65 resultados para GSK3


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La esquizofrenia es una enfermedad mental de carácter crónico que afecta aproximadamente al 1% de la población , principalmente con edades comprendidas entre los 15 y 4 5 años . Se trata de una enfermedad de inicio en la adolescencia o comienzo de la madurez y cuyo potencial discapacitante persiste y se agrava a lo largo de la vida. La etiología de la esquizofrenia es multifactorial con evidencias de factores genéticos y ambientales. El carácter hereditario de la esquizofr e nia se ha estimado en un 73 - 90% y los factores genéticos que predisponen a la enfermedad son múltiples y heterogéneos. Los estudios epidemiológicos parecen sugerir que el mayor riesgo de desarrollar esquizofrenia es prod ucto de interacciones genético/ ambi entales (predisposición genética a agresiones ambientales) y del fenómeno de epistasis (fenotipo dependiente de la interacción entre diversos genes). Las manifestaciones clínicas de la esquizofrenia se dividen en síntomas positivos, síntomas negativos y dé ficits cognitivos. A causa de los déficits asociados y de su carácter crónico, la esquizofrenia se encuentra entre las diez causas principales de discapacidad por enfermedad del mundo y según la World Health Organization (2001), se estima que es la quinta enfermedad más costosa para la s ociedad en términos de atención requ erida y pérdida de productividad, con un coste anual en la Unión Europea que supera los 35 mil millones de €, según Andlin - Sobocki y Rössler (2005) . A nivel nacional, en el año 2009 los an tipsicóticos atípicos más empleados (risperidona y olanzapina) se encontraron entre los 8 primeros fármacos que más gasto generaron, con un coste económico superior a 350 millones de euros (Sistema Nacional de Salud (2010)) . Además, según el estudio de Pal mer et al. (2005), el riesgo de muerte prematura en la población esquizofrénica es aproximadamente dos veces mayor en la población general, siendo el suicidio la principal causa de este exceso de mortalidad, con una prevalencia estimada entre 5 - 10%. En est e sentido, se ha estimado que entre el 25% y 50% de los pacientes con esquizofrenia cometen por lo menos un intento de suicidio en su vida , según el estudio llevado a cabo por Meltzer (2002) . Dada su prevalencia, la tendencia a la cronicidad y el riesgo su icida de pacientes con esquizofrenia así como los elevados costes socio - sanitarios, la investigación de esta enfermedad es un objetivo prioritario de los sistemas de salud mundiales


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Background: Male Irs2(-/-) mice develop fatal type 2 diabetes at 13-14 weeks. Defects in neuronal proliferation, pituitary development and photoreceptor cell survival manifest in Irs2(-/-) mice. We identify retarded renal growth in male and female Irs2(-/-) mice, independent of diabetes.


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The environmental bacterium Burkholderia cenocepacia causes opportunistic lung infections in immunocompromised individuals, particularly in patients with cystic fibrosis. Infections in these patients are associated with exacerbated inflammation leading to rapid decay of lung function, and in some cases resulting in cepacia syndrome, which is characterized by a fatal acute necrotizing pneumonia and sepsis. B. cenocepacia can survive intracellularly in macrophages by altering the maturation of the phagosome, but very little is known on macrophage responses to the intracellular infection. In this study, we have examined the role of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway in B. cenocepacia-infected monocytes and macrophages. We show that PI3K/Akt activity was required for NF-kappa B activity and the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines during infection with B. cenocepacia. In contrast to previous observations in epithelial cells infected with other Gram-negative bacteria, Akt did not enhance I kappa B kinase or NF-kappa B p65 phosphorylation, but rather inhibited GSK3 beta, a negative regulator of NF-kappa B transcriptional activity. This novel mechanism of modulation of NF-kappa B activity may provide a unique therapeutic target for controlling excessive inflammation upon B. cenocepacia infection. The Journal of Immunology, 2011, 187: 635-643.


