70 resultados para HT29


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Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD), a contagious viral disease that commonly affects infants and children with blisters and flu like symptoms, is caused by a group of enteroviruses such as Enterovirus 71 (EV71) and coxsackievirus A16 (CA16). However some HFMD caused by EV71 may further develop into severe neurological complications such as encephalitis and meningitis. The route of transmission was postulated that the virus transmit from one person to another through direct contact of vesicular fluid or droplet from the infected or via faecal-oral route. To this end, this study utilised a human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line (HT29) with epithelioid morphology as an in vitro model for the investigation of EV71 replication kinetics. Using qPCR, viral RNA was first detected in HT29 cells as early as 12 h post infection (hpi) while viral protein was first detected at 48 hpi. A significant change in HT29 cells’ morphology was also observed after 48 hpi. Furthermore HT29 cell viability also significantly decreased at 72 hpi. Together, data from this study demonstrated that co-culture of HT29 with EV71 is a useful in vitro model to study the pathogenesis of EV71


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Pectins and pectic-oligosaccharides, as derived by controlled enzymatic hydrolysis, were evaluated for their ability to interfere with the toxicity of Shiga-like toxins from Escherichia coli O157:H7. Both types of material resulted in some degree of protection but this was significantly higher (P > 0.01) with the oligosaccharide fractions (giving 90-100% cell survival, compared to 70-80% with the polymer). An effect of methylation on the protective effect was detected with lower degrees being more active. The pectic-oligosaccharides and galabiose, the minimum toxin receptor analogue, were shown to inhibit toxicity and were both protective at 10 mg ml(-1), but not at lower concentrations. (C) 2002 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Soybean isoflavonoids have received significant attention due to their potential anticarcinogenic and antiproliferative effects and possible role in many signal transduction pathways. However, their mechanisms of action and their molecular targets remain to be further elucidated. In this paper, we demonstrated that two soybean isoflavones (genistein and daidzein) reduced the proliferation of the human colon adenocarcinoma grade II cell line (HT-29) at concentrations of 25 and 50-100 mu M, respectively. We then investigated the effects of genistein and daidzein by RT-PCR on molecules that involved in tumor development and progression by their regulation of cell proliferation. At a concentration of 50 mu M genistein, there was suppressed expression of beta-catenin (CTNNBIP1). Neither genistein nor daidzein affected APC (adenomatous polyposis coli) or survivin (BIRC5) expression when cells were treated with concentrations of 10 or 50 mu M. These data suggest that the down-regulation of beta-catenin by genistein may constitute an important determinant of the suppression of HT-29 cell growth and may be exploited for the prevention and treatment of colon cancer.


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Human exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA) results mainly from ingestion of food and beverages. Information regarding BPA effects on colon cancer, one of the major causes of death in developed countries, is still scarce. Likewise, little is known about BPA drug interactions although its potential role in doxorubicin (DOX) chemoresistance has been suggested. This study aims to assess potential interactions between BPA and DOX on HT29 colon cancer cells. HT29 cell response was evaluated after exposure to BPA, DOX, or co-exposure to both chemicals. Transcriptional analysis of several cancer-associated genes (c-fos, AURKA, p21, bcl-xl and CLU) shows that BPA exposure induces slight up-regulation exclusively of bcl-xl without affecting cell viability. On the other hand, a sub-therapeutic DOX concentration (40 nM) results in highly altered c-fos, bcl-xl, and CLU transcript levels, and this is not affected by co-exposure with BPA. Conversely, DOX at a therapeutic concentration (4 μM) results in distinct and very severe transcriptional alterations of c-fos, AURKA, p21 and CLU that are counteracted by co-exposure with BPA resulting in transcript levels similar to those of control. Co-exposure with BPA slightly decreases apoptosis in relation to DOX 4 μM alone without affecting DOX-induced loss of cell viability. These results suggest that BPA exposure can influence chemotherapy outcomes and therefore emphasize the necessity of a better understanding of BPA interactions with chemotherapeutic agents in the context of risk assessment.


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Sulforaphane (SF; 4-methylsulfinylbutyl isothiocyanate), a dietary compound derived from broccoli, may exhibit chemopreventive properties by inducing cell cycle arrest via induction of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A (p21(waf1/cip1)), but the exact molecular mechanism has not been determined. Here we evaluate the role of the transcription factor Kruppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) in mediating the induction of p21(waf1/cip1) and cellular differentiation by SF and iberin (IB; 3-methylsulphinyl propyl isothiocyanate), also derived from broccoli. Exposure of Caco-2 and Caco-2/TC7 cells to SF and IB increased expression of both KLF4 and p21(waf1/cip1), whereas exposure of HT29 cells resulted only in induction of p21(waf1/cip1). In Caco-2 cells, small interfering RNA knock down of KLF4 expression attenuated induction of p21(waf1/cip1) in response to either SF or IB treatment. Contrary to expectation, prolonged exposure to SF reduced sucrase isomaltase activity, a marker of small intestinal differentiation in Caco-2 cells. Additional support for the SF-mediated induction of p21(waf1/cip1) by KLF4 was obtained from analyses of gastric tissue of Apc(Min/+) mice following acute intervention with SF but not from the analyses of other tissue of the intestinal tract. These results suggest that induction of p21(waf1/cip1) by SF or IB may be partly mediated by KLF4 in some colon cancer cells and tissues.


