43 resultados para Hospitalidade
Desvenda o Modus Operandi dos Albergues da Juventude do Brasil como funcionam, como se inserem no contexto nacional e mundial, atrativos mercadológicos, estruturas organizacional e hotelaria básica da indústria de hospitalidade, marketing mix, planejamento estratégico etc. Sob o prisma dos conceitos do Marketing de Hospitalidade
In the present time, public organizations are employing more and more solutions that uses information technology in order to ofer more transparency and better services for all citizens. Integrated Systems are IT which carry in their kernel features of integration and the use of a unique database. These systems bring several benefits and face some obstacles that make their adoption difficult. The conversion to a integrated system may take years and, thus, the study of the adoption of this IT in public sector organizations become very stimulant due to some peculiarities of this sector and the features of this technology. First of all, information about the particular integrated system in study and about its process of conversion are offered. Then, the researcher designs the configuration of the conversion process aim of this study the agents envolved and the moments and the tools used to support the process in order to elaborate the methodology of the conversion process understood as the set of procedures and tools used during all the conversion process. After this, the researcher points out, together with all the members of the conversion team, the negative and positive factors during the project. Finally, these factors were analysed through the Hospitality Theory lens which, in the researcher opinion, was very useful to understand the elements, events and moments that interfered in the project. The results consolidated empirically the Hospitality Theory presumptions, showing yet a limitation of this theory in the case in study
Soulignant l´importance des transformations du discours politique du cinéma brésilien actuel, cet étude entreprend une analyse de la dimension éthique du cinéma de Walter Salles. Pour cela, nous avons parti de trois films long-métrages du directeur: Terra Estrangeira, Central do Brasil et Abril Despedaçado. Les films sélectionnés constituent les trois diférents chapitres de cette mémoire de maîtrise, qui s´articulent a des diférentes dimensions de l´éthique - l´hospitalité, la réliaison, et le pardon- et se présentent em format essayistique. Au texte, ces dimensions éthiques émergent à partir des récits, surtout des expériences existencielles des protagonistes et de ses singulières rencontres avec l´altérité. Comme tel, dialoguent avec des réflétions d´auteurs comme Edgar Morin, Zigmunt Bauman, Julia Kristeva, Paul Ricoeur et Hannah Arendt. Des diférents régistres de la connaissance -artistique, scientifique, religieuse- s´articulent donc dans le travail, et dialoguent en condition d´égalité. La recherche fait usage de matériels multiples qui incluent, au-delà des films mentionnés, et de ses respectifs scripts, des références à d´autres long-métrages et documentaires du directeur, ainsi que, des makingoffs, entretiens, et interprétations de commentaristes comme Lucia Nagib, Luiz Zanin Oricchio, Ivana Bentes, Pedro Butcher e Jurandir Freire Costa
This thesis is the result of a piece of research on hospitality social representations between tourism professionals and academics in the city of Natal. The reasearch s corner stone is the point of the view that the notion of hospitality, with all its theoretical and practical implications, is essential to the success of any tourist destination. Is there any relevance in the growing use of the word, almost as a synonym for tourism? How is this notion, first learned in the domestic context and then exercised in the contact with the city and especially with visitors, represented in the learning process for professional practice and in the exercise of professional tourist reception itself? In order to answer this question, initially we chose to study the concept of hospitality in their current academic view, with reference to the French school, which binds hospitality to the maussian perspective of donation, and other scholars of the current theme, with emphasis on the research performed in the program of Master of Hospitality at the Anhembi Morumbi University, whose philosophy imprints in the hospitality concept the same sense we want to give this study. Then we chose to analyze the notion of hospitality, by the Social Representations Theory, in light of Moscovici s methodology, as well as the analysis of the core of this concept among tourism professionals and students. It was found that hospitality is still a very diffuse reference to representations of these two groups and that academic education, if accepted both theoretical and practical implications of this research s starting point, will still have a long way to go. Cities such as Natal, "naturally" hospitable, according to its dwellers, where tourism is relevant to their economies, need (re)thinking and (re)organizing, continuously, their actions towards quality and performance of their professional training especially those concerned with receptive structure
Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Neste ensaio, busca-se situar alguns momentos cruciais relacionados ao tema literatura e instituição com o objetivo de destacar efeitos e impasses, resultantes das transformações ocorridas no estudo da literatura institucionalizada, e de contribuir para promover a reflexão sobre tais modificações, enfatizando a necessidade de transformação e de discussão sobre essas alterações.
