85 resultados para Gerodontology
Dental undertreatment is often seen in the older population. This is particularly true for the elderly living in nursing homes and geriatric hospitals. The progression of chronic diseases results in loss of their independence. They rely on daily support and care due to physical or mental impairment. The visit of a dentist in private praxis becomes difficult or impossible and is a logistic problem. These elderly patients are often not aware of oral and dental problems or these are not addressed. The geriatric hospital Bern, Ziegler, has integrated dental care in the concept of physical rehabilitation of geriatric patients. A total of 139 patients received dental treatment in the years 2005/2006. Their mean age was 83 years, but the segment with > 85 years of age amounted to 46%. The general health examinations reveald multiple and complex disorders. The ASA classification (American Society of Anesthesiologists, Physical Status Classification System) was applied and resulted in 15% = P2 (mild systemic disease, no functional limitation), 47% = P3 (severe systemic disease, definite functional limitations) and 38% = P4 (severe systemic disease, constant threat to life). Eighty-seven of the patients exhibited 3 or more chronic diseases with a prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, musculoskelettal disorders and dementia. Overall the differences between men and women were small, but broncho-pulmonary dieseases were significantly more frequent in women, while men were more often diagnosed with dementia and depression. Verbal communication was limited or not possible with 60% of the patients due to cognitive impairment or aphasia after a stroke. Although the objective treatment need is high, providing dentistry for frail and geriatric patients is characterized by risks due to poor general health conditions, difficulties in communication, limitations in feasibility and lack of adequate aftercare. In order to prevent the problem of undertreatment, elderly independently living people should undergo dental treatment regularly and in time. Training of nurses and doctors of geriatric hospitals in oral hygiene should improve the awareness. A multidisciplinary assessment of geriatric patients should include the oral and dental aspect if they enter the hospital.
Gerodontology teaching amongst European dental schools – A European College of Gerodontology survey.
Introduction: In 2009, the European College of Gerodontology (ECG) published the Gerodontology undergraduate teaching guidelines. Seven years later it conducted a survey to explore the current status of Gerodontology teaching amongst the European dental schools.
Methods: The ECG Education Committee developed an electronic questionnaire that was emailed to the Deans or other contact persons in 185 dental schools in 40 European countries. The questionnaire recorded the prevalence, contents and methodology of Gerodontology education. Two weeks later a reminder was sent to non-respondents.
Results: The first wave of responses included 70 dental schools from 28 European countries. Gerodontology was included in the undergraduate curricula of 77% of the respondents and was compulsory in 61% of them. The course was usually offered in senior students and was interdisciplinary; the educators included dentists, physicians, nurses and other care providers. Lecturing was the most common educational technique (75%), and the most common topics included medical problems in old age, pharmacology and polypharmacy, the association between general and oral health, nutritional and chewing problems, xerostomia and prosthodontic management. Clinical training was usually offered within the dental school clinics (50%) and less often in remote locations (nursing homes, geriatric hospitals, day centers).
Key Conclusions: An increasing number of European dental schools teach Gerodontology at the undergraduate curriculum. The study is still ongoing, but a "worst case scenario" has to be born in mind, where dental schools, who failed to participate in the survey, may not be teaching in Gerodontology.
Objective: To compare the dental status of Brazilian and Canadian elderly populations with respect to socioeconomic and quality of life factors. Materials and methods: A total of 496 adults aged 60-75 years, having four or more teeth, and physically and cognitively suitable for a clinical oral examination were included. Subjects answered questions concerning their lifestyle and completed the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI) questionnaire. Results: In all populations, the majority were females, aged between 60 and 65 years and married. Although the Canadian New Immigrant population had lower mean income, they had more remaining teeth (23.04 +/- 6.1), more functional teeth (sound and restored teeth) (14.92 +/- 5.7), more sound teeth (15.40 +/- 7.6), but more carious teeth (2.97 +/- 3.0). The Brazilian population had higher numbers of restored teeth (12.26 +/- 6.8) and fewer remaining teeth (17.80 +/- 7.6). In all populations, females, married and younger (60-65 years old) adults were more likely to retain 20 or more teeth. The mean GOHAI scores were similar for Canadians (40.55 +/- 5.7) and Canadian New Immigrants (39.28 +/- 6.5), but were higher than that among Brazilians (31.97 +/- 8.9). Conclusions: The numbers of remaining teeth were related to greater education and higher income status for Brazilian and Canadian populations. However, Canadian New Immigrants with lower income and education retained more teeth than the other populations.