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Glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3, of which there are two isoforms, GSK3alpha and GSK3beta) was originally characterized in the context of regulation of glycogen metabolism, though it is now known to regulate many other cellular processes. Phosphorylation of GSK3alpha(Ser21) and GSK3beta(Ser9) inhibits their activity. In the heart, emphasis has been placed particularly on GSK3beta, rather than GSK3alpha. Importantly, catalytically-active GSK3 generally restrains gene expression and, in the heart, catalytically-active GSK3 has been implicated in anti-hypertrophic signalling. Inhibition of GSK3 results in changes in the activities of transcription and translation factors in the heart and promotes hypertrophic responses, and it is generally assumed that signal transduction from hypertrophic stimuli to GSK3 passes primarily through protein kinase B/Akt (PKB/Akt). However, recent data suggest that the situation is far more complex. We review evidence pertaining to the role of GSK3 in the myocardium and discuss effects of genetic manipulation of GSK3 activity in vivo. We also discuss the signalling pathways potentially regulating GSK3 activity and propose that, depending on the stimulus, phosphorylation of GSK3 is independent of PKB/Akt. Potential GSK3 substrates studied in relation to myocardial hypertrophy include nuclear factors of activated T cells, beta-catenin, GATA4, myocardin, CREB, and eukaryotic initiation factor 2Bvarepsilon. These and other transcription factor substrates putatively important in the heart are considered. We discuss whether cardiac pathologies could be treated by therapeutic intervention at the GSK3 level but conclude that any intervention would be premature without greater understanding of the precise role of GSK3 in cardiac processes.


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Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) is a neurotrophic peptide. Here, we show that PACAP recruits Rap1 into caveolin-enriched membrane subdomains in PC12 cells and activates Rap1, nuclear ERK1/2, Elk-1 and CREB in a caveolae-dependent manner. We reveal that GSK3β is a novel modulator in PACAP signalling. PACAP induces phosphorylation of serine 9 in GSK3β, which is inhibited by silencing Rap1. Lithium and valproate promote but wortmannin and LY294002 attenuate PACAP-induced phosphorylation of both GSK3β and ERK1/2, whereas MEK inhibitor PD98059 inhibits nerve growth factor- but not PACAP-induced phosphorylation of GSK3β, suggesting that GSK3β operates downstream of Rapt 1 but upstream of ERK1/2 in PACAP signalling. Inhibition or stimulation of GSK3β results in a 2-fold increase and 6-fold decrease in PACAP-induced neurite outgrowth, respectively. These results reveal an important role of caveolae in the signal transduction of PACAP and that GSK3β is a critical regulator in PACAP-induced neuronal differentiation.


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Due to the lack of regenerative capacity of the mammalian auditory epithelium, sensory hair cell loss results in permanent hearing deficit. Nevertheless, a population of tissue resident stem/progenitor cells has been recently described. Identification of methods to trigger their activity could lead to exploitation of their potential therapeutically. Here we validate the use of transgenic mice reporting cell cycle progression (FUCCI), and stemness (Lgr5-GFP), as a valuable tool to identify regulators of cell cycle re-entry of supporting cells within the auditory epithelium. The small molecule compound CHIR99021 was used to inhibit GSK3 activity. This led to a significant increase in the fraction of proliferating sphere-forming cells, labeled by the FUCCI markers and in the percentage of Lgr5-GFP + cells, as well as a selective increase in the fraction of S-G2-M cells in the Lgr5 + population. Using whole mount cultures of the organ of Corti we detected a statistically significant increment in the fraction of proliferating Sox2 supporting cells after CHIR99021 treatment, but only rarely appearance of novel MyoVIIa+/Edu + hair cells. In conclusion, these tools provide a robust mean to identify novel regulators of auditory organ regeneration and to clarify the contribution of stem cell activity.


