991 resultados para Hard surface


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In the present investigation, various kinds of textures were attained on the steel surfaces. Roughness of the textures was varied using different grits of emery papers or polishing powders. Pins made of pure Al, Al-4Mg alloy and pure Mg were then slid against prepared steel plate surfaces at various numbers of cycles using an inclined pin-on-plate sliding tester. Tests were conducted at a sliding velocity of 2mms(-1) in ambient conditions under both dry and lubricated conditions. Normal loads were increased up to 110N during the tests. The morphologies of the worn surfaces of the pins and the formation of transfer layer on the counter surfaces were observed using a scanning electron microscope. Surface roughness parameters of the plate were measured using an optical profilometer. In the experiments, it was observed that the coefficient of friction and formation of a transfer layer (under dry and lubricated conditions) only depended on surface texture during the first few sliding cycles. The steady-state variation in the coefficient of friction under both dry and lubrication conditions was attributed to the self-organisation of texture of the surfaces at the interface during sliding. Copyright (C) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Healthcare associated infections may arise from many sources, including patient?s own skin flora and the clinical environment, and inflict a significant burden within the health service. Adequate and effective skin antisepsis and surface disinfection are therefore essential factors in infection control. Current EPIC guidelines recommend 2 % chlorhexidine (CHG) in 70 % isopropyl alcohol (IPA) for skin antisepsis however poor penetration has been reported. Eucalyptus oil (EO) is a known permeation enhancer, producing synergistic antimicrobial activity when combined with CHG. In this current study, the antimicrobial efficacy of EO and its main constituent 1,8-cineole were assessed against a panel of clinically relevant microorganisms, alone and in combination with CHG. The superior antimicrobial efficacy of EO compared with 1,8-cineole, and synergistic effects with CHG against planktonic and biofilm cultures, confirmed its suitability for use in subsequent studies within this thesis. Impregnation of EO, CHG and IPA onto prototype hard surface disinfectant wipes demonstrated significantly improved efficacy compared with CHG/IPA wipes, with clear reductions in the time required to eliminate biofilms. Optimisation of the EO/CHG/IPA formulation resulted in the development of Euclean® wipes, with simulated-use and time kill studies confirming their ability to remove microbial surface contamination, prevent cross contamination and eliminate biofilms within 10 minutes. The employment of isothermal calorimetry provided additional information on the type and rate of antimicrobial activity possessed by Euclean® wipes. A clinical audit of the Euclean® wipes at Birmingham Children?s Hospital, Birmingham, U.K. revealed divided staff opinion, with the highest cited advantage and disadvantage concerning the odour. Finally, skin penetration and cell toxicity studies of EO/CHG biopatches and Euclean® solution developed during this study, revealed no permeation into human skin following biopatch application, and no significant toxicity. These current studies enhance the knowledge regarding EO and its potential applications.


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Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is an important engineering material. When rubbed or slid against a hard surface, PTFE exhibits a low coefficient of friction but a high rate of wear. These unique properties of the polymer have encouraged many mechanistic and physical examinations of the processes involved in the friction and wear of this polymer. A section of such work carried out over the past 30 years is reviewed here. When rubbed against a hard surface, the PTFE chain undergoes scission, creating active groups which chemically react with the counterface. This results in strong adhesion and a coherent transfer film. Further interaction between the bulk polymer and the transfer film gives rise to anisotropic deformation of the unit cell, which results in closeness of adjacent chains and easy shear between chains. Sliding brings about growth in as well as reorientation of crystallites situated in a very thin subsurface region of the bulk polymer. Such structural rearrangement facilitates the joining of adjacent aligned crystallites to form films and ribbons which emerge as debris.


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Quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) improves through the use of CPR feedback devices. Most feedback devices integrate the acceleration twice to estimate compression depth. However, they use additional sensors or processing techniques to compensate for large displacement drifts caused by integration. This study introduces an accelerometer-based method that avoids integration by using spectral techniques on short duration acceleration intervals. We used a manikin placed on a hard surface, a sternal triaxial accelerometer, and a photoelectric distance sensor (gold standard). Twenty volunteers provided 60 s of continuous compressions to test various rates (80-140 min(-1)), depths (3-5 cm), and accelerometer misalignment conditions. A total of 320 records with 35312 compressions were analysed. The global root-mean-square errors in rate and depth were below 1.5 min(-1) and 2 mm for analysis intervals between 2 and 5 s. For 3 s analysis intervals the 95% levels of agreement between the method and the gold standard were within -1.64-1.67 min(-1) and -1.69-1.72 mm, respectively. Accurate feedback on chest compression rate and depth is feasible applying spectral techniques to the acceleration. The method avoids additional techniques to compensate for the integration displacement drift, improving accuracy, and simplifying current accelerometer-based devices.


