitigarlas.


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The main aim of this study was to determine the impact of innovation on productivity in service sector companies — especially those in the hospitality sector — that value the reduction of environmental impact as relevant to the innovation process. We used a structural analysis model based on the one developed by Crépon, Duguet, and Mairesse (1998). This model is known as the CDM model (an acronym of the authors’ surnames). These authors developed seminal studies in the field of the relationships between innovation and productivity (see Griliches 1979; Pakes and Grilliches 1980). The main advantage of the CDM model is its ability to integrate the process of innovation and business productivity from an empirical perspective.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar os sistemas de Classificações existentes para a garantia da gestão da qualidade no setor hoteleiro, tendo como foco principal a Matriz de Classificação para os Meios de Hospedagem da EMBRATUR e a ISO 9000, observando os benefícios que esses sistemas e/ou processos de gestão poderão vir a proporcionar para o setor hoteleiro no que se refere à qualidade de seus serviços. Para a obtenção dessas informações foi realizada uma análise comparativa dos sistemas de gestão da qualidade através de pesquisas bibliográficas e de questionários enviados para empreendimentos hoteleiros certificados e classificados, onde os principais resultados fornecidos pela pesquisa foram trabalhados de forma a apresentar, de maneira clara, a superioridade de um sistema em relação ao outro


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Drawing on data from a survey of returning migrants, this study examines the factors behind the decision to launch a business in Loja, Ecuador. The possible explanations fall under various headings: demographic characteristics, work experience abroad, reasons for returning, current situation, intention to re-emigrate, and activity before, during and after migration. The study also considers different concepts of “entrepreneur”, as own-account worker and as employer. The results are analysed, first, using univariate tests and then estimating probit models. The variables most closely associated with a high probability of starting a business after returning from migration are entrepreneurial experience during the migration, and the fact of having returned voluntarily, as well as having worked in the host country in agriculture or the hospitality sector. Having university training and having worked in public administration before migrating are negative factors. Other influential variables are age and the wage or salary received abroad, but these are more nuanced.


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This article analyzes the results of three different field research, carried out simultaneously in small technology-based sectors, metal-mechanical industry and hotel in the city of São Carlos - SP, with goals, concepts and methods of similar research. The studies were classified as quantitative and descriptive and conducted through a survey of opinion with the main leader of the company. It were considered valid for analyses, the responses of 57 leaders, it were 33 technology-based sector, 13 of the metal-mechanic industry and 11 in the hospitality sector. The main results: the formalization of planning has not led to better performance, considering the indicator growth in sales in the three sectors studied and that the degree of formalization of the planning of the companies in the technologybased sector was higher, while the hospitality sector had a percentage smaller. The dynamic aspect of technology-based sector and stability in the hotel sector in the region studied, leads to assume that the turbulence of the environment is a predominant factor, contradicting the proposal of some authors, in which the formal planning is inappropriate for small companies that operate in environments that change quickly.


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The Spanish tourism stakchoiders (State Tourism Administration, public tourism agencies, hospitality sector, recreational sector, travel operators, other touristic business, etc.) have developed a very powerful and practical quality certification system for all the actors in the tourism sector, including all those actors and activities in the rural tourism sector, which traditionally do not have a proper tourism system. In this framework the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality (ICTE) administers, manages and monitors the "Spanish Tourism Quality" "Q" Mark, as an exclusive brand that announces the quality of the activity and service provided by the certified tourist business.


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The present study concentrates on a small – but important – area of marketing: offering development within the service sector, more exactly the restaurant sector. The empirical part of the study has been carried out in the Helsinki metropolitan area using six successful restaurants. First, a conceptual offering development model is developed based on how the management perceives the offering development processes. Second, customer perceptions of offerings and management beliefs about how the customers perceive the offerings are analysed. Finally, an extended offering development model is created based on the management perceptions (the first model) as well as on observed gaps between customer perceptions of offerings and management beliefs about the customer perceptions. The study reveals that customer perceptions and management beliefs are rather similar but also that some differences exist. These differences are taken into account in the extended offering development model (the second model). The empirical data was collected through interviews and surveys. All together 393 customers and 14 managers participated in the study. The study suggests that successful offering development has to be closely connected with the general strategy of the company. A shared vision within the company in combination with a systematic strategic offering development process create a sound basis for the practical development work. The main contribution of the study is the extended offering development model forming a framework for further studies within the area.


