972 resultados para Gerontology|Sociology|Quantitative psychology
Over the last two decades social vulnerability has emerged as a major area of study, with increasing attention to the study of vulnerable populations. Generally, the elderly are among the most vulnerable members of any society, and widespread population aging has led to greater focus on elderly vulnerability. However, the absence of a valid and practical measure constrains the ability of policy-makers to address this issue in a comprehensive way. This study developed a composite indicator, The Elderly Social Vulnerability Index (ESVI), and used it to undertake a comparative analysis of the availability of support for elderly Jamaicans based on their access to human, material and social resources. The results of the ESVI indicated that while the elderly are more vulnerable overall, certain segments of the population appear to be at greater risk. Females had consistently lower scores than males, and the oldest-old had the highest scores of all groups of older persons. Vulnerability scores also varied according to place of residence, with more rural parishes having higher scores than their urban counterparts. These findings support the political economy framework which locates disadvantage in old age within political and ideological structures. The findings also point to the pervasiveness and persistence of gender inequality as argued by feminist theories of aging. Based on the results of the study it is clear that there is a need for policies that target specific population segments, in addition to universal policies that could make the experience of old age less challenging for the majority of older persons. Overall, the ESVI has displayed usefulness as a tool for theoretical analysis and demonstrated its potential as a policy instrument to assist decision-makers in determining where to target their efforts as they seek to address the issue of social vulnerability in old age. Data for this study came from the 2001 population and housing census of Jamaica, with multiple imputation for missing data. The index was derived from the linear aggregation of three equally weighted domains, comprised of eleven unweighted indicators which were normalized using z-scores. Indicators were selected based on theoretical relevance and data availability.
Information behavior studies are a growing body of research that highlights the importance of information for everyone in the information age. This e-book presents an international and diverse range of studies and insights into the current state of theories and models of information behavior. There is an emphasis on the socialpersonalhuman dimensions of information seeking using social science methods and theoretical frameworks. The studies particularly draw on the methods and theories of anthropology, sociology and psychology to produce interpretations of the way in which information is experienced in the lives of individuals working as critical care nurses in a medical environment, the information seeking behavior of the visually impaired, the social interactions within knitting circles in public libraries, and attempts to apply information behavior theory to the design of information solutions. Collectively the papers contribute more generally to our understanding of information behavior theory and models, including the medical and retrieval contexts.
Humans have altered environments and enhanced their well being unlike any other creature on the planet (Heilman & Donna, 2007); this is no different whether the environment is ecological, social or organisational. In recent times business modelling techniques have become intricately detailed in the pre-designing and evaluating of business flow before the final implementation (Ou-Yang & Lin, 2008). The importance of the organisation change and business process model is undeniable. The feedback received from real business process users is that the notation is easy to learn; the models do help people to understand the process better; the models can be used to improve the (business) process; and the notation is expressive enough to capture the essential information (Bennett, Doshi, Do Vale Junior, Kumar, Manikam, & Madavan, 2009).
Those working in the critical criminology tradition have been centrally concerned with the social construction, variability and contingency of the criminal label. The concern is no less salient to a consideration of critical criminology itself and any history of critical criminology (in Australia or elsewhere) should aim itself to be critical in this sense. The point applies with equal force to both of the terms ‘critical’ and ‘criminology’. The want of a stable theoretical object has meant that criminology itself needs to be seen not as a distinct discipline but as a composite intellectual and governmental hybrid, a field of studies that overlaps and intersects many others (sociology, law, psychology, history, anthropology, social work, media studies and youth studies to name only a few). In consequence, much of the most powerful work on subjects of criminological inquiry is undertaken by scholars who do not necessarily define themselves as criminologists first and foremost, or at all. For reasons that should later become obvious this is even more pronounced in the Australian context. Although we may appear at times to be claiming such work for criminology, our purpose is to recognize its impact on and in critical criminology in Australia.
"Living with Illness: Psychosocial Challenges focuses on developing and strengthening understanding of the illness experience. It encourages students to critically appraise conventional approaches to understanding and caring for those who are ill, to empower readers to off true holistic care and to, where appropriate, change nursing practice in light of current research findings. Traditionally nurses have drawn on knowledge from sociology and psychology as two separate but related disciplines to nursing, leaving the beginning level nurse to relate, integrate and translate knowledge gained into nursing practice. Living with Illness combines, in a unique way, sociological and psychological perspectives to creatively represent psychosocial knowledge that is innovative and directly applicable to contemporary nursing practice."-publisher website
Therapeutic work with the present moment: A conversation analytical study of guidance into immediacy
Therapeutic work with the client’s present moment experience in existential therapy was studied by means of conversation analysis. Using publicly available video recordings of therapy sessions as data, an existential therapist’s practice of guiding a client into immediacy, or refocusing the talk on a client’s immediate experience, was described and compared with a therapist’s corresponding action in cognitive therapy. The study contributes to the description of interactional practice of existential therapy, and involves the first application of conversation analysis to a comparative study of psychotherapy process. The potential utility of this approach and the clinical and empirical implications of the present findings are discussed.
