1000 resultados para HUMAN TEAR LYSOZYME


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the expression and presence of surfactant protein (SP) A and SP-D in the lacrimal apparatus, at the ocular surface, and in tears in healthy and pathologic states. METHODS: Expression of mRNA for SP-A and SP-D was analyzed by RT-PCR in healthy lacrimal gland, conjunctiva, cornea, and nasolacrimal ducts as well as in a spontaneously immortalized conjunctival epithelial cell line (HCjE; IOBA-NHC) and a SV40-transfected cornea epithelial cell line (HCE). Deposition of SP-A and SP-D was determined by Western blot, dot blot, and immunohistochemistry in healthy tissues, in tears, aqueous humor, and in sections of different corneal abnormalities (keratoconus, herpetic keratitis, and Staphylococcus aureus-based ulceration). Cell lines were stimulated with different cytokines and bacterial components and were analyzed for the production of SP-A and SP-D by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: The presence of SP-A and SP-D on mRNA and protein levels was evidenced in healthy lacrimal gland, conjunctiva, cornea, and nasolacrimal duct samples. Moreover, both proteins were present in tears but were absent in aqueous humor. Immunohistochemistry revealed the production of both peptides by acinar epithelial cells of the lacrimal gland and epithelial cells of the conjunctiva and nasolacrimal ducts, whereas goblet cells revealed no reactivity. Healthy cornea revealed weak reactivity on epithelial surface cells only. In contrast, SP-A and SP-D revealed strong reactivity in patients with herpetic keratitis and corneal ulceration surrounding lesions and in several immigrated defense cells. Reactivity in corneal epithelium and endothelium was also seen in patients with keratoconus. Cell culture experiments revealed that SP-A and SP-D are produced by both epithelial cell lines without and after stimulation with cytokines and bacterial components. CONCLUSIONS: These results show that SP-A, in addition to SP-D, is a peptide of the tear film. Based on the known direct and indirect antimicrobial effects of collectins, the surfactant-associated proteins A and D seem to be involved in several ocular surface diseases.


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The afferent nerves of the cornea and conjunctiva, efferent nerves of the lacrimal gland, and the lacrimal gland are a functional unit that works cooperatively to produce the aqueous component of tears. A decrease in the lacrimal gland secretory function can lead to dry eye disease. Because aging is a risk factor for dry eye disease, study of the changes in the function of the lacrimal gland functional unit with age is important for developing treatments to prevent dry eye disease. No one mechanism is known to induce the changes that occur with aging, although multiple different mechanisms have been associated with aging. These fall into two theoretical categories: programmed theories of aging (immunological, genetic, apoptotic, and neuroendocrine) and error theories of aging (protein alteration, somatic mutation, etc). Lacrimal glands undergo structural and functional alteration with increasing age. In mouse models of aging, it has been shown that neural stimulation of protein secretion is an early target of aging, accompanied by an increase in mast cells and lipofuscin accumulation. Hyperglycemia and increased lymphocytic infiltration can contribute to this loss of function at older ages. These findings suggest that an increase in oxidative stress may play a role in the loss of lacrimal gland function with age. For the afferent and efferent neural components of the lacrimal gland functional unit, immune or inflammatory mediated decrease in nerve function could contribute to loss of lacrimal gland secretion with age. More research in this area is critically needed.


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Purpose: Published data indicate that the polar lipid content of human meibomian gland secretions (MGS) could be anything between 0.5% and 13% of the total lipid. The tear film phospholipid composition has not been studied in great detail and it has been understood that the relative proportions of lipids in MGS would be maintained in the tear film. The purpose of this work was to determine the concentration of phospholipids in the human tear film. Methods: Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS) and thin layer chromatography (TLC) were used to determine the concentration of phospholipid in the tear film. Additionally, an Amplex Red phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C (PLC) assay kit was used for determination of the activity of PLC in the tear film. Results: Phospholipids were not detected in any of the tested human tear samples with the low limit of detection being 1.3 µg/mL for TLC and 4 µg/mL for liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. TLC indicated that diacylglycerol (DAG) may be present in the tear film. PLC was in the tear film with an activity determined at approximately 15 mU/mL, equivalent to the removal of head groups from phosphatidylcholine at a rate of approximately 15 µM/min. Conclusions: This work shows that phospholipid was not detected in any of the tested human tear samples (above the lower limits of detection as described) and suggests the presence of DAG in the tear film. DAG is known to be at low concentrations in MGS. These observations indicate that PLC may play a role in modulating the tear film phospholipid concentration.


