53 resultados para Ganoderma lucidum


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This study was undertaken to isolate ligninase-producing white-rot fungi for use in the extraction of fibre from pineapple leaf agriwaste. Fifteen fungal strains were isolated from dead tree trunks and leaf litter. Ligninolytic enzymes (lignin peroxidase (LiP), manganese peroxidase (MnP), and laccase (Lac)), were produced by solid-state fermentation (SSF) using pineapple leaves as the substrate. Of the isolated strains, the one showing maximum production of ligninolytic enzymes was identified to be Ganoderma lucidum by 18S ribotyping. Single parameter optimization and response surface methodology of different process variables were carried out for enzyme production. Incubation period, agitation, and Tween-80 were identified to be the most significant variables through Plackett-Burman design. These variables were further optimized by Box-Behnken design. The overall maximum yield of ligninolytic enzymes was achieved by experimental analysis under these optimal conditions. Quantitative lignin analysis of pineapple leaves by Klason lignin method showed significant degradation of lignin by Ganoderma lucidum under SSF


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Clinical evaluations have been made possible with radiobiocomplexes marked with tecnecium-99m (99mTc). Natural or synthetic drugs are able to interfere in the marking of blood structures with 99m Tc. Also, the toxicity of several natural products has been described. The aim of this study was evaluating the effect of an extract of Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi) in the marking of blood constituents with 98m Tc and in the survival of Escherichia coli. Blood samples from Wistar rats were treated with reishi extract. Radiomarking procedure was performed. Samples of plasma (P), blood cells (CS), and insoluble (FI) and soluble (FS) fractions of P and CS were separated and the radioactivity was counted to determine radioactivity percentages (%ATI). Escherichia coli AB1157 cultures were treated with stannous chloride in the presence and absence of the reishi extract. Blood samples and bacterial cultures treated with NaCl 0.9% were used as controls. Data indicated that the reishi extract has significantly altered (p<0,05) the %ATI of P, CS, FI-P, FS-P, FI-CS e FS-CS, as well as it has increased survival of bacterial cultures treated with stannous chloride. Our results suggest that the Reishi extract would be able to present a redox/ chelant action by altering blood constituent marking with 99mTc and by protecting bacterial cultures against stannous chloride-induced oxydating lesions. The study had a multidisciplinary character, with the participation of the following areas of knowledge: Biophysics, Radiobiology, Botanics, Phytotherapy, and Hematology


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Ganoderma lucidum is an edible medicinal mushroom with immunomodulatory and antitumor properties, which are mainly attributed to polysaccharides and triterpenes that can be isolated from mycelia, fruiting bodies and spores. G. lucidum has been us d in a powdered form, as a medicinal beverage and a nutraceutical food (usually dried). In the present review we report some historical facts and the experimental evidence that polysaccharides and triterpenes obtained from this mushroom present potential antitumor activity. Direct effects on tumor cells include induction of apoptosis and interference in the cell cycle, whereas indirect effects are based on the modulation of immune response, usually impaired by cancer cells. Data indicate that G. lucidum can be used as a complementary tool for treatment of cancer patients. © by São Paulo State University.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of the study was to evaluate the production of two strains of Ganoderma lucidum on agricultural waste and carry out bromatological analyses of the basidiomata obtained from the cultivation. The experiment was carried out at the Mushroom Module at the School of Agronomic Sciences of the São Paulo State University (FCA/UNESP - Botucatu, SP, Brazil) and two strains were used (GLM-09/01 and GLM-10/02) which were cultivated on waste, oat straw, bean straw, brachiaria grass straw, Tifton grass straw and eucalyptus sawdust under two situations: with (20%) and without (0%) supplementation with wheat bran. All the waste was taken from dumps of agricultural activities in Botucatu-SP. Both treatments were carried out in 10 repetitions, totaling 200 packages. The mushrooms cultivation took 90 days. Next, the biological efficiency of the treatments and the bromatological analysis of the basidiomata were evaluated. The biological efficiency (BE) values (%) varied from 0.0 to 6.7%. In the mushroom bromatological analyses, the results ranged from 8.7 to 13.7%, from 2.0 to 6.7%, from 0.83 to 1.79% and from 38.8 to 54.5%, for total protein, ethereal extract, ash and crude fiber, respectively. Thus, we conclude that the substrates which presented the greater yield were the brachiaria straw, 20% in both strains tested (GLM-09/01 and GLM-10/02) and the bean straw, 20% in the strain GLM-10/02. The mushrooms showed high levels of ethereal extract, fibers and ashes and a low level of proteins.


