984 resultados para Governance theories
Leading scholars on nonprofit governance have urged that future research be more informed by theory in order to promote more rigorous analysis. The aim of this paper is to survey the major theories on board governance, including those based in the disciplines of economics, management, sociology, psychology, politics, history and theology, in order to respond to this challenge. In addition, the relevance of these theories to a critical set of board behaviors - that is, how boards monitor, judge and influence organizational performance - is examined. Gaps in the theoretical literature are identified, and implications for public policy are explored. We conclude that a multi-theory and multi-disciplinary perspective is needed if research on governance of nonprofit organizations is to be complete in scope, rich in content, and relevant.
In this thesis, I advance the understanding of information technology (IT) governance research and corporate governance research by considering the question “How do boards govern IT?” The importance of IT to business has increased over the last decade, but there has been little academic research which has focused on boards and their role in the governance of IT (Van Grembergen, De Haes and Guldentops, 2004). Most of the research on information technology governance (ITG) has focused on advancing the understanding and measurement of the components of the ITG model (Buckby, Best & Stewart, 2008; Wilkin & Chenhall, 2010), a model recommended by the IT Governance Institute (2003) as ‘best practice’ for boards to use in governing IT. IT governance is considered to be the responsibility of the board and is said to form an important subset of an organisation’s corporate governance processes (Borth & Bradley, 2008). Boards need to govern IT as a result of the large capital investment in IT resources and high dependency on IT by organisations. Van Grembergen, De Haes and Guldentops (2004) and De Haes & Van Grembergen (2009) indicate that corporate governance matters are not able to be effectively discharged unless IT is being governed properly, and call for further specific research on the role of the board in ITG. Researchers also indicate that the link between corporate governance and IT governance has been neglected (Borth & Bradley, 2008; Musson & Jordan, 2005; Bhattacharjya & Chang, 2008). This thesis will address this gap in the ITG literature by providing the bridge between the ITG and corporate governance literatures. My thesis uses a critical realist epistemology and a mixed method approach to gather insights into my research question. In the first phase of my research I develop a survey instrument to assess whether boards consider the components of the ITG model in governing IT. The results of this first study indicated that directors do not conceptualise their role in governing IT using the elements of the ITG model. Thus, I moved to focus on whether prominent corporate governance theories might elucidate how boards govern IT. In the second phase of the research, I used a qualitative inductive case based study to assess whether agency, stewardship and resource dependence theories explain how boards govern IT in Australian universities. As the first in-depth study of university IT governance processes, my research contributes to the ITG research field by revealing that Australian university board governance of IT is characterized by a combination of agency theory and stewardship theory behaviours and processes. The study also identified strong links between a university’s IT structure and evidence of agency and stewardship theories. This link provides insight into the structures element of the emerging enterprise governance of IT framework (Van Grembergen, De Haes & Guldentops, 2004; De Haes & Van Grembergen, 2009; Van Grembergen & De Haes, 2009b; Ko & Fink, 2010). My research makes an important contribution to governance research by identifying a key link between corporate and ITG literatures and providing insight into board IT governance processes. The research conducted in my thesis should encourage future researchers to continue to explore the links between corporate and IT governance research.
Control and governance theories recognize that exchange partners are subject to two general forms of control, the unilateral authority of one firm and bilateral expectations extending from their social bond. In this way, a supplier both exerts unilateral, authority-based controls and is subject to socially-based, bilateral controls as it attempts to manage its brand successfully through reseller channels. Such control is being challenged by suppliers’ growing relative dependence on increasingly dominant resellers in many industries. Yet the impact of supplier relative dependence on the efficacy of control-based governance in the supplier’s channel is not well understood. To address this gap, we specify and test a control model moderated by relative dependence involving the conceptualization and measurement of governance at the level of specific control processes: incenting, monitoring, and enforcing. Our empirical findings show relative dependence undercuts the effectiveness of certain unilateral and bilateral control processes while enhancing the effectiveness of others, largely supporting our dual suppositions that each control process operates through a specialized behavioral mechanism and that these underlying mechanisms are differentially impacted by relative dependence. We offer implications of these findings for managers and identify our contributions to channel theory and research.
