793 resultados para Gabriela Mistral


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Tit. de la cub.: Libro de cuentos 2007


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este artículo examina la recepción de la cultura clásica en la prosa de Gabriela Mistral. Frente a la retórica y la idealización academicistas, Mistral busca la Antigüedad viva en los poetas y los pueblos mediterráneos, y reivindica para América la herencia grecolatina del humanismo cristiano


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Este artículo examina la recepción de la cultura clásica en la prosa de Gabriela Mistral. Frente a la retórica y la idealización academicistas, Mistral busca la Antigüedad viva en los poetas y los pueblos mediterráneos, y reivindica para América la herencia grecolatina del humanismo cristiano


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Este artículo examina la recepción de la cultura clásica en la prosa de Gabriela Mistral. Frente a la retórica y la idealización academicistas, Mistral busca la Antigüedad viva en los poetas y los pueblos mediterráneos, y reivindica para América la herencia grecolatina del humanismo cristiano


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Trabajo presentado en las Jornadas mistralianas Gabriela, escritora y educadora internacional, organizadas por el Colegio de Profesores de Chile (Santiago, Chile, Centro Cultural de España, 16 noviembre de 2005).


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The starting point of this study was to find out how the historical consciousness manifest in conceptions and experiences of Chilean refugees and their descendants. The previous research of historical consciousness has shown that powerful experiences such as the revolution and being a refugee may have an effect on historical consciousness. The purpose of this study is to solve how those experiences in the past have influenced Chilean refugees and their descendant s interpretations of the present and expectations for the future. The research material was collected by interviewing four Chilean refugees that escaped to Finland in years 1973 1976 and four young adults who represent the second generation. All second generation interviewees were born in Finland and their other parent or both parents were Chilean refugees. The two groups were not in a family relation to each other. The empirical part of the research was made by qualitative methods. The research material was collected by the method of focused interview and it was analysed by the qualitative data analysis software Atlas.ti 6.0. Content analysis was the main research tool. The previous theory of historical consciousness and the study questions was used to create the seven categories that manifest historical consciousness. The seven categories were biographical memory, collective memory, experiences of living between two cultures, idea of man, the essence of history and the reason for living, value conceptions and expectations of the future. Content analysis was based on those categories. Subcategories were based on the research material and were created during the analysis. The results of this study were made up of categories. The study revealed that experiences of revolution and of being a refugee has a significant role in the historical consciousness of the Chilean refugees. It became evident in their biographical memory being separated in three parts, in their values and in the belief of possibility of an individual to govern her own life. The second generation was also exposed to their parent s experiences in the past. The collective trauma in their parent s past has been part of their life indirectly and has affected the way they think of themselves, their concepts and their place in the present world. The active and regular retrospection in Finland by Chilean adults and special Gabriela Mistral club activities has played a big part in the construction of their historical consciousness.


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This Dissertation Project comprises recordings of Argentine art songs. The discs are approximately 40-60 minutes in length and consist of songs from the traditional art-song repertoire for voice and piano. This project is particularly appropriate because of the very limited number of recordings of Argentine songs, which are notable both not only for their high quality but for their accessibility of performance for voice teachers, students, and professional singers alike. Art songs in the Spanish language are a welcome resource, and the poetry included in this project is of an outstanding quality. Some of the poets set to music are Gabriela Mistral (a poet laureate of Chile and the first Latin American woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature), Pablo Neruda (also a Nobel laureate), Luis Cernuda, and Leon Benar6s. The lyrics of some songs are based on traditional sources, and the melodies and rhythms of all are representative of South American-indigenous and European­ immigrant cultures. The composers represented here will be familiar to some listeners but more than likely unfamiliar to most. Yet Alberto Ginastera (1916-1983) is considered to be the greatest of all Argentine composers. Alberto Williams (1862-1952) is known as the father of the Nationalist School of composition in Argentina, and Carlos Lopez Buchardo (1881-1963) is a most influential composer and pedagogue after whom the national Conservatory of Music in Buenos Aries is named. Two composers who remain relatively unknown outside of South America, Abraham Jurafsky (1906- 1993) and Julio Perceval (1903-1963) are also represented in this project. A complete compact disc is devoted to the works of Carlos Guastavino. Known as the "Argentine Schubert", Guastavino has over 250 songs to his credit. Chiefly a composer for piano and voice, his recent death (October 2000) makes a recording of his works especially appropriate. This project also includes a written component, a supportive dissertation briefly describing the history of the Argentine art song and the lives and influences of the composers and poets represented in the studio recordings. The CD recordings are held in the Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library at the University of Maryland.


