918 resultados para Histopathological alterations
The effect of oestradiol on the intact and castrated adult gerbil prostate was evaluated by focussing on stromal and epithelial disorders, and hormonal receptor immunoreactivity. The experimental animals were studied by histological, histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques, morphometric-stereological analysis and transmission electron microscopy. Epithelial alterations in the oestradiol-treated animals were frequent, with an increase in epithelial cell height, areas of intense dysplasia and hyperplasia and formation of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN). Another aspect that did not depend on the presence of testosterone was the arrangement of the fibrillar and non-fibrillar elements of the extracellular matrix among smooth muscle cells (SMC), suggesting a possible role of these cells in rearrangement and synthesis of these components, after oestrogenic treatment. In the castrated animals, an accumulation of extracellular matrix elements under the epithelium was evident, while in the intact animals the same compounds were dispersed and scarce. In the groups of intact and castrated animals, SMC and fibroblasts exhibited a secretory phenotype, which was accentuated after oestradiol administration. There was an increase of the immunoreactivity to alpha-oestrogen and androgen receptors in hyperplastic areas compared to normal epithelium, revealing the involvement of these steroid receptors in the hyperplasia and PIN development.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study compared for seabream, Sparus aurata exposed to benzo(a)pyrene-B(a)P-, the response of molecular cytochrome P450 1A (CYP1A) and cellular histopathology biomarkers. Male gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata specimens were exposed for 20 days via water to a series of high B(a)P concentrations. CYP1A was assessed by measuring enzymatic activity (EROD) and CYP1A protein content, and cellular responses were evaluated by routine histopathological methods. In addition, biliary metabolites were measured in order to verify that B(a)P was absorbed and metabolised. Histological lesions, both in liver and gills, increased in parallel to B(a)P concentrations, with the majority of changes representing rather non-specific alterations. Hepatic EROD and CYP1A proteins data showed a concentration-dependent induction, while in the gills, EROD activity but not CYP1A proteins showed a non-monotonous dose response, with a maximum induction level at 200 microg B(a)P.L-1 and decreasing levels thereafter. The findings provide evidence that short-term, high dose exposure of fish can result in significant uptake and metabolism of the lipophilic B(a)P, and in pronounced pathological damage of absorptive epithelia and internal organs.
Different features of sensorimotor function and behaviour were studied in murine cerebral malaria (CM) and malaria without cerebral involvement (non-CM) applying the primary screen of the SHIRPA protocol. Histopathological analysis of distinct brain regions was performed and the relative size of haemorrhages and plugging of blood cells to brain vasculature was analysed. Animals suffering from CM develop a wide range of behavioural and functional alterations in the progressive course of the disease with a statistically significant impairment in all functional categories assessed 36 h prior to death when compared with control animals. Early functional indicators of cerebral phenotype are impairments in reflex and sensory system and in neuropsychiatric state. Deterioration in function is paralleled by the degree of histopathological changes with a statistically significant correlation between the SHIRPA score of CM animals and the mean size of brain haemorrhage. Furthermore, image analysis yielded that the relative area of the brain lesions was significantly larger in the forebrain and brainstem compared with the other regions of interest. Our results indicate that assessment of sensory and motor tasks by the SHIRPA primary screen is appropriate for the early in vivo discrimination of cerebral involvement in experimental murine malaria. Our findings also suggest a correlation between the degree of functional impairment and the size of the brain lesions as indicated by parenchymal haemorrhage. Applying the SHIRPA protocol in the functional characterization of animals suffering from CM might prove useful in the preclinical assessment of new antimalarial and potential neuroprotective therapies.
