17 resultados para Guarapes


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La santé et la maladie sont des objets de préoccupation dans la société. Tout au long de l'histoire de l'humanité, ils ont été traités sous différents yeux. La géographie est une façon de comprendre les processus liés à des questions de santé et de maladie, de façon privilégiée dans le but d'être une science concernées par la zone géographique où cela implique non seulement une structure de la matière, mais les personnes et les flux découlant de la relation est établie Entre la société et la nature. Un lien est établi entre l'organisation spatiale de la santé-maladie est au c ur de ce travail, avec la coupe Guarapes espace du quartier, situé dans l'ouest de la Région administrative de Natal (plus bolsão pauvreté de la ville) pour la période correspondante de la 1990 par 2004 (jalon important pour le bien et la dynamique des populations de la zone d'étude) et de réduire le temps de la recherche. Au cours de l'analyse procède à l'étude des formes de production et d'organisation de l'espace vécu. Depuis comprendre le quotidien des personnes souffrant d'un réseau de relations, motivés par les besoins et la solidarité qui génèrent des formes et des contenus qui façonnent l'aire géographique. Sur la base de revue de la littérature, la recherche empirique à travers la réalisation des feuilles de route des entretiens avec le représentant des gens du quartier (résidents, des dirigeants communautaires, des coordonnateurs pédagogiques, des infirmières et des agents de santé de la PSF). Outre les visites effectuées à l'Agence de régulation des services d'assainissement de la municipalité de Noël - ARSBAN, le Secrétariat spécial pour l'Environnement et Urbanisme - SEMURB, secrétaire du Travail et de la protection sociale SEMTAS, Secrétariat municipal de la santé - SMS. Sur la base de l'espace vécu voir que les éléments du quotidien local exercer une forte influence sur la santé et La maladie de la population étudiée, avec un accent sur les problèmes découlant de chômage, sous-emploi, l'insécurité et un manque d'assiduité de certains responsables de l'USF - Guarapes. La production et l'organisation de la région convergent à l'apparition de maisons, les rues et les petits commerces non équipés de l'infrastructure de base dédiée à la prise en charge des personnes favorables à l'occupation désordonnée et non planifiée pour plusieurs zones du district, ainsi que l'apparition De vecteurs transmetteurs de maladies


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The commercial complex Guarapes was during the second half of the nineteenth century most commercial street of Rio Grande do Norte province. In that time frame, you can see its flourishing as one of the central places of trade in the province in 1850, and its subsequent abandonment in 1900. This thesis aims to investigate, in its first part, the paths that help to understand, as the context of the expansion of global markets in the second half of the nineteenth century enabled the conditions for the emergence of the commercial complex. However, trade relations established in this province through the commercial complex, even participating in this global environment, reserved particular characteristics in their social and trade relations, as if dealing with a peripheral province, we look at the uniqueness of the relationship occurred in this space. In the second part, we seek to understand the importance that the rivers Potengi and Jundiaí had to install the commercial complex Guarapes in the second half of the nineteenth century. As the geographical position in relation to rivers, enabled this space became flow zone and confluence of goods distributed to the various parts of the interior of the province. We also monitor the process that made these rivers leave the role of mobility and transport relations in this space, giving way the railways and roads shooting. In the third part, we seek to understand the commercial complex Guarapes in focus. Analyzing their spatial distribution on the landscape, and how the spatial organization held at the same time traces of the Brazilian patriarchy exposed by Gilberto Freyre, but also "modern" features, due to the increase of a new culture inserted material in the province. We also seek to understand elements of material culture that was the environment of the complex, and how these materials are important sources for understanding this society under study. We treat from the biggest to the smallest fragments without hierarchize them. Understanding that, the study associated the written sources and materials provide a gain in understanding of everyday these people who lived in that area of the complex in the second half of the nineteenth century.