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One particular habitat type in the Middle Atlantic Bight is not well recognized among fishery scientists and managers, although it is will known and used by recreational and commercial fisheries. This habitat consists of a variety of hard-surface, elevated relief "reef" or reef-like environments that are widely distributed across the predominantly flat or undulating, sandy areas of the Bight and include both natural rocky areas and man-made structures, e.g. shipwrecks and artificial reefs. Although there are natural rock and shellfish reefs in southern New England coastal waters and estuaries throughout the Bight, most reef habitats in the region appear to be man-made reef habitat modification/creation may be increasing. Very little effort has been devoted to the study of this habitat's distribution, abundance, use by living marine resources and associated biological communities (except on estuarine oyster reefs) and fishery value or management. This poorly studied and surveyed habitat can provide fish refuge from trawls and can be a factor in studies of the distribution and abundance of a variety of reef-associated fishery resources. This review provides a preliminary summary of information found on relative distribution and abundance of reef habitat in the Bight, the living marine resources and biological communities that commonly use it, threats to this habitat and its biological resources, and the value or potential value of artificial reefs to fishery or habitat and its biological resources, and the value or potential value of artificial reefs to fishery or habitat managers. The purpose of the review is to initiate an awareness among resource managers about this habitat, its role in resource management, and the need for research.


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Les adolescents-hockeyeurs peuvent être affligés de troubles musculosquelettiques (TMS) résultant d’un excès de tension musculaire lequel peut mener à des déformations ou déséquilibres musculaires ainsi qu’à une attitude posturale inadéquate. Les conséquences de ces changements mènent souvent à une surcharge inutile du système musculosquelettique (SMS), à la perturbation des mécanismes du contrôle postural et éventuellement à l’apparition de douleurs musculaires et articulaires. Les interventions qui s’attaquent aux TMS par une rééquilibration de la tension musculaire sont peu nombreuses. Les interventions qui s’attaquent aux TMS par une normalisation de la tension musculaire sont peu nombreuses. La Reconstruction Posturale® (RP), testée cliniquement, est l’une d’entre elles. Dans un premier temps, cette thèse visait à identifier les caractéristiques du contrôle postural chez les adolescents-hockeyeurs de niveau élite lorsque le système somatosensoriel est mis à l’épreuve en position debout quasi statique pieds nus et en patins. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons évalué l’impact d’une intervention en RP sur des variables cliniques et biomécaniques, chez ces athlètes qui souffrent de TMS. Soixante-sept adolescents-hockeyeurs de niveau élite âgés de 15 à 18 ans ont participé à l’étude. Le contrôle postural de cinquante-sept joueurs a été évalué en position debout sur deux plateformes de force les yeux ouverts et les yeux fermés, pieds nus sur une surface dure et sur une mousse. De ce groupe, trente-cinq sujets ont également été évalués en patins, les yeux ouverts et les yeux fermés. Par la suite, neuf adolescents-hockeyeurs souffrant de TMS, ont été sélectionnés pour participer au protocole d’intervention thérapeutique en RP qui consistait en l’application de six séances de thérapie prodiguées sur une période de six semaines. Le déplacement du centre de pression (CP) sous les pieds a été calculé dans les directions antéro-postérieure (AP) et médio-latérale (ML). La vélocité moyenne du CP, le déplacement moyen du CP et l’étendue du CP ont été retenus pour rendre compte de la performance du contrôle posturale. D’autre part, l’asymétrie de mise en charge, la trajectoire du CP sous les pieds gauche et droit, le CPc pour rendre compte de la stratégie de chevilles et le CPv pour rendre compte de la stratégie de hanches ont été retenues pour identifier les stratégies utilisées pour maintenir l’équilibre. L’impact de l’intervention en RP a été évalué à l’aide de trois variables cliniques soit la douleur à l’aide de l’échelle visuelle analogue (ÉVA), la capacité fonctionnelle à l’aide d’un un questionnaire autoadministré et des photographies de la posture debout pour rendre compte des variables posturales biomécaniques. Nos résultats montrent que chez les adolescents-hockeyeurs la performance du contrôle postural en position debout statique est davantage perturbée par les changements somatosensoriels en direction ML alors qu’en AP, la perte d’informations visuelles ainsi que des changements somatosensoriels affectent la performance. Dans toutes les conditions expérimentales et dans les deux directions, nous avons observé une vélocité du CP remarquablement élevée, variant entre 18 et 22 mm/s. Au niveau des stratégies et indépendamment de la condition expérimentale, nous avons observé une dominance presque complète de la stratégie de cheville en AP alors qu’en ML, la stratégie de hanche dominait avec une contribution de la stratégie de cheville de plus de 20 %. En patins, en direction ML, aucun changement significatif de la performance n’a été observé. Toutefois en AP, nous avons observé une augmentation significative de la vélocité du CP, yeux ouverts et yeux fermés ainsi qu’une augmentation significative de l’étendue, yeux ouverts seulement. Au niveau des stratégies, la stratégie de cheville domine en AP et la stratégie de hanche domine en ML avec une contribution plus modeste de la stratégie de cheville qui était inférieure à 12 %. Chez les adolescents-hockeyeurs souffrant de TMS, post-intervention, nos résultats indiquent une diminution significative de la douleur et une amélioration des capacités fonctionnelles ainsi que de l’attitude posturale. Pré intervention en direction ML, nous avons observé une contribution significativement plus élevée de la stratégie de cheville au contrôle du CPnet et un retour vers des valeurs normales post-intervention. L’impact de l’intervention thérapeutique sur la performance du contrôle postural s’est avéré non significatif en ML et en AP.