Cinco jumentos, adultos foram infectados experimentalmente com cepa brasileira de Trypanosoma evansi, isolada de um cão naturalmente infectado, com o intuito de observar as alterações hematológicas, bioquímicas e histopatológicas durante a evolução da enfermidade. O curso da infecção experimental foi de 145 dias. Análise hematológica dos jumentos infectados revelou declínio nos valores de hemoglobina, hematócrito e contagem total de eritrócitos. Notou-se anemia após sucessivos picos de parasitemia. Análise bioquímica indicou aumento dos níveis de índice ictérico, globulinas séricas e diminuição dos valores séricos de albumina e glicose. Todos os jumentos infectados apresentaram aumento do baço e de sua polpa branca, aumento de linfonodos mediastínicos e congestão pulmonar. Meningoencefalite foi o principal achado histopatológico. em algumas áreas do pedículo cerebelar foram observadas desmielinização, além de vacuolização do neurópilo. O estudo mostrou que jumentos infectados com a cepa brasileira do T. evansi desenvolveram doença crônica.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo descrever eventuais alterações histopatológicas no sistema reprodutor (testículo e epidídimo) de cães machos experimentalmente infectados com Toxoplasma gondii. Para tal, 10 animais sorologicamente negativos para T. gondii foram selecionados e distribuídos em três grupos experimentais: GI - três cães inoculados com 2,0 x 10(5) oocistos da cepa P, GII - três cães infectados com 1,0 x 10(6) taquizoítos da cepa RH e GIII - quatro cães mantidos como controle. Pesquisa de anticorpos (IFI) contra T. gondii foi realizada. A infecção por T. gondii confirmou-se pela soroconversão de todos os machos infectados a partir do 7° e do 14° dia pós-inoculação (DPI) para cães que receberam taquizoítos e oocistos respectivamente. Decorridos 70DPI, realizou-se, em todos os cães, orquiectomia, e amostras (testículo e epidídimo) foram coletadas e processadas histologicamente para leitura em microscópio óptico. As seguintes alterações foram diagnosticadas: infiltrado inflamatório mononuclear leve e moderado em epidídimo, edema celular moderado, degeneração hidrópica e fibrose intersticial moderada em túbulos seminíferos. Os resultados histopatológicos do presente trabalho, aliados ao isolamento do T. gondii em fragmentos de testículo e epidídimo pela imunoistoquímica, juntamente com os resultados encontrados na literatura por outros autores em diferentes tecidos, permitem inferir que as alterações encontradas nos cães infectados com o respectivo protozoário são sugestivas de infecção toxoplásmica.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
PURPOSE: To investigate and compare the biocompatibility of two types of Ferrara intracorneal ring segment: with and without chondroitin sulfate coating by clinical and histopathological evaluation. METHODS: A randomized experimental study was carried out on thirty right-eye corneas from 30 Norfolk albino rabbits allocated into two experimental groups: Group G1 - implanted with Ferrara intracorneal ring segment without coating (FICRS) and Group G2 - implanted with Ferrara intracorneal ring segment with chondroitin sulfate coating (FICRS-CS). Left eyes formed the control group. Clinical parameters analyzed were: presence of edema, vascularization, infection and ring extrusion one, 30, and 60 days after surgery. Histopathological parameters analyzed were: number of corneal epithelial layers over and adjacent to the ring, presence of spongiosis, hydropic degeneration, basement membrane thinning, inflammatory cells, neovascularization and pseudocapsule formation. RESULTS: At clinical examination 60 days after implant, edema, vascularization and extrusion were observed respectively in 20%, 26.7%, 6.7% of FICRS corneas and in 6.7%, 6.7%, and 0% of FICRS-CS corneas. Histopathological evaluation showed epithelial-layer reduction from 5 (5;6) to 3 (3;3) with FICRS and from 5 (5;5) to 4 (3;5) with FICRS-CS in the region over the ring. Epithelial spongiosis, hydropic degeneration, and basement membrane thinning were present in 69.2%, 53.8%, and 69.2% of FICRS and in 73.3%, 73.3%, and 46.7% with FICRS-CS, respectively. Vascularization was present in 38.5% of FICRS and 13.3% with FICRS-CS, inflammatory cells in 75% of FICRS and 33.3% with FICRS-CS, and pseudocapsule in 66.7% of FICRS and 93.3% with FICRS-CS. Giant cells occurred only in the FICRS-CS group (20%). CONCLUSION: Ferrara intracorneal rings coated with chondroitin sulfate (FICRS-CS) caused lower frequency of clinical and histopathological alterations than Ferrara intracorneal rings without the coating (FICRS), demonstrating higher biocompatibility of the FICRS-CS.
