906 resultados para Helicobacter pylori genotypes
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is believed to dispose carriers to gastric cancer by inducing chronic inflammation. The inflammatory processes may result in the generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species that damage DNA. In this study, we investigated the relationships between DNA damage in the gastric mucosa and cogA, vocA, and iceA genotypes of H. pylori. The study was conducted with biopsies from the gastric antrum and corpus of 98 H. pylori-infected and 26 uninfected control patients. H. pylori genotypes were determined by PCR and DNA damage was measured in gastric mucosal cells by the Comet assay (single cell gel electrophoresis). All patients were nonsmokers, not abusing alcohol, and not using prescription or recreational drugs. Levels of DNA damage were significantly higher (P < 0.0001) in the H. pylori-infected patients than in uninfected patients. In comparison with the level of DNA damage in the uninfected controls, the extent of DNA damage in both the antrum (OR = 8.45; 95% Cl 2.33-37.72) and the corpus (OR 6.55; 95% Cl 2.52-17.72) was related to infection by cagA(+)/vocAs1m1 and iceA1 strains. The results indicate that the genotype of H. pylori is related to the amount of DNA damage in the gastric mucosa. These genotypes could serve as biomarkers for the risk of extensive DNA damage and possibly gastric cancer. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Promoter hypermethylation of CDKN2A (p16INK4A protein) is the main mechanism of gene inactivation. However, its association with Helicobacter pylori infection is a controversial issue. Therefore, we examined a series of gastric adenocarcinomas to assess the association between p16INK4A inactivation and H. pylori genotype (vacA, cagA, cagE, virB11 and flaA) according to the location and histological subtype of the tumors. p16INK4A expression and CDKN2A promoter methylation were found in 77 gastric adenocarcinoma samples by immunohistochemistry and methylation-specific PCR, respectively. Helicobacter pylori infection and genotype were determined by PCR. A strong negative correlation between immunostaining and CDKN2A promoter region methylation was found. In diffuse subtype tumors, the inactivation of p16INK4A by promoter methylation was unique in noncardia tumors (p = 0.022). In addition, H. pylori-bearing flaA was associated with non-methylation tumors (p = 0.008) and H. pylori strain bearing cagA or vacAs1m1 genes but without flaA was associated with methylated tumors (p = 0.022 and 0.003, respectively). Inactivation of p16INK4A in intestinal and diffuse subtypes showed distinct carcinogenic pathways, depending on the tumor location. Moreover, the process of methylation of the CDKN2A promoter seems to depend on the H. pylori genotype. The present data suggest that there is a differential influence and relevance of H. pylori genotype in gastric cancer development.
Objective: We aimed to evaluate the inactivation of COX-2, HMLH1 and CDKN2A by promoter methylation and its relationship with the infection by different Helicobacter pylori strains in gastric cancer. Methods: DNA extracted from 76 H. pylori-positive gastric tumor samples was available for promoter methylation identification by methylation-specific PCR and H. pylori subtyping by PCR. Immunohistochemistry was used to determine COX-2, p16(INK4A) and HMLH1 expression. Results: A strong negative correlation was found between the expression of these markers and the presence of promoter methylation in their genes. Among cardia tumors, negativity of p16(INK4A) was a significant finding. on the other hand, in noncardia tumors, the histological subtypes had different gene expression patterns. In the intestinal subtype, a significant finding was HMLH1 inactivation by methylation, while in the diffuse subtype, CDKN2A inactivation by methylation was the significant finding. Tumors with methylated COX-2 and HMLH1 genes were associated with H. pylori vac A s1 (p = 0.025 and 0.047, respectively), and the nonmethylated tumors were associated with the presence of the gene flaA. Conclusions: These data suggest that the inactivation of these genes by methylation occurs by distinct pathways according to the histological subtype and tumor location and depends on the H. pylori genotype. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel
The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship among oxidative DNA damage, density of Helicobacter pylori and the relevance of cagA, vacA and iceA genotypes of H. pylori. Gastric epithelial cells were isolated from 24 uninfected patients, 42 H. pylori infected patients with gastritis, and 61 patients with gastric cancer. Oxidative DNA damage was analyzed by the Comet assay, the density of H. pylori was measured by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and allelic variants of cagA, vacA and iceA were identified using the PCR. Infected patients by Helicobacter pylori cagA(+), vacAs1 m1 and iceA1 genotype showed higher levels of oxidative DNA damage than infected patients with H. pylori cagA(-), vacAs2 m2 and iceA2 genotypes and uninfected patients. Density of H. pylori did not influence oxidative DNA damage. Our results indicate that H. pylori genotype is more relevant than density for oxidative DNA damage.