Research Question/Issue: Over the last four decades, research on the relationship between boards of directors and strategy has proliferated. Yet to date there is little theoretical and empirical agreement regarding the question of how boards of directors contribute to strategy. This review assesses the extant literature by highlighting emerging trends and identifying several avenues for future research. Research Findings/Results: Using a content-analysis of 150 articles published in 23 management journals up to 2007, we describe and analyze how research on boards of directors and strategy has evolved over time. We illustrate how topics, theories, settings, and sources of data interact and influence insights about board–strategy relationships during three specific periods. Theoretical Implications: Our study illustrates that research on boards of directors and strategy evolved from normative and structural approaches to behavioral and cognitive approaches. Our results encourage future studies to examine the impact of institutional and context-specific factors on the (expected) contribution of boards to strategy, and to apply alternative methods to fully capture the impact of board processes and dynamics on strategy making. Practical Implications: The increasing interest in boards of directors’ contribution to strategy echoes a movement towards more strategic involvement of boards of directors. However, best governance practices and the emphasis on board independence and control may hinder the board contribution to the strategic decision making. Our study invites investors and policy-makers to consider the requirements for an effective strategic task when they nominate board members and develop new regulations.
In Fragen der Schulentwicklung allgemein, aber auch im Zuge der aktuellen Regionalisierungstendenzen im Schul- und Bildungswesen, wird Unterstützungssystemen für die Einzelschule eine wachsende Bedeutung zugeschrieben. Dennoch finden sich bislang erst wenige Arbeiten im Diskurs, die Unterstützungssysteme im Zusammenhang mit Regionalisierungsprozessen beleuchten und robuste Analyseinstrumente vorstellen, mit deren Hilfe Unterstützung im Zusammenhang von Regionalisierung gefasst werden kann. Dieses Desiderat wird im vorliegenden Beitrag aufgegriffen, indem unter anderem auf Grundlage von governance- sowie motivationstheoretischen Überlegungen Kategorien für eine Heuristik erarbeitet werden, die es erlauben, Unterstützungssysteme allgemein und im Kontext von Schul- und Bildungslandschaften entlang verschiedener Dimensionen zu betrachten. Mittels Interviews, die im Rahmen des Projektes ,Schulen im Team – Übergänge gemeinsam gestalten‘ durchgeführt wurden, wird die Heuristik auf den Forschungskontext zu Regionalen Bildungsbüros inhaltsanalytisch angewendet. Erste Befunde weisen darauf hin, dass sich die Heuristik zur Untersuchung von Unterstützungssystemen für einen regionalen Kontext plausibilisieren lässt. (DIPF/Orig.)
L'administration fédérale canadienne et la Commission européenne ont construit, dans le courant des années 2000, deux réseaux de Systèmes d'informations géographiques (SIG) : le Système national d'information forestière au Canada, et l'Infrastructure d'information géographique dans la Communauté européenne. Ces SIG permettent le traitement géographique de données sociales et environnementales ainsi que leur représentation sur des cartes. Nous appréhendons ces deux réseaux de SIG sous l'angle de leur valeur heuristique : leur analyse nous permet d'étudier les configurations institutionnelles dans lesquelles ils ont été développés, c'est-à-dire, dans ces cas précis, ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler la « gouvernance ». Les SIG sont des instruments de mesure et de représentation de certains phénomènes : ils appartiennent à la classe des instruments d'objectivation. En tant qu'instruments d'objectivation, ils nous permettent de discuter deux éléments théoriques de la « gouvernance » : le rapport entre les administrations centrales et les administrations locales ; le rapport entre les administrations étatiques et les organisations non-étatiques. A travers cette discussion, nous montrons d'une part que la réarticulation de paliers de gouvernement différents ne signifie pas, comme cela a pu être écrit, un retrait de l'administration centrale au profit des administrations locales, mais au contraire une manière de contrôler plus étroitement celles-ci. Nous montrons d'autre part que cette renégociation des rapports entre les administrations centrales et locales ne s'accompagne pas, en pratique, d’une renégociation des rapports entre administrations étatiques et organisations non-étatiques. En révélant que les données non-étatiques ne sont pas intégrées dans les réseaux de SIG étatiques, nous relativisons les théories qui voient dans la « gouvernance » un mode de gouvernement ouvert aux organisations non-étatiques. Cela nous conduit à approfondir la piste qui envisage les instruments étatiques d'objectivation comme des moyens d'écarter de l'objectivation des phénomènes sociaux ou naturels les éléments qui contredisent l'action gouvernementale. Cette exégèse politique de deux ensembles de programmes informatiques particuliers – les SIG – nous amène, en conclusion, à proposer de considérer certains programmes informatiques comme des institutions politiques.
This thesis analyzes the governance in public institutions management, taking the Niteroi's Cityzenship Council as the reasearch object. In order to accomplish this goal, this thesis has been split into two parts. The first one introduces the discussion about management, manager's action and administration, differentiating the private approach from the public one. The characteristics of the public service and its models were defined, as they were incorporated in the last decades in parallel with the institutionalism and governance theories. In the second part a description is presented on the Brazilian's politician space construction, with emphasis in the cities and in the functioning of the public institutions according to the reality of the Brazilian's partisan system. The concept of accountability and the relation between repuplican powers were also discussed, followed by a case study. The analyses show the reality of the governance at the chamber of the councilmen of Niteroi in accordance with the methodology chosen to accomplishment the research. The conclusion points out the findings that were obtained during the research.
