947 resultados para Generic competences
The aim of this paper is to measure the returns to human capital. We use a unique data set consisting of matched employer-employee information. Data on individuals' human capital include a set of 26 competences that capture the utilization of workers' skills in a very detailed way. Thus, we can expand the concept of human capital and discuss the type of skills that are more productive in the workplace and, hence, generate a higher payoff for the workers. The rich information on firm's and workplace characteristics allows us to introduce a broad range of controls and to improve previous research in this field. This paper gives evidence that the returns to generic competences differ depending on the position of the worker in the firm. Only numeracy skills are reward independent of the occupational status of the worker. The level of technology used by the firm in the production process does not directly increase workers’ pay, but it influences the pay-off to some of the competences. JEL Classification: J24, J31
In this work, a comparison between the competences codes in the CDIÓs* curriculum, the ones defined for the Tunning Project and the International Project Management Association (IPMA) is made. The goal is to define the most appropriate competences codes for the engineering education in Latin America. The CDIO code is obtained from the engineering practice, and responds to the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) standards of accreditation. The Tuning competences are the ones defined for Latin America and the IPMÁs are international competences for project management. It is the first time that the competences defined in ABET accreditation standards in the engineering field are compared with the international competences according to IPMÁs model. The results give evidence that, in first place, there is a need to apply holistic models in the definition of an engineering curriculum. Second, the pertinence of these models in the definition of engineering programs in Latin America.
The competence evaluation promoted by the European High Education Area entails a very important methodological change that requires guiding support to help teachers carry out this new and complex task. In this regard, the Technical University of Madrid (UPM, by its Spanish acronym) has financed a series of coordinated projects with a two-fold objective: a) To develop a model for teaching and evaluating core competences that is useful and easily applicable to its different degrees, and b) to provide support to teachers by creating an area within the Website for Educational Innovation where they can search for information on the model corresponding to each core competence approved by UPM. Information available on each competence includes its definition, the formulation of indicators providing evidence on the level of acquisition, the recommended teaching and evaluation methodology, examples of evaluation rules for the different levels of competence acquisition, and descriptions of best practices. These best practices correspond to pilot tests applied to several of the academic subjects conducted at UPM in order to validate the model. This work describes the general procedure that was used and presents the model developed specifically for the problem-solving competence. Some of the pilot experiences are also summarised and their results analysed
The competence evaluation promoted by the European High Education Area entails a very important methodological change that requires guiding support to help teachers carry out this new and complex task. In this regard, the Technical University of Madrid (UPM, by its Spanish acronym) has financed a series of coordinated projects with a two-fold objective: a) To develop a model for teaching and evaluating core competences that is useful and easily applicable to its different degrees, and b) to provide support to teachers by creating an area within the Website for Educational Innovation where they can search for information on the model corresponding to each core competence approved by UPM. Information available on each competence includes its definition, the formulation of indicators providing evidence on the level of acquisition, the recommended teaching and evaluation methodology, examples of evaluation rules for the different levels of competence acquisition, and descriptions of best practices. These best practices correspond to pilot tests applied to several of the academic subjects conducted at UPM in order to validate the model. This work describes the general procedure that was used and presents the model developed specifically for the problem-solving competence. Some of the pilot experiences are also summarised and their results analysed
The Bologna Declaration and the implementation of the European Higher Education Area are promoting the use of active learning methodologies. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects obtained after applying active learning methodologies to the achievement of generic competences as well as to the academic performance. This study has been carried out at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, where these methodologies have been applied to the Operating Systems I subject of the degree in Technical Engineering in Computer Systems. The fundamental hypothesis tested was whether the implementation of active learning methodologies (cooperative learning and problem based learning) favours the achievement of certain generic competences (‘teamwork’ and ‘planning and time management’) and also whether this fact improved the academic performance of our students. The original approach of this work consists in using psychometric tests to measure the degree of acquired student’s generic competences instead of using opinion surveys, as usual. Results indicated that active learning methodologies improve the academic performance when compared to the traditional lecture/discussion method, according to the success rate obtained. These methods seem to have as well an effect on the teamwork competence (the perception of the behaviour of the other members in the group) but not on the perception of each students’ behaviour. Active learning does not produce any significant change in the generic competence ‘planning and time management'.
The new degrees in Spanish universities generated as a result of the Bologna process, stress a new dimension: the generic competencies to be acquired by university students (leadership, problem solving, respect for the environment, etc.). At Universidad Polite¿cnica de Madrid a teaching model was defined for two degrees: Graduate in Computer Engineering and Graduate in Software Engineering. Such model incorporates the training, development and assessment of generic competencies planned in these curricula. The aim of this paper is to describe how this model was implemented in both degrees. The model has three components. The first refers to a set of seven activities for introducing mechanisms for training, development and assessment of generic competencies. The second component aims to coordinate actions that implement the competencies across courses (in space and time). The third component consists of a series of activities to perform quality control. The implementation of generic competencies was carried out in first year courses (first and second semesters), together with the planning for second year courses (third and fourth semesters). We managed to involve a high percentage of first-year courses (80%) and the contacts that have been initiated suggest a high percentage in the second year as well.
This paper analyzes the role of Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) in a model of learning based on competences. The proposal is an e-learning model Linear Algebra course for Engineering, which includes the use of a CAS (Maxima) and focuses on problem solving. A reference model has been taken from the Spanish Open University. The proper use of CAS is defined as an indicator of the generic ompetence: Use of Technology. Additionally, we show that using CAS could help to enhance the following generic competences: Self Learning, Planning and Organization, Communication and Writing, Mathematical and Technical Writing, Information Management and Critical Thinking.