Esta tese versa sobre a história da implantação de uma reforma de ensino implementada durante dois governos petistas no município de Chapecó, Santa Catarina. No desenvolvimento do texto busco, a partir das falas coletadas em entrevistas realizadas com professoras, analisar os efeitos produzidos no cotidiano docente a partir da referida reforma. Inicio o trabalho apresentando diversos momentos da história política e educacional brasileiros nos quais diferentes reformas de ensino foram realizadas, apontando as inter-relações existentes entre as políticas governamentais e as políticas de educação. Em seguida, apresento o cenário específico Chapecó no qual ocorreu a reforma estudada. Neste ponto procuro apresentar a constituição política do município e discutir a novidade que um governo, considerado progressista, pode trazer para o campo da educação. Ao final analiso as entrevistas apontando e discutindo os efeitos que a reforma do ensino provocou, a partir das considerações feitas pelas professoras. Partindo de uma perspectiva transdisciplinar busco, auxiliada por referências das ciências humanas e sociais (política, história, sociologia, economia, psicologia) e da filosofia da diferença, compor um dispositivo metodológico que abarque a complexidade da temática proposta. Concluo o trabalho considerando que os efeitos produzidos pela citada reforma de ensino foram variados e só devem ser considerados em sua provisoriedade.
Communication permeates every aspect of an engineer's work-from clarifying product specifications to shaping social ties. This paper offers an overview of recommendations from literature to improve communication within and among engineering teams. We assume communication problems are often the outcome of underlying factors and that it is fruitful to study and improve these influences. Having been empirically elicited in prior research, 24 factors considered in this paper include, e.g., availability of information about product specifications, roles and responsibilities, and overview of sequence of tasks. To improve these factors in order to enable effective communication, this paper collates more than hundred recommendations from journal articles and textbooks published in the fields of engineering design, management science, sociology, and psychology. Recommendations include, for example, identify priorities through risk and bottleneck analysis, give clear descriptions and role expectations, and employ effective process modeling tools. Contributions of this paper are a list of recommendations for industry practitioners and an effort-benefit evaluation of individual recommendations. Copyright © 2002-2012 The Design Society. All rights reserved.
Le présent mémoire traite de la nécessité pour le législateur d'instituer des règles permettant aux personnes adoptées de connaître leurs origines. Puisées à travers diverses disciplines telles que l'histoire, l'anthropologie, la sociologie et la psychologie, des connaissances rendent compte des empreintes conscientes et inconscientes laissées chez l'enfant par les parents de naissance. Le besoin de développer son individualité et d'atteindre son plein épanouissement implique que la personne adoptée puisse bénéficier des repères identitaires masqués par le secret des origines. L'accès aux dossiers judiciaires et administratifs de son adoption permet de recouvrer des informations nécessaires au processus d'auto-définition et de d'auto-réalisation de la personne adoptée. Or, les mécanismes de l'adoption au Québec s'avèrent insuffisants pour pallier aux situations actuelles qui ont évolué depuis que le législateur québécois a introduit l'adoption légale en 1924. L'adoption sans rupture du lien d'origine et la délégation judiciaires de l'autorité parentale aux membres de la famille de naissance comptent parmi les dispositifs à intégrer, pour l'un, et à réaménager, pour l'autre, dans l'attente d'une levée inconditionnelle du secret des origines pour la personne adoptée majeure dans toute situation.
RÉSUMÉ La richesse en ressources naturelles est une source de développement économique et social, mais peut également constituer un facteur de dégradation environnementale et de problèmes pour la santé humaine. Les systèmes techniques de gestion des ressources naturelles ne sont pas suffisants pour apporter des solutions à tous les problèmes environnementaux. Mises à part les catastrophes naturelles, c'est l'intervention humaine qui cause la grande majorité des problèmes environnementaux. C'est pour comprendre cette dynamique entre les facteurs naturels et les facteurs économiques, sociaux, politiques, culturels et psychosociologiques que nous avons choisi de centrer cette thèse sur la dimension humaine des problèmes environnementaux – ce qui implique l'analyse des dimensions psychosociologiques et sociales entourant les problèmes environnementaux. Pour une gestion efficace des ressources naturelles, il nous faut donc comprendre l'action humaine, ses motivations et ses contraintes, ses orientations de valeurs et ses croyances, qui orientent les perceptions, les attitudes et les comportements humains par rapport à leur environnement. Pour ce faire, l’étude de valeurs, attitudes, croyances et comportements passe par l’examen attentif des concepts et de leurs définitions, ainsi que par l’analyse des diverses « dimensions » auxquelles chacun des concepts fait référence. Cette thèse porte justement sur les relations entre les valeurs, les croyances, les attitudes et les comportements humains par rapport aux problèmes environnementaux. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé un sondage auprès de 1800 répondants, habitants de la région du bassin versant de la Rio das Velhas, située dans la province du Minas Gerais, au Brésil.
