982 resultados para Gestão de estoque


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Analisa o estado atual das técnicas de gestão de estoques do setor de distribuição de bens de consumo no Brasil, estudando as técnicas atualmente consideradas como melhores práticas e realizando uma pesquisa de campo para avaliar o grau de adoção e de obtenção de resultados em uma empresa de distribuição de bens de consumo de grande porte no Brasil.


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O assunto escolhido como tema desta dissertação surgiu em função do fato de trabalharmos há vários anos em empresas que fabricam equipamentos pesados sob encomenda, surgindo a partir daí gosto pelo cargo que vimos desempenhando com relação à área industrial, mais especificamente com o planejamento e controle da produção. Desde o princípio da nossa atuação nesta área sentimos grandes dificuldades de encontrar obras didáticas que oferecessem conceitos aplicáveis na prática, do como realmente os fatos ocorrem e a conclusão que chegamos é que realmente muito poucos autores fazem referência ao planejamento e controle da produção voltados especificamente para produção intermitente sob encomenda. A presente dissertação ~ recomendada para estudantes e profissionais de engenharia, administração de empresas e públicas, ciências contábeis, economia, técnicos, etc.; enfim entendemos que seja útil a todos aqueles que desejam aprofundar seus conhecimentos na difícil tarefa de administrar a produção de empresas produtoras de bens de capital sob encomenda.


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This paper aims to conduct a study to evaluate and measure the possible impact that the unavailability of spare parts can have on customer satisfaction for car dealerships in the post-sales. A theoretical-conceptual review on the subject of satisfaction and loyalty, on the backdrop of the reality of the automobile market, allowed the construction of a research tool dedicated to collect opinions of car owners, to allow an analysis empirical relationship between the availability of parts, repairs or scheduled service possible, and change or stay on the mark on the occasion of change of vehicle. 236 forms were applied to car owners in the city of Natal / RN. The results obtained in this survey allowed the identification of the unavailability of parts as a significant factor, among others, the motivation for the customer to switch brands. Collaterally, we could also conclude that the dynamics of change in marks, whatever its motivation, is reflected in the perceived positions of the different brands as the market share both in strictly quantitative terms and in terms of relative positioning, with significant changes in the ranking of consumer preferences for different brands available


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The deficiency in the product inventory management is common in small businesses, affecting several areas, especially the purchasing department that has difficulty in performing their tasks, acquiring the supplier's products at the time and in the most appropriate amount. Especially in the retail sector, the loss of quality of services is visible, because the availability of the product when there is demand is essential for the occurrence of sales and customer satisfaction. In this study, looking to improve inventory management in a retail company of cleaning products and personal hygiene, apply the classification method ABC (or Pareto Rule) to segment the available products. Thus are adopted buying criteria of new products based on the concepts of economic order quantity, safety stock and resupply point. The results show the feasibility of this procedure adopted because it was possible to propose an improved inventory management in a simple and effective way, contributing to company's competitive advantage