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GSK3/shaggy-like genes encode kinases that are involved in a variety of biological processes. By functional complementation of the yeast calcineurin mutant strain DHT22-1a with a NaCl stress-sensitive phenotype, we isolated the Arabidopsis cDNA AtGSK1, which encodes a GSK3/shaggy-like protein kinase. AtGSK1 rescued the yeast calcineurin mutant cells from the effects of high NaCl. Also, the AtGSK1 gene turned on the transcription of the NaCl stress-inducible PMR2A gene in the calcineurin mutant cells under NaCl stress. To further define the role of AtGSK1 in the yeast cells we introduced a deletion mutation at the MCK1 gene, a yeast homolog of GSK3, and examined the phenotype of the mutant. The mck1 mutant exhibited a NaCl stress-sensitive phenotype that was rescued by AtGSK1. Also, constitutive expression of MCK1 complemented the NaCl-sensitive phenotype of the calcineurin mutants. Therefore, these results suggest that Mck1p is involved in the NaCl stress signaling in yeast and that AtGSK1 may functionally replace Mck1p in the NaCl stress response in the calcineurin mutant. To investigate the biological function of AtGSK1 in Arabidopsis we examined the expression of AtGSK1. Northern-blot analysis revealed that the expression is differentially regulated in various tissues with a high level expression in flower tissues. In addition, the AtGSK1 expression was induced by NaCl and exogenously applied ABA but not by KCl. Taken together, these results suggest that AtGSK1 is involved in the osmotic stress response in Arabidopsis.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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High frequency deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the lateral habenula (LHb) reduces symptoms of depression in severely treatment-resistant individuals. Despite the observed therapeutic effects, the molecular underpinnings of DBS are poorly understood. This study investigated the efficacy of high frequency LHb DBS (130Hz; 200μA; 90μs) in an animal model of tricyclic antidepressant resistance. Further, we reported DBS mediated changes in Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CaMKIIα/β), glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3α/β) and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) both locally and in the infralimbic cortex (IL). Protein expressions were then correlated to immobility time during the forced swim test (FST). Antidepressant actions were quantified via FST. Treatment groups comprised of animals treated with adrenocorticotropic hormone alone (ACTH; 100μg/day, 14days, n=7), ACTH with active DBS (n=7), sham DBS (n=8), surgery only (n=8) or control (n=8). Active DBS significantly reduced immobility in ACTH-treated animals (p<0.05). For this group, western blot results demonstrated phosphorylation status of LHb CaMKIIα/β and GSK3α/β significantly correlated to immobility time in the FST. Concurrently, we observed phosphorylation status of CaMKIIα/β, GSK3α/β, and AMPK in the IL to be negatively correlated with antidepressant actions of DBS. These findings suggest that activity dependent phosphorylation of CaMKIIα/β, and GSK3α/β in the LHb together with the downregulation of CaMKIIα/β, GSK3α/β, and AMPK in the IL, contribute to the antidepressant actions of DBS.


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The permanent mammalian kidney (metanephros) develops as a result of complex reciprocal tissue interactions between a ureteric epithelium and the renal mesenchyme. The overall goal of the research in this thesis was to gain data that will eventually help in elucidating the formation of congenital renal malformations. The experiments in my thesis aimed to reveal the mechanisms by which Notch, Wnt and GDNF/Ret signalling pathways regulate the development of functional kidney. The function of Notch pathway was studied by a transgenic mouse model, where it was shown that overactivation of Notch signalling disturbs kidney development and alters the expression of Gdnf and Ret/GFRa1. This indicates that Notch signalling interplays with GDNF/Ret in the regulation of the primary ureteric budding and its subsequent branching. The data also suggested that strict spatio-temporal regulation of these two pathways is required for determination of ureteric tip-identity, which appeared to be crucial for the branch formation. The function of Wnt signalling in the ureteric morphogenesis was studied by in vivo and in vitro methods to show that a canonical pathway is required for ureteric branching. Stabilisation and deletion of the canonical pathway mediator, b-catenin specifically in the ureteric epithelium result in renal aplasia/hypodysplasia. These defects originate from severe blockage of ureteric branching due to the disrupted Ret signalling. Consequently, ureteric tip specific markers are lost and ureteric stalk identity is expanded throughout the whole epithelium. Thus, the data demonstrates that the Wnt/b-catenin pathway plays an essential role in the patterning and branching of the ureteric epithelium. A novel in vitro method was generated and utilised in nephron induction studies to reveal the mechanisms through which nephrogenesis is induced. Transient GSK3 inhibition results in stabilisation of b-catenin in the isolated renal mesenchyme, which efficiently triggers nephron formation. Also genetic stabilisation of b-catenin specifically in the mesenchyme results in spontaneous nephrogenesis. The results show that activation of the canonical Wnt pathway is sufficient to initiate nephrogenesis, and suggest that this pathway mediates the nephron induction in murine kidney mesenchymes. Taken together, this thesis demonstrates Notch and Wnt signalling pathways as novel regulators of ureteric branching morphogenesis, and that activation of the canonical Wnt pathway is sufficient for nephron induction. The studies also indicate that the Notch and Wnt pathways cross-talk with GDNF/Ret signalling in the patterning of ureteric epithelium.


