996 resultados para High kappa dielectrics


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As silicon based devices in integrated circuits reach the fundamental limits of dimensional scaling there is growing research interest in the use of high electron mobility channel materials, such as indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs), in conjunction with high dielectric constant (high-k) gate oxides, for Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) based devices. The motivation for employing high mobility channel materials is to reduce power dissipation in integrated circuits while also providing improved performance. One of the primary challenges to date in the field of III-V semiconductors has been the observation of high levels of defect densities at the high-k/III-V interface, which prevents surface inversion of the semiconductor. The work presented in this PhD thesis details the characterization of MOS devices incorporating high-k dielectrics on III-V semiconductors. The analysis examines the effect of modifying the semiconductor bandgap in MOS structures incorporating InxGa1-xAs (x: 0, 0.15. 0.3, 0.53) layers, the optimization of device passivation procedures designed to reduce interface defect densities, and analysis of such electrically active interface defect states for the high-k/InGaAs system. Devices are characterized primarily through capacitance-voltage (CV) and conductance-voltage (GV) measurements of MOS structures both as a function of frequency and temperature. In particular, the density of electrically active interface states was reduced to the level which allowed the observation of true surface inversion behavior in the In0.53Ga0.47As MOS system. This was achieved by developing an optimized (NH4)2S passivation, minimized air exposure, and atomic layer deposition of an Al2O3 gate oxide. An extraction of activation energies allows discrimination of the mechanisms responsible for the inversion response. Finally a new approach is described to determine the minority carrier generation lifetime and the oxide capacitance in MOS structures. The method is demonstrated for an In0.53Ga0.47As system, but is generally applicable to any MOS structure exhibiting a minority carrier response in inversion.


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The semiconductor industry's urge towards faster, smaller and cheaper integrated circuits has lead the industry to smaller node devices. The integrated circuits that are now under volume production belong to 22 nm and 14 nm technology nodes. In 2007 the 45 nm technology came with the revolutionary high- /metal gate structure. 22 nm technology utilizes fully depleted tri-gate transistor structure. The 14 nm technology is a continuation of the 22 nm technology. Intel is using second generation tri-gate technology in 14 nm devices. After 14 nm, the semiconductor industry is expected to continue the scaling with 10 nm devices followed by 7 nm. Recently, IBM has announced successful production of 7 nm node test chips. This is the fashion how nanoelectronics industry is proceeding with its scaling trend. For the present node of technologies selective deposition and selective removal of the materials are required. Atomic layer deposition and the atomic layer etching are the respective techniques used for selective deposition and selective removal. Atomic layer deposition still remains as a futuristic manufacturing approach that deposits materials and lms in exact places. In addition to the nano/microelectronics industry, ALD is also widening its application areas and acceptance. The usage of ALD equipments in industry exhibits a diversi cation trend. With this trend, large area, batch processing, particle ALD and plasma enhanced like ALD equipments are becoming prominent in industrial applications. In this work, the development of an atomic layer deposition tool with microwave plasma capability is described, which is a ordable even for lightly funded research labs.


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Metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) capacitors with titanium oxide (TiO(x)) dielectric layer, deposited with different oxygen partial pressure (30,35 and 40%) and annealed at 550, 750 and 1000 degrees C, were fabricated and characterized. Capacitance-voltage and current-voltage measurements were utilized to obtain, the effective dielectric constant, effective oxide thickness, leakage current density and interface quality. The obtained TiO(x) films present a dielectric constant varying from 40 to 170 and a leakage current density, for a gate voltage of - 1 V, as low as 1 nA/cm(2) for some of the structures, acceptable for MOS fabrication, indicating that this material is a viable high dielectric constant substitute for current ultra thin dielectric layers. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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This work shows a comparison between the analog performance of standard and strained Si n-type triple-gate FinFETs with high-K dielectrics and TiN gate material. Different channel lengths and fin widths are studied. It is demonstrated that both standard and strained FinFETs with short channel length and narrow fins have similar analog properties, whereas the increase of the channel length degrades the early voltage of the strained devices, consequently decreasing the device intrinsic voltage gain with respect to standard ones. Narrow strained FinFETs with long channel show a degradation of the Early voltage if compared to standard ones suggesting that strained devices are more subjected to the channel length modulation effect. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The semi-structured diagnostic interview for genetic studies (DIGS) was developed to assess major mood and psychotic disorders and their spectrum manifestations in genetic studies. Our research group developed a French version of the DIGS and tested its inter-rater and test-retest reliability in psychiatric patients. In this article, we present estimates of the reliability of substance use and antisocial personality disorders. High kappa coefficients for inter-rater reliability were found for drug and alcohol as well as antisocial personality diagnoses and slightly lower kappas for test-retest reliability. Combined with evidence of the reliability of major mood and psychotic disorders, these findings support the suitability of the DIGS for studies of familial aggregation and comorbidity of psychiatric disorders including substance use and antisocial personality disorders.


