996 resultados para GOA HISTORICAL ARCHIVES
The centre piece of my presentation is one particular and interesting manuscript of the Goa Historical Archives, listed as codex 860, which and contains details about manumission of slaves in Goa during the period 1682-1760. Curiously, the “Fathers of Christians” involved in this process of manumission were several Jesuits until the suppression of the Society of Jesus in 1759. The last four folios cover the year 1760 under a non-Jesuit, probably an Augustinian monk, appointed to take over the Old College of St Paul, while the Jesuits were detained before being deported.
This paper presented at the Portuguese Academy of History sought to reconstruct the origin and evolution of the Goa Historical Archives. It traces its growth amidst many problems and difficulties, caused by nature and humans! It is interesting to note a statement of Prof. Silva Rego admitting that negligence and bad administration of the Goa archives is inherited from the Portuguese times.
Depuis quelques décennies, l'intérêt pour l’étude de la fonction d’évaluation s’est diversifié pour approfondir les principes théoriques (Jenkinson, 1922; Schellenberg, 1956; Samuels, 1992; Cook, 1992b; Eastwood, 1992b; Duranti, 1994; Couture, 1999), les stratégies (Booms, 1972; Samuels, 1986; Cook, 1992b; Eastwood, 1992b; Couture, 1999) et les dispositifs de leur processus d’application (Ham, 1984; Boles & Young, 1991; Cook, 2001a, 2001b). Mais, toutes ces contributions n'ont pas encore étudié la nature des résultats de l'évaluation que sont les archives définitives. Du point de vue patrimonial, l’absence d’études sur la définition et la mesure des qualités des archives définitives ne permet pas de vérifier si ces archives constituent un patrimoine documentaire significatif. Sur le plan administratif, l’état actuel de la pratique de l'évaluation n'a pas encore investi dans l'examen méticuleux de la nature de ses résultats. Au plan économique, le manque de méthodes et d'outils pour la mesure des qualités des archives ne permet pas de juger si ces archives valent l’investissement matériel, technique, financier et humain que leur conservation implique. Du point de vue professionnel, l’absence de méthodes et d’instruments d’évaluation des qualités des archives ne permet pas aux professionnels d’appuyer leur décision en matière d’évaluation des archives. Afin de remédier à cette situation, notre recherche vise à définir et à mesurer les qualités des archives définitives issues de l’évaluation. Pour ce faire, nous privilégions une méthodologie quantitative de nature descriptive, appropriée lorsqu’il s’agit d’étudier un sujet peu abordé (Fortin, 2006) tel que l'opérationnalisation des qualités des archives définitives. La stratégie de la recherche a comporté deux phases. La phase conceptuelle a permis d’identifier et de définir quatre qualités soit l’« Unicité », la « Preuve crédible », l’« Exploitabilité » et la « Représentativité ». La phase empirique consistait à vérifier la mesurabilité, à titre d’exemple, des variables découlant de deux des quatre dimensions de qualité dans le contexte des archives définitives, soit la « Preuve crédible » et l’« Exploitabilité ». Le mode de collecte des données réside dans l’application d’une grille de mesure conçue spécialement aux fins de cette étude. La réalisation de la collecte de données qui s’est déroulée à Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec a permis l’opérationnalisation de 10 indicateurs spécifiques sur 13 appartenant à deux dimensions de qualité : la « Preuve crédible » et l’« Exploitabilité » des archives définitives. Ainsi, trois indicateurs spécifiques sur l’ensemble de 13 sont restés sans mesures à cause d’une certaine faiblesse liée à leur mesure que nous avons pu identifier et vérifier lors des pré-tests de la recherche. Ces trois indicateurs spécifiques sont le « Créateur » dans le cadre de la dimension de la « Preuve crédible », ainsi que la « Compréhensibilité » et la « Repérabilité » dans le cadre de la dimension de l’« Exploitabilité ». Les mesures obtenues pour les 10 indicateurs ont mené à l’identification des avantages et des points à améliorer concernant différentes variables liées au créateur, au service de conservation ou encore à l’état et à la nature du support. Cibler l’amélioration d’un produit ou d’un service représente, comme démontré dans la revue de la littérature, le but ultime d’une étude sur les dimensions de qualité. Trois types de contributions découlent de cette recherche. Au plan théorique, cette recherche offre un cadre conceptuel qui permet de définir le concept de qualité des archives définitives dans une perspective d’évaluation archivistique. Au plan méthodologique, elle propose une méthode de mesure des qualités applicables aux archives définitives ainsi que les instruments et le guide qui expliquent sa réalisation. Au plan professionnel, d'une part, elle permet d’évaluer les résultats de l’exercice de l’évaluation archivistique; d'autre part, elle offre aux professionnels non seulement une grille de mesure des qualités des archives définitives déjà testée, mais aussi le guide de son application.
