814 resultados para Geografia : Ensino fundamental
Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Comunicação - Mestrado da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul.
This article is about a study about the training needs for teachers of elementary school in the field of Geography. It is our objective to grasp their conceptions of training needs and reflect about their formative needs to teach geography. We consider the training as reflective process that involves the movement of changes and improvement beyond of formal learning, considering its numerous dimensions. We reflected about formative needs in light of the readings of Rodrigues Esteves (1993), Silva (2000), Roberts (2006), Vieira (2010). The discussions about conceptions were based on Ferreira (2007). The empirical reference constitutes to a private school in the city of Ceará-Mirim/RN, SECAT Centro de Ensino. The social subjects of our research are five teachers who work in the initial years of elementary school. We resorted a survey (auto) biographical, based on the studies of Passeggi (2011), Delory (2008), Bertaux (2010) e Josso (2010), since it is our intention to turn to the historicity of the subject and the learning, recognizing the links between him and the world and the experiences based on for learning and adult training. As technical and methodological procedure we will use the Training Narratives, whose application allows the understanding of memories and stories of schooling teachers, since are reported events occurred during the development of the individual through seminars Biographical. We observed on the narratives constructed by the teachers the absence assignments of meanings to a reworking of the theoretical formative needs and questions of its organizing principles. However, we notice the teachers were able to develop senses and means to conceive the phenomenon in study, in a descriptive way, through articulated enunciations, including aspects and opportunities linked to their teaching practices and future formative prospects. Regarding School Geography, we based our studies in the reflections of Smith Junior (1994, 2000), Tonini (2003), Vesentini (2004) and Vlach (1991), among others. We verified that the needs evidenced by the teachers to teach geography were constructed from the contexts of their teaching practices present in their school and professional trajectories. Therefore, we noticed the need for formal pedagogical qualification so that we can conceive the phenomenon in study beyond its descriptive character, understanding that it is necessary to point out reflections and questions about the dynamics of production of global capital, which conveys its interests in the contexts that often emerge formative needs of the educational system
This article is about a study about the training needs for teachers of elementary school in the field of Geography. It is our objective to grasp their conceptions of training needs and reflect about their formative needs to teach geography. We consider the training as reflective process that involves the movement of changes and improvement beyond of formal learning, considering its numerous dimensions. We reflected about formative needs in light of the readings of Rodrigues Esteves (1993), Silva (2000), Roberts (2006), Vieira (2010). The discussions about conceptions were based on Ferreira (2007). The empirical reference constitutes to a private school in the city of Ceará-Mirim/RN, SECAT Centro de Ensino. The social subjects of our research are five teachers who work in the initial years of elementary school. We resorted a survey (auto) biographical, based on the studies of Passeggi (2011), Delory (2008), Bertaux (2010) e Josso (2010), since it is our intention to turn to the historicity of the subject and the learning, recognizing the links between him and the world and the experiences based on for learning and adult training. As technical and methodological procedure we will use the Training Narratives, whose application allows the understanding of memories and stories of schooling teachers, since are reported events occurred during the development of the individual through seminars Biographical. We observed on the narratives constructed by the teachers the absence assignments of meanings to a reworking of the theoretical formative needs and questions of its organizing principles. However, we notice the teachers were able to develop senses and means to conceive the phenomenon in study, in a descriptive way, through articulated enunciations, including aspects and opportunities linked to their teaching practices and future formative prospects. Regarding School Geography, we based our studies in the reflections of Smith Junior (1994, 2000), Tonini (2003), Vesentini (2004) and Vlach (1991), among others. We verified that the needs evidenced by the teachers to teach geography were constructed from the contexts of their teaching practices present in their school and professional trajectories. Therefore, we noticed the need for formal pedagogical qualification so that we can conceive the phenomenon in study beyond its descriptive character, understanding that it is necessary to point out reflections and questions about the dynamics of production of global capital, which conveys its interests in the contexts that often emerge formative needs of the educational system.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Cartography is one of the languages that express the knowledge of the geographic space and, therefore, the official curriculum proposals have highlighted the importance of the geography teaching which articulates its contents with this language in primary education. So, we present an analysis of the content selected to the curriculum mapping specifications of the São Paulo faz escola material, specifically for the 6th year of Elementary School II, version 2009. From the perspective of qualitative research, with instruments and techniques of quantitative and qualitative research, we analyzed documents and observed little concern with the proposition works that present the physical and social characteristics of the state of São Paulo. Also, we noticed the lack of concern with representations in local and regional scales. The research brings many examples on the global scale. It explores few activities using graphics and charts. Despite bringing thematic maps in their entirety, it does not show an example of conical projection as well as cartograms and anamorphosis. Furthermore, the trend of a technicist education is announced in the document
