635 resultados para GYRODINIUM-DORSUM


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In the present study, the mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) were isolated from the marine red alga Gracilaria tenuistipitata and analysed by high-resolution accurate-mass sequential mass spectrometry (MSn). In addition to the proposed fragmentation mechanism based on the MSn analysis, it is clearly demonstrated that the elimination of mass 15 is a radical processes taking place at the methoxyl substituent of the double bond. This characteristic loss of a methyl radical was studied by theoretical calculations and the homolytic cleavage of the O-C bond is suggested to be dependent on the bond weakening. The protonation site of the MAAs was indicated by analysis of the Fukui functions and the relative Gibbs energies of the several possible protonated forms. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cover of medium and large defects of the dorsum of the hand remains a substantial surgical challenge that often requires free tissue transfer. We report the case of a 28-year-old male who presented with necrosis of most of the dorsum of his dominant hand after an iatrogenic injury. A large Becker flap was raised to cover the entire defect. However, venous insufficiency was noted intraoperatively. The flap was turbocharged by performing a venous anastomosis between the flap and the recipient site, resulting in complete survival of the flap. The authors conclude that the turbocharged Becker flap can be a good alternative for expeditiously covering large defects of the dorsum of the hand without having to resort to free tissue transfer.


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Abstract: Objective: To compare the long-term viability of percutaneously injected crushed auricular cartilage to surgically implanted cartilage in the rabbit. Methods: Auricular cartilage was harvested bilaterally in 10 New Zealand white rabbits. A 1 cm2 cartilage graft was harvested and implanted surgically on the upper nasal dorsum. The remaining cartilage was crushed and percutaneously injected on the lower nasal dorsum. Volume and mass of each graft were compared between pre-implantation and after 3 months of observation. A histological study was conducted to evaluate chondrocyte viability and degree of fibrosis on the grafts. Results: Mass and volume remained similar for surgically implanted cartilage grafts. Mass and volume diminished by an average of 47% and 40% respectively after 3 months for the injected crushed cartilage grafts. Chondrocyte viability was an average of 25% lower in the injected grafts. Conclusion: Cartilage injection is a promising technique that must be refined to increase long term chondrocyte viability. Developing an appropriate injection apparatus would improve this technique.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to correlate the presence of Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonadaceae, Moraxellaceae and Xanthomonadaceae on the posterior dorsum of the human tongue with the presence of tongue coating, gender, age, smoking habit and denture use. Material and Methods: Bacteria were isolated from the posterior tongue dorsum of 100 individuals in MacConkey agar medium and were identified by the API 20E system (Biolab-Merieux). Results: 43% of the individuals, presented the target microorganisms on the tongue dorsum, with greater prevalence among individuals between 40 and 50 years of age (p=0.001) and non-smokers (p=0.0485). Conclusions: A higher prevalence of Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonadaceae was observed on the tongue dorsum of the individuals evaluated. There was no correlation between these species and the presence and thickness of tongue coating, gender and presence of dentures.


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Experimentos foram desenvolvidos para estudar as taxas de alimentação e de sobrevivência de Artemia salina alimentada com cepas não tóxicas do dinoflagelado Gyrodinium corsicum e da Chryptophyta Rhodomonas baltica. As taxas de filtração sobre R. baltica e G. corsicum variaram entre 3,35 e 7,14 ml.artemia-1.h-1 e 2,97 e 15,86 ml.artemia-1.h-, respectivamente. As taxas de ingestão observadas para A. salina não indicaram disfunção digestiva ou prejuízo fisiológico nos organismos alimentados com G. corsicum, sendo a resposta funcional destes organismos similar a observada em copépodos alimentados com diferentes concentrações de alimento. As taxas de mortalidade de A. salina oscilaram entre 2,5 e 100% quando alimentada com R. baltica e G. corsicum, respectivamente. As maiores taxas de mortalidade observadas para os organismos alimentados com G. corsicum indicam que este dinoflagelado apresenta algum efeito nocivo sobre A. salina, embora não tenha sido possível confirmar se sua origem está relacionada com a produção de toxinas ou com a inadequação nutritiva deste dinoflagelado para alimentação de organismos desta espécie.


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OBJECTIVES This study aims to assess the effects of rinsing with zinc- and chlorhexidine-containing mouth rinse with or without adjunct tongue scraping on volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) in breath air, and the microbiota at the dorsum of the tongue. MATERIAL AND METHODS A randomized single-masked controlled clinical trial with a cross-over study design over 14 days including 21 subjects was performed. Bacterial samples from the dorsum of the tongue were assayed by checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization. RESULTS No halitosis (identified by VSC assessments) at day 14 was identified in 12/21 subjects with active rinse alone, in 10/21 with adjunct use of tongue scraper, in 1/21 for negative control rinse alone, and in 3/21 in the control and tongue scraping sequence. At day 14, significantly lower counts were identified only in the active rinse sequence (p < 0.001) for 15/78 species including, Fusobacterium sp., Porphyromonas gingivalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Tannerella forsythia. A decrease in bacteria from baseline to day 14 was found in successfully treated subjects for 9/74 species including: P. gingivalis, Prevotella melaninogenica, S. aureus, and Treponema denticola. Baseline VSC scores were correlated with several bacterial species. The use of a tongue scraper combined with active rinse did not change the levels of VSC compared to rinsing alone. CONCLUSIONS VSC scores were not associated with bacterial counts in samples taken from the dorsum of the tongue. The active rinse alone containing zinc and chlorhexidine had effects on intra-oral halitosis and reduced bacterial counts of species associated with malodor. Tongue scraping provided no beneficial effects on the microbiota studied. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Periodontally healthy subjects with intra-oral halitosis benefit from daily rinsing with zinc- and chlorhexidine-containing mouth rinse.