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the effect of repeated cycles of five chemical disinfectant solutions on the roughness and hardness of three hard chairside reliners. Methods: A total of 180 circular specimens (30 mm x 6 mm) were fabricated using three hard chairside reliners (Jet; n = 60, Kooliner; n = 60, Tokuyama Rebase II Fast; n = 60), which were immersed in deionised water (control), and five disinfectant solutions (1%, 2%, 5.25% sodium hypochlorite; 2% glutaraldehyde; 4% chlorhexidine gluconate). They were tested for Knoop hardness (KHN) and surface roughness (mu m), before and after 30 simulated disinfecting cycles. Data was analysed by the factorial scheme (6 x 2), two-way analysis of variance (anova), followed by Tukey`s test. Results: For Jet (from 18.74 to 13.86 KHN), Kooliner (from 14.09 to 8.72 KHN), Tokuyama (from 12.57 to 8.28 KHN) a significant decrease in hardness was observed irrespective of the solution used on all materials. For Jet (from 0.09 to 0.11 mu m) there was a statistically significant increase in roughness. Kooliner (from 0.36 to 0.26 mu m) presented a statistically significant decrease in roughness and Tokuyama (from 0.15 to 0.11 mu m) presented no statistically significant difference after 30 days. Conclusions: This study showed that all disinfectant solutions promoted a statistically significant decrease in hardness, whereas with roughness, the materials tested showed a statistically significant increase, except for Tokuyama. Although statistically significant values were registered, these results could not be considered clinically significant.
Clinical feasibility of mandibular implant overdenture retainers submitted to immediate load Introduction: Millions of people around the world do not have access to the benefits of osseointegration. Treatments involving oral rehabilitation with overdentures have been widely used by specialists in the oral medicine field. This is an alternative therapy for retention and stability achievement in total prosthesis with conventional treatment, and two implants are enough to establish a satisfactory overdenture. Objective: The objectives of the study were to evaluate 16 patients of both sexes, with an average age of 47.4 +/- 4 years, using electromyographic analysis of masseter and temporal muscles and analyse the increase of incisive and molar maximal bite force with their existing complete dentures and following mandibular implant overdenture therapy to assess the benefits of this treatment. Materials and methods: For these tests, the Myosystem-BR1 electromyograph and the IDDK Kratos dynamometer were used. Statistical analysis was performed using the repeated measures test (SPSS 17.0). Results: A decrease in electromyographic activity during the rest, lateral and protrusion movements and increase of the maximal incisive and molar bite force after 15 months with a mandibular implant overdenture was observed. Conclusion: All the patients in this study reported a considerable improvement in the masticatory function and prostheses stability following treatment. It is possible to propose that the use of mandibular implants overdenture should become the selected treatment for totally edentulous patients to facilitate oral function and quality of life.
Introduction: Resin-bonded extracoronal attachments may be indicated for the abutment teeth of removable partial dentures, especially for anterior teeth when a cingulum rest must be provided. This type of treatment has a series of advantages such as minimal tooth reduction, supragingival margins, favourable stress distribution, and improved aesthetic appearance. Objective: To report a clinical case of oral rehabilitation using a combination of resin-bonded extracoronal attachments joined by a Dolder bar with a removable partial denture. Case report: A 60-year-old male patient with only the canines in the maxillary arch was restored with a combination of resin-bonded extracoronal attachments joined by a Dolder bar and a removable partial denture. Conclusion: Dentures with resin-bonded extracoronal attachments can have a number of advantages over traditional clasp-retained removable partial dentures.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the domestic use of a disclosing agent for denture hygiene. Materials and methods: Completely edentulous participants wearing maxillary dentures were randomly assigned to one of the three intervention groups: (1) Follow-up only (control; n = 12); (2) Oral and denture hygiene instructions (n = 10); (3) Instructions associated with the home use of a disclosing agent (1% neutral red; n = 10). Biofilm coverage area (%) over internal and external surfaces of the maxillary denture was assessed at baseline and after 14 and 90 days. Data were evaluated by generalised estimating equations based on score tests (alpha = 0.05). Results: The participants presented low changes for areas of biofilm coverage (14 days (%): internal: GI = 1.4 +/- 0.9; GII = 1.5 +/- 1.3; GIII = -0.4 +/- 0.9; external: GI = 1.4 +/- 1.5; GII = 1.5 +/- 1.4; GIII = -0.4 +/- 0.9; 90 days (%): internal: GI = 2.0 +/- 0.9; GII = 2.2 +/- 1.4; GIII = 0.3 +/- 1.0; external: GI = 2.1 +/- 1.4; GII = 2.2 +/- 1.5; GIII = 0.3 +/- 0.9). Changes were similar for the three groups (p = 0.293) and were not influenced by the test time (p = 0.218). Conclusion: It can be concluded that the home use of a disclosing agent for denture hygiene does not improve the removal of the biofilm, particularly for patients with adequate oral hygiene habits.