This research work aims to analyze and understand the teaching of geography in the perspective of historical and critical pedagogy, with the object of analysis, the Center for Integrated Natural Disaster Alerts (CIADEN) for students in Cycle I of the Elementary School, located in Etec “Astor de Mattos Carvalho”, in Cabrália Paulista-SP. Deepening the knowledge of geography teaching in a critical and controversial about the bad weather and the use of new technologies to transform the social order and its relationship with the environment. Contributing to the students and the community have a new proposal for action from the content learned, capable of solving the present and future with respect to weather, climate and natural disasters. To implement a culture of prevention and risk perception, providing the diffusion of knowledge socially useful
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
This paper intends to reflect on the search, in the process of teaching formation, of pre-defined contents for the teaching of Geography and History in the series of primary school. This desire for clarity about the appropriated contents for the various series often overshadows the real need to clarify what is the goal of teaching this or that content. It is necessary, in the teacher training, resume and historically contextualize this search for curriculum contents. The risk of prioritizing the discussion about contents is transforming the contents itself into the content goals of education. Reifying the contents contributes to the common process of disconnect teaching from learning. In this case, the educational process becomes a contest of teaching contents, not bothering if these contents were or not learned by the students, which makes education extremely conservative. This phenomenon has it origins in the 1970s, during the curriculum discussions of the various areas of school knowledge. Since then, the concept of didactic transposition has been questioned progressively, in which the curricula were designed as adapted teaching to lower levels of scientific knowledge produced in universities – the place for higher education. The school knowledge, since the 1970s, is considered as autonomous. In other words, knowledge in dialogue with university science, but with typical characteristics of education in school systems. If the curriculum of primary and secondary educations is not the result of the didactic transposition, what content it should be made of? The current paper touches this issue, but subordinates it to most relevant questions about the purposes of learning in inseparable connection with teaching.
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender as vivências da Geografia Escolar pelas crianças no primeiro ano do Ensino Fundamental a partir do seu protagonismo. Inspirada em princípios qualitativos, tem na Etnografia sua base metodológica, enfocando especialmente o trabalho realizado em duas escolas públicas de Juiz de Fora (MG). Assim, busca aproximar-se dos significados que as crianças atribuem a este campo de saber nas práticas escolares, colocando-os em diálogo com alguns discursos adultos constituintes da Geografia Escolar. Tomando como referencial teórico os estudos da infância e, em especial, a Geografia da Infância, traz as vozes das crianças, sujeitos centrais no processo de antecipação do ingresso obrigatório no Ensino Fundamental para os seis anos de idade. Os achados da investigação foram organizados em três campos interpretativos que reorientam o olhar sobre a política de antecipação do ingresso obrigatório no Ensino Fundamental, bem como a Geografia Escolar com crianças.
O livro didático é um complexo objeto cultural, haja vista ser ao mesmo tempo elemento de intermediação nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem, produto comercializado que contém o conhecimento para a formação do aluno e objeto de compra, pelo Governo Federal, para ser distribuído para escolas em todo o Brasil. Configura-se, assim, como um produto cultural composto, híbrido, que se encontra no “cruzamento da cultura, da pedagogia, da produção editorial e da sociedade”. (STRAY,1993, p.77-78). Outrossim, o livro didático, tradicionalmente, é “um dos lugares formais do conhecimento escolar, pelo menos daquele saber julgado necessário à formação da sociedade e dos seus indivíduos” (MEDEIROS, 2006, p.34) e a materialização do seu uso pelo professor encontra-se interconectada pelas representações e conceitos construídos nas múltiplas transições na história de vida docente, tendo em vista que a práxis humana constrói-se numa perspectiva retroativa (do presente para o passado), numa hermenêutica social dos atos individuais. É nesse contexto que se situou a pesquisa, entendida como uma possibilidade de contribuição significativa ao debate da educação geográfica, ao propor a compreensão das concepções construídas nas múltiplas transições na narrativa de vida do docente com o livro didático de Geografia. A pesquisa se definiu como um estudo qualitativo, ancorado nas entrevistas narrativas, o qual abrangeu um levantamento de dados sobre as Histórias de vida de professores/professoras dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola da rede pública, no intuito de recorrermos às suas memórias escolares, acadêmica (formação inicial) e profissional para situarmos no espaço-tempo as suas concepções sobre o livro didático de Geografia. O livro didático de Geografia foi a área de interesse escolhida, sendo problematizada a partir do seguinte questionamento: quais as concepções atribuídas pelos professores do Ensino Fundamental aos livros didáticos de Geografia? As ideias dos professores expressas nas entrevistas narrativas da nossa pesquisa confirmam a conjuntura de indefinição e superficialidade teóricometodológica sobre o livro didático de Geografia, cujas concepções ficaram restritas aos seus aspectos descritivos, evidenciando a ausência de atribuições de significados pertinentes a uma reelaboração teórica do narrar produzido, como também, de questionamentos dos princípios organizadores das concepções sistematizadas. Desse modo, as ideias apontadas pelos professores em foco, restringiram-se à enumeração dos aspectos característicos do fenômeno em questão – o livro didático de Geografia – na sua superficialidade, isto é, não expressaram elementos que possibilitassem ver as concepções numa perspectiva macro, destacando-se mais as explicações das partes e das percepções isoladas, do que níveis mais abrangentes de generalidade do referido objeto de estudo. Enfatizamos, por fim, a necessária continuidade da pesquisa, e consequentemente, desse processo permanente de reflexão sobre as concepções do livro didático de Geografia, sendo mister explicitar, portanto, a razão histórica que as norteiam para que se possa buscar uma prática docente mais crítica e propositiva.