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O câncer colo-retal (CCR) representa o quarto tipo de câncer mais freqüente no Brasil entre homens e mulheres e a sobrevida para esse tipo de neoplasia é considerada boa, se a doença for diagnosticada em estádio inicial. Neste tipo de câncer a progressão do adenoma (tumor benigno) para o adenocarcinoma (tumor maligno) é dependente do acúmulo de mutações em diversos oncogenes e genes supressores de tumor. Estas mutações podem levar a alterações de importantes vias de sinalização que controlam estes eventos como, por exemplo, as vias Wnt e EGFR. No entanto, os mecanismos moleculares e celulares mediados por estas vias durante a progressão do CCR permanecem por serem definidos. Neste trabalho foi avaliada a participação da via Wnt e do EGFR durante a progressão do CCR usando células Caco-2, uma linhagem celular derivada de adenocarcinoma de cólon humano como modelo. As células foram tratadas com EGF, ativador da via EGFR, e cloreto de lítio (LiCl), um conhecido inibidor da enzima GSK-3β e conseqüentemente, ativador da via Wnt, ou alternativamente com a combinação de ambas drogas. Após os tratamentos, foi avaliada a morfologia celular, localização e expressão de proteínas juncionais, os padrões proliferativos e do ciclo celular e o potencial tumorigênico (migração e formação de colônias). Nossos resultados mostram que a localização subcelular das proteínas juncionais claudina-1 e β-catenina foi alterada após tratamento com EGF e LiCl, porém a expressão não foi afetada. A localização nuclear de β-catenina, um marcador da ativação da via Wnt, foi observada após tratamento com ambos os compostos, no entanto estes agentes modularam a enzima GSK-3β de forma diferencial. Além disso, tratamento com EGF aumentou a capacidade proliferativa e migratória da célula, mas não alterou a formação de colônias. LiCl, apesar de ser um conhecido ativador da via Wnt, inibiu o aumento da proliferação e migração causado pelo EGF, como visto pelo tratamento das células com EGF+LiCl, e reduziu a formação de colônias. Nossos resultados revelaram que LiCl possui uma atividade supressora de tumor o que pode representar um novo papel para este composto como um possível agente terapêutico para o tratamento do CCR.


