995 resultados para Healthcare reform


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This book explores welfare provision in Ireland from the revolutionary period to the 1940s, This work is a significant addition to the growing historiography of twentieth-century Ireland which moves beyond political history. It demonstrates that concepts of respectability, deservingness, and social class where central dynamics in Irish society and welfare practices. This book provides the first major study of local welfare practices, policies, and attitudes towards poverty and the poor in this era.

This book’s exploration of the poor law during revolutionary and independent Ireland provides fresh and original insights into this critical juncture in Irish history. It charts the transformation of the former workhouse system into a network of local authority welfare and healthcare institutions including county homes, county and hospital hospitals, and mother and baby homes. This book provides historical context to current day debates and controversies relating to the institutionalisation of unwed mothers and child welfare policies.

This book undertakes two cases studies on county Kerry and Cork city; also, Irish experiences are placed against the backdrop of wider transnational trends.

This work has multiple audiences and will appeal to those interested in Irish social, culture, economic and political history. This book will also appeal to historians of welfare, the poor law, and the social history of medicine. It also informs modern-day social affairs.


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Expenditures for personal health services in the United States have doubled over the last decade. They continue to outpace the growth rate of the gross national product. Costs for medical care have steadily increased at an annual rate well above the rate of inflation and have gradually outstripped payers' ability to meet their premiums. This limitation of resources justifies the ongoing healthcare reform strategies to maximize utilization and minimize costs. The majority of the cost-containment effort has focused on hospitals, as they account for about 40 percent of total health expenditures. Although good patient outcomes have long been identified as healthcare's central concern, continuing cost pressures from both regulatory reforms and the restructuring of healthcare financing have recently made improving fiscal performance an essential goal for healthcare organizations. ^ The search for financial performance, quality improvement, and fiscal accountability has led to outsourcing, which is the hiring of a third party to perform a task previously and traditionally done in-house. The incomparable nature and overwhelming dissimilarities between health and other commodities raise numerous administrative, organizational, policy and ethical issues for administrators who contemplate outsourcing. This evaluation of the outsourcing phenomenon, how it has developed and is currently practiced in healthcare, will explore the reasons that healthcare organizations gravitate toward outsourcing as a strategic management tool to cut costs in an environment of continuing escalating spending. ^ This dissertation has four major findings. First, it suggests that U.S. hospitals in FY2000 spent an estimated $61 billion in outsourcing. Second, it finds that the proportion of healthcare outsourcing highly correlates with several types of hospital controlling authorities and specialties. Third, it argues that healthcare outsourcing has implications in strategic organizational issues, professionalism, and organizational ethics that warrant further public policy discussions before expanding its limited use beyond hospital “hotel functions” and back office business processes. Finally, it devises an outsourcing suitability scale that organizations can utilize to ensure the most strategic option for outsourcing and concludes with some public policy implications and recommendations for its limited use. ^


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There are currently many changes happening in nursing and healthcare in Australia. Healthcare reform has been high on the national government agenda and has created many changes in healthcare including eHealth. Healthcare information technologies and informatics are providing many challenges and excitement for the future of healthcare in Australia. The challenge for professional nursing organisations and nursing leaders of Australia is to be proactive in developments and initiatives for nursing to remain visible and viable in health care systems to safeguard the profession for the future as health care reform is implemented.