O presente projeto tem como objetivo sensibilizar a comunidade educacional sobre a importância de utilizar o computador adequadamente, aperfeiçoando as habilidades dos alunos do 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental, da Escola Municipal Jair de Oliveira. Partindo de um diagnóstico, sobre aulas de Geografia, verificou-se que a aprendizagem dos alunos a partir da utilização do computador e da Internet poderia contribuir para melhorar o desempenho dos mesmos. Foram elaboradas e realizadas entrevistas e/ou questionários, para coleta e tabulação de dados sobre o uso dos recursos tecnológicos. Nessa perspectiva, ressalta-se a importância da apropriação das novas tecnologias e da necessidade da qualificação para o uso dos mesmos. A educação do futuro será uma combinação entre telecomunicações e computadores. Todavia, em pleno século XXI, alguns têm pouco acesso a computadores em rede. As escolas que possuem o laboratório, na maioria das vezes não qualificam os professores para utilizá-los, e esses se sentem impotentes por causa de problemas disciplinares. Com esse projeto espera-se que os educandos sintam-se capazes de lidar com os avanços tecnológicos, e que o docente seja mais flexível na escolha das metodologias a serem trabalhadas a fim de conciliar os usos dos recursos tecnológicos com êxito no aprendizado.
O presente artigo apresenta reflexões sobre alguns aspectos do currículo de Geografia elaborado pela Secretaria de Educação do Tocantins e destinado às escolas públicas estaduais. É parte de uma pesquisa de mestrado defendida em 2010. Esse texto, particularmente, foca, sobretudo, na abordagem inapropriada da história da Geografia Escolar e na ocorrência de plágios de textos presentes nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN). Para tanto, o texto lançará mão da comparação entre o que os documentos curriculares propõem e a discussão estabelecida na literatura geográfica. As impropriedades encontradas influenciam diretamente na identidade da Geografia Escolar, uma vez que fornece uma urdidura teórica pouco consistente. Essa pouca consistência, por sua vez, redunda em pouca utilidade do documento, para o professor, no auxílio a sua pratica pedagógica. Por fim, ressalta a importância de pensar o conceito de geograficidade para a identidade da Geografia Escolar.
The work objectified to apprehend the degree of the teachers' concept concerning the territory concept and to intervene with situations of critical reflections to accompany and to analyze the process of conceptual elaboration. It contemplates on the (new)meaning of knowledge and (new)elaboration of the concept in study done inside a pedagogic intervention. The Municipal School Dr. Julio Senna - Ceará-Mirim/RN and six (6) teacher-collaborators that taught in the 3rd and 4th grades of the fundamental teaching, constitutes the empiric field of the research. Its theoretical-methodological contributions are built in the studies of Vigotski (2000a, 2000b and 2001) on the formation process and development of concepts; in the methodology colaborate (Ibiapina (2004), Bartomé (1986), Kemmis and Mctaggart (1988), Arnal, Del Ricon and Latorre (1992), Pepper and Ghedin (2002), among others) and in the critical-reflexive conception of the Geography (Soares Júnior (2000 and 1994), Silva (1998), Raffestin (1993), Santos (1994), Felipe (1998), among others). The accomplishment of the work presupposed starting from the reflections on the following subjects: which the teachers' understanding in the school space concerning the territory concept? How does happen the process of conceptual construction territory for the teachers? The analysis of the teachers' previous knowledge on the concept in study, evidenced that its apprehensions on the attributes of the referred concept went mentioned the to light of the perceptible dimension of the real-concrete relationships of the reality linked to the degree of the spontaneous concepts and followed by the ideas of the traditional, humanistic and cultural geographical conceptions (positivism and phenomenology), restricting the territory meaning the notion of State-Nation and place of the men's dwelling. In the intervention process, it was verified to real possibility of the acquisition of indispensable scientific concepts to the process of (new)meaning conceptual of geographical knowledge through the continuous practice of the educational formation, when it was evidenced that the teacher-collaborators acquired high degrees of attributions of the significance of the territory concept to the they elaborate generalizations by means of analyses and syntheses of the concept-attribute (essential and multiples) of the reference conceptual in study