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Viime vuosina Tainionkosken KA5:lla valmistettavan nestepakkauskartongin neliömassa, joka jäykkyystavoitteen saavuttamiseksi tarvitaan, on kasvanut. Diplomityön tavoitteena oli selvittää kartongin jäykkyysindeksin heikentymi-seen vaikuttaneet tekijät ja kehittää korjaavia toimenpiteitä. Työn kirjallisuusosassa tutkittiin nestepakkauskartongin laatuominaisuuksia ja jäykkyyden muodostumista. Lisäksi selvitettiin massanvalmistus- ja koneolosuhteiden vaikutusta kartongin jäykkyyteen. Kirjallisuusosassa tutkittiin myös, miten eri massalaadut ja kartongin rakenne vaikuttavat jäykkyyteen. Työn kokeellisessa osassa kartoitettiin jäykkyysindeksin heikkenemisen syitä ja kehitettiin uusia ajomalleja, joilla olisi jäykkyysindeksiin positiivinen vaikutus. Jäykkyysindeksin heikkenemisen syitä selvitettiin massa- ja prosessianalyysien avulla. Lisäksi tutkittiin 3.puristimen muuttamista tasauspuristimeksi ja CTMP:n käyttöä runkokerroksessa sekä korkea- että matalakappaisen valkaisemattoman sellun kanssa. Massa-analyysissä selvisi, että sellun laatu on heikentynyt ja jäykkyysindeksin heikkeneminen johtuu osaltaan siitä. Prosessianalyysissä paljastui useita jäykkyysindeksiä heikentäviä tekijöitä, kuten esimerkiksi kuivatusosan vetoerot, jotka olivat ajautuneet kauas optimitilasta. 3.puristimen muuttaminen tasauspuristimeksi paransi pinnan sileyttä ja kartongin bulkkia, jolloin jäykkyysindeksi kasvoi. CTMP:n käyttö korkeakappaisen sellun kanssa paransi huomattavasti kartongin bulkkia, mutta heikensi palstautumislujuutta ja lisäsi reunaimeytymää. Matalakappaisen sellun ja CTMP:n yhdistelmällä saatiin aikaan hyvä bulkki ja palstautumis-lujuus niin, että reunaimeytymä ei kasvanut ja tuotantonopeus ei laskenut.