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A hanseníase é uma doença infectocontagiosa de evolução lenta, que muitas vezes dificulta o diagnóstico pela demora na evolução clínica. Este trabalho trata-se de um plano de ação que visa o diagnóstico e tratamento precoce da hanseníase, evitando a disseminação da doença para contatos e sequelas irreversíveis, realizado na comunidade do Guarapes em Natal no Rio Grande do Norte. As ações são desenvolvidas para educação em saúde da comunidade e dos profissionais de saúde sobre a hanseníase. Obtemos como resultados o diagnóstico e tratamento de 04 pessoas, dentre os quais 01 diagnóstico de contato domiciliar. Com esses dados apresentados, reforça-se a importância das atividades de busca ativa e exame minucioso de todos os comunicantes de pacientes diagnosticados.


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O Brasil envelhece rapidamente, surgindo a necessidade de reorganizar os modelos sociais para atender a população idosa. Este projeto de ação objetiva proporcionar melhorias na qualidade da atenção prestada à população idosa assistida na UBS Guarapes, através de ações estratégicas, visando a promoção, prevenção e recuperação de saúde, além da melhoria da transmissão de informações com caderneta de saúde da pessoa idosa. Trabalhou-se a organização e gestão de serviço, engajamento do público alvo com palestras e qualificação da pratica clínica, assim, obteve-se maior integração da equipe de saúde com os idosos, melhorando e facilitando seu acesso as estratégias de saúde e família, priorizando-os no atendimento, e houve melhora na adesão dos tratamentos das doenças crônicas e ao grupo de idosos organizado pelo CRAS. Conclui-se que apesar das limitações, os idosos podem redescobrir possibilidades de viver com máxima qualidade e os profissionais de saúde podem contribuir para independência e envelhecimento saudável.


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Durante a gravidez, é importante garantir a saúde do binômio mãe e feto, para isso quanto mais precoce for confirmado a gravidez deve ser iniciado o acompanhamento, pré-natal. Após o parto, é mantido o acompanhamento da mãe, período esse chamado de puerpério. O puerpério vai desde a dequitação da placenta até o momento que os órgãos da mãe retornam para o seu período prégravídico. Este trabalho tem por objetivo melhorar a assistência pré-natal e puerpério na UBS dos Guarapes, Natal/RN. Trabalhamos da seguinte forma: visita as puérperas tanto pela enfermeira quanto pela médica, ACS e técnica de enfermagem. O atendimento das grávidas tanto pela médica quanto pela enfermeira. Na assistência pré-natal foram solicitados os exames sorológicos, prescrito ácido fólico e sulfato ferroso, aferição de pressão, medição da altura uterina e pesagem. As gestantes receberam orientações através de palestras sobre importância do prénatal, aleitamento materno, higienização e saúde bucal, parto e puerpério, doenças sexuais. No puerpério fizemos as visitas domiciliares para acompanhar a recuperação das puérperas, orientar sobre os cuidados com o recém-nascido e lembrar a consulta de 42 dias pós-parto. Foram realizados os exames das mamas, ginecológico e do abdômen nas puérperas. Os problemas enfrentados na UBS foram a falta de água e materiais que impossibilitaram a realização do exame de citopatologia oncótica e o tratamento odontológico adequado na unidade. Os resultados que tivemos com a intervenção foi uma maior capacitação dos profissionais trabalhando em equipe e compartilhando conhecimento de forma multidisciplinar. No terceiro mês do projeto, foi observado um maior numero de grávidas que iniciaram o pré-natal no primeiro trimestres; todas as grávidas passaram pelo menos na primeira consulta com o dentista. O índice de faltosas foram zero. A intervenção também contribuiu para aproximar a comunidade da UBS, as grávidas se sentiam a vontade para tirar suas dúvidas, participar das palestras e não faltaram as consultas. A ficha espelho anexada ao prontuário, as palestras semanais foram incorporadas a rotina da unidade.


