991 resultados para Gerontologia - lehti - 2003-2005
The current study presents data on age and growth for plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) sampled between November 2003 and February 2005 in ICES areas Via (northwest coast of Ireland), Vila (Irish Sea), Vllg (Celtic Sea), VDj (southwest coast of Ireland) and VHb (west coast of Ireland), and data on the reproductive biology and maturity of plaice in ICES area Vllb (west coast of Ireland). This is the first detailed account of the biology of plaice for some of these areas. It is intended that this study will improve understanding of the life cycle of plaice and help fisheries scientists to better predict the effect of fishing effort on Irish plaice stocks. The overall length range found for plaice was 9-51.99cm TL, with a length range of 9-5 lcm TL for females and 9-40cm for males. In all ICES areas the length range for female fish was larger than for male fish. The age range of plaice sampled during this study was 1 to 16 years. In all ICES areas females had a greater range in ages and fish in the larger age groups. From analysis of length and age data it was concluded that there was a significant difference (P=0.000) in growth rate of males and females between ICES areas sampled in March 2004. The highest rate of fishing mortality was determined for ICES area Via (F=1.06) and the lowest for ICES area Vila (F=0.56). In each ICES area male and female plaice have fully recruited to the population by age 4, with the exception of females in ICES area Via, for which a tr value of 5 years was determined. Length at first maturity (L50%) was determined to be 23cm and 21cm for males and females respectively. Age at first maturity (A50%) was determined to be 3 years for both males and females. It was found that males and females in ICES areas Vllb, Vila and Via are well above the length and age at first maturity when they are recruited to the fishery. In ICES area Vllb female plaice spawn from November to March, with peak spawning occurring in February, and male plaice spawn from November to April, with peak spawning occurring in November. Spawning females had an age range of 2 to 10 years and spawning males had an age range of 2 to 7 years. From the oocyte length frequency distributions, it was determined that the plaice is a determinate batch spawner. During this investigation a total of 177 ovaries and 127 testes were staged using both macroscopic and histological criteria. The overall percentage of maturity stages which compared favorably between the two assessment methods was 22.03% for female plaice and 37.80% for male plaice. In general, the findings of this study indicate that there was a very poor match between the macroscopic and histological assessment methods. Given that the histological determination of these stages is based on the observation of a distinct set of developmental features, it is expected that it would be more accurate to use histologically assessed gonads to calculate the annual percentage maturity assessment. The biology of plaice in the areas studied is compared with previous studies of plaice in Irish and European waters.
El present estudi actualitza i complementa els resultats obtinguts en un treball previ, elaborat l'any 2004, en el qual s'analitzaven les estadístiques d'ús de quatre paquets de revistes electròniques subscrits consorciadament pel CBUC. En aquest treball també s'analitzen les dades de consum de quatre paquets de revistes electròniques al llarg de tres anys: Elsevier (2004 i 2005), Emerald (2005), Kluwer (2003 i 2004) i Wiley (2003, 2004 i 2005).