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This study investigated Nrf2-activating properties of a coffee blend combining raw coffee bean constituents with 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid (CGA) as a lead component with typical roasting products such as N-methylpyridinium (NMP). In cell culture (HT29) the respective coffee extract (CN-CE) increased nuclear Nrf2 translocation and enhanced the transcription of ARE-dependent genes as exemplified for NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase and glutathione-S-transferase (GST)A1, reflected in the protein level by an increase in GST enzyme activity. In a pilot human intervention study (29 healthy volunteers), daily consumption of 750 mL of CN-coffee for 4 weeks increased Nrf2 transcription in peripheral blood lymphocytes on average. However, the transcriptional response pattern of Nrf2/ARE-dependent genes showed substantial interindividual variations. The presence of SNPs in the Nrf2-promoter, reported recently, as well as the detection of GSTT1*0 (null) genotypes in the study collective strengthens the hypothesis that coffee acts as a modulator of Nrf2-dependent gene response in humans, but genetic polymorphisms play an important role in the individual response pattern.


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Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) is a self-limiting viral disease that mainly affects infants and children. In contrast with other HFMD causing enteroviruses, Enterovirus71 (EV71) has commonly been associated with severe clinical manifestation leading to death. Currently, due to a lack in understanding of EV71 pathogenesis, there is no antiviral therapeutics for the treatment of HFMD patients. Therefore the need to better understand the mechanism of EV71 pathogenesis is warranted. We have previously reported a human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line (HT29) based model to study the pathogenesis of EV71. Using this system, we showed that knockdown of DGCR8, an essential cofactor for microRNAs biogenesis resulted in a reduction of EV71 replication. We also demonstrated that there are miRNAs changes during EV71 pathogenesis and EV71 utilise host miRNAs to attenuate antiviral pathways during infection. Together, data from this study provide critical information on the role of miRNAs during EV71 infection.


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Mutations of K-ras have been found in 30-60% of colorectal carcinomas and are believed to be associated with tumor initiation, tumor progression and metastasis formation. Therefore, silencing of mutant K-ras expression has become an attractive therapeutic strategy for colorectal cancer treatment. The aim of our study was to investigate the effect of microRNA (miRNA) molecules directed against K-ras (miRNA-K-ras) on K-ras expression level and the growth of colorectal carcinoma cell line LoVo in vitro and in vivo. In addition, we evaluated electroporation as a gene delivery method for transfection of LoVo cells and tumors with plasmid DNA encoding miRNA-K-ras (pmiRNA-K-ras). Results of our study indicated that miRNAs targeting K-ras efficiently reduced K-ras expression and cell survival after in vitro electrotransfection of LoVo cells with pmiRNA-K-ras. In vivo, electroporation has proven to be a simple and efficient delivery method for local administration of pmiRNA-K-ras molecules into LoVo tumors. This therapy shows pronounced antitumor effectiveness and has no side effects. The obtained results demonstrate that electrogene therapy with miRNA-K-ras molecules can be potential therapeutic strategy for treatment of colorectal cancers harboring K-ras mutations. © 2010 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved.


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Atmospheric pressure gas plasma (AGP) generates reactive oxygen species (ROS) that induce apoptosis in cultured cancer cells. The majority of cancer cells develop a ROS-scavenging anti-oxidant system regulated by Nrf2, which confers resistance to ROS-mediated cancer cell death. Generation of ROS is involved in the AGP-induced cancer cell death of several colorectal cancer cells (Caco2, HCT116 and SW480) by activation of ASK1-mediated apoptosis signaling pathway without affecting control cells (human colonic sub-epithelial myofibroblasts; CO18, human fetal lung fibroblast; MRC5 and fetal human colon; FHC). However, the identity of an oxidase participating in AGP-induced cancer cell death is unknown. Here, we report that AGP up-regulates the expression of Nox2 (NADPH oxidase) to produce ROS. RNA interference designed to target Nox2 effectively inhibits the AGP-induced ROS production and cancer cell death. In some cases both colorectal cancer HT29 and control cells showed resistance to AGP treatment. Compared to AGP-sensitive Caco2 cells, HT29 cells show a higher basal level of the anti-oxidant system transcriptional regulator Nrf2 and its target protein sulfiredoxin (Srx) which are involved in cellular redox homeostasis. Silencing of both Nrf2 and Srx sensitized HT29 cells, leads to ROS overproduction and decreased cell viability. This indicates that in HT29 cells, Nrf2/Srx axis is a protective factor against AGP-induced oxidative stress. The inhibition of Nrf2/Srx signaling should be considered as a central target in drug-resistant colorectal cancer treatments.