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海洋生态环境的特殊性决定了海洋中往往含有结构奇特、新颖的化学物质, 海洋药物具有药理特异性、高活性和多样性,已成为药物研发热点领域,海洋抗肿瘤药物也是其中之一。卡拉霉素(kalamycin)来源于海洋放线菌M097的聚酮类化合物,我们实验室用体外增殖抑制试验发现了卡拉霉素(kalamycin)的抗肿瘤作用。有报道其类似物lactoquinomycin和frenolicin B是肿瘤靶点AKT抑制剂,并由此推断吡喃萘醌骨架在AKT抑制过程中发挥主要作用,我们发现虽然卡拉霉素(kalamycin)含有吡喃萘醌骨架,但是并不抑制AKT及其下游信号系统;继而对卡拉霉素(kalamycin)的体外抗肿瘤作用及其机理进行了系统的分析。 采用磺酰罗丹明B(SRB)法检测卡拉霉素(kalamycin)对10株肿瘤细胞株的体外增殖抑制作用,结果表明,卡拉霉素(kalamycin)能明显抑制各种组织来源的肿瘤细胞生长,具有广泛的细胞增殖抑制作用,除对一株肺癌细胞A549抑制作用不明显外,对9株肿瘤细胞株的IC50平均值为2.5μM,并且对各个细胞株生长抑制曲线形态基本一致。采用流式细胞术证实,卡拉霉素(kalamycin)能剂量依赖地诱导结肠癌细胞HCT-116和肝癌细胞SMMC-7721发生G2/M期周期阻滞,可以诱导黑色素瘤A375细胞发生凋亡。 基于前人的报道,我们用Western blot方法检测卡拉霉素(kalamycin)对AKT信号系统的影响,用量从1μM增加到16μM,AKT、mTOR和磷酸化AKT、mTOR、GSK3β的总量都没有变化;因此我们判断卡拉霉素(kalamycin)不是通过AKT系统发挥作用,而是有另外的机制。细胞凋亡和周期阻滞的很多过程是和P53相关的,我们用卡拉霉素(kalamycin)对P53野生和缺失的HCT-116细胞的增殖抑制和凋亡诱导来分析该抑制作用是否和P53相关,结果显示卡拉霉素(kalamycin)对两种细胞的生长抑制和诱导凋亡作用无明显差异,其作用和P53途径是不相关的。 卡拉霉素(kalamycin)细胞增殖抑制作用的非选择性,表明该化合物是一个广谱的细胞增殖抑制剂。我们用体外酶反应实验分析了卡拉霉素(kalamycin)对拓扑酶的抑制作用,结果显示卡拉霉素(kalamycin)对Topo I没有抑制作用,在20μM时几乎完全抑制Topo II,呈现出显著的浓度依赖效应,抑制作用大约比VP16强十倍。用DNA伸展实验和Topo II 介导的负超螺旋 pBR322 切割实验,证实卡拉霉素(kalamycin)不是DNA嵌入剂和Topo II毒剂,而是一个催化抑制剂。在体外模拟Topo II的催化反应步骤,把整个过程分解,发现卡拉霉素(kalamycin)可以抑制Topo II介导的DNA的切割,但是对再连接没有作用;卡拉霉素(kalamycin)能抑制ATP水解的作用,但是在较高剂量时抑制作用要比阳性对照弱得多。因此,卡拉霉素(kalamycin)可能主要通过抑制Topo II介导的DNA的切割发挥作用。 肿瘤新血管生成是原发性肿瘤赖以发生、生长和转移的物质基础。我们用了多个新生血管生成模型对卡拉霉素(kalamycin)的抗新生血管生成作用进行了检测,发现卡拉霉素(kalamycin) 对内皮细胞管腔形有抑制作用,其作用效果呈现明显的剂量依赖性。卡拉霉素(kalamycin)在对内皮细胞HMEC-1在12小时内的IC50是4.39μM ,在没有显著增殖抑制作用的剂量下,对HMEC-1管腔形成依然具有抑制作用,提示卡拉霉素(kalamycin)的抗新生血管生成作用并非完全来源于其增殖抑制作用。通过体外酶反应、western blot和双荧光素酶报告基因系统分析卡拉霉素(kalamycin)抑制肿瘤新血管生成的信号途径,结果发现这种抑制作用不是依赖于酪氨酸激酶和HIF-lα途径的。 综上所述,卡拉霉素(kalamycin)不是一个AKT抑制剂,它通过专一性的抑制Topo II使肿瘤细胞发生周期阻滞和细胞凋亡,主要抑制Topo II介导的DNA的切割和ATP水解作用。同时卡拉霉素(kalamycin)可以抑制肿瘤血管管腔形成,抑制作用不依赖酪氨酸激酶和HIF-lα途径。


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G protein-coupled Receptor Kinase 6 (GRK6) belongs to a family of kinases that phosphorylate GPCRs. GRK6 levels were found to be altered in Parkinson's Disease (PD) and D(2) dopamine receptors are supersensitive in mice lacking GRK6 (GRK6-KO mice). To understand how GRK6 modulates the behavioral manifestations of dopamine deficiency and responses to L-DOPA, we used three approaches to model PD in GRK6-KO mice: 1) the cataleptic response to haloperidol; 2) introducing GRK6 mutation to an acute model of absolute dopamine deficiency, DDD mice; 3) hemiparkinsonian 6-OHDA model. Furthermore, dopamine-related striatal signaling was analyzed by assessing the phosphorylation of AKT/GSK3β and ERK1/2. GRK6 deficiency reduced cataleptic behavior, potentiated the acute effect of L-DOPA in DDD mice, reduced rotational behavior in hemi-parkinsonian mice, and reduced abnormal involuntary movements induced by chronic L-DOPA. These data indicate that approaches to regulate GRK6 activity could be useful in modulating both therapeutic and side-effects of L-DOPA.