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Ganoderma lucidum is a medicinal mushroom traditionally consumed in Asian countries that presents several beneficial effects already verified. Despite all studies about their bioactive compounds, the best cultivation media enrichment aiming to increase the production of these compounds is still uncertain. Besides, few studies are related to the performance of production animals. In order to test different cultivation media for G. lucidum mycelia, agricultural residues (solid state fermentation) and different sugars and aminoacids (in culture media with agar), were tested to evaluate G. lucidum mycelium growth. Supply of flour with G. lucidum mycelia obtained by solid state fermentation (wheat grain) for rabbits was also evaluated. Mycelium of G. lucidum developed very well in all agricultural residues, soybean hulls was the residue that presented higher growth rate and higher concentration of β-glucans. In the cultivation media experiment, G. lucidum also developed well, media that contained cellobiose and tyrosine, despite presenting lower growth rates and total growth within 10 days, produced mycelia with higher concentration of β-glucans and trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC), respectively. Rabbits did not show any sign of intolerance to feed with different concentrations of flour with G. lucidum mycelium. All performance parameters and dressing percentages were adequate to the age at which they were slaughtered. Histological evaluation of organs presented alterations in renal cells (tubular and glomerulus), indicating a possible renal lesion according to the increase of flour with mycelium in feed. Histomorphometric evaluation showed increased vilous height in ileum and decreased vilous width of jejunus at 0.5% concentration, and decrease in crypt diameter according to the increase of concentration of flour with mycelium in feed. These results indicate the possibility of more studies regarding the aspects about cellobiose and tyrosine utilization for the production of bioactive compounds, and about toxicity of this mushroom mycelia, assuring the safety in supplying this product for animails.


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Ganopoly is an aqueous polysaccharide fraction extracted from G. lucidum by patented biochemical technique and has been marketed as an over-the-counter product for chronic diseases including cancer and hepatopathy in many Asian countries. This study was undertaken to explore the anti-tumour effect and the underlying mechanisms of Ganopoly in mice and human tumor cell lines. The maximum tolerateddose (MTD) of Ganopoly in mice was estimated to be 100 mg/kg from a pilot study. Treatment of mice with oral Ganopoly for 10 days significantly reduced the tumour weight of sarcoma-180 in a dose-dependent manner, with inhibition rates of 32.3, 48.2 and 84.9% and growth delays of 1.5, 3.5, and 13.1 days at 20, 50, and 100 mg/kg, respectively. Incubation of Ganopoly at 0.05-1.0 mg/ml for 48 hours showed little or negligible cytotoxicity against human tumor CaSki, SiHa, Hep3B, HepG2, HCT116, HT29, and MCF7 cells in vitro. In contrast, 10 mg/ml of Ganopoly caused significant cytotoxicity in all tumour cells tested except MCF7, with marked apoptotic effects observed in CaSki, HepG2, and HCT116 cells, as indicated by nuclear staining and DNA fragmentation. In addition, Ganopoly enhanced concanavalin A-stimulated proliferation of murine splenocytes by 35.3% at 10 mg/ml, and stimulated the production of nitric oxide in thioglycollate-primed murine peritoneal macrophages in a concentration-dependent manner over 0.05-10 mg/ml. Addition of Ganopoly at 1 mg/ml to murine peritoneal macrophages also potentiated lipopolysaccharide-induced nitric oxide production by 64.2%. Treatment of healthy mice or mice bearing sarsoma-180 with oral Ganopoly over 20-100 mg/kg for 7 day significantly increased the expression of both TNF-α and IFN-γ (at both mRNA and protein levels) in splenocytes in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, treatment of Ganopoly over 20-100 mg/kg significantly increased cytotoxic T lymphocyte cytotoxicity and NK activity in mice. The overall findings indicated that Ganopoly had antitumor activity with a broad spectrum of immuno-modulating activities and may represent a novel promising immunotherapeutic agent in cancer treatment.