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Työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia korkeakappa-massan suotautuvuutta sekä etsiä uusia analyysimenetelmiä korkeakappa-massan karakterisoimiseksi. Työssä pyrittiin määrittämään tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat korkeakappa-massan suotautumiseen. Työn kirjallisessa osassa tarkasteltiin aluksi yleisesti keiton teoriaa, minkä jälkeen käsiteltiin jauhatusta ja tarkemmin korkeakappa-massan hienovaraisempaa jauhatusta eli kuidutusta. Seuraavaksi käsiteltiin suodatusta ja sen teoriaa sekä suodatukseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Massan pesusta esitettiin perusteet ja teoriaa. Lopuksi tarkasteltiin massan karakterisointia eri lähestymistavoilla sekä kuitujen perusominaisuuksia. Kokeellisessa osassa verrattiin LTY:n koesuodatuslaitteistolla tehdyillä suodatuskokeilla korkeakappa-massaisen sellukakun suotautuvuutta eri paine-eroilla, suodoksen eri hienoainepitoisuuksilla sekä ennen ja jälkeen sellutehtaallatapahtuneen kuidutuksen. Savonlinnassa sijaitsevalla laitteistolla tehtiin syrjäytystestejä ennen ja jälkeen kuidutusta otetuilla sellumassoilla. Lisäksi ennenja jälkeen kuidutusta otettuja sellumassanäytteitä karakterisoitiin mm. kuituanalysaattorilla, huokoskoko- ja ominaispinta-ala-analyyseillä sekä SEM-kuvilla. Suodatuskokeissa hienoainepitoisuudella ei ollut merkitystä permeabiliteettiin mitattujen suodosvirtausten perusteella. Kuten Darcyn lain perusteella voitiin olettaa, kakun paine-eron kasvaessa permeabiliteetti kasvoi. Vaikutus ei ollut kuitenkaan lineaarinen paine-eroon verrattuna vaan kakun permeabiliteetti kasvoi enemmän tietyllä paine-erovälillä. Tämä paine-eroväli vaihteli hieman riippuen oliko sellumassa otettu ennen vai jälkeen kuidutusta. Lappeenrannassa tehdyissä suodatuskokeissa ei ennen ja jälkeen kuidutusta otetuilla näytteillä ollut selvää eroa permeabiliteeteissa, mutta Savonlinnan syrjäytystesteissä ero syrjäytymisnopeudessa oli selvä. Ennen ja jälkeen kuidutusta otettujen sellumassojen kuituanalysaattorituloksissa ja SEM-kuvissa ei havaittu eroa näytteiden välillä, mutta massojen huokoskoko muuttui kuidutuksen vaikutuksesta.


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Tutkimustyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää Tainionkosken sellutehtaan vuonna 2001 uudistetun kuitulinjan prosessin vaikutusta kuumajauhatukseen, kuumalajitteluun, pesutulokseen ja hienolajitteluun. Työn tavoitteena oli löytää ja todentaa optimaalinen ajotapa lopputuotteen eli Tainionkosken kartonkitehtaan kartongin kannalta pesussa, kuidutuksessa, kuumalajittelussa ja hienolajittelussa. Ennen kuitulinjan uudistusta kartoitettiin tilanne kuumajauhatuksessa ja kuumalajittelussa ennen prosessimuutoksia. Kartoituksessa havaittiin, että kuumalajittelu ja kuumakuidutus toimivat parhaiten puhtaan jauhatusenergian ollessa n. 18 kWh/ADT, sekä tilavuusmääräisen ja massavirtamääräisen rejektisuhteen ollessa n. 30 %.Uuden pesemön valmistumisen jälkeen tutkittiin kappatason ja energiatason vaikutusta kuumalajitteluun, kuumakuidutukseen ja pesutulokseen. Tutkimuksessa todettiin tikkupitoisuuksien kasvavan kappatason kohoamisen seurauksena. Kuumajauhimen syöttösakeus kasvoi kappatason noustua, koska prosessimittaus ei huomioinut sakeuden kasvua ja tällöin jauhimen laimennusveden määrä jäi liian vähäiseksi. Korkean kapan seurauksena keitosta tulevien suurien partikkelien määrä lisääntyi. Kuumajauhatuksessa korkeampi kappaluku merkitsi hienoaineen lisääntymistä jauhetussa massassa. Tämän seurauksena kuidutetun massan suotautumisvastus kasvoi kappatason kohottua. Uuden prosessin kuumajauhatukseen tuleva massa on jo pesty 4-vaiheisella DD-pesurilla. Puhtaampi massa kuumajauhatuksessa ja kuumalajittelussa on merkinnyt jauhimen tikkureduktion paranemista, mutta samalla kuumalajittimen tikkujen puhdistustehokkuus on heikentynyt. Laboratoriomittausten mukaan kappatason kasvu huonontaa pesutulosta uudessa pesemössä. Uuden hienolajittamon suorituskykyä määritettiin taseiden avulla. Vanhan lajittamon toiminnassa huomattiin puutteita siinä, että 2-portaan lajittimen 1-portaan syöttöön tulevan rejektivirran tikkupitoisuus oli suurempi mitä tikkupitoisuus 1-portaan syöttövirrassa. Uudessa lajittamossa molempien virtausten tikkupitoisuudet olivat lähes samat. Kokonaisuudessaan hienolajittamon toiminta havaittiin hyväksi. Pesemö ja hienolajittelu toimivat kokeiden perusteella parhaiten lähellä mitoitettua maksimituotantoa 700 ADT/d.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA


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This work presents the analog performance of n-type triple-gate MuGFETs with high-k dielectrics and TiN gate material fabricated in 45 degrees rotated SOI substrates comparing their performance with standard MuGFETs fabricated without substrate rotation. Different fin widths are studied for temperatures ranging from 250 K up to 400 K. The results of transconductance, output conductance, transconductance over drain current ratio, intrinsic voltage gain and unit-gain frequency are studied. It is observed that the substrate rotation improves the carrier mobility of narrow MuGFETs at any temperature because of the changing in the conduction plane at the sidewalls from (1 1 0) to (1 0 0). For lower temperatures, the improvement of the carrier mobility of rotated MuGFETs is more noticeable as well as the rate of mobility improvement with the temperature decrease is larger. The output conductance is weakly affected by the substrate rotation. Although this improvement in the transconductance of rotated MuGFETs is negligibly transferred to the intrinsic voltage gain, the unity-gain frequency of rotated device is improved due to the larger carrier mobility in the entire range of temperatures studied. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The challenge of the present work was to synthesize and to characterize new classes of N-containing polymers via palladium-catalyzed aryl amination. This work was inspired by a desire to combine the properties of high-performance polymers such as PEKs with those of N-containing conductive polymers such as polyaniline (PANI), poly(aromatic amides) (PAAs), and the ready synthesis of N-containing simple aromatic compound by the Buchwald-Hartwig reaction. Careful investigation of a model reaction was carried out to provide insights into the formation of side products which will have a negative effect upon the molecular weight or upon the materials properties of the desired polymers in the polycondensation reaction. In this thesis, five new different polymer classes namely, poly(imino ketone)s (PIKs), poly(imino acridine)s (PIAcs), poly(imino azobenzene)s (PIAzos), poly(imino fluorenone)s (PIFOs), and poly(imino carbazole)s (PICs) were synthesized and fully characterized by means of 1H-NMR, elemental analysis, UV, FT-IR, X-ray, GPC, TGA, DSC, DMA, and dielectric spectroscopy. To optimize the polycondensation process, the influence of the concentration, temperature, ligands and the reactivity of the halogen containing monomers were investigated. A temperature of 100-165 °C and a concentration of 30-36 % were found to be optimal for the palladium-catalyzed polycondensation to produce polymer with high molecular weight (Mn = 85 900, Mw = 474 500, DP = 126). Four different ligands were used successfully in the Pd-catalyzed process, of which the Pd/BINAP system was found to be the most effective catalyst, producing the highest yield and highest molecular weight polymers. It was found that the reactivity decreases strongly with increasing electronegativity of the halogen atoms, for example better yields, and higher molecular weights were obtained by using dibromo compounds than dichloro compounds while difluoro compounds were totally unreactive. Polymer analogous transformations, such as the protonation reaction of the ring nitrogens in PIAcs, or of the azobenzene groups of PIAzos, the photo and thermal cis-trans-isomerization of PIAzos, and of poly(imino alcohol)s were also studied. The values of the dielectric constants of PIKs at 1 MHz were in the range 2.71-3.08. These low values of the dielectric constant are lower than that of "H Film", a polyimide Kapton film which is one of the most preferred high-performance dielectrics in microelectronic applications having a dielectric constant of 3.5. In addition to the low values of the dielectric constants, PIKs have lower and glass transition temperatures (Tgs) than arimides such as Kapton which may make them more easily processable. Cyclic voltammetry showed that PICs exhibited low oxidation and reduction potentials and their values were shifted to low values with increasing degree of polymerization i.e. with increasing of the carbazole content in backbone of PICs (PIC-7, 0.44, 0.33 V, DP= 37, PIC-5, 0.63, 0.46, DP= 16, respectively).


