974 resultados para Grammar teaching
Recurso para enseñar gramática por medio de canciones, y adecuado para estudiantes de primaria en los niveles elemental e intermedio. Contiene dieciocho canciones, cada una con un enfoque específico de gramática. Cada unidad incluye notas para el profesor con sugerencias para utilizar el material, gramática y juego, y partitura de las canciones. El material también puede ser utilizado con adultos. Las canciones del cd-audio tienen variedad de estilos musicales: glosario de música pop; karaoke alternativo o versión lenta para cada canción; cancionero con letras y acordes. Incluye hojas fotocopiables e instrucciones y consejos para los profesores.
Grammar has always been an important part of language learning. Based on various theories, such as the universal grammar theory (Chomsky, 1959) and, the input theory (Krashen, 1970), the explicit and implicit teaching methods have been developed. Research shows that both methods may have some benefits and disadvantages. The attitude towards English grammar teaching methods in schools has also changed and nowadays grammar teaching methods and learning strategies, as a part of language mastery, are one of the discussion topics among linguists. This study focuses on teacher and learner experiences and beliefs about teaching English grammar and difficulties learners may face. The aim of the study is to conduct a literature review and to find out what scientific knowledge exists concerning the previously named topics. Along with this, the relevant steering documents are investigated focusing on grammar teaching at Swedish upper secondary schools. The universal grammar theory of Chomsky as well as Krashen’s input hypotheses provide the theoretical background for the current study. The study has been conducted applying qualitative and quantitative methods. The systematic search in four databases LIBRIS, ERIK, LLBA and Google Scholar were used for collecting relevant publications. The result shows that scientists’ publications name different grammar areas that are perceived as problematic for learners all over the world. The most common explanation of these difficulties is the influence of learner L1. Research presents teachers’ and learners’ beliefs to the benefits of grammar teaching methods. An effective combination of teaching methods needs to be done to fit learners’ expectations and individual needs. Together, they will contribute to the achieving of higher language proficiency levels and, therefore, they can be successfully applied at Swedish upper secondary schools.
Form-focused instruction is usually based on traditional practical/pedagogical grammar descriptions of grammatical features. The comparison of such traditional accounts with cognitive grammar (CG) descriptions seems to favor CG as a basis of pedagogical rules. This is due to the insistence of CG on the meaningfulness of grammar and its detailed analyses of the meanings of particular grammatical features. The differences between traditional and CG rules/descriptions are exemplified by juxtaposing the two kinds of principles concerning the use of the present simple and present progressive to refer to situations happening or existing at speech time. The descriptions provided the bases for the instructional treatment in a quasi-experimental study exploring the effectiveness of using CG descriptions of the two tenses, and of their interplay with stative (imperfective) and dynamic (perfective) verbs, and comparing this effectiveness with the value of grammar teaching relying on traditional accounts found in standard pedagogical grammars. The study involved 50 participants divided into three groups, with one of them constituting the control group and the other two being experimental ones. One of the latter received treatment based on CG descriptions and the other on traditional accounts. CG-based instruction was found to be at least moderately effective in terms of fostering mostly explicit grammatical knowledge and its effectiveness turned out be comparable to that of teaching based on traditional descriptions.
This text presents the interlocution that literacy teachers maintain with didactic textbook and traditional/normative grammar, and how these books become constitutive elements – the Others – of these teachers and theirs mother tongue teaching practices. The analysis focuses on teachers statements/enunciation and is based on Bakhtin's circle concepts, especially in the categories of statement/enunciation, dialogism and otherness. The cited elements appears updated in teachers enunciations and signalize a permanent tom in their practices, as a result of the cultural tradition in grammar teaching and the legitimate use of the didactic textbook
This paper examines the beliefs and practices about the integration of grammar and skills teaching reported by 176 English language teachers from 18 countries. Teachers completed a questionnaire which elicited beliefs about grammar teaching generally as well as specific beliefs and reported practices about the integration of grammar and skills teaching. Teachers expressed strong beliefs in the need to avoid teaching grammar in isolation and reported high levels of integration of grammar in their practices. This study also examines how teachers conceptualize integration and the sources of evidence they draw on in assessing the effectiveness of their instructional practices in teaching grammar. The major findings for this paper stem from an analysis of these two issues. A range of ways in which teachers understood integration are identified and classified into two broad orientations which we label temporal and contextual. An analysis of the evidence which teachers cited in making judgements about the effectiveness of their grammar teaching practices showed that it was overwhelmingly practical and experiential and did not refer in any explicit way to second language acquisition theory. Given the volume of available theory about L2 grammar teaching generally and integration specifically, the lack of direct reference to such evidence in teachers’ accounts is noteworthy.