Sub lethal (0.2 ppm) mercuric chloride induced stress related histopathological alterations in the epithelial linings of foot (podium) of the edible freshwater mussel Lamellidens marginalis (Lamarck) were studied using histochemical techniques up to 60 days of exposure. The histomorphological changes were manifested only slowly and its intensity was somewhat proportional to the duration of exposure. The immediate response of the exposed mussels was the altered mucous secretion. There was a progressive incorporation of sulphated glycoproteins into the secretory contents of the mucous cells especially in the first half of the experiment. Marked histopathological changes including necrosis, appearance of pyknotic nuclei, sloughing of epithelial cells and appearance of non-tissue spaces, etc., started appearing during the later half of the experiment. The fag end of the experiment, which witnessed prominent histomorphological changes, was accompanied by highly decreased mucous secretion. KEYWORDS: heavy metal toxicity, mercuric chloride, Lamellidens marginalis, freshwater mussel, histopathology.
A Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional (DMG) pode ser definida como intolerância a carboidrato durante a gravidez e estima-se que pode afetar 10-22% de todas as pacientes grávidas. Durante a gravidez podem surgir diversas complicações para o feto como risco elevado de aborto espontâneo, anormalidades congênitas e morbidade e mortalidade neonatal. Entretanto, podem surgir também alterações morfofuncionais em diversos órgãos da mãe diabética, porém isso não é bem estabelecido. Investigar se haverá ou não alterações bioquímicas e histopatológicas em diversos órgãos, como hipófise, útero, placenta e pâncreas de ratas grávidas com diabetes mellitus durante e no final da gravidez e compará-las . Além disso, investigar se há alteração na matriz extracelular (MEC) da hipófise desses animais. No 5 dia de vida, ratas Wistar foram divididas em dois grupos: um tratado com estreptozotocina (Grupo Diabético / DIAB), na dose de 90 mg/kg, subcutâneo e outro grupo, que foi tratado com veículo (tampão citrato/CTR). Aos 90 dias de vidas, foram submetidas ao cruzamento. Após isso, foram sacrificadas no 11 e 21 dia de gravidez. Foram avaliados glicemia e bioquímica maternal e número de implantes .O pâncreas, útero, placenta e hipófises foram coradas com Hematoxilina e Eosina e somente as hipófises foram coradas com Massom e Picrosirius, para avaliação da MEC.Os animais diabéticos tanto do 11 quanto do 21 dia apresentaram uma redução no número de implantes, menor peso e maior glicemia e colesterol total, em relação aos animais controle independente do dia da gravidez. Não foi verificada diferença dos níveis de triglicerídeos entre os grupos não diabéticos e diabéticos, independente dos dias. Entretanto, os animais diabéticos que finalizaram o período de gestação apresentaram uma maior glicemia maternal em relação ao grupo diabético do 11 dia. Pâncreas de ratas diabéticas do 21 dia apresentaram vacuolização intracitoplasmática das ilhotas, insulite,migração de células inflamatórias, espessamento da parede do vaso e fibrose periductal e vascular. Essas alterações foram verificadas com bem menor intensidade nos animais diabéticos do 11 dia. Foi verificado que a placenta de animais diabéticos apresenta congestão na interface materno-fetal, migração celular, maior concentração de vasos maternos e fetais, mas em forma irregular , necrose e vacuolização. A hipófise de animais diabéticos mostraram células cromófobas agregadas, aumento da espessura de fibras de colágeno vermelhas da MEC, em contraste com o controle, que foi visualizado fibras em verde e em formato de feixe. A diabetes desempenhou um total remodelamento da hipófise. Gravidez de animais diabeticos mostraram maior dano ao pâncreas e placenta, especialmente no final da gravidez. Em consequência dessa alterações, esses animais diabéticos apresentaram hiperglicemia, maior colesterol total, porém menor peso materno, número de implantes e sem alterações nos triglicerídeos. Esse é o primeiro estudo a demonstrar remodelamento tecidual em alguns elementos da MEC na hipófise, como espessamento da camada da MEC e fibras de colágeno em verde. Alterações da MEC da hipófise são provavelmente devido ao processo de diabetes na gestação.