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Objective: Ocular allergy is a broad group of allergic conditions involving inflammation of the conjunctiva and the most common forms are seasonal allergic conjunctivitis (SAC; 90% of cases) and perennial allergic conjunctivitis (PAC; 5% of cases). The main symptom is ocular itching caused by mast cell degranulation leading to the release of histamine and other mediators such as tryptase. Tryptase is a neutral protease that is selectively concentrated in the secretory granules of human mast cells and has been shown to be a sensitive and specific marker of type I hypersensitivity reaction. The objective was to ascertain the best assay method for determining the tryptase levels in tear samples and whether this can be used to determine the efficacy of non-pharmacological treatments compared to no treatment or their combined effect with anti-allergic medication for SAC and PAC. Method: Thirty patients with a history of SAC were recruited into a randomised blind study during winter months when all the patients were asymptomatic. Suitability was determined by skin prick and conjunctival provocation tests. Patients were randomly assigned to either a non-pharmacological or a pharmacological Intervention group and received each test condition assigned to their group in a randomly assigned order. Symptoms were provoked by exposure to pollen in an environmental test chamber where the temperature, humidity and grass pollen levels were set to a high pollen count day. Tear samples were taken set intervals during the visit and then processed by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of tryptase levels. Preliminary results: Results are still being analysed but the preliminary optimisation experiments tested four different ELISA systems; two indirect assays and two capture ‹sandwich› assays. The results suggest that in both sandwich assay systems non-specific binding occurred which could not be easily overcome. The indirect assay systems both showed specific reactions, and the sensitivity achieved was greater with the monoclonal than the polyclonal antibody. Using these findings the indirect assay system was optimised to provide a standardised system for measuring tryptase. Initial trials using human tear samples displayed tryptase levels between 23.1 and 175.1 ng/ml; levels which fall within the anticipated range for patients with SAC. Further statistical work is needed to determine whether tryptase levels vary between the treatments 75.


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The 5' region of the human lysozyme gene from -3500 to +25 was fused to a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter gene and three transgenic founder mice were obtained. All three transgenic lines showed the same pattern of CAT enzyme expression in adult mouse tissues that was consistent with the targeting of elicited, activated macrophages in tissues and developing and elicited granulocytes. In normal mice high CAT enzyme activity was found in the spleen, lung, and thymus, tissues rich in phagocytically active cells, but not in many other tissues, such as the gut and muscle, which contain resident macrophages. Cultured resident peritoneal macrophages and cells elicited 18 hr (granulocytes) and 4 days (macrophages) after injection of sterile thioglycollate broth expressed CAT activity. Bacillus Calmette-Guérin infection of transgenic mice resulted in CAT enzyme expression in the liver, which contained macrophage-rich granulomas, whereas the liver of uninfected mice did not have any detectable CAT enzyme activity. Although the Paneth cells of the small intestine in both human and mouse produce lysozyme, the CAT gene, under the control of the human lysozyme promoter, was not expressed in the mouse small intestine. These results indicate that the human lysozyme promoter region may be used to direct expression of genes to activated mouse myeloid cells.


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PEGylation is one of the most promising and extensively studied strategies for improving the pharmacological properties of proteins as well as their physical and thermal stability. Purified lysozyme obtained from hen egg white by batch mode was modified by PEGylation with methoxypolyethyleneglycol succinimidyl succinato (mPEG-SS, MW 5000). The conjugates produced retained full enzyme activity with the substrate glycol chitosan, independent of degree of enzyme modification, although lysozyme activity with the substrate Micrococcus lysodeikticus was altered according to the degree of modification. The conjugate with a low degree of modification by mPEG-SS retained 67% of its enzyme activity with the M. lysodeikticus substrate. The mPEG-SS was also shown to be a highly reactive polymer. The effects of pH and temperature on PEGylated lysozymes indicated that the conjugate was active over a wide pH range and was stable up to 50 degrees C. This conjugate also showed resistance to proteolytic degradation, remained stable in human serum, and displayed greater antimicrobial activity than native lysozyme against Gram-negative bacteria.