This paper ditach the portability and mobility of digital television as opportunities for promotion to the social hospitality. The digital technologies add news concepts to hospitality, converging to the redemption of the social being, integrating and strengthening social ties in the technological space. With the digital television, we may have new forms of sociability, because may be required and assisted in any place, as a result of their actions for portability and mobility, which allows the construction of social ties or an ample concept the hospitality social in public spaces.
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Neste trabalho discutimos as ideias de confusão de línguas, de trauma e de hospitalidade no campo psicanalítico. Para Ferenczi, a relação adulto-criança é marcada por uma confusão decorrente de uma diferença de línguas, de forma que muitas vezes um não entende o outro. Nesse contexto, é possível a emergência do trauma patogênico. A experiência analítica, ao invés de levar o acontecimento traumático a domínios psíquicos melhores, pode reproduzir e até agravar o que foi vivido como catastrófico na infância. Neste sentido, o princípio de hospitalidade na clínica analítica é de suma importância para se evitar uma possível reprodução do trauma entre analista e analisando. Neste artigo utilizamos como referência principal a obra de Sándor Ferenczi, estabelecendo relações em alguns pontos com textos de Jacques Derrida e de Walter Benjamin, que discutem a origem da confusão de línguas e o problema da possibilidade da tradução.
Os discursos da mídia e as mediações culturais referentes à campanha eleitoral de Marina Silva à Presidência da República em 2010 são o tema central desta tese. A hospitalidade enquanto dádiva fundadora e mantenedora de vínculos políticos e os processos de representações e apropriações desses discursos nas dinâmicas de produção constituíram os parâmetros da análise da cobertura de imprensa realizada a partir de um de recorte cronológico definido com base no calendário oficial da campanha: de março a novembro de 2010. O estudo empreendido articulou os processos de construção da imagem midiatizada junto à própria candidata e a correligionários anfitriões de Casas de Marina , nome dado a comitês eleitorais de natureza comunitária. O referencial teórico da pesquisa incorporou os conceitos comunicação pública, hospitalidade, mediações culturais e marketing político. A pesquisa empírica envolveu a análise da cobertura jornalística dos jornais Folha de S.Paulo e O Estado de S. Paulo além de entrevistas com a própria candidata, com gestores de sua campanha e com 11 líderes das unidades Casas de Marina . Espera-se com este texto pensar de forma mais abrangente a relação entre os movimentos da sociedade civil e a participação política institucional, evidenciar que a dádiva entre os modernos , circula e fundamenta as relações determinadas com base nas mediações culturais nas quais se efetiva. Como procurei mostrar, a hospitalidade no ambiente doméstico, assim como no ambiente virtual, propiciam as bases para a formação dos vínculos de natureza política em um mundo cada vez mais competitivo e conflituoso.
In the present time, public organizations are employing more and more solutions that uses information technology in order to ofer more transparency and better services for all citizens. Integrated Systems are IT which carry in their kernel features of integration and the use of a unique database. These systems bring several benefits and face some obstacles that make their adoption difficult. The conversion to a integrated system may take years and, thus, the study of the adoption of this IT in public sector organizations become very stimulant due to some peculiarities of this sector and the features of this technology. First of all, information about the particular integrated system in study and about its process of conversion are offered. Then, the researcher designs the configuration of the conversion process aim of this study the agents envolved and the moments and the tools used to support the process in order to elaborate the methodology of the conversion process understood as the set of procedures and tools used during all the conversion process. After this, the researcher points out, together with all the members of the conversion team, the negative and positive factors during the project. Finally, these factors were analysed through the Hospitality Theory lens which, in the researcher opinion, was very useful to understand the elements, events and moments that interfered in the project. The results consolidated empirically the Hospitality Theory presumptions, showing yet a limitation of this theory in the case in study