As we come to celebrate the twentieth year of ALEA’s practically orientated journal, we offer teacherly reflections on grammar’s journey, both in terms of content and pedagogical practice. Having both been educated in Queensland across a comparable time period, our teaching careers have been influenced by similar curricula and policy documents. It is perhaps not surprising that our careers have taken similar, even intersecting, paths. Through metalogue (written conversation), our individual and common experiences are revealed which may resonate with the experiences of some readers or, in contrast, serve to explain why readers’ experiences may be somewhat different. Yet, it is hoped that our exchange may generate fertile professional discussions about the affordances and challenges of grammar teaching and learning to successfully negotiate the journey ahead.
Esta tese desenvolve estudo do ensino de Redação com análise de textos discentes, cujo marco regulatório para a produção das aulas são as Competências e Habilidades inscritas nos PCN. Objetiva-se a correção de redações por meio digital que (1) identifica os problemas do texto produzido pelo redator, (2) fornece instruções para correção do problema apontado, (3) propõe retextualização para nova correção e (4) utiliza os desvios apontados como orientadores das aulas de Gramática. O trabalho final tem por objetivo principal ensinar a redigir no registro padrão por meio da correção comentada de textos produzidos por clientes, que podem ser alunos ou não, uma vez que o trabalho ocorre pela Internet (à distância), com ferramentas do MS Word. A instrução gramatical incidente sobre problemas detectados no texto é subsidiada por instruções semióticas de cunho didático-pedagógico. Testado em turmas regulares do Ensino Médio, em Cursos Preparatórios para processos seletivos, este projeto constatou sua eficácia, pois os redatores (1) compreenderam o quê e por que erraram, (2) assimilaram os mecanismos linguísticos de correção/adequação e (3) praticaram a substituição de estruturas, orientados por princípios da Teoria da Iconicidade Verbal (SIMÕES, [1994], 2009). Assim, os sujeitos foram-se apropriando das regras de estruturação da língua, por meio das quais se tornou possível a produção de textos eficientes, adequados à situação de comunicação. Paralelamente foram-se formando leitores críticos. A negociação de textos, a técnica de correção digital, mediada pela Internet e por isso realizada à distância (mesmo quando combinada com aulas presenciais)e a forma da instrução semiótico-gramatical é o que se pretende demonstrar nesta tese
Wydział Neofilologii: Instytut Filologii Angielskiej
Notre recherche doctorale vise à décrire les effets d’un cercle pédagogique sur les pratiques pédagogiques et didactiques d’enseignants du 3e cycle du primaire en grammaire actuelle. Ce projet s’inscrit dans une recherche plus large intitulée « Étude des effets, sur les pratiques pédagogiques des enseignants et la compétence à écrire des élèves, d’un dispositif de formation à la grammaire nouvelle qui intègre des exemples de pratiques sur vidéo et permet un partage d'expertise ». Elle vise à éclairer les conditions d’efficacité d’une formation continue sur différentes dimensions du développement professionnel au regard de la formation elle-même et de son effet sur le transfert des pratiques en classe. Pour y parvenir, nous avons analysé les échanges provenant des cercles pédagogiques vécus durant une année scolaire. Nous avons également analysé deux activités de grammaire, avant et après la formation en grammaire offerte sous forme de capsules. Ces observations en classe ont été captées sur vidéo, dans la classe de 18 enseignants participant à notre expérimentation. Nous avons enfin analysé les réponses des participants à un questionnaire sur leur perception à l’égard du dispositif de formation auquel ils ont participé pendant neuf mois. Nos analyses montrent qu’un dispositif de formation à la grammaire actuelle qui met au cœur de la formation l’analyse d’exemples de pratiques sur vidéo soutient le développement du regard professionnel des enseignants dans le contexte du cercle. Ceux-ci observent plus d’interactions et les interprètent mieux, de manière plus approfondie. Nos observations ont également montré que les enseignants développent majoritairement des pratiques dans leur classe, qu’ils développent de nouveaux savoirs en lien avec le cadre théorique de la nouvelle grammaire et qu’ils modifient la vision qu’ils ont de la grammaire actuelle au fil des rencontres. Cette recherche peut enrichir les connaissances scientifiques sur le développement professionnel et influencer les formateurs d’enseignants de même que les cadres des milieux scolaires pour ajuster l’offre de formation continue afin de la rendre plus efficace.