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Vampire bats are notorious for being the sole mammals that strictly feed on fresh blood for their survival. While their saliva has been historically associated with anticoagulants, only one antihemostatic (plasminogen activator) has been molecularly and functionally characterized. Here, RNAs from both principal and accessory submaxillary (submandibular) salivary glands of Desmodus rotundus were extracted, and ~. 200. million reads were sequenced by Illumina. The principal gland was enriched with plasminogen activators with fibrinolytic properties, members of lipocalin and secretoglobin families, which bind prohemostatic prostaglandins, and endonucleases, which cleave neutrophil-derived procoagulant NETs. Anticoagulant (tissue factor pathway inhibitor, TFPI), vasodilators (PACAP and C-natriuretic peptide), and metalloproteases (ADAMTS-1) were also abundantly expressed. Members of the TSG-6 (anti-inflammatory), antigen 5/CRISP, and CCL28-like (antimicrobial) protein families were also sequenced. Apyrases (which remove platelet agonist ADP), phosphatases (which degrade procoagulant polyphosphates), and sphingomyelinase were found at lower transcriptional levels. Accessory glands were enriched with antimicrobials (lysozyme, defensin, lactotransferrin) and protease inhibitors (TIL-domain, cystatin, Kazal). Mucins, heme-oxygenase, and IgG chains were present in both glands. Proteome analysis by nano LC-MS/MS confirmed that several transcripts are expressed in the glands. The database presented herein is accessible online at http://exon.niaid.nih.gov/transcriptome/D_rotundus/Supplemental-web.xlsx. These results reveal that bat saliva emerges as a novel source of modulators of vascular biology. Biological significance: Vampire bat saliva emerges as a novel source of antihemostatics which modulate several aspects of vascular biology. © 2013.


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The aim of this study was to quantify the buffer attributes (value, power, range and optimum) of two model systems for whole human resting saliva, the purified proteins from whole human resting saliva and single proteins. Two model systems, the first containing amyloglucosidase and lysozyme, and the second containing amyloglucosidase and alpha-amylase, were shown to provide, in combination with hydrogencarbonate and di-hydrogenphosphate, almost identical buffer attributes as whole human resting saliva. It was further demonstrated that changes in the protein concentration as small as 0.1% may change the buffer value of a buffer solution up to 15 times. Additionally, it was shown that there was a protein concentration change in the same range (0.16%) between saliva samples collected at the time periods of 13:00 and others collected at 9:00 am and 17:00. The mode of the protein expression changed between these samples corresponded to the change in basic buffer power and the change of the buffer value at pH 6.7. Finally, SDS Page and Ruthenium II tris (bathophenantroline disulfonate) staining unveiled a constant protein expression in all samples except for one 50 kDa protein band. As the change in the expression pattern of that 50 kDa protein band corresponded to the change in basic buffer power and the buffer value at pH 6.7, it was reasonable to conclude that this 50 kDa protein band may contain the protein(s) belonging to the protein buffer system of human saliva.


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Chronic rotator cuff tendon tears lead to fatty infiltration and muscle atrophy with impaired physiological functions of the affected muscles. However, the cellular and molecular mechanisms of corresponding pathophysiological processes remain unknown. The purpose of this study was to characterize the expression pattern of adipogenic (PPARgamma, C/EBPbeta) and myogenic (myostatin, myogenin, Myf-5) transcription factors in infraspinatus muscle of sheep after tenotomy, implantation of a tension device, refixation of the tendon, and rehabilitation, reflecting a model of chronic rotator cuff tears. In contrast to human patients, the presented sheep model allows a temporal evaluation of the expression of a given marker in the same individual over time. Semiquantitative RT/PCR analysis of PPARgammaã, myostatin, myogenin, Myf-5, and C/EBPbeta transcript levels was carried out with sheep muscle biopsy-derived total RNA. We found a significantly increased expression of Myf-5 and PPARgamma after tenotomy and a significant change for Myf-5 and C/EBPbeta after continuous traction and refixation. This experimental sheep model allows the molecular analysis of pathomechanisms of muscular changes after rotator cuff tear. The results point to a crucial role of the transcription factors PPARgamma, C/EBPbeta, and Myf-5 in impairment and regeneration of rotator cuff muscles after tendon tears in sheep.


