997 resultados para High Achievers


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The purpose of this study was to delineate which demographic and school variables were important for predicting the achievement of 10th grade African-American students. The sample population was divided into two groups: high-achievers, students with GPAs of 3.5 or higher, and low-achievers, students with GPAs of 1.5 or lower. Variables examined in the study included: gender; birth place; student's native language; exceptionality (ESE); history of English proficiency (LEP); SES (lunch status) in elementary and high school; the percentage of the Black student population in high school; and suspensions, absences, tardies, and the Stanford Achievement Test (SAT) scores in reading comprehension, mathematics computation, and mathematics applications in elementary and middle school. Two separate logistic regression analyses were conducted to determine which variables were influential in predicting achievement.^ Analysis 1 (N = 366), which included all the variables, except the SAT percentile scores, correctly classified 87% of the students as high-achievers or low-achievers. The results from Analysis 1 revealed that students who--were female; spoke a language other than English as their first language; did not apply for free or reduced lunch in elementary school; were in the gifted program; had no absences or tardies in elementary school; had no suspensions or tardies in middle school; and attended a high school with a lower percentage of Black students--were more likely to be high-achieving than low-achieving.^ Analysis 2 (N = 274) included all the variables and resulted in 94% of the students being correctly classified. It was found that students who--were female; were currently or previously classified as Limited English Proficient (LEP); did not apply for free or reduced lunch in elementary school; had no suspensions or tardies in middle school; and had higher percentile scores in reading comprehension and mathematics computation on the SAT in middle school--were more likely to high-achieving than low-achieving.^ The quantitative analyses were coupled with interviews from a purposeful sample of the population (N = 12) to gain additional insight about why some African-American students are succeeding in our schools and others are not. This study provides a viable means for assessing African-American students' achievement patterns in our schools. ^


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The angle concept is a multifaceted concept having static and dynamic definitions. The static definition of the angle refers to “the space between two rays” or “the intersection of two rays at the same end point” (Mitchelmore & White, 1998), whereas the dynamic definition of the angle concept highlights that the size of angle is the amount of rotation in direction (Fyhn, 2006). Since both definitions represent two diverse situations and have unique limitations (Henderson & Taimina, 2005), students may hold misconceptions about the angle concept. In this regard, the aim of this research was to explore high achievers’ knowledge regarding the definition of the angle concept as well as to investigate their erroneous answers on the angle concept.

104 grade 6 students drawn from four well-established elementary schools of Yozgat, Turkey were participated in this research. All participants were selected via a purposive sampling method and their mathematics grades were 4 or 5 out of 5, and. Data were collected through four questions prepared by considering the learning competencies set out in the grade 6 curriculum in Turkey and the findings of previous studies whose purposes were to identify students’ misconceptions of the angle concept. The findings were analyzed by two researchers, and their inter-rater agreement was calculated as 0.91, or almost perfect. Thereafter, coding discrepancies were resolved, and consensus was established.

The angle concept is a multifaceted concept having static and dynamic definitions.The static definition of the angle refers to “the space between two rays” or“the intersection of two rays at the same end point” (Mitchelmore & White, 1998), whereas the dynamicdefinition of the angle concept highlights that the size of angle is the amountof rotation in direction (Fyhn, 2006). Since both definitionsrepresent two diverse situations and have unique limitations (Henderson & Taimina, 2005), students may holdmisconceptions about the angle concept. In this regard, the aim of thisresearch was to explore high achievers’ knowledge regarding the definition ofthe angle concept as well as to investigate their erroneous answers on theangle concept.

104grade 6 students drawn from four well-established elementary schools of Yozgat,Turkey were participated in this research. All participants were selected via a purposive sampling method and their mathematics grades were 4 or 5 out of 5,and. Data were collected through four questions prepared by considering the learning competencies set out in the grade 6 curriculum in Turkey and the findings of previous studies whose purposes were to identify students’ misconceptions of the angle concept. The findings were analyzed by two researchers, and their inter-rater agreement was calculated as 0.91, or almost perfect. Thereafter, coding discrepancies were resolved, and consensus was established.