To evaluate the pattern of maxillary complete denture movement during chewing for free-end removable partial dentures (RPD) wearers, compared to maxillary and mandibular complete denture wearers. Eighteen edentulous participants (group I) and 10 volunteers with bilateral posterior edentulous mandibles (group II) comprised the sample. Measures of mean denture movement and its variability were obtained by a kinesiographic instrument K6-I Diagnostic System, during the mastication of bread and a polysulphide block. Data were analysed using two-way anova (alpha = 0.05). Upper movement during chewing was significantly lower for group II, regardless of the test food. The test food did not influence the vertical or lateral position of the denture bases, but more anterior dislocation was found when polysulphide blocks were chewed. Group II presented lower intra-individual variability for the vertical axis. Vertical displacement was also more precise with bread as a test food. It can be concluded that mandibular free-end RPD wearers show smaller and more precise movements than mandibular complete denture wearers.
Objective: The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of acrylic resins containing different percentages of silver and zinc zeolite, and to assess whether the addition of zeolite alters the flexural and impact strength of the resins. Background: The characteristics of acrylic resins support microorganism development that can threaten the health of the dentures user. Material and methods: A microwave-polymerised (Onda-Cryl) and two heat-polymerised (QC20 and Lucitone 550) acrylic resins were used. The materials were handled according to the manufacturers` instructions. Fifty rectangular-shaped specimens (8 x 10 x 4mm) were fabricated from each resin and assigned to 5 groups (n = 10) according to their percentage of Irgaguard B5000 silver-zinc zeolite (0%- control, 2.5%, 5.0%, 7.5% and 10%). Flexural strength and Izod impact strength were evaluated. The antimicrobial activity against two strains of Candida albicans and two strains of Streptococcus mutans was assessed by agar diffusion method. Data were analysed statistically by one-way ANOVA and Tukey`s test at 5% significance level. Results: The addition of 2.5% of Irgaguard B5000 to the materials resulted in antimicrobial activity against all strains. Flexural strength decreased significantly with the addition of 2.5% (QC20 and Lucitone 550) and 5.0% (Onda-Cryl) of Irgaguard B5000. The impact strength decreased significantly with the addition of 2.5% (Lucitone 550) and 5.0% (QC20 and Onda-Cryl) of zeolite. Conclusion: The addition of silver-zinc zeolite to acrylic resins yields antimicrobial activity, but may affect negatively the mechanical properties, depending on the percentage of zeolite.
Background: The method of porosity analysis by water absorption has been carried out by the storage of the specimens in pure water, but it does not exclude the potential plasticising effect of the water generating unreal values of porosity. Objective: The present study evaluated the reliability of this method of porosity analysis in polymethylmethacrylate denture base resins by the determination of the most satisfactory solution for storage (S), where the plasticising effect was excluded. Materials and methods: Two specimen shapes (rectangular and maxillary denture base) and two denture base resins, water bath-polymerised (Classico) and microwave-polymerised (Acron MC) were used. Saturated anhydrous calcium chloride solutions (25%, 50%, 75%) and distilled water were used for specimen storage. Sorption isotherms were used to determine S. Porosity factor (PF) and diffusion coefficient (D) were calculated within S and for the groups stored in distilled water. anova and Tukey tests were performed to identify significant differences in PF results and Kruskal-Wallis test and Dunn multiple comparison post hoc test, for D results (alpha = 0.05). Results: For Acron MC denture base shape, FP results were 0.24% (S 50%) and 1.37% (distilled water); for rectangular shape FP was 0.35% (S 75%) and 0.19% (distilled water). For Classico denture base shape, FP results were 0.54% (S 75%) and 1.21% (distilled water); for rectangular shape FP was 0.7% (S 50%) and 1.32% (distilled water). FP results were similar in S and distilled water only for Acron MC rectangular shape (p > 0.05). D results in distilled water were statistically higher than S for all groups. Conclusions: The results of the study suggest that an adequate solution for storing specimens must be used to measure porosity by water absorption, based on excluding the plasticising effect.