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Os objectivos deste estudo basearam-se na análise dos aspectos clínicos de cavalos de desporto, aos quais foi diagnosticado através de ecografia, desmite dos Ligamentos Colaterais (LCs) da articulação Interfalângica Distal (IFD). Os cavalos incluídos na amostra foram examinados entre Setembro de 2011 e Junho de 2012 tendo sido selecionados aqueles que apresentaram os critérios de inclusão requeridos, nomeadamente o diagnóstico de desmite em pelo menos um dos LCs da articulação IFD. Foram incluídos 8 animais no estudo, sendo que o diagnóstico foi feito através de um cuidadoso exame ortopédico e de ecografia, tendo-se verificado as lesões nos membros anteriores. O LC Lateral foi o mais afectado (5 cavalos) seguido do Medial (2 cavalos). Apenas em 1 dos casos as lesões eram bilaterais. A maioria dos animais apresentavam distensão da articulação IFD confirmada ecograficamente. A claudicação foi invariavelmente exacerbada em círculo no piso duro, sendo que 7 dos 8 (87.5%) animais aumentaram o grau de claudicação quando o membro afectado estava no interior do círculo. Após o bloqueio digital palmar a claudicação foi atenuada em 7 dos 8 animais (87.5%) sendo totalmente abolida em 3 (37.5%) deles. O bloqueio da articulação IFD foi positivo em todos os animais, e o bloqueio da bursa podotroclear negativa em 7 dos 8 cavalos. Metade dos animais (50%) apresentaram alterações radiográficas como osteoartrite da articulação IFD, remodelação óssea da origem/inserção do LC afectado e um deles apresentava ossificação de uma cartilagem ungular. Todos os animais apresentaram sinais evidentes de lesão na ecografia, sendo que alguns demostraram sinais de desmite crónica e outros aguda. Os tratamentos instituídos variaram de acordo com a história, sinais clínicos, sinais radiográficos e severidade das lesões ecográficas. A desmite dos LC da articulação IFD deve ser considerada como uma causa de claudicação que afecta a performance dos cavalos de desporto. Mais estudos são necessários, de modo a caraterizar melhor estas lesões e avaliar as melhorias após a terapia por forma a determinar os factores que mais influenciam o prognóstico. Palavras-Chave: Equinos, Ligamentos colaterais, Desmite, articulação Interfalângica distal


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In Melbourne, green roofs are increasingly being included in the new and retrofitted buildings that claim to be ‘sustainable’ or ‘green’. This enthusiasm follows overseas experience where a variety of benefits have been recorded; these include a reduction in heating and cooling loads. This benefit is of particular importance because of the urgent need to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions associated with air conditioning. What is the potential for such savings and to what extent are some of the existing green roofs likely to achieve these benefits? This paper begins with a review of the overseas experience to reduce conditioning loads, particularly cooling, in temperate climates. Some observations on the potential and practice of green roofs in Melbourne is then presented. The results of measurements of plant canopy, soil and hard surface temperatures on two green roofs in the Melbourne Central Business District are discussed and future on-going work is outlined.