Statement of Strategy 2003-2005 I am pleased to present this Statement of Strategy, prepared by my Department under the terms of the Public Service Management Act, 1997, which sets out the main objectives for the next three years. Click here to download PDF 1.1mb
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This, the seventh Report of the Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths in the United Kingdom (UK) enquires into maternal deaths and has a new title, "Saving Mothers' Lives". The change has been made to more accurately reflect the purpose of this, the longest running example of a maternal death review in the world. The Enquiry's aim is to stimulate and promote beneficial clinical actions and health and social service changes that will save yet more mothers' and babies' lives in future. By acting on the recommendations and results contained in the Report, the inequalities in pregnancy outcomes that currently exist between the most advantaged and most vulnerable and excluded mothers and babies in society should reduce, as should the numbers of those who suffer the consequences of severe morbidity.In addition, and perhaps of most importance, all mothers, infants and families will benefit from accessiblematernity services whose staff are proud to provide them with the safest and best possible individualised care that meets all their medical and other needs.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kartoittaa Helsingin ammattikorkeakoulu Stadian jalkapisteessä hoidossa käyneiden eri-ikäisten asiakkaiden (n=346) jalkojen omahoitotottumukset ja niiden tarkoituksenmukaisuus sekä jalkaterien terveyden taso. Tutkimukseen osallistuneiden ikäjakauma oli 6-96 ja keski-ikä 60 vuotta. Kysely toteutettiin Kunto-Stadian jalkapisteessä opiskelijoiden harjoittelujaksoilla vuosina 2003-2005. Tutkimusstrategia oli kvantitatiivinen ja tiedonhankintamenetelmänä oli strukturoitu kyselylomake. Tulokset on esitetty käyttäen frekvenssejä ja prosenttiosuuksia. Tulosten mukaan suurin osa vastanneista pesi jalat päivittäin ja kuivasi varvasvälit joka pesun yhteydessä. Vajaa puolet rasvasi jalat harvemmin kuin kerran viikossa tai ei lainkaan. Noin puolet käytti jalkojen ihon hoidossa raspia. Noin puolet käytti luonnonkuitusukkia. Yksi kymmenestä liikkui sisätiloissa sukkasillaan. Hieman yli puolelle kenkien löytyminen oli vaikeata. Alle kolmasosa harrasti yhtä tai kahta liikuntalajia. Yleisimmin harrastettiin kävelyä. Alle puolet harrasti liikuntaa 3-4 kertaa viikossa. Alle puolet ei toteuttanut jalkavoimistelua. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että jalkahygienian taso on huono, koska jalkojen omahoitotietoudessa on puutteita. Tässä tutkimuksessa sukat ja kengät tukevat jalkojen terveyttä melko huonosti. Tutkimustulosten mukaan sukkia vaihdetaan liian harvoin, jonka seurauksena jalkahygienia kärsii. Kenkätottumukset eivät tue pystyasentoa ja liikkumista. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet harrastavat yksipuolista liikuntaa, koska tutkimustuloksista ilmenee, että suurin osa harrastaa yhtä tai kahta liikuntalajia. Jalkavoimistelua harrastettiin liian vähän, jonka seurauksena jalkaterän ja säären alueen lihastasapaino häiriintyy ja nivelten toiminta kärsii. Suomessa ja ulkomailla ei ole aiemmin tehty näin laajaa tutkimusta jalkojen omahoitotottumuksista. Ammattikuntamme ja muu terveydenhuoltohenkilöstö saavat ajankohtaista ja syventävää tietoa, jolloin jalkaongelmien syntymistä voidaan ehkäistä puuttumalla ajoissa opetuksen ja ohjauksen avulla puutteellisiin jalkojen omahoitotottumuksiin. Toivomme tämän tutkimuksen kannustavan jalkojenhoitajia ja jalkaterapeutteja panostamaan jatkossa yksilölliseen asiakkaan opetukseen ja ohjaukseen sekä kehittämisehdotusten perusteella muokatun jalkojen omahoitolomakeen motivoivan entistä enemmän keräämään tietoja asiakkaiden jalkojen omahoitotottumuksista. Kysymykset on muokattu tutkimustulosten ja opinnäytetyön tekovaiheessa ilmenneiden kehitystarpeiden perusteella.