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O trabalho parte da hipótese de que os movimentos sociais potencializam sua capacidade de pautar agendas e normatizar suas demandas quando conseguem convergir para uma agenda única. Busca-se exemplificar essa tese por meio de uma análise do Movimento Sanitário e a subsequente Reforma Sanitária. A partir da atuação deste movimento foi possível incluir uma nova forma de entender a saúde na Constituição de 1988 e sua regulamentação via Lei Orgânica da Saúde LOS , responsável pela criação do Sistema Único de Saúde SUS. O objetivo norteador do trabalho é a compreensão do motivo pelo qual algumas políticas públicas de saúde foram implementadas com sucesso enquanto outras permaneceram no papel. Argumenta-se que o fato de muitas das premissas instituídas na Lei Orgânica ainda não terem sido efetivadas tem relação, entre outros fatores, com a crescente fragmentação e institucionalização dos movimentos pela saúde, ocorrida ao longo da década de 1990. Hoje o que se observa é uma grande heterogeneidade dos atores ligados ao setor, com os novos movimentos sociais pela saúde apresentando-se de forma cada vez mais difusa. No ano em que o Sistema Único completa 25 anos, é necessário repensar suas estratégias, falhas e sucessos. Destarte, o trabalho leva à reflexão de que ao se buscar a efetivação do SUS legal é premente que doravante se retomem os princípios fundantes da Reforma Sanitária.


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El diseño del sistema de seguridad social en salud y su efectiva implementación es uno de los más grandes retos de la sociedad, y a su vez es la principal garantía del goce efectivo del derecho a la salud. Un gran desafío de estos sistemas es la administración del riesgo financiero implícito en la provisión de los servicios de salud. Este documento ilustra en qué medida este desafío se puede enmarcar dentro de un problema de administración cuantitativa de los riesgos financieros. Si bien el uso de estas herramientas no son nuevas en el diseño del sistema de seguridad social en salud colombiano, es importante dar claridad sobre el alcance que han tenido estas herramientas, las posibles mejoras que se puedan hacer y los desafíos, en la gestión de estos riesgos, implícitos en la reforma actual de la institucionalidad del sistema.


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A partir de la Ley 100 de 1993, el sistema de salud en Colombia ha presentado una serie de trasformaciones que buscan mejorar la prestación de los servicios y lograr cubrimiento de la población no favorecida y excluida del Plan Obligatorio de Salud (POS). Sin embargo, las Empresas sociales del Estado (ESE), en aras de dar cumplimiento a las disposiciones y normatividades que exige la ley, funcionan y prestan sus servicios acorde con los objetivos corporativos planteados por ellas mismas, a pesar de tener una gran cartera por parte de las Entidades Promotoras de Salud (EPS). El propósito de esta investigación es evaluar el impacto financiero en una muestra de cuatro hospitales públicos de Cundinamarca (las ESE San Rafael de Facatativá, Fusagasugá, Cáqueza, y el Salvador de Ubaté), luego de la aplicación del Acuerdo 032 del 2012 de la Comisión de Regulación en Salud (CRES). Se seleccionaron cuatro hospitales públicos de mediana complejidad de Cundinamarca, por ser uno de los departamentos más representativos en hospitales de este tipo. Se encontró una mayor convergencia en términos de estructura administrativa y financiera, lo que hace posible que la información obtenida sea comparable y útil para la medición en términos de presupuesto y liquidez. El incremento de la cartera y la disminución de la rotación de la misma, con la afectación respectiva de la liquidez y la rentabilidad, dificultan el logro de las instituciones como lo son la sostenibilidad y perdurabilidad. El cambio del pagador después de la aplicación de la norma incidió directamente en lo anterior; igualmente, traspasar la población no cubierta al régimen subsidiado eliminó el desembolso por parte de la Secretaría de Salud y lo trasladó a las EPS subsidiados, afectando directamente los tiempos de rotación de cartera como se documenta en el análisis.


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The Australian healthcare system underwent radical reform in the 1990s as economic rationalist policies were embraced. As a result, there was significant organisational restructuring within hospitals. Traditional indicators, such as nursing absenteeism and attrition, increase during times of organisational change. Despite this, nurses' views of healthcare reform are under-represented in the literature and little is known about the impact of organisational restructuring on perceived performance. This study investigated the perceived impact of organisational restructuring on a group of intensive care unit (ICU) nurses' workplace performance. It employed a qualitative approach to collect data from a purposive sample of clinical nurses. The primary method of data collection was semi-structured interviews. Content analysis generated three categories of data. Participants identified constant pressure, inadequate communication and organisational components of restructuring within the hospital as issues that had a significant impact on their workplace performance. They perceived organisational restructuring was poorly communicated, and this resulted in an environment of constant pressure. Organisational components of restructuring included the subcategories of specialised service provision and an alternative administrative structure that had both positive and negative ramifications for performance.
To date, there has been little investigation of nurses' perceptions of organisational restructure or the impact this type of change has in the clinical domain. Participants in this study believed reorganisation was detrimental to quality care delivery in intensive care, as a result of fiscal constraint, inadequate communication and pressure that influenced their workplace performance.