The uses of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Web environments for creation, treatment and availability of information have supported the emergence of new social-cultural patterns represented by convergences in textual, image and audio languages. This paper describes and analyzes the National Archives Experience Digital Vaults as a digital publishing web environment and as a cultural heritage. It is a complex system - synthesizer of information design options at information setting, provides new aesthetic aspects, but specially enlarges the cognition of the subjects who interact with the environment. It also enlarges the institutional spaces that guard the collective memory beyond its role of keeping the physical patrimony collected there. Digital Vaults lies as a mix of guide and interactive catalogue to be dealt in a ludic way. The publishing design of the information held on the Archives is meant to facilitate access to knowledge. The documents are organized in a dynamic and not chronological way. They are not divided in fonds or distinct categories, but in controlled interaction of documents previously indexed and linked by the software. The software creates information design and view of documental content that can be considered a new paradigm in Information Science and are part of post-custodial regime, independent from physical spaces and institutions. Information professionals must be prepared to understand and work with the paradigmatic changes described and represented by the new hybrid digital environments; hence the importance of this paper. Cyberspace interactivity between user and the content provided by the environment design provide cooperation, collaboration and sharing knowledge actions, all features of networks, transforming culture globally. © 2011 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved.
The uses of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Web environments for creation, treatment and availability of information have supported the emergence of new social-cultural patterns represented by convergences in textual, image and audio languages. This paper describes and analyzes the National Archives Experience Digital Vaults as a digital publishing web environment and as a cultural heritage. It is a complex system - synthesizer of information design options at information setting, provides new aesthetic aspects, but specially enlarges the cognition of the subjects who interact with the environment. It also enlarges the institutional spaces that guard the collective memory beyond its role of keeping the physical patrimony collected there. Digital Vaults lies as a mix of guide and interactive catalogue to be dealt in a ludic way. The publishing design of the information held on the Archives is meant to facilitate access to knowledge. The documents are organized in a dynamic and not chronological way. They are not divided in fonds or distinct categories, but in controlled interaction of documents previously indexed and linked by the software. The software creates information design and view of documental content that can be considered a new paradigm in Information Science and are part of post-custodial regime, independent from physical spaces and institutions. Information professionals must be prepared to understand and work with the paradigmatic changes described and represented by the new hybrid digital environments; hence the importance of this paper. Cyberspace interactivity between user and the content provided by the environment design provide cooperation, collaboration and sharing knowledge actions, all features of networks, transforming culture globally.
The uses of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Web environments for creation, treatment and availability of information have supported the emergence of new social-cultural patterns represented by convergences in textual, image and audio languages. This paper describes and analyzes the National Archives Experience Digital Vaults as a digital publishing web environment and as a cultural heritage. It is a complex system - synthesizer of information design options at information setting, provides new aesthetic aspects, but specially enlarges the cognition of the subjects who interact with the environment. It also enlarges the institutional spaces that guard the collective memory beyond its role of keeping the physical patrimony collected there. Digital Vaults lies as a mix of guide and interactive catalogue to be dealt in a ludic way. The publishing design of the information held on the Archives is meant to facilitate access to knowledge. The documents are organized in a dynamic and not chronological way. They are not divided in fonds or distinct categories, but in controlled interaction of documents previously indexed and linked by the software. The software creates information design and view of documental content that can be considered a new paradigm in Information Science and are part of post-custodial regime, independent from physical spaces and institutions. Information professionals must be prepared to understand and work with the paradigmatic changes described and represented by the new hybrid digital environments; hence the importance of this paper. Cyberspace interactivity between user and the content provided by the environment design provide cooperation, collaboration and sharing knowledge actions, all features of networks, transforming culture globally.