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A área da saúde e do bem-estar em Portugal, é um segmento em clara expansão. Dadas as suas características geográficas, estranha-se, contudo, a falta de equipamentos no campo da talassoterapia bem como a dispersidade da oferta no sector do turismo de saúde. Respondendo a uma necessidade sentida pelo grupo Hotéis Real, este trabalho de projecto pode definir-se como o desenvolvimento de uma estratégia de construção e expressão de um novo serviço de spas para esta cadeia hoteleira, numa perspectiva de comunicação corporate. Para tal, o projecto estrutura-se assente numa revisão de literatura que analisa as principais temáticas e questões tanto da área da saúde e do bem-estar, como do sector do turismo.


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Trabalho de Projecto apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria, sob a orientação da Doutora Alcina Augusta de Sena Portugal Dias. “Esta versão contém as críticas e sugestões dos elementos do júri”


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Esta tesis pretende describir la situación actual del sector de seguridad privada, al implementar y adoptar estrategias de CRM. Con una revisión confiable y el estudio de casos relacionados con el tema, lo cual permitirá constatar la realidad en cuanto la aplicación del modelo, en el sector de seguridad privada, según lo planteado por diversos autores. Los resultados obtenidos permitirán, de este modo, al sector y a sus gerentes, desarrollar estrategias que ayuden a la satisfacción de sus clientes y a la prestación de un mejor servicio. En el campo académico, este estudio servirá como guía teórico-práctica para estudiantes y profesores, de modo que permitirá afianzar conocimientos en cuanto al CRM, al marketing relacional y su uso en el sector de seguridad privada. Según este modelo la información acerca de los clientes, es una información estratégica vital para las organizaciones que ayuda a la toma de decisiones, pronosticar cambios en cuanto a demanda, además de establecer control sobre procesos en los que se involucre el cliente; de modo que la adopción e implementación de CRM, ayude a la empresa, en este caso a las del sector de seguridad privada, a estar atentos a la manera como se interactúa con el cliente y por ende mejorar el servicio, lo que tendrá repercusión en la percepción que tenga de la organización el cliente. De este modo, se ve como en la actualidad las estrategias de CRM definen el rumbo de una empresa, ayudando atraer nuevos clientes y además de esto, ayuda de igual modo a mantener felices a los clientes actuales; lo cual repercute en la demanda o el requerimiento del servicio, y así en una mejor rentabilidad para las empresas del sector. Razones por las que el sector de vigilancia se verá beneficiado por medio de las estrategias del CRM, lo que lo llevara a ofrecer mejores servicios a sus clientes.


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La presente investigación tiene por objeto considerar los cluster en la industria farmacéutica Colombiana, como un mecanismo para la disminución de los sobrecostos de los medicamentos, que han impactado de forma importante, entre otras causas, al sistema de salud, con unos recobros (por concepto de medicamentos No POS) que superan el billón de pesos, situación que dada la crisis que enfrenta al respecto, el Estado Colombiano, ha propuesto una quinta reforma que cursa actualmente en el Congreso de la República. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa tipo estudio de caso, en la que se presenta el modelo Colombiano de Salud y las cifras de recobros de las Empresas Prestadoras de Servicios de Salud (EPS), cantidad que representó el 0.4% del PIB (Producto Interno Bruto) en el 2009. Para tal fin se analizará el comportamiento de los recobros durante el año 2012, en cuarenta y una (41) EPS reconocidas del sector. Subsecuentemente se estudian las diferentes estrategias para la generación de economías de escala y dentro de ellas, los clusters como un posible modelo a seguir hacia la disminución de estos costos en salud, se analizan sus componentes y su posible constitución dentro del entorno Colombiano. Al final del estudio se establece como conclusión, que existen suficiente evidencia para apoyar la implementación de un cluster farmacéutico dentro del territorio Colombiano.