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Margaret Atwood’s novella The Penelopiad (2005) seemingly celebrates Penelope’s agency in opposition to Homer’s myth in The Odyssey. However, the twelve murdered maids steal the book to suggest the possibility of what Janice Raymond calls gyn/affection, a female bonding based on the logic of emotion that, in Atwood’s revision, verges on Kristevan abjection, the sinister and the fantastic, and serves a cathartic effect not only in the maids but also in the reader. This essay aims to question the generally accepted empowerment of Atwood’s Penelope and celebrates the murdered maids as the locus of emotion, where marginal aspects of gender and class merge to weave a powerful metaphorical tapestry of popular and traditionally feminized literary genres that, in plunging into and embracing the semiotic realm, ultimately solidify into an eclectic but compact alternative tradition of women’s writing and myth-making.


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A Colombia como uno de los países aspirantes le convendría trabajar en lograr su ingreso a APEC, mediante la formulación de una política exterior por medio de un proceso que evite un nuevo rechazo y que cubra con todos los requisitos exigidos por el Foro para lograr el ingreso.


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La experiencia se lleva a cabo por un grupo de profesores de EGB del Centro Público Gabriela Mistral de Fuentelapeña (Zamora) como objetivo se proponen articular los contenidos del ciclo medios de la Enseñanza General Básica en torno a centros de interés. En este caso la 'Primavera', prestando especial atención a la utilización del ordenador como herramienta didáctica. Una parte fundamental del plan de trabajo consiste en generar material didáctico, material impreso, informático, audiovisual, para la experimentación y el estudio de las ciencias de la naturaleza. El trabajo se llevó a cabo durante los meses de marzo, abril y mayo. Los contenidos tratados se ajustan a los propuestos por el MEC para las distintas áreas de este nivel. Los ocontenidos más trabajados son los de Ciencias de la naturaleza de informática, expresión plástica y manualidades. Como objetivos educativos más buscados se señalan: crear hábitos de trabajo en común, introducir al trabajo científico, (destacando las fases de observación, sistematización y formulación de conclusiones), desarrollar el sentido de globalización, estimular los sentimientos de amor a la naturaleza, iniciar a los alumnos en el manejo de nuevas herramientas. Los medios utilizados en la realización del trabajo han sido de muy diversa índole: microscopios, compuestos químicos, equipo de marquetería, ordenadores personales, equipo de grabación y reproducción, retroproyector, vídeos didácticos... etc. La evaluación de la experiencia se hizo por controles efectuados por los profesores para determinar el grado de aprovechamiento y la adquisición de nuevos conocimientos. Opiniones de los padres, alumnos y profesores implicados coinciden todos en lo positivo de la experiencia y en la necesidad de continuarla a la vez que el profesorado manifiesta que los alumnos adquirieron los conocimientos teóricos necesarios para promocionar curso sin ninguna excepción, además del interés manifestado por todos ellos hacia las actividades que se proponían, su cambio de actitudes referente al cuidado del material y adquisición de hábitos de trabajo en grupo. El trabajo no está publicado..


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Resumen en inglés


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Recurso para el área de Matemáticas en el que se recogen aspectos metodológicos y orientaciones para trabajar el cálculo y la resolución de problemas en Educación Primaria. Se incluyen dos anexos con curiosidades, acertijos y problemas de ingenio para los distintos ciclos de Primaria.