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Plasma process like ionic nitriding and cathodic cage plasma nitriding are utilized in order to become hard surface of steels. The ionic nitriding is already accepted in the industry while cathodic cage plasma nitriding process is in industrial implementation stage. Those process depend of plasma parameters like electronic and ionic temperature (Te, Ti), species density (ne, ni) and of distribution function of these species. In the present work, the plasma used to those two processes has been observed through Optical Emission Spectroscopy OES technique in order to identify presents species in the treatment ambient and relatively quantify them. So plasma of typical mixtures like N2 H2 has been monitored through in order to study evolution of those species during the process. Moreover, it has been realized a systematic study about leaks, also thought OES, that accomplish the evolution of contaminant species arising because there is flux of atmosphere to inside nitriding chamber and in what conditions the species are sufficiently reduced. Finally, to describe the physic mechanism that acts on both coating techniques ionic nitriding and cathodic cage plasma nitriding


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito das injúrias mecânicas por impacto, compressão ou corte na firmeza e coloração de goiabas 'Paluma' e 'Pedro Sato', colhidas no estádio de maturação de vez e armazenadas sob condições de ambiente. Na injúria por impacto, os frutos foram deixados cair, em queda livre, de uma altura de 1,20 m, sofrendo dois impactos, em lados opostos da porção equatorial do fruto. Na injúria por compressão, os frutos foram submetidos a um peso de 3 kg, por 15 minutos. Para a injúria por corte, foram efetuados dois cortes, no sentido longitudinal dos frutos, de exatamente 30 mm de comprimento por 2 mm de profundidade. Os frutos injuriados foram colocados em bandejas de isopor e armazenados sob condições de ambiente (23,4±1 °C, 62±6 % UR). A firmeza dos frutos submetidos ao impacto e compressão foi calculada pela relação peso(N)/área injuriada (m2). A evolução da coloração foi feita através de leituras diárias em reflectômetro Minolta CR 200b, procurando comparar a coloração da área lesionada com a da área não lesionada do mesmo fruto. Com relação à injúria por compressão, não se detectou diferença significativa entre as cultivares testadas, mas com relação ao impacto, os frutos da 'Paluma' tiveram uma firmeza significativamente maior que os da 'Pedro Sato'. A área injuriada mostrou maior escurecimento e retardo no amarelecimento, indicado pelo maior ângulo Hue, típico do amadurecimento de goiabas. Os valores de cromaticidade foram sempre inferiores nas áreas injuriadas, de ambas as cultivares, indicando menor síntese de pigmentos carotenóides nessas regiões. Os frutos da 'Pedro Sato' foram caracterizados como mais escuros e mais esverdeados que os da 'Paluma' ao longo do período de armazenamento, independentemente das injúrias.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito das injúrias mecânicas por impacto, compressão ou corte na atividade respiratória e na composição química de goiabas 'Paluma' e 'Pedro Sato' colhidas no estádio de maturação de vez e armazenadas a 23,4±1 °C e 62±6 % UR (condições de ambiente). Na injúria por impacto, os frutos foram deixados cair, por duas vezes e em queda livre, de uma altura de 1,20 m, sofrendo os impactos em lados opostos de sua porção equatorial. Na injúria por compressão, os frutos foram submetidos a um peso de 3 kg, por 15 minutos. Para a injúria por corte foram efetuados 2 cortes no sentido longitudinal dos frutos, de 30 mm de comprimento por 2 mm de profundidade. Os frutos injuriados foram colocados em bandejas de isopor e armazenados sob as condições de ambiente, com a atividade respiratória avaliada diariamente e seus conteúdos de sólidos solúveis totais, açúcares redutores, acidez total titulável e ácido ascórbico, determinados a cada 2 dias. Houve um incremento na evolução da atividade respiratória dos frutos em todos os tratamentos durante o armazenamento, com os injuriados produzindo maior quantidade de CO2 (184,12 mg de CO2.kg-1.h-1) que os do controle (164,23 mg de CO2.kg-1.h-1). Os frutos da 'Paluma' apresentaram essa atividade mais intensa (178,39 mg de CO2.kg-1.h-1) que os da 'Pedro Sato' (169,35 mg de CO2.kg-1.h-1), e não se detectou durante o período de armazenamento a ocorrência de pico respiratório. Os teores de sólidos solúveis totais (9,39 °Brix), açúcares redutores (2,24 g de glicose.100 g-1), acidez total titulável (706,25 mg de ácido cítrico.100 g-1) e ácido ascórbico (65,33 mg.100 g-1) dos frutos injuriados apresentaram-se com valores menores que os do controle, ao longo do período de armazenamento.


