897 resultados para Geostrategic player


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La política exterior energética rusa ha logrado direccionar de manera provechosa la producción y exportación de gas natural, de forma que le ha permitido posicionarse dentro del orden energético mundial como una potencia. Además ha construido fuertes relaciones con países dependientes del gas como Alemania, esto ha representado para Rusia la obtención de ganancias relativas en el ámbito político, permitiendo capacidad de interlocución con socios estratégicos dentro de la Unión Europea y en el ámbito económico, manteniendo una oferta estable de gas. El gas natural se configura como una herramienta de poder con importante valor geoestratégico puesto que le ha permitido a las naciones delinear sus políticas energéticas, defender el interés nacional y convertirse en jugadores estratégicos dentro de la estructura geopolítica.


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The present article reviews the relations between the EU and Russia in the past decade and shows the deterioration of the bilateral relations. The Putin´s Russia has become a very active geostrategic player, with a worrying behaviour, breaking balances in the international scene established since the end of the Cold War. Russia is a priority in the Foreign and Security Policy of the European Global Security Strategy, but has become also a clear competitor. This last aspect is not sufficiently underlined in the Strategy and thus the strategic framework is not clear. In parallel, it is not clear in the Strategy which are the tools the EU has to defend its neighbourhood when their independence, sovereignty or territorial defence may be put in question. This question goes beyond the support to the resilience of those neighbours.


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Strength of leg peference and interlateral asymmetry in kinematics of kicking a ball for power were assessed in 6- to 10-year-old right-footed soccer player children. Leg preference was evaluated separately for three task categories: balance stabilization, soccer related mobilization, and general mobilization. The results showed that while both categories of mobilization tasks were featured by a consistent preference for the right leg, in stabilization tasks we observed lower scores and greater interindividual variability of leg preference. No effect of age was detected on leg preference. Analysis of peak foot velocity revealed similar increment of performance of the right and left legs from the ages 6-8 to 10 years. This finding supports the notion of stable Magnitude of interlateral asymmetries of performance during motor development. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Dev Psychobiol 50: 799-806, 2008.


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The absence of considerations of technology in policy studies reinforces the popular notion that technology is a neutral tool, Through an analysis of the role played by computers in the policy processes of Australia's Department of Social Security, this paper argues that computers are political players in policy processes, Findings indicate that computers make aspects of the social domain knowable and therefore governable, The use of computers makes previously infeasible policies possible, Computers also operate as bureaucrats and as agents of client surveillance. Increased policy change, reduced discretion and increasingly targeted and complex policies can be attributed to the use of computer technology, If policy processes are to be adequately understood and analysed, then the role of technology in those processes must be considered.


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Neste artigo argumenta-se que as simulações numéricas fomentam e exploram relações complexas entre o jogador e o sistema cibernético da máquina que com este se relaciona através da jogabilidade, ou seja, da real aplicação às regras de jogo de tácticas e estratégias usadas pelo participante durante o seu trajecto na aplicação lúdica. Considera-se que o espaço mágico imposto pelo tabuleiro de jogo é mais do que um espaço de confusão entre real e artificial mas antes se apresenta como uma cortina ou interface entre o corpo próprio do participante e a simulação digital inerente ao sistema computacional.


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The smart grid concept is rapidly evolving in the direction of practical implementations able to bring smart grid advantages into practice. Evolution in legacy equipment and infrastructures is not sufficient to accomplish the smart grid goals as it does not consider the needs of the players operating in a complex environment which is dynamic and competitive in nature. Artificial intelligence based applications can provide solutions to these problems, supporting decentralized intelligence and decision-making. A case study illustrates the importance of Virtual Power Players (VPP) and multi-player negotiation in the context of smart grids. This case study is based on real data and aims at optimizing energy resource management, considering generation, storage and demand response.


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In this paper, we characterize two power indices introduced in [1] using two different modifications of the monotonicity property first stated by [2]. The sets of properties are easily comparable among them and with previous characterizations of other power indices.


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Recent changes in the operation and planning of power systems have been motivated by the introduction of Distributed Generation (DG) and Demand Response (DR) in the competitive electricity markets' environment, with deep concerns at the efficiency level. In this context, grid operators, market operators, utilities and consumers must adopt strategies and methods to take full advantage of demand response and distributed generation. This requires that all the involved players consider all the market opportunities, as the case of energy and reserve components of electricity markets. The present paper proposes a methodology which considers the joint dispatch of demand response and distributed generation in the context of a distribution network operated by a virtual power player. The resources' participation can be performed in both energy and reserve contexts. This methodology contemplates the probability of actually using the reserve and the distribution network constraints. Its application is illustrated in this paper using a 32-bus distribution network with 66 DG units and 218 consumers classified into 6 types of consumers.


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Demand response is assumed as an essential resource to fully achieve the smart grids operating benefits, namely in the context of competitive markets and of the increasing use of renewable-based energy sources. Some advantages of Demand Response (DR) programs and of smart grids can only be achieved through the implementation of Real Time Pricing (RTP). The integration of the expected increasing amounts of distributed energy resources, as well as new players, requires new approaches for the changing operation of power systems. The methodology proposed in this paper aims the minimization of the operation costs in a distribution network operated by a virtual power player that manages the available energy resources focusing on hour ahead re-scheduling. When facing lower wind power generation than expected from day ahead forecast, demand response is used in order to minimize the impacts of such wind availability change. In this way, consumers actively participate in regulation up and spinning reserve ancillary services through demand response programs. Real time pricing is also applied. The proposed model is especially useful when actual and day ahead wind forecast differ significantly. Its application is illustrated in this paper implementing the characteristics of a real resources conditions scenario in a 33 bus distribution network with 32 consumers and 66 distributed generators.


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This paper proposes a wind speed forecasting model that contributes to the development and implementation of adequate methodologies for Energy Resource Man-agement in a distribution power network, with intensive use of wind based power generation. The proposed fore-casting methodology aims to support the operation in the scope of the intraday resources scheduling model, name-ly with a time horizon of 10 minutes. A case study using a real database from the meteoro-logical station installed in the GECAD renewable energy lab was used. A new wind speed forecasting model has been implemented and it estimated accuracy was evalu-ated and compared with a previous developed forecast-ing model. Using as input attributes the information of the wind speed concerning the previous 3 hours enables to obtain results with high accuracy for the wind short-term forecasting.


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Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Robotics Open 2004


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Projecte d'adaptació del programa GNU Chess al sistema de grid computing 'Condor'. I amb això, es planteja un estudi sobre els algorismes de cerca i la seva aplicació en entorns distribuïts. Una sèrie de proves sobre unes mostres de una partida d'escacs contra el propi GNU Chess ens ajuden a posar de relleu els avantatges i inconvenients de cada un dels algorismes proposats.


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This contribution aims at exploring the significance of the new generation of UNESCO conventions for the recognition of higher education qualifications. It discusses three possible scenarios and links them to the empirical findings of a study that compares the enabling conditions of the first generation of recognition conventions established in the 1970s and 1980s with the ones establishing the second generation today. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, the paper argues that the changes illustrate a more general shift in the architecture of the global order and highlights a new role of UNESCO.