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The laser device DIAGNOdent developed for the detection of occlusal caries has limited value on approximal surfaces. The aim of this study was to develop and to test a new laser fluorescence (LF) device for the detection of approximal caries. Light with a wavelength of 655 nm was transported to the approximal surface using two different sapphire fibre tips. Seventy-five teeth were selected from a pool of extracted permanent human molars, frozen at -20 degrees C until use. Before being measured, they were defrosted, cleaned and calculus was removed with a scaler. The molars were set in blocks simulating the contact area of adults. Bitewing radiographs were obtained using Kodak Insight films. After two independent assessments with the new LF device, the teeth were histologically prepared, and assessed for caries extension. Using the laser, specificity values for D1 threshold (outer half of enamel), D2 threshold (inner half of enamel), D3 threshold (dentine) ranged between 0.81 and 0.93, sensitivity between 0.84 and 0.92 with no difference between the two tips. Bitewing radiography showed an inferior performance compared to LF (p<0.05). Intraex aminer reproducibility was high (kappa>.74). The new LF system might be a useful additional tool in detecting approximal caries. Because of its good reproducibility, it could be used to monitor caries regression or progression on approximal surfaces.


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PURPOSE: To retrospectively determine the sensitivity of ovarian artery (OA) visualization at aortography performed after uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) and, using OA arteriography as the reference standard, compare the extent of arterial flow to the uterus at aortography with selective ovarian arteriography, to establish the utility of aortography and ovarian arteriography in the routine practice of UFE. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study received institutional review board approval with waiver of informed consent and was HIPAA compliant. Retrospective review of 1129 consecutive UFE patients (1072 with aortograms, 57 excluded; mean age, 44 years; range, 21-60 years) was performed to identify all visible OAs. Visible OAs were independently graded by two interventional radiologists according to extent of pelvic arterial flow. If selective arteriography was performed, a second grade was assigned based on assessment of the selective study. Descriptive and summary statistics were used for assessment by the senior observer, and interobserver variability was determined. RESULTS: Of 1072 UFE patients, 184 (17.2%) had at least one visible OA. Ten (0.8%) patients were identified at aortography with collateral OA supply to more than 10% of the uterus. In total, 251 OAs were visualized, and 157 of these were further evaluated with selective study. Sixty-two (5.8%) patients were identified at selective arteriography as having collateral OA supply. The sensitivity of aortography was approximately 18%. Interobserver concordance was high (kappa values of 0.81 and 0.90 for aortography and selective study, respectively), but not perfect. CONCLUSION: Aortography rarely helps identify patients with substantial residual OA supply to the uterus and is a poor predictor of the extent of that supply, and thus may be of limited utility in routine UFE.


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We have used a telerehabilitation system (eREHAB) to remotely assess acquired language disorders via the Internet. The system was used to establish a 128 kbit/s videoconference between two sites and allowed a remote language assessment to be conducted using the standardized Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE). The system had the capacity to display text and images, and could play pre-recorded instructions to the participant via various built-in tools. A touch screen allowed tasks involving picture identification to be completed easily. Eighteen participants with a diagnosis of an acquired language disorder were simultaneously assessed using the eREHAB system, and in the traditional face-to-face manner by two speech pathologists. There was very high agreement between the two assessors, with weighted kappa scores of 0.8–1.0 for 88% of the sub-tests of the BDAE. There was also high agreement (80–100%) and high kappa scores (0.67–0.90) between assessors on the six rating scales relating to language characteristics. The agreement between the two assessors for the diagnosis of the type of aphasia was 83%. Limitations of the system related mainly to problems inherent in IP videoconferencing. The inability to maintain the preferred speed of 128 kbit/s for the duration of the videoconference and the resultant increase in video and audio breakup and latency affected the clinician’s ability to administer the BDAE with the same ease and accuracy as in face-to-face administration. These difficulties were exacerbated when participants presented with a moderate to severe language disorder, auditory comprehension deficits or significant hearing loss. Despite these limitations, a valid assessment of language disorder was found to be feasible via this telerehabilitation application.