Objectives: The objective of this study was to evaluate the accuracy and reproducibility of three complete denture biofilm indices (Prosthesis Hygiene Index; Jeganathan et al. Index; Budtz-J circle divide rgensen Index) by means of a computerised comparison method. Background: Clinical studies into denture hygiene have employed a large number of biofilm indices among their outcome variables. However, the knowledge about the validity of these indices is still scarce. Materials and methods: Sixty-two complete denture wearers were selected. The internal surfaces of the upper complete dentures were stained (5% erythrosine) and photographed. The slides were projected on paper, and the biofilm indices were applied over the photos by means of a scoring method. For the computerised method, the areas (total and biofilm-covered) were measured by dedicated software (Image Tool). In addition, to compare the results of the computerised method and Prosthetic Hygiene Index, a new scoring scale (including four and five graded) was introduced. For the Jeganathan et al. and Budtz-J circle divide rgensen indices, the original scales were used. Values for each index were compared with the computerised method by the Friedman test. Their reproducibility was measured by means of weighed kappa. Significance for both tests was set at 0.05. Results: The indices tested provided similar mean measures but they tended to overestimate biofilm coverage when compared with the computerised method (p < 0.001). Agreement between the Prosthesis Hygiene Index and the computerised method was not significant, regardless of the scale used. Jeghanathan et al. Index showed weak agreement, and consistent results were found for Budtz-Jorgensen Index (kappa = 0.19 and 0.39 respectively). Conclusion: Assessment of accuracy for the biofilm indices showed instrument bias that was similar among the tested methods. Weak inter-instrument reproducibility was found for the indices, except for the Budtz-J circle divide rgensen Index. This should be the method of choice for clinical studies when more sophisticated approaches are not possible.
To study the physical properties of two experimental dentifrices for complete denture hygiene, their effect on denture biofilm removal and antimicrobial properties by means of a clinical trial. The experimental dentifrices comprised two compositions. One was based on the addition of 1% chloramine T (D1) and the other on the presence of 0.01% fluorosurfactant (D2). Measurements of density, pH, consistency, rheological features and abrasiveness were conducted. Sixty complete denture wearers were randomly assigned to three groups and were instructed to brush their dentures with a specific toothbrush: (1) Water (control); (2) D1; or (3) D2. Each method was used for 21 days. Denture biofilm was disclosed by a 1% neutral red solution and quantified by means of digital photos taken from the internal surface. Microbiological assessment was conducted to quantify Candida sp. and mutans streptococci. Data were evaluated by one-way anova and Tukey HSD, or Kruskal-Wallis (alpha = 0.05). Both dentifrices decreased biofilm coverage when compared with the control group. D1 was the most efficacious treatment to reduce mutans streptococci, whereas D2 showed an intermediate outcome (anova, p < 0.040). No treatment influenced Candida albicans or non-albicans species (Kruskal-Wallis, p = 0.163 and 0.746, respectively). It can be concluded that brushing complete dentures with the experimental dentifrices tested could be effective for the removal of denture biofilm.
This report presents the use of a dental implant with an anti-rotational attachment for the retention of a thumb prosthesis. A retention system was manufactured with an attachment (UCLA) screwed into the implant with a two-bar system that was cast in metallic silver palladium. A substructure made from heat-cured acrylic resin was joined to the retention system by clips to join the thumb to the finger (bar clip) in the cast with implant rejoinder. The silicone material, Silastic-MDX 44210, was used to achieve function and aesthetics. Following osseointegration, no skin problems were observed. Whilst the implant-retained digital prosthesis presented some motor limitations, it allowed the patient to return to entertainment and achieve social conviviality.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective:This study evaluated the in vitro adherence of pathogenic micro-organisms, Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, to soft lining materials and their inhibitory effect on these micro-organisms.Materials and Methods:To measure adherence, specimens of Molloplast B and Ufi Gel P were inoculated [107 colony-forming units per millimetre (cfu/ml)] with TSB media containing the micro-organisms. To determine the number of micro-organisms in the 10-2-10-5 dilutions, 25 mu l of the suspension were transferred to plates of selective media. Colony counts of each specimen were quantified (cfu/ml). The surface roughness was measured with a perfilometer to assess the relationship between the adherence of micro-organisms and surface roughness of each material. For the inhibition test, specimens of materials were placed in agar plates inoculated individually with the micro-organisms. After 48 h, the inhibition zones around the specimens were measured.Results:None of the materials exhibited inhibition zones. The number of cfu/ml of S. aureus and P. aeruginosa were significantly greater than C. albicans for both materials. The Ufi Gel P exhibited greater adherence of C. albicans than Molloplast B. No correlation was observed between the adherence of micro-organisms and surface roughness.Conclusion:The surface roughness of the materials is not the only factor governing micro-organism adherence.