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The first synthesis of long chain 5-n-alkylresorcinols (C15-C25) in whole grains and whole grain products by a novel modification of Wittig reaction is described. 5-n-Alkylresorcinols are phenolic lipids that have various effects on biological systems, such as antioxidant activity and interaction with biological membranes. These compounds are considered as biomarkers of whole grain intake, which is connected with reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers. Novel hapten derivatives of 5-n-alkylresorcinols, potential compounds for immunoanalytical techniques, are prepared by the same procedure utilizing microwave catalysed aqueous Wittig reaction as the key step. The synthesised analogues are required by various analytical, metabolism and bioactivity investigations. Four alternative strategies for producing deuterium polylabelled 5-n-alkylresorcinols are explored. Ring-labelled D3-alkylresorcinols were synthesized by acidic H/D exchange. Side chain -labelled D4-derivative was prepared by a total synthesis approach utilizing D2 deuterogenation of a D2-alkene derivative, and deuterogenation of alkynes was investigated in another total synthesis approach. An -D3-labelled alkylresorcinol is isotopically pure and completely stable under all relevant conditions encountered during analytical work. The labelling of another phenolic component of whole grains was explored. The preparation of D3-ferulic acid and related compounds by way of selective methylation of the precursors is described. The deuterated compounds are useful as standards in the quantification of these natural products in various substances, such as food and human fluids. The pure 5-n-alkylresorcinol analogues prepared were used in in vitro experiments on alkylresorcinol antioxidant activity and antigenotoxicity. The in vitro experiments show that alkylresorcinols act as antioxidants, especially when incorporated into biological systems, but possess lower activity in chemical tests (FRAP and DPPH assay). Whole grain alkylresorcinols are shown for the first time to have a protective effect against copper induced oxidation of LDL, and H2O2 or genotoxic faecal water induced damage on HT29 cells.


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非晶状体βγ晶状体蛋白与三叶因子蛋白复合物(βγ-CAT)是从大蹼铃蟾(Bombina maxima)皮肤分泌物中分离的分子量为72 kDa的天然蛋白复合物.本研究通过激光共聚焦显微镜和Westem blot分析βγ-CAT在人脐静脉内皮细胞(HUVEC)中的细胞核转运机制,以及βγ-CAT对多株肿瘤细胞(HCT116,HT29,A375,Hela,THP-1等)的细胞毒效应.结果表明:βγ-CAT的α亚基中含有典型的GTP/ATPase的保守结构模体Walker A和Walker B,体外检测到βγ-CAT具有GTP/ATP水解酶和GTP/ATP结合活性.在细胞核转运过程中,βγ-CAT的α亚基和β亚基参与形成约150kDa含有泛素化修饰信号的大分子复合物,且泛素化修饰信号和βγ-CAT的α亚基和β亚基共定位于细胞内和融合于细胞核区域的转运囊泡小体中.βγ-CAT能够选择性的杀伤肿瘤细胞,诱导肿瘤细胞脱落和发生凋亡.上述结果为进一步深入研究阡βγ-CAT的细胞核转运和调节细胞功能的分子作用机制提供思路和线索.


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c-FLIP is an inhibitor of apoptosis mediated by the death receptors Fas, DR4 and DR5 and is expressed as long (c-FLIPL) and short (c-FLIPS) splice forms. We found that siRNA-mediated silencing of c-FLIP induced spontaneous apoptosis in a panel of p53 wild-type, mutant and null colorectal cancer (CRC) cell lines and that this apoptosis was mediated by caspase 8 and FADD. Further analyses indicated the involvement of DR5 and/or Fas (but not DR4) in regulating apoptosis induced by c-FLIP siRNA. Interestingly, these effects were not dependent on activation of DR5 or Fas by their ligands TRAIL and FasL. Overexpression of c-FLIPL, but not c-FLIPS, significantly decreased spontaneous and chemotherapy-induced apoptosis in HCT116 cells. Further analyses with splice form-specific siRNAs indicated that c-FLIPL was the more important splice form in regulating apoptosis in HCT116, H630 and LoVo cells, although specific knock down of c-FLIPS induced more apoptosis in the HT29 cell line. Importantly, intra-tumoral delivery of c-FLIP-targeted siRNA duplexes induced apoptosis and inhibited the growth of HCT116 xenografts in Balb/c SCID mice. In addition, the growth of c-FLIPL overexpressing CRC xenografts was more rapid than control xenografts, an effect that was significantly enhanced in the presence of chemotherapy. These results indicate that c-FLIP inhibits spontaneous death ligand-independent, death receptor-mediated apoptosis in CRC cells and that targeting c-FLIP may have therapeutic potential for the treatment of colorectal cancer.