In the first question, students were asked to answer a multiple choice questions consisting of two statics definitions and one dynamic definition of the angle concept. Only 38 of 104 students were able to recognize these three definitions. Likewise, Mitchelmore and White (1998) investigated that less than10% of grade 4 students knew the dynamic definition of the angle concept. Additionally,the purpose of the second question was to figure out how well students could recognize 0-degree angle. We found that 49 of 104 students were unable to recognize MXW as an angle. While 6 students indicated that the size of MXW is0, other 6 students revealed that the size of MXW is 360. Therefore, 12 of 104students correctly answered this questions. On the other hand, 28 of 104students recognized the MXW angle as 180-degree angle. This finding demonstrated that these students have difficulties in naming the angles.Moreover, the third question consisted of three concentric circles with center O and two radiuses of the outer circle, and the intersection of the radiuses with these circles were named. Then, students were asked to compare the size of AOB, GOD and EOF angles. Only 36 of 104 students answered correctly by indicating that all three angles are equal, whereas 68 of 104 students incorrectly responded this question by revealing AOB<GOD< EOF. These students erroneously thought the size of the angle is related to either the size of the arc marking the angle or the area between the arms of the angle and the arc marking angle. These two erroneous strategies for determining the size of angles have been found by a few studies (Clausen-May,2008; Devichi & Munier, 2013; Kim & Lee, 2014; Mithcelmore, 1998;Wilson & Adams, 1992). The last question, whose aim was to determine how well students can adapt theangle concept to real life, consisted of an observer and a barrier, and students were asked to color the hidden area behind the barrier. Only 2 of 104students correctly responded this question, whereas 19 of 104 students drew rays from the observer to both sides of the barrier, and colored the area covered by the rays, the observer and barrier. While 35 of 104 students just colored behind the barrier without using any strategies, 33 of 104 students constructed two perpendicular lines at the both end of the barrier, and colored behind the barrier. Similarly, Munier, Devinci and Merle (2008) found that this incorrect strategy was used by 27% of students.

Consequently, we found that although the participants in this study were high achievers, they still held several misconceptions on the angle concept and had difficulties in adapting the angle concept to real life.

Keywords: the angle concept;misconceptions; erroneous answers; high achievers


Clausen-May, T. (2008). AnotherAngle on Angles. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 13(1),4–8.

Devichi, C., & Munier, V.(2013). About the concept of angle in elementary school: Misconceptions andteaching sequences. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 32(1),1–19. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmathb.2012.10.001

Fyhn, A. B. (2006). A climbinggirl’s reflections about angles. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 25(2),91–102. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmathb.2006.02.004

Henderson, D. W., & Taimina,D. (2005). Experiencing geometry: Euclidean and non-Euclidean with history(3rd ed.). New York, USA: Prentice Hall.

Kim, O.-K., & Lee, J. H.(2014). Representations of Angle and Lesson Organization in Korean and AmericanElementary Mathematics Curriculum Programs. KAERA Research Forum, 1(3),28–37.

Mitchelmore, M. C., & White,P. (1998). Development of angle concepts: A framework for research. MathematicsEducation Research Journal, 10(3), 4–27.

Mithcelmore, M. C. (1998). Youngstudents’ concepts of turning and angle. Cognition and Instruction, 16(3),265–284.

Munier, V., Devichi, C., &Merle, H. (2008). A Physical Situation as a Way to Teach Angle. TeachingChildren Mathematics, 14(7), 402–407.

Wilson, P. S., & Adams, V.M. (1992). A Dynamic Way to Teach Angle and Angle Measure. ArithmeticTeacher, 39(5), 6–13.


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Un problema al que se enfrentan los profesores de matemáticas de Enseñanza Primaria es la necesidad de hacer adaptaciones en sus programaciones para ofrecer una educación adecuada a sus alumnos de altas capacidades matemáticas. Las editoriales de libros de texto de matemáticas de estos niveles educativos ofrecen diversas soluciones que, usualmente, consisten en incluir, en el libro del alumno, algunos problemas más difíciles y, en la documentación del profesor, una propuesta de problemas de ampliación. Una cuestión que se plantea al analizar un libro de texto de matemáticas es valorar cómo de útil puede ser el material proporcionado por la editorial (libro de texto y materiales complementarios) para un profesor que necesita una programación específica para sus alumnos de altas capacidades matemáticas. En este artículo proponemos diversas variables con las que valorar el grado de adecuación a estudiantes de altas capacidades matemáticas de los documentos proporcionados a los profesores por las editoriales. Después ponemos en práctica esta propuesta analizando el tema dedicado a los cuadriláteros en 4º curso de Enseñanza Primaria de una editorial de amplia difusión en España. Las conclusiones globales son que los materiales del profesor analizados prestan poca atención a los estudiantes de altas capacidades matemáticas y que la metodología de análisis que hemos empleado permite identificar direcciones para plantear actividades interesantes para estos estudiantes.