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The design and synthesis of biomaterials covers a growing number of biomedical applications. The use of biomaterials in biological environment is associated with a number of problems, the most important of which is biocompatabUity. If the implanted biomaterial is not compatible with the environment, it will be rejected by the biological site. This may be manifested in many ways depending on the environment in which it is used. Adsorption of proteins takes place almost instantaneously when a biomaterial comes into contact with most biological fluids. The eye is a unique body site for the study of protein interactions with biomaterials, because of its ease of access and deceptive complexity of the tears. The use of contact lenses for either vision correction and cosmetic reasons or as a route for the controlled drug delivery, has significantly increased in recent years. It is relatively easy to introduce a contact lens Into the tear fluid and remove after a few minutes without surgery or trauma to the patient. A range of analytical techniques were used and developed to measure the proteins absorbed to some existing commercial contact lens materials and also to novel hydrogels synthesised within the research group. Analysis of the identity and quantity of proteins absorbed to biomaterials revealed the importance of many factors on the absorption process. The effect of biomaterial structure, protein nature in terms of size. shape and charge and pH of the environment on the absorption process were examined in order to determine the relative up-take of tear proteins. This study showed that both lysozyme and lactoferrin penetrate the lens matrix of ionic materials. Measurement of the mobility and activity of the protein deposited into the surface and within the matrix of ionic lens materials demonstrated that the mobility is pH dependent and, within the experimental errors, the biological activity of lysozyme remained unchanged after adsorption and desorption. The study on the effect of different monomers copolymerised with hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) on the protein up-take showed that monomers producing a positive charge on the copolymer can reduce the spoilation with lysozyme. The studies were extended to real cases in order to compare the patient dependent factors. The in-vivo studies showed that the spoilation is patient dependent as well as other factors. Studies on the extrinsic factors such as dye used in colour lenses showed that the addition of colourant affects protein absorption and, in one case, its effect is beneficial to the wearer as it reduces the quantity of the protein absorbed.


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The purpose of this work is to establish the application of a fully automated microfluidic chip based protein separation assay in tear analysis. It is rapid, requires small sample volumes and is vastly superior to, and more convenient than, comparable conventional gel electrophoresis assays. The protein sizing chip technology was applied to three specific fields of analysis. Firstly tear samples were collected regularly from subjects establishing the baseline effects of tear stimulation, tear state and patient health. Secondly tear samples were taken from lens wearing eyes and thirdly the use of microfluidic technology was assessed as a means to investigate a novel area of tear analysis, which we have termed the 'tear envelope'. Utilising the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer in combination with the Protein 200 Plus LabChip kit, these studies investigated tear proteins in the range of 14-200 kDa. Particular attention was paid to the relative concentrations of lysozyme, tear lipocalin, secretory IgA (sIgA), IgG and lactoferrin, together with the overall tear electropherogram 'fingerprint'. Furthermore, whilst lens-tear interaction studies are generally thought of as an investigation into the effects of tears components on the contact lens material, i.e. deposition studies, this report addresses the reverse phenomenon-the effect of the lens, and particularly the newly inserted lens, on the tear fluid composition and dynamics. The use of microfluidic technology provides a significant advance in tear studies and should prove invaluable in tear diagnostics and contact lens performance analysis.


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This study aimed at evaluating whether human papillomavirus (HPV) groups and E6/E7 mRNA of HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, and 45 are prognostic of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 2 outcome in women with a cervical smear showing a low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL). This cohort study included women with biopsy-confirmed CIN 2 who were followed up for 12 months, with cervical smear and colposcopy performed every three months. Women with a negative or low-risk HPV status showed 100% CIN 2 regression. The CIN 2 regression rates at the 12-month follow-up were 69.4% for women with alpha-9 HPV versus 91.7% for other HPV species or HPV-negative status (P < 0.05). For women with HPV 16, the CIN 2 regression rate at the 12-month follow-up was 61.4% versus 89.5% for other HPV types or HPV-negative status (P < 0.05). The CIN 2 regression rate was 68.3% for women who tested positive for HPV E6/E7 mRNA versus 82.0% for the negative results, but this difference was not statistically significant. The expectant management for women with biopsy-confirmed CIN 2 and previous cytological tests showing LSIL exhibited a very high rate of spontaneous regression. HPV 16 is associated with a higher CIN 2 progression rate than other HPV infections. HPV E6/E7 mRNA is not a prognostic marker of the CIN 2 clinical outcome, although this analysis cannot be considered conclusive. Given the small sample size, this study could be considered a pilot for future larger studies on the role of predictive markers of CIN 2 evolution.