Se presentan los resultados de la Segunda Encuesta Estructural de la Pesquería Artesanal Peruana en el Litoral (II ENEPA), ejecutada por el IMARPE entre octubre del 2003 y mayo del 2005, y los resultados del Análisis de Cobertura de embarcaciones realizado en abril del 2009.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, unintentional injury is the fifth leading cause of death for all age groups and the first leading cause of death for people from 1 to 44 years of age in the United States, while homicide remains the 2nd leading cause of death for 15 to 24 years old (CDC, 2006). In 2004, there were approximately 144,000 deaths due to unintentional injuries in the US; 53% of which represent people over 45 years of age (CDC, 2004). With 20,322 suicidal deaths and 13,170 homicidal deaths, intentional injury deaths affect mostly people under 45 years old. On average, there are 1,150 unintentional deaths per year in Iowa. In 2004, 37% of unintentional deaths were due to motor vehicle accidents (MTVCC) occurring across all age ranges and 30% were due to falls involving persons over 65 years of age 82% of the time (IDPH Health Stat Div., 2004). The most debilitating outcome of injury is traumatic brain injury, which is characterized by the irreversibility of its damages, long-term effects on quality of life, and healthcare costs. The latest data available from the CDC estimated that, nationally, 50,000 traumatic brain injured (TBI) people die each year; three times as many are hospitalized and more than twenty times as many are released from emergency room (ER) departments (CDC, 2006). Besides the TBI registry, brain injury data is also captured through three other data sources: 1) death certificates; 2) hospital inpatient data; and, 3) hospital outpatient data. The inpatient and outpatient hospital data are managed by the Iowa Hospital Association, which provides to Iowa Department of Public Health the hospital data without personal identifiers. (The hospitals send reports to the Agency of Health Care Research and Quality, which developed the Health Care Utilization Project and its product, the National Inpatient Sample).
Gestión del conocimiento
Gestión del conocimiento
La construcción e implementación de una Política Pública de Mujer y Género, puesta en marcha a través del Plan de Igualdad de Oportunidades para la Equidad de Género en Bogotá Distrito Capital (2003-2005), es el resultado de la construcción e integración de saberes de índole interdisciplinar desarrollado en el mundo hace más de un siglo- y del trabajo realizado en Colombia hace poco más de una década- por organizaciones colectivas de mujeres en el Distrito, en su intento por incorporar las necesidades, intereses y propuestas de género en las agendas políticas y propuestas programáticas de la alcaldía de turno, para el caso del Alcalde elegido para el periodo 2004-2008, entonces candidato, Luís Eduardo Garzón.
la presente monografía se desarrolla a través de cuatro capítulos. En el primer capítulo, se da a conocer la evolución de la política exterior colombiana hacia el Caribe durante el siglo XIX hasta 1990, con el fin de conocer los intereses y las tendencias que marcaron el accionar internacional colombiano hacia el Caribe y la CARICOM durante el periodo anteriormente mencionado. Pasando de esta manera al segundo capítulo, en el cual se determinan las continuidades y rupturas de la política exterior de Colombia hacia la Comunidad del Caribe desde 1990 hasta hoy, es decir, cuáles fueron y han sido los lineamientos que han marcado la política exterior del país hacia la CARICOM durante las diferentes administraciones. En el tercer capítulo entonces, se busca determinar en qué medida la percepción colombiana de la Comunidad del Caribe ha tenido repercusiones no sólo en el desarrollo de las relaciones políticas entre las partes sino también en lo referente a la parte comercial de las relaciones bilaterales. Todo ello, teniendo en cuenta que el fortalecimiento político genera mayores vínculos comerciales aún cuando el desarrollo de relaciones comerciales empresariales no necesariamente requiere vínculos políticos pero sí fomenta su desarrollo1. Posteriormente, en el cuarto capítulo se establece la medida en que Comunidad del Caribe puede presentarse como un mercado alternativo para las exportaciones colombianas. Para ello, se examina el intercambio con los principales socios comerciales colombianos hasta llegar a la CARICOM y, de esta manera, conocer la base del intercambio comercial entre ambas partes e identificar los factores que restringen, tanto el comercio en general, como la alternativa en que, puede llegar a convertirse la CARICOM para pequeñas y medianas empresas con proyección exportadora y en especial para aquellos sectores que podrían no estar en ventajas competitivas en la vigencia del TLC con Estados Unidos. Finalmente, se plantearán las conclusiones y recomendaciones obtenidas en las reflexiones a lo largo del desarrollo de la presente investigación con el ánimo de aportar al debate constructivo sobre el tema y las potencialidades que puede llegar a tener el aprovechamiento de las relaciones entre Colombia y la CARICOM en el marco del proceso de internacionalización e inserción del país en la Cuenca del Caribe.