936 resultados para Higher-order Terms
We extend the partial resummation technique of Fokker-Planck terms for multivariable stochastic differential equations with colored noise. As an example, a model system of a Brownian particle with colored noise is studied. We prove that the asymmetric behavior found in analog simulations is due to higher-order terms which are left out in that technique. On the contrary, the systematic ¿-expansion approach can explain the analog results.
This thesis is concerned with calculations in manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory beyond order D=4. We investigate two different methods. The first approach consists of the inclusion of additional particles besides pions and nucleons as explicit degrees of freedom. This results in the resummation of an infinite number of higher-order terms which contribute to higher-order low-energy constants in the standard formulation. In this thesis the nucleon axial, induced pseudoscalar, and pion-nucleon form factors are investigated. They are first calculated in the standard approach up to order D=4. Next, the inclusion of the axial-vector meson a_1(1260) is considered. We find three diagrams with an axial-vector meson which are relevant to the form factors. Due to the applied renormalization scheme, however, the contributions of the two loop diagrams vanish and only a tree diagram contributes explicitly. The appearing coupling constant is fitted to experimental data of the axial form factor. The inclusion of the axial-vector meson results in an improved description of the axial form factor for higher values of momentum transfer. The contributions to the induced pseudoscalar form factor, however, are negligible for the considered momentum transfer, and the axial-vector meson does not contribute to the pion-nucleon form factor. The second method consists in the explicit calculation of higher-order diagrams. This thesis describes the applied renormalization scheme and shows that all symmetries and the power counting are preserved. As an application we determine the nucleon mass up to order D=6 which includes the evaluation of two-loop diagrams. This is the first complete calculation in manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory at the two-loop level. The numerical contributions of the terms of order D=5 and D=6 are estimated, and we investigate their pion-mass dependence. Furthermore, the higher-order terms of the nucleon sigma term are determined with the help of the Feynman-Hellmann theorem.
In this work we study a Hořava-like 5-dimensional model in the context of braneworld theory. The equations of motion of such model are obtained and, within the realm of warped geometry, we show that the model is consistent if and only if λ takes its relativistic value 1. Furthermore, we show that the elimination of problematic terms involving the warp factor second order derivatives are eliminated by imposing detailed balance condition in the bulk. Afterwards, Israel's junction conditions are computed, allowing the attainment of an effective Lagrangian in the visible brane. In particular, we show that the resultant effective Lagrangian in the brane corresponds to a (3 + 1)-dimensional Hořava-like model with an emergent positive cosmological constant but without detailed balance condition. Now, restoration of detailed balance condition, at this time imposed over the brane, plays an interesting role by fitting accordingly the sign of the arbitrary constant β, insuring a positive brane tension and a real energy for the graviton within its dispersion relation. Also, the brane consistency equations are obtained and, as a result, the model admits positive brane tensions in the compactification scheme if, and only if, β is negative and the detailed balance condition is imposed. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg and Società Italiana di Fisica.
We present a rule-based Huet’s style anti-unification algorithm for simply-typed lambda-terms in ɳ long β normal form, which computes a least general higher-order pattern generalization. For a pair of arbitrary terms of the same type, such a generalization always exists and is unique modulo α equivalence and variable renaming. The algorithm computes it in cubic time within linear space. It has been implemented and the code is freely available
The Wigner higher order moment spectra (WHOS)are defined as extensions of the Wigner-Ville distribution (WD)to higher order moment spectra domains. A general class oftime-frequency higher order moment spectra is also defined interms of arbitrary higher order moments of the signal as generalizations of the Cohen’s general class of time-frequency representations. The properties of the general class of time-frequency higher order moment spectra can be related to theproperties of WHOS which are, in fact, extensions of the properties of the WD. Discrete time and frequency Wigner higherorder moment spectra (DTF-WHOS) distributions are introduced for signal processing applications and are shown to beimplemented with two FFT-based algorithms. One applicationis presented where the Wigner bispectrum (WB), which is aWHOS in the third-order moment domain, is utilized for thedetection of transient signals embedded in noise. The WB iscompared with the WD in terms of simulation examples andanalysis of real sonar data. It is shown that better detectionschemes can be derived, in low signal-to-noise ratio, when theWB is applied.
In the present paper we discuss the development of "wave-front", an instrument for determining the lower and higher optical aberrations of the human eye. We also discuss the advantages that such instrumentation and techniques might bring to the ophthalmology professional of the 21st century. By shining a small light spot on the retina of subjects and observing the light that is reflected back from within the eye, we are able to quantitatively determine the amount of lower order aberrations (astigmatism, myopia, hyperopia) and higher order aberrations (coma, spherical aberration, etc.). We have measured artificial eyes with calibrated ametropia ranging from +5 to -5 D, with and without 2 D astigmatism with axis at 45º and 90º. We used a device known as the Hartmann-Shack (HS) sensor, originally developed for measuring the optical aberrations of optical instruments and general refracting surfaces in astronomical telescopes. The HS sensor sends information to a computer software for decomposition of wave-front aberrations into a set of Zernike polynomials. These polynomials have special mathematical properties and are more suitable in this case than the traditional Seidel polynomials. We have demonstrated that this technique is more precise than conventional autorefraction, with a root mean square error (RMSE) of less than 0.1 µm for a 4-mm diameter pupil. In terms of dioptric power this represents an RMSE error of less than 0.04 D and 5º for the axis. This precision is sufficient for customized corneal ablations, among other applications.