INTRODUÇÃO: Apesar da alta freqüência de infecção por Helicobacter pylori na população, somente uma minoria de indivíduos desenvolve câncer gástrico. É provável que a colonização da mucosa por cepas patogênicas, levando a maior agressão e inflamação da mucosa seja um dos elos da cadeia de eventos da oncogênese gástrica. OBJETIVOS: Investigar a freqüência de cepas patogênicas cagA e vacA do H. pylori em pacientes com câncer gástrico. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados retrospectivamente 42 pacientes com câncer gástrico. A infecção por H. pylori foi avaliada por exame histológico e pelo PCR para identificação dos genótipos cagA e vacA em amostras de material fixado em formalina e incluído em parafina. RESULTADOS: A análise histológica permitiu a visualização direta do H. pylori em 85,7% dos casos, e o método de PCR para o gene urease C demonstrou a presença de DNA da bactéria em 95% dos casos. O gene cagA foi detectado em amostras de 23 pacientes (54,7%) com câncer gástrico. O alelo s1 do gene vacA foi identificado em amostras de 24 pacientes (57,1%) e o alelo m1, em amostras de 26 pacientes (61,9%). Os alelos s1 e m1 foram identificados simultaneamente em 24 pacientes (57,1%). O alelo s2 foi identificado em amostras de quatro pacientes (9,5%), e o alelo m2, em amostras de três pacientes (7,1%). A freqüência de infecção pelo Helicobacter pylori foi similar em ambos os tipos histológicos de câncer gástrico (intestinal e difuso). CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados confirmam a relevância dos genótipos patogênicos cagA e vacA do H. pylori para lesões orgânicas significativas tais como o câncer gástrico, sugerindo a participação dessa bactéria na cadeia de eventos da oncogênese gástrica.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective. Helicobacter pylori infection is related to gastric cancer development, and chronic inflammation is presumed to be the main cause. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of H. pylori cagA, vacA, iceA, and babA genotypes on COX-2, IL-1, and IL-8 expression. Material and methods. of the 217 patients included in the study, 26 were uninfected, 127 had chronic gastritis and were H. pylori-positive, and 64 had gastric cancer. Bacterial genotypes were evaluated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and the expression values were determined by quantitative real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry. Results. An association was found between the infection with cagA, vacA s1m1 strains and gastric cancer development. Regarding the 3' region of the cagA gene, we also found an association between the infection with cagA EPIYA-ABCCC strains and clinical outcome. Higher levels of IL-8, IL-1, and COX-2 were detected in gastric mucosa from infected patients with chronic gastritis, and they were also associated with the infection by cagA, vacA s1m1 strains. The IL-8 and IL-1 levels decrease significantly from chronic gastritis to gastric cancer, while the relative expression remained unaltered when COX-2 expression was analyzed among patients with gastritis and cancer. Conclusions. Since inflammatory response to H. pylori infection plays an important role in cellular proliferation and gastric mucosal damage, the up-regulation of IL-1, IL-8, and COX-2 in patients with chronic gastritis has an important clinical implication in gastric carcinogenesis.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
CONTEXTO:O câncer gástrico é uma das principais neoplasias que causam o óbito no Brasil e no mundo. Helicobacter pylori é um carcinógeno do tipo I relacionado à gastrite crônica. Diferenças no grau de virulência de suas cepas levam a maior risco de desenvolvimento de doenças gástricas. A metilação de ilhas CpGs está envolvida com o processo de tumorigênese em diferentes tipos de câncer. CDH1 é um gene supressor tumoral que, quando inativado, pode aumentar as chances de metástase. A metilação deste gene em estágios precoces da carcinogênese gástrica ainda não é totalmente compreendida. OBJETIVO: Investigar o padrão de metilação do gene CDH1 em amostras de gastrites crônicas e correlacionar com a presença do H. pylori. MÉTODOS: Foram usadas 60 biopsias de mucosas gástricas. A detecção de H. pylori foi realizada por PCR para o gene da urease C e a genotipagem com PCR para os genes cagA e vacA (região s e m). O padrão de metilação do gene CDH1 foi analisado usando a técnica de PCR e específica para a metilação e sequenciamento direto dos produtos de PCR. RESULTADOS: A bactéria H. pylori foi detectada em 90% das amostras de gastrites crônicas; destas, 33% portavam o gene cagA e 100% vacA s1. O genótipo vacA s2/m1 não foi detectado nas amostras analisadas. Metilação de CDH1 foi detectada em 63,3% das amostras de gastrites e 95% delas eram portadoras de H. pylori. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que a metilação em CDH1 e a infecção pelo H. pylori são eventos frequentes em amostras de pacientes brasileiros com gastrite crônica e reforça a correlação entre infecção por H. pylori e inativação do gene CDH1 em estágios precoces da tumorigênese gástrica.
