901 resultados para GRID-STIRRED TANK
Samples of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa from a small pond were used in laboratory experiments with a grid-stirred tank to quantify the effect of turbulent mixing on colony size. Turbulent dissipation in the tank was varied from 10(-9) m(2) s(-3) to 10(-4) m(2) s(-3), covering the range of turbulence intensities experienced by M. aeruginosa colonies in the field and exceeding the maximum dissipation by two orders of magnitude. Large colonies broke up into smaller colonies during the experiments; the mass fraction of colonies with diameter less than 200 mum increased over time. Colony disaggregation was observed to increase with turbulent dissipation. The maximum stable colony diameter across all experiments was in the range 220-420 mum. The overall change in size distribution during the experiments was relatively small, and the colony size distribution remained very broad throughout the experiments. Since colony size affects migration velocity, susceptibility to grazing and surface area to volume ratios, more work is needed to determine how to best represent this broad size distribution when modelling M. aeruginosa populations.
The ethanol production by Pichia stipitis was evaluated in a stirred tank bioreactor using semi-defined medium containing xylose (90.0 g/l) as the main carbon source. Experimental assays were performed according to a 2(2) full factorial design to evaluate the influence of aeration (0.25 to 0.75 vvm) and agitation (150 to 250 rpm) conditions on ethanol production. In the studied range of values, the agitation increase and aeration decrease favored ethanol production, which was maximum (26.7 g/l) using 250 rpm and 0.25 vvm, conditions that gave a volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient (k(L)a value) of 4.9 h(-1). Under these conditions, the ethanol yield factor, ethanol productivity, and the process efficiency were 0.32 g/g, 0.32 g/l.h, and 63%, respectively. These results are promising and contribute to the development of a suitable process for ethanol production from xylose by Pichia stipitis.
El proyecto aborda el problema general de establecer una metodología para el cambio de escala de la producción de metabolitos en biorreactores de tanque agitado.En el desarrollo de procesos de producción de metabolitos a partir de microorganismos, el cambio de escala es particularmente complejo, dado que los microorganismos experimentan un continuo cambio en sus rutas metabólicas durante el período de producción. Esto hace que en el proceso del cambio de escala, las mayores dificultades se encuentren en el desarrollo del inóculo y problemas ocasionados por modificaciones en las características de transferencia de calor, masa y momento.Dentro de este contexto general se definen dos objetivos específicos. Estos son: el estudio de la producción de ácido itacónico por Aspergillus terreus y el de la producción de ácido hialurónico por Streptococcus equi. subsp. equi, con la finalidad de desarrollar una metodología de trabajo experimental y teórica que permita sistematizar el estudio del factibilidad técnico-económica de plantas de producción, vinculando la investigación del procesos a escala de laboratorio con la producción a mayor escala.La hipótesis de trabajo es que el estudio de la producción de Aspergillus terreus y de Streptococcus equi en un biorreactor de tanque agitado a escala de laboratorio permitirá establecer los parámetros que contribuirán a realizar el cambio de escala de su producción y esto será verificado experimentalmente.Los trabajos se realizarán utilizando un biorreactor a escala de laboratorio especialmente diseñado para este tipo de trabajo. Los resultados experimentales se interpretarán con técnicas estadísticas y matemáticas de diferente complejidad a efectos de establecer los criterios de cambio de escala y luego se realizarán experiencias en un biorreactor piloto con el objeto de verificar la metodología seleccionada.El desarrollo del proyecto permitirá:1.- obtener información técnica útil sobre la producción de ácido itacónico, el que tiene importantes aplicaciones en la industria del plástico. La producción por medio del Aspergillus terreus MJL05 se realizará utilizando glicerol como fuente de carbono, el que constituye el principal subproducto en los procesos de manufactura de biodiesel. De este modo se podrá analizar la factibilidad técnica de una ruta alternativa para emplear este subproducto.2.- obtener información técnica útil sobre la producción de ácido hialurónico, biopolímero de alto valor agregado con importantes aplicaciones en medicina, y contribuir así a realizar el cambio de escala de su producción.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2012
Oxidative dissolution of chalcopyrite at ambient temperatures is generally slow and subject to passivation, posing a major challenge for developing bioleaching applications for this recalcitrant mineral. Chloride is known to enhance the chemical leaching of chalcopyrite, but much of this effect has been demonstrated at elevated temperatures. This study was undertaken to test whether 100-200 mM Na-chloride enhances the chemical and bacterial leaching of chalcopyrite in shake flasks and stirred tank bioreactor conditions at mesophilic temperatures. Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans and abiotic controls were employed for the leaching experiments. Addition of Na-chloride to the bioleaching suspension inhibited the formation of secondary phases from chalcopyrite and decreased the Fe(III) precipitation. Neither elemental S nor secondary Cu-sulfides were detected in solid residues by X-ray diffraction. Chalcopyrite leaching was enhanced when the solution contained bacteria, ferrous iron and Na-chloride under low redox potential (< 450 mV) conditions. Scanning electron micrographs and energy-dispersive analysis of X-rays revealed the presence of precipitates that were identified as brushite and jarosites in solid residues. Minor amounts of gypsum may also have been present. Electrochemical analysis of solid residues was in concurrence of the differential effects between chemical controls, chloride ions, and bacteria. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was used to characterize interfacial changes on chalcopyrite surface caused by different bioleaching conditions. In abiotic controls, the impedance signal stabilized after 28 days, indicating the lack of changes on mineral surface thereafter, but with more resistive behavior than chalcopyrite itself. For bioleached samples, the signal suggested some capacitive response with time owing to the formation of less conductive precipitates. At Bode-phase angle plots (middle frequency), a new time constant was observed that was associated with the formation of jarosite, possibly also with minor amount or elemental S, although this intermediate could not be verified by XRD. Real impedance vs. frequency plots indicated that the bioleaching continued to modify the chalcopyrite/solution interface even after 42 days. © 2013 The Authors.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Agitating liquids in unbaffled stirred tank leads to the formation of a vortex in the region of the impeller shaft when operating in the turbulent flow regime. A numerical model is presented here that captures such a vortex. The volume of fluid model, a multiphase flow model was employed in conjunction with a multiple reference frame model and the shear stress turbulence model. The dimensions of the tank considered here, were 0.585 m for the liquid depth and tank diameter with a 0.2925 m diameter impeller at a height of 0.2925 m. The impeller considered was an eight-bladed paddle type agitator that was rotating with an angular velocity of 7.54 rad s (72 rpm) giving a Reynolds number of 10 and Froude number of 0.043. Preliminary results of a second investigation into the effect of liquid phase properties on the vortex formed are also presented. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
For the first time, fully functional human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) have been cultured at the litre-scale on microcarriers in a stirred-tank 5 l bioreactor, (2.5 l working volume) and were harvested via a potentially scalable detachment protocol that allowed for the successful detachment of hMSCs from the cell-microcarrier suspension. Over 12 days, the dissolved O2 concentration was >45 % of saturation and the pH between 7.2 and 6.7 giving a maximum cell density in the 5 l bioreactor of 1.7 × 105 cells/ml; this represents >sixfold expansion of the hMSCs, equivalent to that achievable from 65 fully-confluent T-175 flasks. During this time, the average specific O2 uptake of the cells in the 5 l bioreactor was 8.1 fmol/cell h and, in all cases, the 5 l bioreactors outperformed the equivalent 100 ml spinner-flasks run in parallel with respect to cell yields and growth rates. In addition, yield coefficients, specific growth rates and doubling times were calculated for all systems. Neither the upstream nor downstream bioprocessing unit operations had a discernible effect on cell quality with the harvested cells retaining their immunophenotypic markers, key morphological features and differentiation capacity. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
The aim of this study is to quantify the mass transfer velocity using turbulence parameters from simultaneous measurements of oxygen concentration fields and velocity fields. The surface divergence model was considered in more detail, using data obtained for the lower range of beta (surface divergence). It is shown that the existing models that use the divergence concept furnish good predictions for the transfer velocity also for low values of beta, in the range of this study. Additionally, traditional conceptual models, such as the film model, the penetration-renewal model, and the large eddy model, were tested using the simultaneous information of concentration and velocity fields. It is shown that the film and the surface divergence models predicted the mass transfer velocity for all the range of the equipment Reynolds number used here. The velocity measurements showed viscosity effects close to the surface, which indicates that the surface was contaminated with some surfactant. Considering the results, this contamination can be considered slight for the mass transfer predictions. (C) 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 56: 2005-2017; 2010
The bioethanol industry expects a huge expansion and new technologies are being implemented with the aim of optimizing the fermentation process. The behavior of cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae immobilized in PVA-LentiKats, during the production of bioethanol in two reactor systems, was studied. The entrapped cell in LentiKats lenses showed a different profile using stirred tank reactor (STR) and packed column reactor (PCR). Low free cells accumulation in the medium was observed for the STR after 72 h of fermentation. On the other hand, no free cells accumulation was observed, probably due to the absence of mechanical agitation in PCR configuration. Better fermentation results were obtained working with STR (final cellular concentration = 13 g.L-1, Pf = 28 g.L-1, Qp = 1.17 g.L-1.h-1,and Yp/s = 0.3 g.g-1) in comparison to PCR (final cellular concentration = 11.4 g.L-1, Pf = 20 g.L-1, Qp = 0.83 g.L-1.h-1,and Yp/s = 0.25 g.g-1). Such results are probably due to the mechanical agitation of the medium provided by STR configuration, which permitted a better heat and mass transference.