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Sabe-se que a Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica é uma das doenças de maior prevalência na população. No Brasil, a Sociedade Brasileira de Hipertensão (SBH) estima que haja 30 milhões de hipertensos, cerca de 30% da população adulta. Entre as pessoas com mais de 60 anos, mais de 60% têm hipertensão. No mundo, são 600 milhões de hipertensos, segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS). Já que HAS E DM estão intimamente relacionadas nada mais justo do que fazer um foco de intervenção que melhore a resolutividade nas duas patologias. A ação promovida teve por foco na Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS) e a Diabetes Mellitus (DM), visto o grande número de pacientes acometidos por essas patologias na Unidade Básica de Saúde do bairro Guarapes, localizado no município de Natal-RN. Tal projeto teve por objeto maior conscientizar, informar e orientar a população a cerca dessas duas enfermidades, uma vez que, a grande maioria dos usuários desconhece os verdadeiros perigos a que estão expostos pela falta de controle dessas doenças. Ao longo das semanas voltadas à intervenção, obtivemos uma média progressiva de participantes porém abaixo do previsto. Ao ser dada continuidade em tais ações, certamente um número mais expressivo de cadastros será realizado ao longo do ano corrente.


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A Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica e o Diabetes mellitus são doenças de alta prevalência no Brasil e no mundo, justificando a implantação de estratégias de prevenção e de tratamento destas patologias na atenção primária à saúde. O presente estudo teve por objetivo melhorar a atenção aos adultos portadores de Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica e/ou Diabetes mellitus da Unidade de Saúde do Guarapes, no município de Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. As atividades foram desenvolvidas no período de dezembro de 2013 a fevereiro de 2014, contemplando 12 semanas de intervenção e teve como objetivos específicos ampliar a cobertura a hipertensos e/ou diabéticos; melhorar a adesão do hipertenso e/ou diabético ao programa; melhorar a qualidade do atendimento ao usuário hipertenso e/ou diabético realizado na unidade de saúde; melhorar o registro das informações; mapear hipertensos e diabéticos de risco para doença cardiovascular e; promoção da saúde. As atividades contemplaram quatro eixos de atuação: organização e gestão do serviço, monitoramento e avaliação, qualificação da prática clínica e engajamento público. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se a ficha-espelho disponibilizada pelo curso de especialização em saúde da família, a qual era preenchida e atualizada sempre que os usuários compareciam a unidade. Posteriormente, estas informações eram digitadas na planilha de coleta de dados, permitindo fazer a avaliação do andamento da intervenção e dos indicadores. A intervenção faz parte das atividades previstas no projeto intitulado “Qualificação das ações programáticas na atenção básica em saúde”, obtendo parecer de aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Pelotas, sob número 15/12. Ao longo das 12 semanas de intervenção, foi possível cadastrar 30,2% (127) dos hipertensos e 17,6% (42) dos diabéticos da área. Destes, 100% dos usuários (56) hipertensos e (19) diabéticos faltosos às consultas receberam busca ativa; 98,4% (125) dos hipertensos e 100% dos diabéticos tiveram o exame clínico apropriado; 98,4% (125) dos hipertensos e 100% dos diabéticos tiveram seus exames complementares em dia; 100% dos hipertensos e diabéticos tiveram prescrição de medicamentos da farmácia popular e seus registros adequados na ficha de acompanhamento; 99,2% (126) dos hipertensos e 100% dos diabéticos foram submetidos à estratificação do risco cardiovascular; 63,8% (81) dos hipertensos e 69% (29) dos diabéticos tiveram avaliação odontológica. Ainda, 100% dos hipertensos e diabéticos cadastrados receberam orientações sobre alimentação saudável, prática de atividade física e riscos do tabagismo. Por fim, é importante destacar que a intervenção proposta possibilitou melhorar a qualidade da atenção aos hipertensos e diabéticos da unidade de saúde do Guarapes.