Higher order cumulant analysis is applied to the blind equalization of linear time-invariant (LTI) nonminimum-phase channels. The channel model is moving-average based. To identify the moving average parameters of channels, a higher-order cumulant fitting approach is adopted in which a novel relay algorithm is proposed to obtain the global solution. In addition, the technique incorporates model order determination. The transmitted data are considered as independently identically distributed random variables over some discrete finite set (e.g., set {±1, ±3}). A transformation scheme is suggested so that third-order cumulant analysis can be applied to this type of data. Simulation examples verify the feasibility and potential of the algorithm. Performance is compared with that of the noncumulant-based Sato scheme in terms of the steady state MSE and convergence rate.
This letter presents pseudolikelihood equations for the estimation of the Potts Markov random field model parameter on higher order neighborhood systems. The derived equation for second-order systems is a significantly reduced version of a recent result found in the literature (from 67 to 22 terms). Also, with the proposed method, a completely original equation for Potts model parameter estimation in third-order systems was obtained. These equations allow the modeling of less restrictive contextual systems for a large number of applications in a computationally feasible way. Experiments with both simulated and real remote sensing images provided good results.
After removal of the Selective Availability in 2000, the ionosphere became the dominant error source for Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), especially for the high-accuracy (cm-mm) demanding applications like the Precise Point Positioning (PPP) and Real Time Kinematic (RTK) positioning.The common practice of eliminating the ionospheric error, e. g. by the ionosphere free (IF) observable, which is a linear combination of observables on two frequencies such as GPS L1 and L2, accounts for about 99% of the total ionospheric effect, known as the first order ionospheric effect (Ion1). The remaining 1% residual range errors (RREs) in the IF observable are due to the higher - second and third, order ionospheric effects, Ion2 and Ion3, respectively. Both terms are related with the electron content along the signal path; moreover Ion2 term is associated with the influence of the geomagnetic field on the ionospheric refractive index and Ion3 with the ray bending effect of the ionosphere, which can cause significant deviation in the ray trajectory (due to strong electron density gradients in the ionosphere) such that the error contribution of Ion3 can exceed that of Ion2 (Kim and Tinin, 2007).The higher order error terms do not cancel out in the (first order) ionospherically corrected observable and as such, when not accounted for, they can degrade the accuracy of GNSS positioning, depending on the level of the solar activity and geomagnetic and ionospheric conditions (Hoque and Jakowski, 2007). Simulation results from early 1990s show that Ion2 and Ion3 would contribute to the ionospheric error budget by less than 1% of the Ion1 term at GPS frequencies (Datta-Barua et al., 2008). Although the IF observable may provide sufficient accuracy for most GNSS applications, Ion2 and Ion3 need to be considered for higher accuracy demanding applications especially at times of higher solar activity.This paper investigates the higher order ionospheric effects (Ion2 and Ion3, however excluding the ray bending effects associated with Ion3) in the European region in the GNSS positioning considering the precise point positioning (PPP) method. For this purpose observations from four European stations were considered. These observations were taken in four time intervals corresponding to various geophysical conditions: the active and quiet periods of the solar cycle, 2001 and 2006, respectively, excluding the effects of disturbances in the geomagnetic field (i.e. geomagnetic storms), as well as the years of 2001 and 2003, this time including the impact of geomagnetic disturbances. The program RINEX_HO (Marques et al., 2011) was used to calculate the magnitudes of Ion2 and Ion3 on the range measurements as well as the total electron content (TEC) observed on each receiver-satellite link. The program also corrects the GPS observation files for Ion2 and Ion3; thereafter it is possible to perform PPP with both the original and corrected GPS observation files to analyze the impact of the higher order ionospheric error terms excluding the ray bending effect which may become significant especially at low elevation angles (Ioannides and Strangeways, 2002) on the estimated station coordinates.
The symmetry reduction of higher order Painleve systems is formulated in terms of Dirac procedure. A set of canonical variables that admit Dirac reduction procedure is proposed for Hamiltonian structures governing the A(2M)((1)) and A(2M-1)((1)) Painleve systems for M = 2,3,.... (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work is an application of the second order gauge theory for the Lorentz group, where a description of the gravitational interaction is obtained that includes derivatives of the curvature. We analyze the form of the second field strength, G=partial derivative F+fAF, in terms of geometrical variables. All possible independent Lagrangians constructed with quadratic contractions of F and quadratic contractions of G are analyzed. The equations of motion for a particular Lagrangian, which is analogous to Podolsky's term of his generalized electrodynamics, are calculated. The static isotropic solution in the linear approximation was found, exhibiting the regular Newtonian behavior at short distances as well as a meso-large distance modification.
We show that the electromagnetic current for a system composed by two charged bosons has a structure of many bodies even in the impulse approximation, when described in the time x +. In terms of the two body component for the bound state, the current contains two body operators. We discuss the process of pair creation by the photon and interpret it as a zero mode contribution to the current and its consequences for the components of currents in the light front. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
In this paper we analyze the location of the zeros of polynomials orthogonal with respect to the inner product where α >-1, N ≥ 0, and j ∈ N. In particular, we focus our attention on their interlacing properties with respect to the zeros of Laguerre polynomials as well as on the monotonicity of each individual zero in terms of the mass N. Finally, we give necessary and sufficient conditions in terms of N in order for the least zero of any Laguerre-Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomial to be negative. © 2011 American Mathematical Society.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The main goal of this paper is to derive long time estimates of the energy for the higher order hyperbolic equations with time-dependent coefficients. in particular, we estimate the energy in the hyperbolic zone of the extended phase space by means of a function f (t) which depends on the principal part and on the coefficients of the terms of order m - 1. Then we look for sufficient conditions that guarantee the same energy estimate from above in all the extended phase space. We call this class of estimates hyperbolic-like since the energy behavior is deeply depending on the hyperbolic structure of the equation. In some cases, these estimates produce a dissipative effect on the energy. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.