This thesis assesses relationships between vegetation and topography and the impact of human tree-cutting on the vegetation of Union County during the early historical era (1755-1855). I use early warrant maps and forestry maps from the Pennsylvania historical archives and a warrantee map from the Union County courthouse depicting the distribution of witness trees and non-tree surveyed markers (posts and stones) in early European settlement land surveys to reconstruct the vegetation and compare vegetation by broad scale (mountains and valleys) and local scale (topographic classes with mountains and valleys) topography. I calculated marker density based on 2 km x 2 km grid cells to assess tree-cutting impacts. Valleys were mostly forests dominated by white oak (Quercus alba) with abundant hickory (Carya spp.), pine (Pinus spp.), and black oak (Quercus velutina), while pine dominated what were mostly pine-oak forests in the mountains. Within the valleys, pine was strongly associated with hilltops, eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) was abundant on north slopes, hickory was associated with south slopes, and riparian zones had high frequencies of ash (Fraxinus spp.) and hickory. In the mountains, white oak was infrequent on south slopes, chestnut (Castanea dentata) was more abundant on south slopes and ridgetops than north slopes and mountain coves, and white oak and maple (Acer spp.) were common in riparian zones. Marker density analysis suggests that trees were still common over most of the landscape by 1855. The findings suggest there were large differences in vegetation between valleys and mountains due in part to differences in elevation, and vegetation differed more by topographic classes in the valleys than in the mountains. Possible areas of tree-cutting were evenly distributed by topographic classes, suggesting Europeans settlers were clearing land and harvesting timber in most areas of Union County.
Os aquivos municipais preservam a documentação definida legalmente como de conservação permanente, a memória e a experiência da Administração Local e, como tal, são agentes imprescindíveis à preservação dos direitos municipais. A preocupação com a preservação da documentação deve constituir um dos pilares principais do arquivo desde o início da sua criação. E não somente quando a documentação é transferida para o Arquivo Histórico, deve estar presente durante todo o ciclo de vida da documentação. Com a criação do PARAM (Programa de Apoio à Rede de Arquivos Municipais), os arquivos municipais ganham um novo incremento, não só a nível técnico como a nível financeiro, sendo-lhe reconhecido o seu devido valor e importância, na sua dupla dimensão, administrativa e cultural. Uma das funções do arquivo é disponibilizar a documentação que têm à sua guarda e que se encontra armazenada nos depósitos. Para tal é fundamental criar condições a curto, a médio e a longo prazo, implementando toda uma política integrada de preservação, envolvendo os demais serviços da instituição, fazendo-se o controlo do estado de conservação da documentação, aplicando uma metodologia da manipulação de documentos para disponibilizá-los tanto aos clientes internos como externos. O Arquivo Intermédio da Câmara Municipal de Sintra não possui plano de preservação documental, nem ações de preservação extensíveis aos objetos digitais, daí que a presente tese de mestrado pretenda ser um proposta de um contributo de um plano de preservação, que tenha em consideração os demais aspetos desde a localização e construção ou manutenção do edifício onde se encontra o arquivo, questões de segurança, de controlo ambiental, de luz/fotodegradação, o controlo integrado de pragas, danos causados por água, os desastres naturais, a poluição, a limpeza e vigilância na zona de depósitos e armazenamento e manuseamento dos documentos.