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The study is about youthful subjectivities in quarters, of the West Zone of Natal-RN, marked for lacks and contingencies that constitute the everyday life of the social existence of its young inhabitants. For this purpose the researchers selected two youth groups: the Association of Youths Constructing Dreams (in the quarter of Felipe Camarão) and Lelo Melodia Crew (Quarter of Guarapes). Both are articulated through the strategy of coalition in regional and national nets. The hypothesis is that inside the groups and nets new youthful citizens arises. That would be a change in the representation of poor youth: from 1980 s street children - young whose social stigma associated poverty and crime to late 1990 s kids of project (pointing their trajectory in social projects) or, in present days, called as young peripherals - for the enrollment in cultural movements, as the hip hop movement - These new young citizens are contributing to new social imagery significations on poor youths. The methodology encloses: a) focal group; b) participant research analyzing the making arts (ways to think, social daily practices, actions engaged in a diversity plans) of youth groups; c) life stories of some of the youngs produced in workshops; d) not structuralized interviews. d) several documents of the groups; e) local and national surveys. Results emphasize a feeling of opening to a project of autonomy in relation to a social system that leaves them in a situation of social precariousness. Conclusion remarks that such practices of the youthful groups through the art, leisure, sport and culture unfold politics effect so that can point innovative forms of politics participation on the part of this specific segment of poor youths of Brasilian country, although conflicts and paradoxes crosses individual citizens, youth groups and youth nets.


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This report has as its objective the setting up of a social cartography, mapping and characterizing non-governmental organizations working with adolescents and young people (OSC) in the western districts of the city of Natal. Characteristics such as the profile, themes and principal activities, how the organizations fit into the public sector and their participation in social networks are observed. Thus common differences and similarities which serve as a means of indentification, take as reference the symbolic cartography of Boaventura of Sousa Santos. Since there are relatively few studies relating to civil society of Rio Grande do Norte and in particular, Natal, the starting point was the setting up of a database allowing for a general overview. Hence a panorama of the organizations could be observed: where they are located, when they were formed how they operate and their relationships with other sectors (the state, the market and civil society) in addition to basic facts and location. The principal lines of enquiry were a) the OSC which operate with the public comprising adolescents and young people and b) the OSC operating or having branches in four suburbs on the periphery of the western administrative region of the city (Felipe Camarão, Bom Pastor, Cidade Nova and Guararapes).The present report has identified the impacts of ongoing social transformation caused by the process of globalization ,by the various currently contested political projects which are as follows: the project of neoliberal globalized capitalism(hegemonic)and the project of social emancipation (contra-hegemonic),how these are seen from the local viewpoint and how they influence the profiles and operation of the cartographic organizations. The area of the OSC is a heterogenous one with political, cultural and ideological strains, characterized by its infiltration, its local/global and multicultural dimensions. As civil organizations are fundamental in the processes of transformation within society, and following the idea of social emancipation referred to by Boaventura Santos, the enquiry classified the organizations according to the afore-mentioned characteristics, establishing eight types of associations. These different types and their respective characteristics were analysed from a related perspective using the mechanisms of symbolic cartography: scale, projection and symbolisation. The theoretical references underpinning this research arise from the debate on civil society which becomes redefined as a result of the dispute involving the two afore-mentioned political projects. These demand the theoretical application of the comprehension of heterogeneity in its diversity and complexity together with the idea of social emancipation.The main authors consulted were Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Antonio Gramsci, through the texts translated by Marco Aurelio Nogueira; Carlos Nelson Coutinho and Alberto Rivera ,who supported the construction of the types of associations identified by the local reality.Finally this research enabled an understanding of the current form of social action happening in the Space of the Four Neighbourhoods (Espaço dos 4 Bairros) and how the distinct profiles analysed together with the ares of operation of the organizations define their emancipatory potencials within the following two poles: regulation/adaptation and emancipation/transformation


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Ce travail est une contribution aux études anthropologiques conduites sur la sexualité et le corps dans les classes populaires. Il cherche à analyser le processus de construction des représentations du corps ainsi que sa relation avec la sexualité et le genre, à partir d une approche de la construction sociale. En ce sens, la ligne directrice de cette discussion est d une part le concept de corps compris comme une construction socioculturelle propre à chaque société, d autre part les différents usages et représentations dont chaque classe sociale investit le corps. A cette fin, une recherche de caractère ethnographique a été réalisée auprès d adolescents âgés de treize à dix-sept ans, résidents d un quartier populaire de Natal (Brésil), le Guarapes. Conduit d avril 2005 à juillet 2006, ce travail de terrain a mêlé observation directe et entretiens avec des adolescents des deux sexes