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生物多样性是人类赖以生存的物质基础,菌物多样性是生物多样性的重要组成。我国位于亚太竹区,是世界竹类的分布中心之一,有着极为丰富的竹种资源,并孕育着丰富的菌物资源。近年来,我国对木材腐朽菌,特别是多孔菌进行了广泛深入的研究,发表了许多新种和中国新记录种,但是对生于竹材上的腐朽菌却少见报道。因此,开展竹材腐朽真菌种类的研究对深入认识腐朽菌物种多样性,积极利用这些菌物资源,防治竹类病害以及竹材保藏都具有重要意义。 本论文按照多孔菌现代分类学方法对采集自我国10省市18个自然保护区、森林公园和林场的竹材腐朽真菌标本进行了初步的研究。对11种重要的竹材腐朽菌进行详细的描述和显微结构绘图,记载了每种的寄主、国内分布,并对每种与其相似种的联系和区别以及腐朽类型进行了讨论。 研究结果显示,我国范围内共记录及描述竹材腐朽真菌从5属增加到28属,新增属分别为:假芝属、薄孔菌属、小薄孔菌属、蜡孔菌属、拟蜡孔菌属、小集毛孔菌属、囊孔菌属、浅孔菌属、圆齿菌属、产丝齿菌属、耙齿菌属、容氏孔菌属、锐孔菌属、多年卧孔菌属、木层孔菌属、硬孔菌属、中国干腐菌属、干皮孔菌属、褶菌属、栓孔菌属、附毛孔菌属、孢孔菌属和中国记录属拟浅孔菌属 (Grammotheloposis),其中广义多孔菌有20属,革菌2属,齿菌1属;有15属为白腐菌,1属褐腐。 新增竹材腐朽真菌19种,其中多孔菌有15种,革菌1种,齿菌1种,褶菌2属。相似干朽菌(Serpula similis)和棕榈浅孔菌(Grammothele fuligo)竹区分布较多,前者是腐朽病原菌,后者腐朽作用不强,但影响竹材美观。二者在中国南方竹区广泛分布,是对竹材危害较严重的种类。而长江以北分布极少。另外有药用菌4种,分别为浅黄囊孔菌(Flavodon flavus)、宽棱木层孔菌(Phellinus torulosus)、裂褶菌(Schizophyllum commune)和灵芝(Ganoderma lucidum)。待定种1种(Grammotheloposis sp.)。


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Many herbal medicines are widely used as immuno-modulators in Asian countries. Ganoderma lucidum (Lingzhi) is one of the most commonly used herbs in Asia and preclinical studies have established that the polysaccharide fractions of G. lucidum have potent immuno-modulating effects. However, clinical evidence for this is scanty. The present open-labeled study aimed to evaluate the effects of G. lucidum polysaccharides on selected immune functions in patients with advanced colorectal cancer. Forty-seven patients were enrolled and treated with oral G. lucidum at 5.4 g/day for 12 weeks. Selected immune parameters were monitored using various immunological methods throughout the study. In 41 assessable cancer patients, treatment with G. lucidum tended to increase mitogenic reactivity to phytohemagglutinin, counts of CD3, CD4, CD8 and CD56 lymphocytes, plasma concentrations of interleukin (IL)-2, IL-6 and interferon (IFN)-γ, and NK activity, whereas plasma concentrations of IL-1 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α were decreased. For all of these parameters, no statistical significance was observed when a comparison was conducted between baseline and those values after a 12-week treatment with G. lucidum. The changes of IL-1 were correlated with those for IL-6, IFN-γ, CD3, CD4, CD8 and NK activity (p < 0.05) and IL-2 changes were correlated with those for IL-6, CD8 and NK activity. The results indicate that G. lucidum may have potential immuno-modulating effect in patients with advanced colorectal cancer. Further studies are needed to explore the benefits and safety of G. lucidum in cancer patients.


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Aqueous extracts of the sporophores of eight mushroom species were assessed for their ability to prevent H2O2-induced oxidative damage to cellular DNA using the single-cell gel electrophoresis (Comet) assay. The highest genoprotective effects were obtained with cold (20°C) and hot (100°C) water extracts of Agaricus bisporus and Ganoderma lucidum fruit bodies, respectively. No protective effects were observed with Mushroom Derived Preparations (MDPs) from Flammulina velutipes, Auricularia auricula, Hypsizygus marmoreus, Lentinula edodes, Pleurotus sajor-caju, and Volvariella volvacea. These findings indicate that some edible mushrooms represent a valuable source of biologically active compounds with potential for protecting cellular DNA from oxidative damage. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica


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Two species of Ganoderma belonging to different subgenera which cause disease on oil palms in PNG are identified by basidiome morphology and the morphology of their basidiospores. The names G. boninense and G. tornatum have been applied. Significant pleiomorphy was observed in basidiome characters amongst the specimens examined. This variation in most instances did not correlate well with host or host status. Sporemorphology appeared uniform within a species and spore indices varied only slightly. G. tornatum was found to have a broad host range whereas G. boninense appears to be restricted to palms in Papua New Guinea.