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To assess the location of hard gelatin capsules in the pharyngeal phase triggering among asymptomatic adults. The location of the bolus during the pharyngeal phase triggering provides information about the sensorimotor model of the beginning of deglutition onset. To evaluate the location of hard gelatin capsules in the pharyngeal phase triggering among asymptomatic adults. A videofluoroscopy swallowing study was carried out in 60 subjects (14 male and 46 female participants) aged between 27 and 55 years, who were evaluated with hard gelatin capsules #00 and #3 containing barium sulfate, swallowed with liquid food and pudding, in free volume. The first laryngeal elevation movement was the criterion to locate the pharyngeal phase triggering. Statistical analysis was based on the McNemar test. Capsule #3 presented higher percentage of location in the tongue dorsum compared to capsule #00, and capsule #00 presented higher percentage of location in the tongue base and vallecula compared to capsule #3. There was a difference between different capsules swallowed with liquid (p=0.016) and pudding (p=0.037). The capsule size influenced the location of the pharyngeal phase triggering. Smaller capsules started pharyngeal phase in the most anterior region (tongue dorsum) compared to larger capsules.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to use facial analysis to determine the effects of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) on nasal morphology in children in the stages of primary and mixed dentition, with posterior cross-bite. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Facial photographs (front view and profile) of 60 patients in the pre-expansion period, immediate post-expansion period and one year following rapid maxillary expansion with a Haas appliance were evaluated on 2 occasions by 3 experienced orthodontists independently, with a 2-week interval between evaluations. The examiners were instructed to assess nasal morphology and had no knowledge regarding the content of the study. Intraexaminer and interexaminer agreement (assessed using the Kappa statistic) was acceptable. RESULTS: From the analysis of the mode of the examiners' findings, no alterations in nasal morphology occurred regarding the following aspects: dorsum of nose, alar base, nasal width of middle third and nasal base. Alterations were only detected in the nasolabial angle in 1.64% of the patients between the pre-expansion and immediate post-expansion photographs. In 4.92% of the patients between the immediate post-expansion period and 1 year following expansion; and in 6.56% of the patients between the pre-expansion period and one year following expansion. CONCLUSIONS: RME performed on children in stages of primary and mixed dentition did not have any impact on nasal morphology, as assessed using facial analysis.


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Estudo experimental em animais. A mitomicina C vem sendo usada como inibidor de fibroblastos, acarretando, com isso, diminuição do processo cicatricial em feridas cirúrgicas. OBJETIVO: Este trabalho visa avaliar o uso de Mitomicina C para diminuir o processo cicatricial, através de seu uso tópico com reforços posteriores injetáveis. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foi usado um modelo de feridas em dorso de ratos, com retirada circular da pele e cicatrização por segunda intenção. Foram usados 18 ratos, divididos em três grupos: controle; com uso tópico; e com reforço de mitomicina C injetável, mensalmente e por 2 meses. Após 3 meses os animais foram sacrificados e as cicatrizes retiradas cirurgicamente e submetidas a estudo histológico. RESULTADOS: Notou-se sob vários critérios que a cicatrização com o uso tópico é menos intensa, mas ao se usar o reforço injetável os parâmetros voltam a ser comparados ao do grupo controle. DISCUSSÃO: Acreditamos que a administração injetável de mitomicina C nas cicatrizes, pela sua elevada característica tóxica, acarreta destruição tecidual e neoformação cicatricial. CONCLUSÕES: A mitomicina C diminui o processo cicatricial quando usada topicamente, mas acarreta aumento da cicatrização quando nestas feridas são feitos reforços injetáveis.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the effects of 830 and 670 nm laser on malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration in random skin-flap survival. Background Data: Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has been reported to be successful in stimulating the formation of new blood vessels and activating superoxide-dismutase delivery, thus helping the inhibition of free-radical action and consequently reducing necrosis. Materials and Methods: Thirty Wistar rats were used and divided into three groups, with 10 rats in each one. A random skin flap was raised on the dorsum of each animal. Group 1 was the control group; group 2 received 830 nm laser radiation; and group 3 was submitted to 670 nm laser radiation. The animals underwent laser therapy with 36 J/cm(2) energy density immediately after surgery and on the 4 days subsequent to surgery. The application site of the laser radiation was 1 point, 2.5 cm from the flap's cranial base. The percentage of the skin-flap necrosis area was calculated 7 days postoperative using the paper-template method, and a skin sample was collected immediately after as a way of determining the MDA concentration. Results: Statistically significant differences were found between the necrosis percentages, with higher values seen in group 1 compared with groups 2 and 3. Groups 2 and 3 did not present statistically significant differences (p > 0.05). Group 3 had a lower concentration of MDA values compared to the control group (p < 0.05). Conclusion: LLLT was effective in increasing the random skin-flap viability in rats, and the 670 nm laser was efficient in reducing the MDA concentration.