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♦ Arthritis self-management programs (ASMPs) are integrated into many clinical practice guidelines and policies, and are the core business of Arthritis Foundations.

♦ Australian Arthritis Foundations are embarking on a National Quality Assurance Program which should raise awareness and improve confidence in such programs.

♦ ASMPs aim to empower people, improve quality of life while living with chronic disease, increase healthy activities and improve self-monitoring — each of which can assist with clinical management, but can be difficult to evaluate.

♦ Although there is modest high-quality evidence of traditional “clinical outcomes” from ASMPs, these programs are strongly endorsed by consumers, are being used as a vehicle for healthcare reform, and have the potential to substantially improve public health.

♦ Coordinated national delivery of patient education programs has the potential to improve healthcare and outcomes for people with arthritis.


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There is strong rationale for improving care for people with chronic conditions, including osteoarthritis (OA). Successful implementation of healthcare reform requires new concepts and directions that are strongly supported by policy, new models of care (service redesign) and changes in day-to-day practice (healthcare provider and patient practice). In this paper we discuss the extent to which policy about management of OA of the hip and knee has been translated into new service models in Australia. A structured search of government and other key health websites in Australia was performed to identify policy, funding initiatives and new services models for managing OA of the hip and knee. This search was supported by a literature review. Musculoskeletal conditions were designated a National Health Priority in Australia in 2002. Under the Better Arthritis and Osteoporosis Care initiative, Australia has developed a national policy for OA care and national evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for management of OA of the hip and knee. Only two well described examples of new chronic disease management service models, the Osteoarthritis Clinical Pathway (OACP) model and the Osteoarthritis Hip and Knee Service (OAHKS) were identified. Primarily focused within acute care public hospital settings, these have been shown to be feasible and acceptable but have limited data on clinical impact and cost-effectiveness. While policy is extant, implementation has not been systematic and comprehensive. Clinicians have evidence-based recommendations for OA management but are poorly supported by service models to deliver these effectively and efficiently.


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Aim The purpose of the study was to explore nurses' perceptions and understanding of patient-centred care (PCC) in Bhutan. Background Nurses' perceptions and understanding of PCC in Bhutan are unknown. Methods A non-probability convenience sample was taken and a mixed method (quantitative and qualitative descriptive) used. Survey questionnaires were administered to 87 Bhutanese nurses in three types of hospitals -- the National Referral Hospital, the regional referral hospital and the district hospital. Descriptive statistics including frequency distribution, mean and standard deviation (SD) were used for analysis. Spearman's correlation coefficients were used to investigate relationships between demographic variables. Results The nursing labour force in Bhutan knows which behaviours are considered necessary for practising PCC. The mean (SD) rating of behaviours considered critical for practising PCC was 4.29 (0.22), five being the highest score. Bhutanese nurses described PCC, according to qualitative descriptive analysis, as being based on individual patient assessment (22/87 or 25% of respondents), using a holistic model of care (38/87 or 44%) that was based on evidence (38/87 or 44%). A higher level of education (79/87 or 91%) was found to be the main factor that would facilitate the development of PCC, while inadequate staffing, in terms of insufficient numbers of staff and lack of advanced practitioners (56/87 or 64%), was revealed as the main factor that hinders development of PCC. Conclusion Bhutanese nurses believed certain behaviours were critical to PCC. Reform of higher nursing education, putting an emphasis on PCC, would improve nursing practice and increase its scope.