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En el barrio de Guarapes, al oeste de Natal, RN, un grupo de jóvenes se organizó para buscar de paz en su vecindario. Encontraron en la cultura hip hop una forma de contar sus historias y trabajar en el fortalecimiento de su propio lugar. Formaron la Posse de Hip Hop Lelo Melodia (PH2LM) y hace cerca de dos años, instalaron la "Bodega Digital", una especie de telecentro que ofrecía acceso a computadoras e Internet, donde pudieron producir una gran cantidad de música, además del primer video del grupo musical, que está en el aire a través de la Internet. En un suburbio, los procesos de mediatización de la sociedad pueden adquirir su propia dinámica y seguir movimientos que van más allá de las barreras impuestas por el proceso contradictorio de la globalización. En esta investigación, se buscó establecer relaciones entre la acción político-cultural de los jóvenes de la Posse y su participación en los medios de comunicación, especialmente en la Internet. Al observar al grupo y en entrevistas episódicas con sus miembros, trazamos un mapa e interpretamos los movimientos de los jóvenes hacia el ciberespacio y en sentido inverso, cómo traen a la calle lo que conquistan allí. Hemos encontrado que, a pesar de todos los obstáculos, estos jóvenes encuentran vacíos y los aprovechan para asegurar su acceso a los medios de comunicación y su participación en el ciberespacio.


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This study is conducted in the estuary of the rivers Jundiaí and Potengi, one of the most important estuaries of Rio Grande do Norte, which suffers a strong anthropogenic influence from neighboring cities. According to Resolution 344/2005 environments that have high concentrations of metals such as arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury need ecotoxicological tests. This study aims to evaluate the heavy metals contamination in the estuary through analysis of sediment collected at four points distributed from Macaíba to Natal city, and in the crab Uçá, Ucides cordatus. The study aims also to evaluate the effects of sediment toxicity in the tests organisms Leptocheirus plumulosus. To obtain data about the concentrations of heavy metals in the environment, sediments were collected in January and May 2011 and crab Uçá was collected in June 2011. On the other hand the monitoring was carried out through toxicological tests with sediment collected from July to October 2011. During the collection of sediment samples the physico-chemical parameters of water (dissolved oxygen, pH, chloride, turbidity, conductivity and temperature) were measured by using multi-parametric probe (TROLL 9500). It was possible to identify contamination by metals such as lead, cadmium, arsenic and copper both in the sediment and in the Uçá crab, which characterizes that the consumption of this crustacean may be a risk to human health. Once the concentrations of metals were identified, toxicology tests were performed and revealed toxic effect to organisms in at least one of the four months studied. Point 2 was classified as toxic in three of the four months studied . The heavy metal contamination is a risk to the environment, to aquatic organisms and to the community which survives of resources taken from the environment


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On the health area, care is seen as an important concept for professionals. Recently there is a trend, the epistemological point of view, to think carefully as category allowing discuss and re (thinking) practices of humane health care. The objective of this study is to investigate the understanding of care in nursing staff in a Basic Health Unit (BHU) in the city of Natal. The participants were two nurses and two nursing technicians working on the BHU of Guarapes district, located on the west side of Natal - RN. As Theoretical support for data interpretation, was used the concept of care taking, using Heidegger’s theories as reference, through Ayre’s ideas. This is a qualitative research using autobiographical as a methodology. The methodological strategy approach used were focus group and individual interviews. The data were discussed by three angles: knowledge (concepts and theories behind the practical model), technical (the way to do), and ethics (values that bases practices) by hermeneutics Gadamer's dialectic. The results showed the necessity to expand the discussion on care, in practice the understanding of care seems to get narrower concerns with technical success by professionals. The care, as a meeting between beings, the desired humanized care, seems to be understood in parts in theory, but also distances itself from reality in professional practice.