To investigation of the toxic effects of atrazine on newly hatched larvae and releasing age fry of the Caspian Kutum, Rutilus frisii kutum, the 96h LC50 was determined as 18.53 ppm and 24.95 ppm, respectively. Newly hatched larvae were exposed to three sublethal concentrations of atrazine (1/2LC50, 1/4LC50 and 1/8LC50) for 7 days. Different histopathological alterations were observed in fins and integument, gills, Kidney, digestive system, liver and the brain of the exposed larvae. Fry’s were exposed to one sublethal concentration of atrazine (1/2LC50) for four days, and like the larvae’s, many histopathological alterations were observed in fins and integument, gills, Kidney, digestive system, liver and the brain of the exposed fry’s, too. Also, measurements of the body ions: Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Cl- in atrazine exposed larvae and fry’s compare to control groups showed that atrazine is changed the body ions composition. No significant differences were found in length growth rate, weight growth rate and the condition factor of the atrazine exposed larvae and fry. Immunohistochemical localization of the Na+, K+-ATPase in integumentary and gill ionocytes, showed no differences in dispersion pattern of the ionocytes in atrazine exposed larvae and fry, compare to control group. Measuring the dimensions of the ionocytes and counting the ionocytes showed that atrazine is affecting on ionocytes by mild increasing in size and mild decreasing in number. Ultrastructural studies, using SEM and TEM, showed that atrazine have significant effects on cellular and subcellular properties. It caused necrosis in surface of the pavement cells in branchial epithelium, necrosis in endoplasmic reticulum of the ionocytes and changed the shape of the mitochondria in these cells. Results showed that sublethal concentrations of atrazine were very toxic to larvae and fry of the Rutilus frisii kutum, and at these levels can made some serious histopathological alterations in their tissues. Related to the severe histopathological alterations in osmoregulatory organs, like gill, kidney and digestive system, and the alterations in the body ion composition, it could be concluded that atrazine could interfere with the osmoregulation process of the Rutilus frisii kutum at the early stages of the life history.
Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) is widely distributed and persistent in the environment and wildlife. The main aim of this study was to investigate the impact of long-term exposure to low concentrations of PFOS in zebrafish. Zebrafish fry (F-0, 14d post-fertilization, dpf) were exposed via the water for 70d to 0 (control), 10, 50 and 250 mu g L-1 PFOS, followed by a further 30d to assess recovery in clean water. The effects on survival and growth parameters and liver histopathology were assessed. Although growth suppression (weight and length) was observed in fish treated with high concentrations PFOS during the exposure period, no mortality was observed throughout the 70d experiment. Embryos and larvae (F-1) derived from maternal exposure suffered malformation and mortality. Exposure to 50 and 250 mu g L-1 PFOS could inhibit the growth of the gonads (GSI) in the female zebrafish. Histopathological alterations, primary with lipid droplets accumulation, were most prominently seen in the liver of males and the changes were not reversible, even after the fish were allowed to recover for 30d in clean water. The triiodothyronine (T-3)) levels were not significantly changed in any of the exposure groups. Hepatic vitellogenin (VTG) gene expression was significantly up-regulated in both male and female zebrafish, but the sex ratio was not altered. The overall results suggested that lower concentrations of PFOS in maternal exposure could result in offspring deformation and mortality. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
Dissertação de Mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2006
Diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia with disturbances in carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Currently there are 387 million people with diabetes worldwide and is expected to affect 592 million people by 2035. Insulin resistance in peripheral tissues and pancreatic beta cell dysfunction are the major challenges in the pathophysiology of diabetes. Diabetic secondary complications (like liver cirrhosis, retinopathy, microvascular and macrovascular complications) arise from persistent hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia can be disabling or even life threatening. Current medications are effective for control and management of hyperglycemia but undesirable effects, inefficiency against secondary complications and high cost are still serious issues in the present prognosis of this disorder. Hence the search for more effective and safer therapeutic agents of natural origin has been found to be highly demanding and attract attention in the present drug discovery research. The data available from Ayurveda on various medicinal plants for treatment of diabetes can efficiently yield potential new lead as antidiabetic agents. For wider acceptability and popularity of herbal remedies available in Ayurveda scientific validation by the elucidation of mechanism of action is very much essential. Modern biological techniques are available now to elucidate the biochemical basis