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Cette thèse explore dans quelle mesure la poursuite d'un but de performance-approche (i.e., le désir de surpasser autrui et de démontrer ses compétences) favorise, ou au contraire endommage, la réussite et l'apprentissage-une question toujours largement débattue dans la littérature. Quatre études menées en laboratoire ont confirmé cette hypothèse et démontré que la poursuite du but de performance-approche amène les individus à diviser leur attention entre d'une part la réalisation de la tâche évaluée, et d'autre part la gestion de préoccupations liées à l'atteinte du but-ceci empêchant une concentration efficace sur les processus de résolution de la tâche. Dans une deuxième ligne de recherche, nous avons ensuite démontré que cette distraction est exacerbée chez les individus les plus performants et ayant le plus l'habitude de réussir, ceci dérivant d'une pression supplémentaire liée au souhait de maintenir le statut positif de « bon élève ». Enfin, notre troisième ligne de recherche a cherché à réconcilier ces résultats-pointant l'aspect distractif du but de performance-approche-avec le profil se dégageant des études longitudinales rapportées dans la littérature-associant ce but avec la réussite académique. Ainsi, nous avons mené une étude longitudinale testant si l'adoption du but de performance-approche en classe pourrait augmenter la mise en oeuvre de stratégies d'étude tactiquement dirigées vers la performance-favorisant une réussite optimale aux tests. Nos résultats ont apporté des éléments en faveur de cette hypothèse, mais uniquement chez les élèves de bas niveau. Ainsi, l'ensemble de nos résultats permet de mettre en lumière les processus cognitifs à l'oeuvre lors de la poursuite du but de performance-approche, ainsi que d'alimenter le débat concernant leur aspect bénéfique ou nuisible en contexte éducatif. -- In this dissertation, we propose to investigate whether the pursuit of performance-approach goals (i.e., the desire to outperform others and appear talented) facilitates or rather endangers achievement and learning-an issue that is still widely discussed in the achievement goal literature. Four experiments carried out in a laboratory setting have provided evidence that performance- approach goals create a divided-attention situation that leads cognitive resources to be divided between task processing and the activation of goal-attainment concerns-which jeopardizes full cognitive immersion in the task. Then, in a second research line, we found evidence that high- achievers (i.e., those individuals who are the most used to succeed) experience, under evaluative contexts, heightened pressure to excel at the task, deriving from concerns associated with the preservation of their "high-achiever" status. Finally, a third research line was designed to try to reconcile results stemming from our laboratory studies with the overall profile emerging from longitudinal research-which have consistently found performance-approach goals to be a positive predictor of students' test scores. We thus set up a longitudinal study so as to test whether students' adoption of performance-approach goals in a long-term classroom setting enhances the implementation of strategic study behaviors tactically directed toward goal-attainment, hence favoring test performance. Our findings brought support for this hypothesis, but only for low-achieving students. Taken together, our findings shed new light on the cognitive processes at play during the pursuit of performance-approach goals, and are likely to fuel the debate regarding whether performance-approach goals should be encouraged or not in educational settings.


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Learning Disability (LD) is a general term that describes specific kinds of learning problems. It is a neurological condition that affects a child's brain and impairs his ability to carry out one or many specific tasks. The learning disabled children are neither slow nor mentally retarded. This disorder can make it problematic for a child to learn as quickly or in the same way as some child who isn't affected by a learning disability. An affected child can have normal or above average intelligence. They may have difficulty paying attention, with reading or letter recognition, or with mathematics. It does not mean that children who have learning disabilities are less intelligent. In fact, many children who have learning disabilities are more intelligent than an average child. Learning disabilities vary from child to child. One child with LD may not have the same kind of learning problems as another child with LD. There is no cure for learning disabilities and they are life-long. However, children with LD can be high achievers and can be taught ways to get around the learning disability. In this research work, data mining using machine learning techniques are used to analyze the symptoms of LD, establish interrelationships between them and evaluate the relative importance of these symptoms. To increase the diagnostic accuracy of learning disability prediction, a knowledge based tool based on statistical machine learning or data mining techniques, with high accuracy,according to the knowledge obtained from the clinical information, is proposed. The basic idea of the developed knowledge based tool is to increase the accuracy of the learning disability assessment and reduce the time used for the same. Different statistical machine learning techniques in data mining are used in the study. Identifying the important parameters of LD prediction using the data mining techniques, identifying the hidden relationship between the symptoms of LD and estimating the relative significance of each symptoms of LD are also the parts of the objectives of this research work. The developed tool has many advantages compared to the traditional methods of using check lists in determination of learning disabilities. For improving the performance of various classifiers, we developed some preprocessing methods for the LD prediction system. A new system based on fuzzy and rough set models are also developed for LD prediction. Here also the importance of pre-processing is studied. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) is designed for developing an integrated knowledge based tool for prediction of LD as well as its degree. The designed tool stores the details of the children in the student database and retrieves their LD report as and when required. The present study undoubtedly proves the effectiveness of the tool developed based on various machine learning techniques. It also identifies the important parameters of LD and accurately predicts the learning disability in school age children. This thesis makes several major contributions in technical, general and social areas. The results are found very beneficial to the parents, teachers and the institutions. They are able to diagnose the child’s problem at an early stage and can go for the proper treatments/counseling at the correct time so as to avoid the academic and social losses.