The competency assessment is a key issue for improving the quality of teaching and learning within the current European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The aim of this paper is to review the current research on assessment of generic competences, especially through online tools. It has conducted a search of the Web of Knowledge (Thomson Reuters) from keywords. It have been reviewed the abstracts and the results have been classified by time periods, countries and research area. It has selected a set of articles of the period 2010?2012, in which we have analyzed future trends. It is concluded that the research of assessment generic competences is been developing nowadays in educational area, although is still more important in the professional one. Additionally, it is surprising that appears most often used in preuniversity education levels. The academic context has increased research activities over the past five years, with different developments in the Anglo?Saxon countries over that those countries attached to the Bologna Process. The latest reports indicate that the learning competences must meet the individual reality of each person, so that the use of ICTs in their development and evaluation are essential given its immediacy and motivational ability. There is a clear trend towards an evaluation model that includes a 360º specific and generic competences analysis.
There is increasing research interest into the nature of competences required to secure a graduate job. This paper examines the role of the undergraduate work placement in developing such employment competences. In order to do this we draw upon a framework of generic competences developed in a previous project by one of the authors, together with data on how these competences are valued by graduates and employers. We also draw upon a survey of employers and students who have participated in an Aston Business School work placement. The work placement year is an integral feature of Aston’s undergraduate business programme and gives up to 600 students a year the experience of working with well known companies. For the past five years we have conducted a survey of these companies to assess their experience of employing our undergraduates on work placements and to examine the skills and competencies developed by students in the learning process. In this paper we compare data from both pieces of research to examine how competences developed during the undergraduate work placement contribute to the enhancement of graduate employment.
HENRE II (Higher Education Network for Radiography in Europe)
With this case-study, we (i) intend to show how a semester project on creating a Multimedia CV could, to some extent, help Portuguese final-year students develop some generic competences, change their attitude towards the challenge of "How to Apply fro a Job" and increase their self-marketing strategies, creativity and entrepreneurship cannot answer the question of the paper, but intend onlu to raise it fot further and better studies now that Bologna design is implementes in almost all HEIs Europe.
Ao profissional de hoje é exigido o domínio de competências que transcendem a sua própria função, área ou nível de qualificação, colocando-se assim às empresas o desafio de identificar e desenvolver as referidas competências, a partir de uma gestão de recursos humanos (GRH) que tenha por base as competências, seja ela uma gestão mais ou menos formalizada. A gestão por competências permite uma gestão estratégica, integrada e coerente dos processos de GRH, na medida em que poderá ser transversal a todos os seus subsistemas e acontece de forma articulada com os objetivos globais do negócio. Neste contexto, emerge a investigação que se segue, um estudo exploratório, de cariz qualitativo que tem como objetivos compreender em profundidade a realidade de diversas empresas em termos de competências transversais valorizadas e as suas práticas de gestão de recursos humanos baseadas em competências. Entrevistamos dez gestores de recursos humanos e administradores de empresas, com um número diferenciado de trabalhadores, representando assim as micro, peque- nas, médias e grandes empresas do norte de Portugal. Concluímos que as competências transversais mais valorizadas pelas empresas são a flexibilidade, relacionamento interpessoal, adaptação à mudança e trabalho em equipa. Esta investigação permitiu ainda compreender que a presença das competências na GRH é caracterizada por uma forte informalidade. Nesta informalidade, as competências transversais estão presentes na contratação, na retenção e nos planos de desenvolvimento, sendo menos frequente a sua utilização em práticas como a gestão e avaliação de desempenho, gestão de carreiras e gestão de benefícios e recompensas. Estes resultados representam vantagens para a produção científica e para as empre- sas, sistemas de ensino, profissionais e estudantes, não só pela importância que as competências e as competências transversais assumem no mercado de hoje e porque fornecem dados atualizados e pistas para investigações futuras.
L'article recull i sistematitza les propostes sorgides al seminari sobre Avaluació de les Competències Transversals. S'hi analitzen les dimensions de la competència, en especial el component actitudinal que hi incorporen, i es fan suggeriments per a l'avaluació integral de les competències, destriant-ne les oportunitats i les dificultats associades a aquesta pràctica.
[spa] El presente estudio versa sobre la evaluación de competencias transversales en el Grado de Derecho a través del uso del portafolio digital. A tal fin son definidos los objetivos a alcanzar, las fases en su aplicación; la selección de las competencias a evaluar, así como una tabla de equivalencias entre actividades y competencias. Dicho portafolio electrónico nos ha permitido hacer el seguimiento, monitorización y evaluación de las competencias de los estudiantes. Se ha escogido deliberadamente llevar a cabo únicamente la evaluación de las competencias genéricas o transversales. La implantación del portafolio se ha hecho como experiencia piloto en un grupo de 90 estudiantes de doble titulación en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Barcelona.
Partiendo de un enfoque sobre las relaciones entre las tecnologías digitales como herramientas de mediación, se analiza el papel de un caso concreto, los portafolios electrónicos, para la mejora de competencias transversales en el ámbito universitario. Los resultados indican que se obtienen mejoras, como mínimo desde la percepción de los propios estudiantes, en algunas dimensiones ligadas a la capacidad para seleccionar y organizar información, así como a la planificación del aprendizaje.