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Understanding the molecular mechanisms of oral carcinogenesis will yield important advances in diagnostics, prognostics, effective treatment, and outcome of oral cancer. Hence, in this study we have investigated the proteomic and peptidomic profiles by combining an orthotopic murine model of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), mass spectrometry-based proteomics and biological network analysis. Our results indicated the up-regulation of proteins involved in actin cytoskeleton organization and cell-cell junction assembly events and their expression was validated in human OSCC tissues. In addition, the functional relevance of talin-1 in OSCC adhesion, migration and invasion was demonstrated. Taken together, this study identified specific processes deregulated in oral cancer and provided novel refined OSCC-targeting molecules.


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Human bocavirus 1 (HBoV1) is associated with respiratory infections worldwide, mainly in children. Similar to other parvoviruses, it is believed that HBoV1 can persist for long periods of time in humans, probably through maintaining concatemers of the virus single-stranded DNA genome in the nuclei of infected cells. Recently, HBoV-1 was detected in high rates in adenoid and palatine tonsils samples from patients with chronic adenotonsillar diseases, but nothing is known about the virus replication levels in those tissues. A 3-year prospective hospital-based study was conducted to detect and quantify HBoV1 DNA and mRNAs in samples of the adenoids (AD), palatine tonsils (PT), nasopharyngeal secretions (NPS), and peripheral blood (PB) from patients undergoing tonsillectomy for tonsillar hypertrophy or recurrent tonsillitis. HBoV1 was detected in 25.3% of the AD samples, while the rates of detection in the PT, NPS, and PB samples were 7.2%, 10.5%, and 1.7%, respectively. The viral loads were higher in AD samples, and 27.3% of the patients with HBoV had mRNA detectable in this tissue. High viral loads and detectable mRNA in the AD were associated with HBoV1 detection in the other sample sites. The adenoids are an important site of HBoV1 replication and persistence in children with tonsillar hypertrophy. The adenoids contain high HBoV1 loads and are frequently positive for HBoV mRNA, and this is associated with the detection of HBoV1 in secretions.


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Hsp90 is a molecular chaperone essential for cell viability in eukaryotes that is associated with the maturation of proteins involved in important cell functions and implicated in the stabilization of the tumor phenotype of various cancers, making this chaperone a notably interesting therapeutic target. Celastrol is a plant-derived pentacyclic triterpenoid compound with potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities; however, celastrol's action mode is still elusive. In this work, we investigated the effect of celastrol on the conformational and functional aspects of Hsp90α. Interestingly, celastrol appeared to target Hsp90α directly as the compound induced the oligomerization of the chaperone via the C-terminal domain as demonstrated by experiments using a deletion mutant. The nature of the oligomers was investigated by biophysical tools demonstrating that a two-fold excess of celastrol induced the formation of a decameric Hsp90α bound throughout the C-terminal domain. When bound, celastrol destabilized the C-terminal domain. Surprisingly, standard chaperone functional investigations demonstrated that neither the in vitro chaperone activity of protecting against aggregation nor the ability to bind a TPR co-chaperone, which binds to the C-terminus of Hsp90α, were affected by celastrol. Celastrol interferes with specific biological functions of Hsp90α. Our results suggest a model in which celastrol binds directly to the C-terminal domain of Hsp90α causing oligomerization. However, the ability to protect against protein aggregation (supported by our results) and to bind to TPR co-chaperones are not affected by celastrol. Therefore celastrol may act primarily by inducing specific oligomerization that affects some, but not all, of the functions of Hsp90α. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first work to use multiple probes to investigate the effect that celastrol has on the stability and oligomerization of Hsp90α and on the binding of this chaperone to Tom70. This work provides a novel mechanism by which celastrol binds Hsp90α.