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This thesis relates to issues present in the hip hop movement. Thus it includes youngsters grouped in different levels such as local, regional and national. The research deals with this broad segment. The analysis is made on those called “peripheral youth” It encompasses the juvenile segment, that is committed to a movement defined by these youngsters and activists, the so called “hip hop movement”. The research aims to analyze poetics present in rap, considered as an expression of resistance and inventiveness. The analysis was of micro politic nature and it dealt with the “peripheral scenario” present in hip hop Lelo Melodia in the Guarapes neighborhood in Natal-Rio Grande do Norte-Brazil. In this community, the group in known for their resistance attitude. The group´s opinion is not of opposition or force but it is seen in the sense of reinventing life that is currently attached to the persisting social inequality condition. In these terms, the research also deals with this committed poetic rap understood here as expressions towards resistance and inventiveness that is produced by these youth groups that belong to this hip hop movement. The focal group was the Lelo Melodia Group of the Posse de Hip Hop in the Guarapes neighborhood in Natal/Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil.


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Population aging is a global demographic trend. This process is a reality that merits attention and importance in recent years, and cause considerable impact in terms of greater demands on the health sector, social security and special care and attention from families and society as a whole. Thus, in the context of addressing the consequences of demographic transition, population aging is characterized as a major challenge for Brazilian society. Therefore, this study was conducted in two main objectives. In the first article, variables of socioeconomic and demographic contexts were employed to identify multidimensional profiles of elderly residents in the Northeast capitals, from specific indicators from the 2010 Census information Therefore, we used the Grade of Membership Method (GoM), whose design profiles admits that an individual belongs to different degrees of relevance to multiple profiles in order to identify socioeconomic and demographic factors associated with living conditions of the elderly in the Northeastern capitals. The second article examined the possible relationship between mortality from chronic diseases and socio-economic indicators in the elderly population, of the 137 districts in Natal, broken down by ten-year age groups (60 to 69 years, 70-79 years and 80 and over. The microdata from the Mortality Information System (SIM), was used, provided by the Health Secretariat of Christmas, and population information came from the Population Census 2010. The method refers to the Global and Local Index neighborhood logic (LISA) Moran, whose spatial distribution from the choropleth maps allowed us to analyze the mortality of the elderly by neighborhoods, according to socioeconomic and demographic indicators, according to the presence of special significance. In the first article, the results show the identification of three extreme profiles. The Profile 1 which is characterized by median socioeconomic status and contributes 35.5% of elderly residents in the area considered. The profile 2 which brings together seniors with low socioeconomic status characteristics, with a percentage of 24.8% of cases. And the Profile 3 composing elderly with features that reveal better socioeconomic conditions, about 29.7% of the elderly. Overall, the results point to poor living conditions represented by the definition of these profiles, mainly expressed by the results observed in more than half of the northeastern elderly experience a situation of social vulnerability given the large percentage that makes up the Profile 1 and Profile 2, adding 60% of the elderly. In the second article, the results show a higher proportion of elderly concentrated in the neighborhoods of higher socioeconomic status, such as Petrópolis and LagoaSeca. Mortality rates, according to the causes of death and standardized by the empirical Bayesian method were distributed locally as follows: Neoplasms (Reis Santos, New Discovery, New Town, Grass Soft and Ponta Negra); Hypertensive diseases (Blue Lagoon, Potengi, Redinha, Reis Santos, Riverside, Lagoa Nova, Grass Soft, Neópolis and Ponta Negra); Acute Myocardial Infarction (Northeast, Guarapes and grass Soft); Cerebrovascular diseases (Petrópolis and Mother Luiza); Pneumonia (Ribeira, Praia do Meio, New Discovery, Grass Soft and Ponta Negra); Chronic Diseases of the Lower Way Airlines (Igapó, Northeast and Thursdays). The present findings at work may contribute to other studies on the subject and development of specific policies for the elderly.