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Este estudo investiga as diferenças na maneira como gestores administram o capital de giro nas micro e pequenas empresas. As contribuições derivadas deste estudo ampliam a literatura financeira de curto prazo em MPEs no sentido de se compreender como os itens relacionados ao construto de capital de giro se comportam numa economia emergente, com fricções de mercado severas e mutáveis e com nível de desenvolvimento financeiro distinto. Os diferentes estilos de gestão podem ocorrer em razão do impacto do desenvolvimento e profundidade do mercado financeiro e do acesso e da oferta de trade credit. Os fatores determinantes desses estilos de condução da gestão do capital de giro em micro e pequenas empresas (MPEs) são identificados e, explicados, à luz dos fundamentos das teorias de crescimento das firmas por estágios, da visão baseada em recursos, de crédito comercial, de agência e de custos de transação. Esta é uma pesquisa mista com investigação cross-section, em três etapas. Ela foi composta por um survey e por entrevistas. Os dados obtidos por meio de um survey com dirigentes de 447 MPEs dos estados de Minas Gerais e São Paulo foram analisados por técnicas multivariadas, tendo sido identificados quatro “estilos” de gestão de capital de giro, que podem ser explicados por variáveis como idade, tamanho e lucratividade da firma e as entrevistas pela análise de conteúdo. A base de dados foi tratada com técnicas multivariadas e modelagem com equações estruturais. Os resultados sugerem que dirigentes brasileiros são mais propensos a adotar controle financeiro que os dirigentes britânicos e que gestão de crédito afeta positivamente a gestão de estoque quando mediada por fundos internos. Os resultados foram comparados aos obtidos por pesquisa similar realizada com empresas do Reino Unido (Howorth e Westhead, 2003), e a evidência mostra diferenças importantes: 1) as empresas brasileiras revisam a maioria das rotinas de capital de giro com maior frequência que as britânicas; 2) as MPEs brasileiras ofertam e demandam menos crédito comercial que as britânicas. Essas diferenças podem ser explicadas, pelo menos em parte, pelo maior custo do financiamento bancário das firmas brasileiras em comparação às britânicas.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de aplicação de uma metodologia de lógica fuzzy à gestão de estoques de uma instituição pública da administração federal, localizada em Manaus-AM. Inicialmente, é realizada uma revisão da literatura sobre logística e gestão de suprimentos. Em seguida, são abordados assuntos relativos à gestão de estoques. Após isto, são discutidos tópicos referentes à Lógica Fuzzy. A metodologia proposta possibilitará um melhor controle do estoque, uma vez que serão substituídos os tradicionais métodos quantitativos de gerenciamento de estoques. Os dados utilizados foram coletados diretamente do almoxarifado da instituição em estudo, e referem-se à movimentação de estoque de um determinado item, durante o ano de 2009. A utilização da lógica fuzzy tem despertado, cada vez mais, a atenção de pesquisadores de diversas áreas do conhecimento, sendo, porém, que o grande desafio que se coloca aos mesmos é a modelagem dos dados coletados, em virtude do apoio computacional necessário a sua aplicação. A interação com os valores observados, operados pelas regras da lógica fuzzy permite um melhor controle das ações de um almoxarifado, tais como atendimento, reposição e licitação, uma vez que lida com situações de incerteza e subjetividade. A metodologia desenvolvida mostra-se apta a indicar de uma forma melhor a realização das citadas ações, sendo capaz de operacionalizar de forma automatizada o controle e o gerenciamento do estoque.


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Many small businesses suffer from a lack of control of goods stored. This lack of control affects other areas of the company as purchase, that can’t buy material in an advanced and accurated way. It also affects services provided by the company, especially when it is a store because for sell something it is necessary to have the material in the right time. Futhermore, the business isn’t able to identify obsolete items in stock, theft and vandalism, loss or damage to materials. All of these disorders can be converted into financial losses that make much difference to a small business that needs to remain competitive in the market facing the giants while generating a profit that allows it to invest in their growth. Therefore, any unnecessary expense is exceedingly harmful and any savings already differentiates it from other companies of similar size. This study deals with the application of production engineering tools as 5S, kanban and layout in a building materials retail to tackle problems that prevent this company to have a stock organized and accurated. Finally, we recorded gains that the company reached with the implementation of part of the solution proposed


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Due to the need of more agility, dynamism and reliability in stock management, the market has turned its attention to RFID, which offers a practical solution and live up to the big corporations' expectations. The search for continuous improvement establishes a direct link with RFID, for its technology offers accurate real time information in any monitored given place. RFID is a radio frequency communication technology. A reader communicates to a tag through waves. This tag can be active, with a battery, or passive, in which its power is supplied by currents induced by the field variation it is exposed to. The RFID technology has a well defined basic principle, but there are many constructive ways of implementing it. The adaptability as well as the flexibility regard to the several kinds of stock in industry, reaching their particular needs. RFID can lower maintenance costs in stock by collecting data more accurately, lowering human error and optimizing the item handling at its reception, exit and while it is inside the company. This paper presents an example of RFID technology applied in a company's stock management. It is possible to prove that there are, in fact, great advantages in implementing this technology, as it creates the opportunity for continuous improvement in stock management, with better application of material, labour and quality tools, since the data collected through an automatized process using RFID are more reliable and dynamic


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Accuracy in physical inventory process is essential to develop anefficient inventorycontrol. This ensures the availability of products and ensure that the information contained in the information systems areinaccordancewith the reality of inventories. The inventory management policies of the company aim ofthis study established that all the materials in their inventory must becounted, which is proving a challenge. Therefore, the aim of thiswork is to identify the critical inventories and analyze them, seeking flaws and possible improvements in the inventory count process. For this, we used the tools of quality management, such as Pareto and Cause and Effect Diagrams in an action research. The results show that the stocks of finished products are critical in volume and can be hampered by a lack of training and personnel trained in performing the process, as well as limitations in ERP used. With the actions taken against these problems, we could notice an improvement in the process, because the data collection and processing of data has become easier, besides the occurrence of errors decreased. In addition, there was an acceleration in meeting targets compared to the previous period