L’enseignement de la distinction entre le passé composé et l’imparfait en français langue seconde
La présente recherche vise à décrire et comprendre l’enseignement de la distinction entre le passé composé et l’imparfait à partir des connaissances et conceptions des enseignants ainsi qu’à partir de leur matériel didactique. La distinction aspectuelle, plus précisément celle qui concerne le perfectif et l’imperfectif, est une difficulté qui concerne plusieurs langues. La recherche antérieure s’est beaucoup intéressée à cette question, permettant de comprendre les raisons de cette difficulté qui se fonde sur l’hypothèse de l’aspect. À partir de cette hypothèse, les difficultés concernant la distinction entre le passé composé et l’imparfait s’éclaircissent, permettant d’ajuster les explications et la transposition didactique. Or, la recherche antérieure considère que les manuels didactiques fournissent aux apprenants et aux enseignants des explications qui ne permettent pas une réelle compréhension de la distinction entre le passé composé et l’imparfait. La présente recherche cherche à vérifier ces hypothèses. À partir d’entrevues réalisées auprès de neuf enseignants de français langue seconde, les résultats montrent qu’effectivement, les enseignants s’inspirent des manuels didactiques pour expliquer et transposer la distinction entre le passé composé et l’imparfait. De plus, à partir du matériel didactique fourni par les mêmes enseignants, les résultats montrent que malgré une connaissance de la difficulté d’emploi du passé composé et de l’imparfait, les exercices ne sont pas adaptés aux difficultés des étudiants. Enfin, la présente recherche démontre la prédominance de l’intrant typique par rapport à l’intrant atypique.
This work analyzes the behavior of the adversative connectors in the speech of the user of Natal, with views to suggest implications for the grammar teaching in the high school Portuguese languages classes. It is an investigation that sits on the functionalist paradigm, specifically in the protected ideas for Givón. For so much, data of situations of speech from the corpus Discurso e gramática lingual falada e escrita da cidade do Natal (FURTADO DA CUNHA, 1998). The sample embraces a total of forty interviews, of which the occurrences are cut out whose registrations mark the existence of adversatives constructions in narratives of personal experience and in the opinion reports, modality of oral language, of the mentioned database. The work revisits authors of the grammar, Cunha (1986); Bechara (2006); Perini (2006), among others; authors that contemplate referring approaches to the use of opposition connectors as: Barreto (1999); Tavares (2003); Longhin (2003); Silva (2005); Rocha (2006); Neves (2000, 2006). The results of the panoramic analysis reveal as adversity connectors in use for the habitant of Natal, for recurrence order, the mas, e, aí, agora, só que, no entanto and já. Analyzed the results, the same ones are compared with the treatment presented by the traditional grammar, with application of functional iconicity principle, markdness principle and the prototype of the category is chosen. In the differentiated analysis of the item " agora ", structural profile of the constructions is analyzed that involve the item, semantic profile, times, manners and aspects of the verbs that they wrap up in the constructions in reference, trajectory of grammaticalization and comparison with the prototype of the category. Finally, they are suggested implications of whole the study for the teaching of Portuguese language, in the high school classes
Focusing on the empirical assessment issue, proposed by Language change theory (cf. cf. WEINREICH; LABOV; HERZOG, 2006; LABOV, [1972] 2008), this research assists to clarifying Portuguese teacher s attitudes in Natal- RN, regarding (a) to proclisis in three specific contexts: in the beginning of a simple/compound sentence (V1), after the subjects (SV), and proclisis after the secondary verb in complex verbal structures (V1V2); (b) to students who use such patterns in usage. Specific contexts were gathered thanks to their representing of the standard variety, as many studies have proven (Martins, 2012; Schei, 2003; Biazzoli, 2010, 2012). The research aims at: (i) verifying by means of a classroom assessment test, whether Portuguese teachers correct proclisis on referred contexts; (ii) identifying, via attitudinal tests what actions teachers take regarding to the usage of standards above mentioned, as well as students as users of those. Twenty Portuguese teachers, picked at random out of different of public schools in Natal-RN, responded to a classroom assessment test in addition to other two attitudinal ones. Results achieved point to a recurring high proclisis correction index of 50% in simple/compound sentences, even though such variety has been implemented to pronominal usage standards in Brazilian Portuguese. This setting of usage was generally assessed negatively, having no commonality between this assessment and the neutral one used by students. Unlike previous setting, the proclisis after subject did not receive any correction of the twenty teachers, what proves coherence with the positive evaluation both the varieties and the students attained. As for the second verb of complex verbal structures, proclisis correction went negative on presenting single results, despite their proximity, with correction indexes of 20% (infinite structures), 10% (present progressive structures) and 25% (participle structures). The assessment on these contexts of proclisis ranged between positive and neutral, also valid for the one students utilized. It means that proclisis in the beginning of simple/compound sentences are yet seemingly spotted in writing school scenario, much likely due to the negative evaluation, opposite to students . Later to subjects and earlier to secondary verbs in structures, proclisis appears to be acknowledged in writing school scenarios, which reflects on teachers assessment as compared to students who use proclisis in these contexts; being in general either positive or neutral
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)