Dissertação de mestrado em Contabilidade
A Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente é possuidora de um valioso arquivo, resultante da atividade centenária desenvolvida pelos diferentes organismos com tutela sobre a gestão da água e o planeamento dos recursos hídricos, que importa conhecer e divulgar. O Arquivo Histórico dos Serviços Hidráulicos é um dos mais ricos acervos locais do País, reunindo um conjunto de milhares de documentos, que vão do século XIX à atualidade, constituindo um repositório documental com características ímpares e um testemunho da identidade, memória e história dos Serviços Hidráulicos. Os processos arquivados contam casos de estudo que percorrem os usos das águas públicas para diferentes fins e as modalidades da sua utilização, das quais queremos destacar os aproveitamentos hidráulicos e a laboração de moinhos. Com este artigo, pretendemos apresentar um roteiro metodológico para o estudo das formas de organização dos processos existentes no arquivo sobre os moinhos e aproveitamentos hidráulicos, no concelho de Lousada, no que respeita aos documentos e peças anexas, bem como aos modelos administrativos subjacentes.
The history of tax havens during the decades before World War II is still little known. To date, the studies that have focused on the 1920s and 1930s have presented either a very general perspective on the development of tax havens or a narrow national point of view. Based on unpublished historical archives of five countries (Switzerland, Great Britain, Belgium, France, Germany), this paper offers therefore a new comparative appraisal of international tax competition during this period in order to answer the following question: What was the specificity of the Swiss case - already considered a quintessential tax haven at the time - in comparison to other banking centres? The findings of this research study are twofold. First, the 1920s and 1930s appear as something of a golden age of opportunity for avoiding taxation through the relocation of assets. Most of the financial centres granted consistent tax benefits for imported capital, while the limited degree of international cooperation and the usual guarantee of banking secrecy in European countries prevented the taxation of exported assets. Second, within this general environment, the fiscal strategies of a tax haven like Switzerland differed from those of a great financial power like Great Britain. Whereas the Swiss administration readily placed itself at the service of the banking community, British policy was more balanced between the contradictory interests of the Board of Inland Revenue, the Treasury, and the English business circles.
The history of tax havens is still little known for the decades before World War II. Up to now the studies that have focused on the 1920s and 30s have presented either a very general perspective on the development of tax havens or a narrow national point of view. Based on unpublished historical archives of four countries, this paper offers therefore a new comparative look on international tax competition during this period in order to answer the following question: was the Swiss case - already considered as a quintessential tax haven at the time - specific in comparison to other banking centres? This research has two results. On the one hand, the 1920s and 30s appear as something of a golden age of opportunity for avoiding taxation through the relocation of assets. Actually, most of the financial centres granted consistent tax benefits for imported capital, while the extremely limited degree of international cooperation and the usual guarantee of banking secrecy in European countries prevented the taxation of exported assets. On the other hand, within this general balance sheet, the fiscal strategies of a tax haven like Switzerland differed from those of a great financial power like Great Britain. Whereas the Swiss administration readily placed itself at the service of the bankers, the British policy was more balanced between the contradictory interests of the Board of Inland Revenue, the Treasury and the English business circles.
La présente recherche vise à examiner une société d’éleveurs et d’agriculteurs (rancheros), dans une communauté qui se situe au nord du Jalisco : Colotlán. J’étudierai son inscription dans l’environnement, son économie de plus inscrite dans les marchés national et international, sa configuration politique (en considérant sa relation avec l’État) et sa symbolique, dont son éthique de travail fait partie. Mon enquête m’a permis l’identification des différentes formes de relations entre les pairs et les valeurs, les dimensions affectives et les représentations qui en découlent. Je propose l’existence d’un type de formation sociale qu’on peut nommer « société d’honneur » en raison du poids des traditions qui concernent tout autant leur principale activité économique que leur formation identitaire constituée par des valeurs morales et des normes reliées à l’honneur. J’examine la relation du pouvoir avec la politique et la manière dont on construit le pouvoir politique ; le rapport qui existe entre l’honneur et le pouvoir, la manière dont les personnes construisent l’honneur à travers le pouvoir. Cette société subit l’impact croissant de pratiques et d’une idéologie modernisatrice, avec des prétentions d’institutionnalisation par les biais des intérêts nationaux étatiques. S’appuyant sur une méthodologie qui combine le travail dans les archives et la recherche prolongée sur le terrain cette thèse veut contribuer aux études sur les identités culturelles dans lesquelles l’honneur occupe une place centrale, dans le contexte de la relation entre les communautés éleveuses agricoles et l’État.