883 resultados para Hiking -- Tools and equipment


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"October 1983."


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La idea de realitzar aquest projecte sorgeix d’una necessitat en el mercat de productes relacionats amb els nens i nenes petits, dins d’un rang d’edats entre 2 a 5 anys, per poder realitzar activitats de lleure a la muntanya. En ser un producte no existent s’ha hagut de fer el disseny conceptual de tot el producte buscant la solució final adient per a cada part considerada bàsica. Per assegurar-ne la fiabilitat i la seguretat del nen i del pare s’han fet els càlculs pertinents de les seccions més carregades i s’han descrit els processos de fabricació i muntatge de cada peça. La Motxilla – Carretó servirà per circular per pistes de muntanya i forestals. Tindrà dos usos, el primer per quan el nen estigui cansat de caminar i el terreny es poc accidentat,“funció carretó” i el segon ús, per quan el nen està cansat i el terreny és més accidentat, “funció cadireta”. El producte serà transformable en funció d’aquests dos usos principals


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Engineering graduates of today, face a working environment that assumes global mobility in the labour market. This challenge means, amongst universities worldwide, a demand to increase the globalisation of educational programs, context, and increase and support the mobility of students through mechanisms such as student exchange and double masters degrees. Engineering student mobility from Australia is low with only a few Engineering Faculties encouraging students to go internationally. This comparative study, using universities in Australia and Europe, of feedback from students who have been on exchange or proposing to go on exchange, employers and faculty addresses the motivators and barriers to student mobility and exchange from the perspectives of the university, faculty, students and employers. Recommendations will be presented on how student mobility and exchange can be improved, and mechanisms such as double Masters Degrees, dual accreditation and Erasmus Mundus 2009 – 2013 can be utilised to improve student mobility.


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Existing widely known environmental assessment models, primarily those for Life Cycle Assessment of manufactured products and buildings, were reviewed to grasp their characteristics, since the past several years have seen a significant increase in interest and research activity in the development of building environmental assessment methods. Each method or tool was assessed under the headings of description, data requirement, end-use, assessment criteria (scale of assessment and scoring/ weighting system)and present status


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Registration fees for this workshop are being met by ARCS. There is no cost to attend; however space is limited.----- The Australian Research Collaboration Service (ARCS) has been supporting a wide range of Collaboration Services and Tools which have been allowing researchers, groups and research communities to share ideas and collaborate across organisational boundaries.----- This workshop will give an introduction into a number of web based and real-time collaboration tools and services which researchers may find useful for day-to-day collaboration with members of a research team located within an institution or across institutions. Attendees will be shown how a number of these tools work with strong emphasis placed on how these tools can help facilitate communication and collaboration. Attendees will have the opportunity to try out a number of examples themselves, and interact with the workshop staff to discuss how their own use cases could benefit from the tools and services which can be provided.----- Outline: A hands on introduction will be given to a number of services which ARCS is now operating and/or supporting such as:--- * EVO – A video conferencing environment, which is particularly suited to desktop or low bandwidth applications.--- * AccessGrid – An open source video conferencing and collaboration tool kit, which is great for room to room meetings.--- * Sakai – An online collaboration and learning environment, support teaching and learning, ad hoc group collaboration, support for portfolios and research collaboration.--- * Plone and Drupal – A ready-to-run content management system, that provides you with a system for managing web content that is ideal for project groups, communities, web sites, extranets and intranets.--- * Wikis – A way to easily create, edit, and link pages together, to create collaborative websites.


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This thesis consists of a novel written with the express purpose of exploring what practices and strategies are most useful in writing novel-length fiction as well as an exegesis which discusses the process. By its very nature, an undergraduate degree in Creative Writing is broad and general in approach. The Creative Writing undergraduate is being trained to manage many and varying writing tasks but none of them larger than can be readily marked and assessed in class quantities. This does not prepare the writing graduate for the gargantuan task of managing a project as large as a single title novel which can be up to 100,000 words and often is more. This study explores the question of what writing tools and practices best equip an emerging writer to begin, write and manage a long narrative within a deadline.


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Halogen bonding has been observed for the first time between an isoindoline nitroxide and an iodoperfluorocarbon (see figure), which cocrystallize to form a discrete 2:1 supramolecular compound in which NO.⋅⋅⋅I halogen bonding is the dominant intermolecular interaction. This illustrates the potential use of halogen bonding and isoindoline nitroxide tectons for the assembly of organic spin systems...


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Acoustic sensors play an important role in augmenting the traditional biodiversity monitoring activities carried out by ecologists and conservation biologists. With this ability however comes the burden of analysing large volumes of complex acoustic data. Given the complexity of acoustic sensor data, fully automated analysis for a wide range of species is still a significant challenge. This research investigates the use of citizen scientists to analyse large volumes of environmental acoustic data in order to identify bird species. Specifically, it investigates ways in which the efficiency of a user can be improved through the use of species identification tools and the use of reputation models to predict the accuracy of users with unidentified skill levels. Initial experimental results are reported.


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During the course of several natural disasters in recent years, Twitter has been found to play an important role as an additional medium for many–to–many crisis communication. Emergency services are successfully using Twitter to inform the public about current developments, and are increasingly also attempting to source first–hand situational information from Twitter feeds (such as relevant hashtags). The further study of the uses of Twitter during natural disasters relies on the development of flexible and reliable research infrastructure for tracking and analysing Twitter feeds at scale and in close to real time, however. This article outlines two approaches to the development of such infrastructure: one which builds on the readily available open source platform yourTwapperkeeper to provide a low–cost, simple, and basic solution; and, one which establishes a more powerful and flexible framework by drawing on highly scaleable, state–of–the–art technology.


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Numerous environmental rating tools have developed around the world over the past decade or so, in an attempt to increase awareness of the impact buildings have on the environment. Whilst many of these tools can be applied across a variety of building types, the majority focus mainly on the commercial building sector. Only recently have some of the better known environmental rating tools become adaptable to the land development sector, where arguably the most visible environmental impacts are made. EnviroDevelopment is one such tool that enables rating of residential land development in Australia. This paper seeks to quantify the environmental benefits achieved by the environmental rating tool EnviroDevelopment, using data from its certified residential projects across Australia. This research will identify the environmental gains achieved in the residential land development sector that can be attributed to developers aspiring to gain certification under this rating tool.