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The present study is on value orientation of professional students•and as such the theoretical value is inherent and implied. Variation on this value is likely to be limited among the subjects. The relevance of the present study is with particular reference, to management as a profession. In organisational settings motivation plays an important role. According to McClelland's theory of needs, achievement, power, and affiliation are the three important needs that help in understanding motivation. Achieve~ent need may be defined as the drive to excel, to achieve in relation to a set of standards, and to strive to succeed. Some people have a compelling drive to succeed. They have a desire to do something better or more efficiently than it has been done before. McClelland found that high achievers differentiate themselves from others by their desire to do things . better. Considering this fact, 'achievement' is included as one of the values for the study


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The principal aim of this study is to examine attitudes and values, through questionnaires, among students and teachers in the last grade of primary school (grade 8) regarding issues related to authoritarianism, democracy, human rights, children rights, conflict resolution and legislation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A second aim is to explore and analyze the role of the international community in the democratization and education processes in the light of globalization in this country through secondary sources of data, site visits and observations. Analysis of the student sample reveals suspicion towards democracy, especially when democracy was associated with politics and politicians. When the issue of democracy was de-contextualized from Bosnia and Herzegovina realities in the questionnaire, students showed more positive attitudes towards it. Students generally agreed with very strong authoritarian statements. High achieving students were more democratic, more socially responsible, more tolerant regarding attitudes towards religion, race and disabilities, and less authoritarian compared to low achievers. High achievers felt that they had influence over daily events, and were positive towards social and civil engagement. High achievers viewed politics negatively, but had high scores on the democracy scale. High achievers also agreed to a larger extent that it is acceptable to break the law. The more authoritarian students were somewhat more prone to respond that it is not acceptable to break the law. The major findings from the teacher sample show that teachers who agreed with non-peaceful mediation, and had a non-forgiving and rigid approach to interpersonal conflicts, also agreed with strong authoritarian statements and were less democratic. In general, teachers valued students who behave respectfully, have a good upbringing and are obedient. They were very concerned about the general status of education in society, which they felt was becoming marginalized. Teachers were not happy with the overloaded curricula and they showed an interest in more knowledge and skills to help children with traumatic war experiences. When asked about positive reforms, teachers were highly critical of, and dissatisfied with, the educational situation. Bosnia and Herzegovina is undergoing a transition from a state-planned economy and one party system to a market economy and a multi party system. During this transition, the country has become more involved in the globalization process than ever. Today the country is a semi-protectorate where international authorities intervene when necessary. The International community is attempting to introduce western democracy and some of the many complexities in this process are discussed in this study. Globalization processes imply contradictory demands and pressures on the education system. On one hand, economic liberalization has affected education policies —a closer alignment between education and economic competitiveness. On the other hand, there is a political and ideological globalization process underlying the importance of human rights, and the inclusiveness of education for all children. Students and teachers are caught between two opposing ideals — competition and cooperation.


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The metacognitve ability to accurately estimate ones performance in a test, is assumed to be of central importance for initializing task-oriented effort. In addition activating adequate problem-solving strategies, and engaging in efficient error detection and correction. Although school children's' ability to estimate their own performance has been widely investigated, this was mostly done under highly-controlled, experimental set-ups including only one single test occasion. Method: The aim of this study was to investigate this metacognitive ability in the context of real achievement tests in mathematics. Developed and applied by a teacher of a 5th grade class over the course of a school year these tests allowed the exploration of the variability of performance estimation accuracy as a function of test difficulty. Results: Mean performance estimations were generally close to actual performance with somewhat less variability compared to test performance. When grouping the children into three achievement levels, results revealed higher accuracy of performance estimations in the high achievers compared to the low and average achievers. In order to explore the generalization of these findings, analyses were also conducted for the same children's tests in their science classes revealing a very similar pattern of results compared to the domain of mathematics. Discussion and Conclusion: By and large, the present study, in a natural environment, confirmed previous laboratory findings but also offered additional insights into the generalisation and the test dependency of students' performances estimations.