CONTEXTO: A neoplasia gástrica é a segunda causa mais comum de morte por câncer no mundo e o H. pylori é classificado como carcinógeno humano tipo I pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. Entretanto, apesar da elevada prevalência da infecção pelo H. pylori em todo mundo, menos de 3% de indivíduos portadores dessa bactéria desenvolvem neoplasias gástricas. Tal fato indica que a evolução para malignização possa estar associada a fatores bacterianos, do hospedeiro e do ambiente. OBJETIVOS: Investigou-se a associação do polimorfismo da região promotora do gene IL-8 (-251) e do genótipo do H. pylori, baseado nos alelos vacA e na presença do gene cagA, com a clínica e os dados histopatológicos. MÉTODOS: Em estudo prospectivo, 102 pacientes com câncer gástrico e 103 voluntários saudáveis foram analisados. O polimorfismo da IL-8 (-251) foi determinado pela reação de PCR-RFLP e sequenciamento. Para genotipagem dos alelos vacA e do gene cagA das cepas bacterianas foi utilizada a PCR. As biopsias gástricas foram avaliadas histologicamente. RESULTADOS: A sorologia para o H. pylori foi positiva em 101 (99%) de todos os pacientes analisados, e 98 (97%) deles foram colonizados por apenas uma cepa bacteriana. Em pacientes com monoinfecção, 82 (84%) das cepas bacterianas observadas apresentavam o genótipo s1b/m1. O gene cagA foi detectado em 74 (73%) dos pacientes infectados pelo H. pylori. A presença do gene cagA demonstrou estar associada com a presença do genótipo s1b/m1 do gene vacA (P = 0,002). Quanto ao polimorfismo do gene da IL-8 (-251), observou-se que os genótipos AA (P = 0,026) e AT (P = 0,005) foram mais frequentes no grupo de pacientes com adenocarcinoma gástrico. Comparando os diferentes tipos de cepas bacterianas isoladas, com o polimorfismo do gene da IL-8-251 e dados histopatológicos, observou-se que, portadores do alelo A (AT e AA) infectados por cepas virulentas (m1s1 cagA+), demonstraram risco aumentado de apresentar maior grau de inflamação (OR = 24,75 IC 95% 2,29-267,20 P = 0,004) e aumento da atividade neutrofílica (OR = 28,71 IC 95% 2.62-314 P = 0,002) na mucosa gástrica. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados demonstram que a interação entre o polimorfismo do gene da IL-8, particularmente em portadores do alelo A, e o tipo de cepa infectante do H. pylori (s1m1 cagA positiva) desempenha importante função no desenvolvimento do câncer gástrico.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The development of vaccines to combat pathogens that infect across mucosal surfaces has been a major goal of vaccine research. Successful mucosal vaccination requires the co-administration of adjuvants that can overcome the state of immune tolerance normally associated with mucosal application of proteins. In the case of oral immunization, delivery systems are also required to protect vaccine antigens against destruction by gastric pH and digestive enzymes. Furthermore, adjuvants used for mucosal delivery must be free of neurotoxic effects like those induced by the commonly used experimental mucosal adjuvant cholera toxin. Maintenance of the "cold chain" is also essential for the effectiveness of any vaccine and adjuvants/delivery systems that enhance the stability of a vaccine would offer a significant advantage. Needle-free methods of vaccination that induce protective immunity at multiple mucosal surfaces are also desirable for rapid vaccination of large populations. In the present study we show that transcutaneous immunization (TCI) using Lipid C, a novel lipid-based matrix originally developed for oral immunization, containing soluble Helicobacter sonicate significantly reduces the gastric bacterial burden in mice following gastric challenge with live Helicobacter pylori. Protection is associated with the production of splenic gamma interferon and gastric IgA and was achieved without the co-administration of potent and potentially toxic adjuvants, although protection was further enhanced by inclusion of CpG-ODN and cholera toxin in the lipid delivery system.
Background Helicobacter pylori (HP) is associated with chronic gastritis and gastric cancer, and more than half of the world’s population is chronically infected. The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate whether an irregular meal pattern is associated with increased risk of gastritis and HP infection. Methods The study involved 323 subjects, divided into three groups: subjects with HP infection and gastritis, with gastritis, and a control group. Subjects were interviewed on eating habits and meal timing. Multivariate logistic regression was used to compare groups. Adjusted odds ratios (OR) were derived controlling for gender, age, stress and probiotic consumption. Results Subjects who deviated from their regular meals by 2 hours or more had a significantly higher incidence of HP infection with gastritis (adjusted OR= 13.3, 95% CI 5.3–33.3, p<0.001) and gastritis (adjusted OR=6.1, 95% CI 2.5–15.0, p<0.001). Subjects who deviated their meals by 2 hours or more, twice or more per week, had an adjusted OR of 6.3 and 3.5 of acquiring HP infection with gastritis (95% CI 2.6–15.2, p<0.001) and gastritis (95% CI 1.5–8.5, p<0.001) respectively. Conclusion Frequent deviation in meal timing over a prolonged period appears associated with increased risk of developing HP infection and gastritis.