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The pursuit of competitive advantage is lobbying organizations to strategically plan the use of their material, human, technological and financial resources, so that it s possible to add value to the product, even when it is considered a commodity. The scenario for this planning should not be limited to the company in question, but cover an entire supply chain, which is composed of several organizations which have common goals of growth and sustainability of the market. They should form trade links, integrating the chains of individual values, in a perspective of value system. In this supply chain there is a flow of services, payments and information, as products well as. The training of these links can be supported by the adoption of a set of information technology, here called solutions business-to-business (B2B), which will be responsible for the production, storage and distribution of relevant information to business transactions between the companies involved. On this view, this thesis aims to describe the B2B solutions adopted in the downstream segment of the supply chain of a distributor of fuel and the nature of these technologies as well as their impact on the creation of value for business and optimization of the relationship between companies. This is a case study on a national distributor of fuels, from a model of research produced under the influence of theories of integrated logistics system and value of Michael Porter. The analyses came to the conclusion that information technology is perceived as an essential tool to the operation of all activities carried out by the company. Among them, at was also brought the key activities of integrated logistics: administration of applications, inventory management, management transport and customer services, which were highlighted in this study. It was also noticed that even these activities are, in principle, purely operational; they all had in the adoption of strategies for leadership in cost or differentiation, supported by B2B solutions identified, making it more conducive to business and direct customer, the clinic reseller of fuel, to obtain value and benefits of this market segment as competitive


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This work searches to offer a model to improve spare parts stock management for companies of urban passenger transport by bus, with the consequent progress in their maintenance management. Also known as MRO items (Maintenance, Repair and Operations), these spare parts, according their consumption and demand features, cost, criticity to operation, lead-time, quantity of suppliers, among other parameters, shouldn´t have managed their inventory like normal production items (work in process e final products), that because their features, are managed by more predictable models based, for example, in economic order quantity. In the case specifically of companies of urban passenger transport by bus, items MRO have significant importance in their assets and a bad management of these inventories can cause serious losses to company, leading it even bankrupticy business, in more severe situations which missing spare part provokes vehicles shutdown indefinitely. Given slight attention to the issue, which translates in little literature available about it when compared to that literature about normal items stocks, and due the fact that MRO items be critical to bus urban transport of passengers companies´, it is necessary, so, deepen in this theme searching to give technical and scientific subsidies to companies that work, in many times, empirically, with these so decisive inputs to their business. As a typical portfolio problem, in which there are n items, separated into critical and noncritical, while competing for the same resource, it was developed a new algorithm to aid in a better inventory management of spare parts used only in corrective maintenance (whose failures are unpredictable and random), by analyzing the cost-benefit ratio, which compares the level of service versus cost of each item. The model was tested in a company of urban passenger transport by bus from the city of Natal, who anonymously provided their real data to application in this work


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Always seeking the maximum profit under the reduced production time and lower number of failures, companies are increasingly evolving and going after continuous improvement in order to remain competitive in the market. Thus, increasingly there is investment in the management system Lean manufacturing. Lean system is very important, because through it, the maximum value is added in the final product. Being measured by the efficiency and reducing failures to zero. In the studied company, Lean manufacturing system came into effect through the kanban system for purchasing, control and distribution of bulk material used in the assembly of the final product, which are earth-moving machines. It is very important to check the great change made in the company with the implementation of kanban. All inventory management becomes visual, elements are arranged in an organized manner, with addresses in structures, calculated in special boxes and finally, assemblers have the guarantee of an item supply, with the distribution cars located on their assembly area. This study participates effectively assuring the supply. Avoiding any failure on the lack of material, non-compliance of delivery times to the customer and maintenance of over-stock or obsolete inventory, in which case both cause financial loss to the company


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This work was based on a case study of improvement of the warehouse layout of a multinational automotive glass sector, located in the State of Sao Paulo. The aim was to propose a layout template to be more effective and besides optimizing production would also promote an increase in warehouse packaging capacity for metal containers containing glasses, thus reducing operating costs. To achieve the desired purpose, it was developed two layout proposals and to this end inventory management tools have been used, such as ABC curve and the Spaghetti Diagram, and other concepts of Packaging Engineering and Logistics. By the end of this work, it was obtained as a result, a project in which it was possible to rearrange the packages according the demand, and the developed changes became the most efficient layout both in storage capacity as well as in the internal drive