Este trabajo realizado como requisito de grado del programa de Filosofía de la Universidad Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, aborda el tema de la educación moral en la infancia a partir del análisis y discusión de algunas teorías de la moral. También hace un acercamiento a la literatura infantil en lo relativo a la función que se le puede atribuir como recurso o herramienta para la formación moral. De este modo, el trabajo se estructura siguiendo una argumentación que primero pretende esclarecer los conceptos que se vinculan con el tema de la educación moral como los son el de socialización, el de infancia, el de desarrollo, el mismo concepto de educación moral, y otros que permiten identificar y problematizar esta cuestión en relación con los niños y las particularidades de su comportamiento, sus procesos cognitivos y el modo en que se dan sus relaciones sociales. Por ello el trabajo recoge aportes de la sociología y de la psicología que complementan el tema, que es observado aquí, principalmente, desde la filosofía moral. Estos conceptos ayudan a estructurar el problema que se plantea relativo a la manera cómo se construye lo moral en la infancia. A partir de ellos se desarrolla el resto del texto, primero, con el análisis crítico que se hace en el capítulo dos a la teoría racionalista de la moral, la cual se pone en discusión con los planteamientos de algunas teorías de los sentimientos morales y del desarrollo emocional. Luego, en el capítulo tres se examina la teoría de las virtudes de Aristóteles, destacando la mayor capacidad que tiene de comprender comportamientos morales no racionales, como los de la infancia, que se relacionan con lo que desde la sociología se entiende como el entorno social en el que se desarrolla la moral individual. Finalmente, en el capítulo cuatro, se examina la literatura infantil como un recurso que sirve para la formación moral en los niños, debido a los procesos cognitivos y sociales, que esta literatura favorece. En este capítulo se retoman las cuestiones tratadas a lo largo del trabajo acerca de lo moral y la formación en la infancia para ponerlas en relación con ejemplos de la literatura infantil tomados de los Cuentos de los Hermanos Grimm que permiten identificar algunos elementos que vinculan la lectura de estos cuentos con los procesos de formación moral.
Empresas de negócios, que são constantemente pressionados por inovação, têm na criação de conhecimento organizacional a base para a estratégia de sobrevivência. Muito desse conhecimento acumulado é tácito, encarnado em indivíduos e incorporado pela organização, e que é de difícil articulação. A necessária justificativa de um novo conhecimento torna a sua criação um processo muito frágil. Indivíduos podem sentir-se ameaçados em compartilhar insights, intuição, novas ideias, know-how, habilidades específicas, diante de devastadores mecanismos de controle social como ridículo, difamação e opróbrio, ou pela possibilidade de mau uso de um conhecimento útil e valioso. Por outro lado, com a criança logo ao nascer, e derivado do narcisismo primário, emerge a confiança básica que acompanha o indivíduo ao longo de sua existência, e que, portanto, pode levá-lo a compartilhar seus achados. Esta pesquisa, um ensaio teórico, explorou a relação entre a confiança e compartilhamento de conhecimento tácito nas organizações. Com abordagem multidisciplinar, aderente ao pensamento complexo, incorporou referenciais teóricos advindos de trabalhos de neo-schumpeterianos (Teoria Evolucionária), da sociologia e da psicologia. O percurso metodológico contemplou a busca de artigos em base de dados, leitura de resumos de artigos, busca de autores consagrados na literatura, consulta de autores referenciados nos artigos, leitura e análise de trabalhos selecionados. Mediante análise de conteúdo, que busca identificar o que está sendo dito a respeito do tema, foram criadas as seguintes categorias de análise: inovação, poder, teoria de criação de conhecimento organizacional e confiança humana. Cada uma dessas categorias compôs um capítulo desta dissertação. Embora a escassez de pesquisas empíricas relacionadas ao tema, a análise de conteúdo dos artigos examinados permitiram concluir que a confiança interpessoal mantém relação de poder simétrico entre indivíduos e assim é capaz de acessar o conhecimento tácito enraizado na mente de indivíduos. Dessa forma, com a pesquisa aqui apresentada, espera-se ter contribuído para a literatura e práticas organizacionais relacionadas à gestão de conhecimento. Por fim, foram relatadas limitações no trabalho e sugestões para futuras pesquisas.