Decisões são tomadas de diversas formas e em todos os momentos, mas foi o francês Henry Fayol que propôs um modelo estruturado para essa tomada de decisão, definindo o papel dos dirigentes e suas responsabilidades na administração da empresa. No desenvolvimento do trabalho, foram estudados diversos modelos de processo decisório, como o modelo clássico racionalista, o modelo da racionalidade limitada, o modelo político, as coalizões envolvidas no processo, teorias de responsabilidade social corporativa, teorias de governança corporativa, entre outros. À luz destes modelos e baseado na missão da Petrobras, de ser uma empresa segura e rentável, o autor faz uma suposição e enquadra o processo decisório da empresa no modelo clássico racionalista, focado na maximização dos lucros e resultados. Devido ao tamanho da empresa e à diversidade de assuntos para a tomada de decisão, o autor foca seus estudos na área de Abastecimento da Petrobras e analisa o processo de tomada de decisão para o aumento dos preços dos combustíveis, com o objetivo de avaliar a veracidade da sua suposição. A metodologia de pesquisa é baseada em uma pesquisa bibliográfica e investigação documental para avaliar se o modelo de tomada de decisão é realmente racional, ou se existem influências ou fatores externos que levam a um novo modelo de processo decisório. Após comparar o modelo racional com os dados e realizações da empresa, o autor faz uma triangulação de métodos, incluindo uma pesquisa de campo para avaliar a percepção dos gestores e stakeholders sobre o modelo de tomada de decisão da empresa. O autor entrevista 11 funcionários da Petrobras e 10 stakeholders externos com o intuito de coletar percepções sobre o processo decisório da Cia., finalizando com uma análise qualitativa dos dados baseada na técnica de análise de conteúdo. Com os resultados da pesquisa, o autor comprova, por meio de documentos da empresa, que a Diretoria Executiva da Petrobras é a responsável pela aprovação da política de preços da Cia. Dentre os fatores de influência no processo decisório da empresa, a inflação foi a de maior destaque, mostrando o viés político na relação entre o governo e a empresa. A política de preços da Cia. continua sendo de médio e longo prazo, acarretando em prejuízos no curto prazo para a área de Abastecimento da Petrobras. Após alcançar todos os objetivos intermediários do trabalho, o autor conclui que a suposição inicial é falsa e que o processo decisório para o aumento dos preços dos combustíveis na Petrobras se aproxima muito mais dos modelos de racionalidade limitada e político, com enfoque nos stakeholders e na competitividade do que do modelo clássico racionalista.
Governance theories, such as transaction cost economics, argue that systematic deviations from an attribute–governance alignment should influence performance. This article investigates the performance implications of contract specificity for the procurement of information technology products. The authors argue that parties choose a level of contract specificity that economizes on both the ex ante contracting costs and the ex post transaction costs and that deviations between the observed and the predicted levels of contract specificity are an important determinant of these transaction costs. The authors test the hypotheses using a comprehensive archival data set of information technology transactions and employ a two-step estimation procedure. First, they estimate the “predicted” level of contract specificity, which accounts for key transactional attributes. Second, they study the consequences of deviating from this predicted level of contractual specificity. The results provide the first explicit demonstration of the trade-off between ex ante contracting costs and ex post transaction problems and suggest that parties need to economize jointly on these costs when choosing the governance form.
Economic reforms have transformed China into a modern economy - this requires greater emphasis on regulating markets and governing corporations to ensure economic growth continues. Yet, legal reforms are not as straightforward as transplanting Western models; more modification to suit Chinese political land cultural considerations needs to be incorporated. Likewise privatisation of the telecommuications sector does not mean that government influence in the new corporations cease. This is not necessarily negative as long as safeguards are in place. Plainly further reforms to the law and governance will be needed. Given that Confucian philosophy continues to play a central role in Chinese society and values, developing laws and governance practices from Confucian principles will arguably be appropriate for modern China.
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This paper critically evaluates the paradigm, theory, and methodology that dominate research on related party transactions (RPTs). RPTs have been debated in the literature whether they are a facet of conflict of interest between major and minor shareholders or they are normal efficient transactions that help the firms to achieve asset utilization. Literature has been widely interested in studying the association between corporate governance and RPTs especially that according to the agency theory it is assumed that corporate governance as a monitoring tool should impede the negative consequences of RPTs and ensure they are conducted to achieve better asset utilization.