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This research examines whether evaluations of positive deviates (i.e. high achieving group members) are influenced by the attributions they make for their performance. We argue that ingroup positive deviates who make group attributions help enhance the ingroup's image and thus attract favorable evaluations. In Experiment 1, ingroup positive deviates who made group attributions were generally evaluated more favorably than ingroup positive deviates who made individual attributions. There was also evidence that the positive deviates' attribution style influenced group and self-evaluations. Evaluations of outgroup positive deviates were not influenced by their attribution style. In Experiment 2, an ingroup positive deviate who was successful and attributed that success to the group was upgraded relative to an ingroup positive deviate who made individual attributions. Group evaluations were also higher when the positive deviate made group attributions. This pattern did not emerge when the positive deviate failed. The results are discussed from a social identity perspective.


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The goal of the study was to investigate differences in how two groups of students activated mathematical competencies in the mathematical kangaroo (MK). The two groups, group 1 and 2, were identified from a sample of 264 students (grade 7, age 13) through high achievement (top 20 %) in only one of the tests: the MK or a curriculum bounded test (CT). Analysis of mathematical competencies showed that the high achievers in the MK, activated the problem solving competency to a greater extent than the high achievers in the CT, when doing the MK. The results indicate the importance of using non-traditional tests in the assessment process of students to be able to find students that might possess good mathematical competencies although they do not show it on curriculum bounded tests.


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Recent research has shown that, in a University context, mastery goals are highly valued, and that students may endorse these goals either because they believe in their utility (i.e., social utility), in which case mastery goals are positively linked to achievement, or to create a positive image of themselves (i.e., social desirability), in which case mastery goals do not predict academic achievement. The present two experiments induced high vs. neutral levels of mastery goals' social utility and social desirability. Results confirmed that mastery goals predicted performance only when these goals were presented as socially useful but not socially desirable, especially among low achievers, those who need mastery goals the most to succeed.


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In this study, we investigated the effect of low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLr) deficiency on gap junctional connexin 36 (Cx36) islet content and on the functional and growth response of pancreatic beta-cells in C57BL/6 mice fed a high-fat (HF) diet. After 60 days on regular or HF diet, the metabolic state and morphometric islet parameters of wild-type (WT) and LDLr-/- mice were assessed. HF diet-fed WT animals became obese and hypercholesterolaemic as well as hyperglycaemic, hyperinsulinaemic, glucose intolerant and insulin resistant, characterizing them as prediabetic. Also they showed a significant decrease in beta-cell secretory response to glucose. Overall, LDLr-/- mice displayed greater susceptibility to HF diet as judged by their marked cholesterolaemia, intolerance to glucose and pronounced decrease in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. HF diet induced similarly in WT and LDLr-/- mice, a significant decrease in Cx36 beta-cell content as revealed by immunoblotting. Prediabetic WT mice displayed marked increase in beta-cell mass mainly due to beta-cell hypertrophy/replication. Nevertheless, HF diet-fed LDLr-/- mice showed no significant changes in beta-cell mass, but lower islet-duct association (neogenesis) and higher beta-cell apoptosis index were seen as compared to controls. The higher metabolic susceptibility to HF diet of LDLr-/- mice may be explained by a deficiency in insulin secretory response to glucose associated with lack of compensatory beta-cell expansion.


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Pancreatic β-cells are highly sensitive to suboptimal or excess nutrients, as occurs in protein-malnutrition and obesity. Taurine (Tau) improves insulin secretion in response to nutrients and depolarizing agents. Here, we assessed the expression and function of Cav and KATP channels in islets from malnourished mice fed on a high-fat diet (HFD) and supplemented with Tau. Weaned mice received a normal (C) or a low-protein diet (R) for 6 weeks. Half of each group were fed a HFD for 8 weeks without (CH, RH) or with 5% Tau since weaning (CHT, RHT). Isolated islets from R mice showed lower insulin release with glucose and depolarizing stimuli. In CH islets, insulin secretion was increased and this was associated with enhanced KATP inhibition and Cav activity. RH islets secreted less insulin at high K(+) concentration and showed enhanced KATP activity. Tau supplementation normalized K(+)-induced secretion and enhanced glucose-induced Ca(2+) influx in RHT islets. R islets presented lower Ca(2+) influx in response to tolbutamide, and higher protein content and activity of the Kir6.2 subunit of the KATP. Tau increased the protein content of the α1.2 subunit of the Cav channels and the SNARE proteins SNAP-25 and Synt-1 in CHT islets, whereas in RHT, Kir6.2 and Synt-1 proteins were increased. In conclusion, impaired islet function in R islets is related to higher content and activity of the KATP channels. Tau treatment enhanced RHT islet secretory capacity by improving the protein expression and inhibition of the KATP channels and enhancing Synt-1 islet content.