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Supermartensitic stainless steels (SMSSs) are a new generation of the classic 13%Cr martensitic steels, lower in carbon and with additional alloying of nickel and molybdenum offering better weldabilty and low temperature toughness. Several works have shown that plasma nitriding and nitrocarburising of stainless steels at low temperatures produces a hard surface layer which results in increased wear resistance. In this work, SMSS samples were plasma nitrided and nitrocarburised at 400, 450 and 500 °C. The plasma treated SMSS samples were characterised by means of optical microscopy, microhardness, X-ray diffraction and dry wear tests. The thickness of the layers produced increases as temperature is raised, for both plasma nitriding and nitrocarburising. X-ray diffraction demonstrates that the chromium nitride content grows with temperature for nitriding and nitrocarburising, which also showed increasing content of iron and chromium carbides with temperature. After plasma treating, it was found that the wear volume decreases for all temperatures and the wear resistance increased as the treatment temperature was raised. The main wear mechanism observed for both treated and untreated samples was grooving abrasion. © 2012 IHTSE Partnership Published by Maney on behalf of the Partnership.


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[EN] This article describes a photocatalytic nanostructured anatase coating deposited by cold gas spray (CGS) supported on titanium sub-oxide (TiO22x) coatings obtained by atmospheric plasma spray (APS) onto stainless steel cylinders. The photocatalytic coating was homogeneous and preserved the composition and nanostructure of the starting powder. The inner titanium sub-oxide coating favored the deposition of anatase particles in the solid state. Agglomerated nano-TiO2 particles fragmented when impacting onto the hard surface of the APS TiO22x bond coat. The rough surface provided by APS provided an ideal scenario for entrapping the nanostructured particles, which may be adhered onto the bond coat due to chemical bonding; a possible bonding mechanism is described. Photocatalytic experiments showed that CGS nano-TiO2 coating was active for photodegrading phenol and formic acid under aqueous conditions. The results were similar to the performance obtained by competitor technologies and materials such as dip-coating P25 photocatalysts. Disparity in the final performance of the photoactive materials may have been caused by differences in grain size and the crystalline composition of titanium dioxide.


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The object of casehardening is to produce articles of steel having a tough or ductile interior and a hard sur­face. Quenching produces a surface somewhat harder than the interior, but in order to obtain a high surface hard­ness, the percentage of alloying elements in the steel must be raised to such an extent that the core or central por­tion becomes hard and brittle also.


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BACKGROUND Pressure ulcers are associated with severe impairment for the patients and high economic load. With this study we wanted to gain more insight to the skin perfusion dynamics due to external loading. Furthermore, we evaluated the effect of different types of pressure relief mattresses. METHODS A total of 25 healthy volunteers were enrolled in the study. Perfusion dynamics of the sacral and the heel area were assessed using the O2C-device, which combines a laser light, to determine blood flow, and white light to determine the relative amount of hemoglobin. Three mattresses were evaluated compared to a hard surface: a standard hospital foam mattress bed, a visco-elastic foam mattress, and an air-fluidized bed. RESULTS In the heel area, only the air-fluidized bed was able to maintain the blood circulation (mean blood flow of 13.6 ± 6 versus 3.9 ± 3 AU and mean relative amount of hemoglobin of 44.0 ± 14 versus 32.7 ± 12 AU.) In the sacral area, all used mattresses revealed an improvement of blood circulation compared to the hard surface. CONCLUSION The results of this study form a more precise pattern of perfusion changes due to external loading on various pressure relief mattresses. This knowledge may reduce the incidence of pressure ulcers and may be an influencing factor in pressure relief mattress selection.