of the effectiveness of these medicinal plants. Keeping this idea the research programme under this thesis has been planned to evaluate the molecular mechanism responsible for the antidiabetic property of Symplocos cochinchinensis, the main ingredient of Nishakathakadi Kashayam, a wellknown Ayurvedic antidiabetic preparation. A general introduction of diabetes, its pathophysiology, secondary complications and current treatment options, innovative solutions based on phytomedicine etc has been described in Chapter 1. The effect of Symplocos cochinchinensis (SC), on various in vitro biochemical targets relevant to diabetes is depicted in Chapter 2 including the preparation of plant extract. Since diabetes is a multifactorial disease, ethanolic extract of the bark of SC (SCE) and its fractions (hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate and 90 % ethanol) were evaluated by in vitro methods against multiple targets such as control of postprandial hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, oxidative stress, pancreatic beta cell proliferation, inhibition of protein glycation, protein tyrosine phosphatase-1B (PTP-1B) and dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPPxxi IV). Among the extracts, SCE exhibited comparatively better activity like alpha glucosidase inhibition, insulin dependent glucose uptake (3 fold increase) in L6 myotubes, pancreatic beta cell regeneration in RIN-m5F and reduced triglyceride accumulation in 3T3-L1 cells, protection from hyperglycemia induced generation of reactive oxygen species in HepG2 cells with moderate antiglycation and PTP-1B inhibition. Chemical characterization by HPLC revealed the superiority of SCE over other extracts due to presence of bioactives (beta-sitosterol, phloretin 2’glucoside, oleanolic acid) in addition to minerals like magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, zinc and manganese. So SCE has been subjected to oral sucrose tolerance test (OGTT) to evaluate its antihyperglycemic property in mild diabetic and diabetic animal models. SCE showed significant antihyperglycemic activity in in vivo diabetic models. Chapter 3 highlights the beneficial effects of hydroethanol extract of Symplocos cochinchinensis (SCE) against hyperglycemia associated secondary complications in streptozotocin (60 mg/kg body weight) induced diabetic rat model. Proper sanction had been obtained for all the animal experiments from CSIR-CDRI institutional animal ethics committee. The experimental groups consist of normal control (NC), N + SCE 500 mg/kg bwd, diabetic control (DC), D + metformin 100 mg/kg bwd, D + SCE 250 and D + SCE 500. SCEs and metformin were administered daily for 21 days and sacrificed on day 22. Oral glucose tolerance test, plasma insulin, % HbA1c, urea, creatinine, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), albumin, total protein etc. were analysed. Aldose reductase (AR) activity in the eye lens was also checked. On day 21, DC rats showed significantly abnormal glucose response, HOMA-IR, % HbA1c, decreased activity of antioxidant enzymes and GSH, elevated AR activity, hepatic and renal oxidative stress markers compared to NC. DC rats also exhibited increased level of plasma urea and creatinine. Treatment with SCE protected from the deleterious alterations of biochemical parameters in a dose dependent manner including histopathological alterations in pancreas. SCE 500 exhibited significant glucose lowering effect and decreased HOMA-IR, % HbA1c, lens AR activity, and hepatic, renal oxidative stress and function markers compared to DC group. Considerable amount of liver and muscle glycogen was replenished by SCE treatment in diabetic animals. Although metformin showed better effect, the activity of SCE was very much comparable with this drug. xxii The possible molecular mechanism behind the protective property of S. cochinchinensis against the insulin resistance in peripheral tissue as well as dyslipidemia in in vivo high fructose saturated fat diet model is described in Chapter 4. Initially animal were fed a high fructose saturated fat (HFS) diet for a period of 8 weeks to develop insulin resistance and dyslipidemia. The normal diet control (ND), ND + SCE 500 mg/kg bwd, high fructose saturated fat diet control (HFS), HFS + metformin 100 mg/kg bwd, HFS + SCE 250 and HFS + SCE 500 were the experimental groups. SCEs and metformin were administered daily for the next 3 weeks and sacrificed at the end of 11th week. At the end of week 11, HFS rats showed significantly abnormal glucose and insulin tolerance, HOMA-IR, % HbA1c, adiponectin, lipid profile, liver glycolytic and gluconeogenic enzyme activities, liver and muscle triglyceride accumulation compared to ND. HFS rats also exhibited increased level of plasma inflammatory cytokines, upregulated mRNA level of gluconeogenic and lipogenic genes in liver. HFS exhibited the increased expression of GLUT-2 in liver and decreased expression of GLUT-4 in muscle and adipose. SCE treatment also preserved the architecture of pancreas, liver, and kidney tissues. Treatment with SCE reversed the alterations of biochemical parameters, improved insulin sensitivity by modifying gene expression in liver, muscle and adipose tissues. Overall results suggest that SC mediates the antidiabetic activity mainly via alpha glucosidase inhibition, improved insulin sensitivity, with antiglycation and antioxidant activities.