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Buist and Middleton lament that the safety and quality 'agenda' has failed to fundamentally alter the safety of healthcare systems, in part because of the disengagement of doctors from their responsibilities for patient safety . While there have been discernable improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of care in some settings, patients still experience unacceptable harm and often struggle to have their voices heard; processes are not as efficient as they could be; and costs continue to rise at alarming rates while quality issues remain . Perhaps of most concern, recent public reports into health system failures continue to document a widespread lack of attentiveness to patient concerns, a culture of denial and widespread lack of professionalism . Alarmingly, clinician discontentment, cynicism and burn-out are reflected in antagonistic language by clinicians about the healthcare system and their patients. Taken together with the many dissatisfied and now more vocal patient groups, all point to an unprecedented crisis of faith in our healthcare systems which has been getting worse over past decade . This personal perspective aims to address the fundamental tensions that are keeping much of healthcare reform efforts from successfully transforming the culture and outcomes except at the margins.


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Introduction: Throughout the United States, there are massive initiatives in place to reform healthcare through the implementation of electronic health records. The goals are to improve patient care through improved access to records, the improvement of business and reimbursement processes, streamlining of clinician workflows for increased efficiency, and reducing the variability in the delivery of patient care. [See PDF for complete abstract]


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In the demanding environment of healthcare reform, reduction of unwanted physician practice variation is promoted, often through evidence-based guidelines. Guidelines represent innovations that direct change(s) in physician practice; however, compliance has been disappointing. Numerous studies have analyzed guideline development and dissemination, while few have evaluated the consequences of guideline adoption. The primary purpose of this study was to explore and analyze the relationship between physician adoption of the glycated hemoglobin test guideline for management of adult patients with diabetes, and the cost of medical care. The study also examined six personal and organizational characteristics of physicians and their association with innovativeness, or adoption of the guideline. ^ Cost was represented by approved charges from a managed care claims database. Total cost, and diabetes and related complications cost, first were compared for all patients of adopter physicians with those of non-adopter physicians. Then, data were analyzed controlling for disease severity based on insulin dependency, and for high cost cases. There was no statistically significant difference in any of eight cost categories analyzed. This study represented a twelve-month period, and did not reflect cost associated with future complications known to result from inadequate management of glycemia. Guideline compliance did not increase annual cost, which, combined with the future benefit of glycemic control, lends support to the cost effectiveness of the guideline in the long term. Physician adoption of the guideline was recommended to reduce the future personal and economic burden of this chronic disease. ^ Only half of physicians studied had adopted the glycated hemoglobin test guideline for at least 75% of their diabetic patients. No statistically significant relationship was found between any physician characteristic and guideline adoption. Instead, it was likely that the innovation-decision process and guideline dissemination methods were most influential. ^ A multidisciplinary, multi-faceted approach, including interventions for each stage of the innovation-decision process, was proposed to diffuse practice guidelines more effectively. Further, it was recommended that Organized Delivery Systems expand existing administrative databases to include clinical information, decision support systems, and reminder mechanisms, to promote and support physician compliance with this and other evidence-based guidelines. ^


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During the healthcare reform debate in the United States in 2009/2010, many health policy experts expressed a concern that expanding coverage would increase waiting times for patients to obtain care. Many complained that delays in obtaining care in turn would compromise the quality of healthcare in the United States. Using data from The Commonwealth Fund 2010 International Health Policy Survey in Eleven Countries, this study explored the relationship between wait times and quality of care, employing a wait time scale and several quality of care indicators present in the dataset. The impact of wait times on quality was assessed. Increased wait time was expected to reduce quality of care. However, this study found that wait times correlated with better health outcomes for some measures, and had no association with others. Since this is a pilot study and statistical significance was not achieved for any of the correlations, further research is needed to confirm and deepen the findings. However, if future studies confirm this finding, an emphasis on reducing wait times at the expense of other health system level performance variables may be inappropriate. ^