187 resultados para GNR
In the mid-twentieth century, Portugal took the first big step towards social awareness of the Safety and Health at Work. Still later, the International Labour Organization and the World Health Organization were responsible for setting global guidelines that clarified the States for the way forward in inguito of safeguarding the common interests of workers, businesses and the state. All workers should be covered by the rules governing matters relating to Safety, imperative requirements established in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic. These also include those soldiers from National Guard who, in contemporary social conjecture face in their everyday life situations worthy of heightened risk aquidade. Ensure the identification of risk factors to which they are exposed, is, first, a big boost in the way of preserving the safety of these employees, who daily selflessly and under the most adverse working conditions fulfill the mission of the Guarda Nacional Republicana. Adverse weather conditions, and violence at work are two examples of risk factors to which the military Guard are daily exposed, and hence arise many days of absence from the workplace. The purpose of this study is to identify the main risk factors to which the military from GNR are exposed during dismounted patrols, and also provide solutions on ways to mitigate and manage the risks presented. The cognitive distance traveled, throughout this study led us to demonstrate that it has been done by the GNR chain of Command, a huge effort to ensure through various forms (including emphasize the new Regulation of Uniforms), the resolution of the main factors that may jeopardize the integrity of the patrolmen, betting this Institution in the protection of the military that compose it, and the prevention of accidents at work through training and systematic monitoring that superiors expend with its employees.
Cooperation between police forces is a topic that is increasingly relevant. The emergence of new threats, as well as looking for new ways to fight crime, require from the, careful monitoring and strict sharing of all relevant information. This Work is entitled “The GNR and cooperation between Criminal Police Bodies in the Risk Society. Case Study: District of Lisbon” and aims to study the cooperation and coordination between police forces in Lisbon district, and verify if there is an parallel between the rule of law and the police procedures. The work is organized in four chapters. The first consists in a theoretical framework to perceive the context and objectives of this work. The second addresses the role of the, the different types of cooperation and instruments that promote cooperation between them. The third presents and analyzes the results. Finally, the fourth and last chapter the conclusions are woven answered the questions derived and starting question, tested hypotheses, and those limitations and future recommendations. In conclusion, the District of Lisbon, there is cooperation, materialized in a constant exchange of information, based on personal and informal relationship between the elements of the various Police Forces.
At a time of global economic instability, to which Portugal is not oblivious, and aware that the main source of Portuguese State revenue relies on the collection of tribute, the National Republican Guard holds within its mission relevant assignments to the protection of the financial interests of the country, in particular, fiscal and customs. These assignments were inherited from the century - old institution Guarda Fiscal - with evidence given in this domain, which was integrated into the National Republican Guard in 1993, to adopt, a 1St model, that held a specialized unit – Brigada Fiscal, with surveillance and patrolling missions of costa and fiscal and customs supervision, throughout the national territory and maritime zone of respect. In 2009, the result of political decisions, reorganization the State's central administration, appears de 2Nd model, because the Brigada Fiscal assignments were divided by two specialized units - UAF with investigation skills, and UCC for patrolling and surveillance of the coast. Analyzed the legal spectrum of special legislation leading the criminal and transgression sector punitive (RGIT), in essence, is in the UAF that resides the role assignments from the scope of the investigation and supervision of goods in the national territory on a par with the tax authority. Tax inspection assignments, fiscal and customs of the National Republican Guard, are unmatched in the National Tribute System, constituting itself as a potentiality of this special body, in similarity of their counterparts - Spain and Italy; however, have some constraints, that urge to clarify and repair. Foreseeing the future, face the announced news of a new restructuring, on behalf of the interests of the country, and in order to raise the quality of performance of the tax inspection, fiscal and customs, the National Republican Guard shall maintain a model based on the experience already accumulated, obviously adapted to the new demands of a changing society. Despite the current model gain in efficiency, loses in effectiveness. However, the efficiency of a model, without the necessary resources, can never bring “the letter to Garcia” against any kind of infringements, criminal or transgressions. Unless better opinion, both tax structures of the National Republican Guard are valid as an instrument for the prevention and combat of these illegal types. Because they are strategic in pursuing the public interest, given the scarce resources of the country and be the National Republican Guard, the force with the means and know-how of this nature. The political power has the final word.
La collaboration et le contenu généré par les usagers, aussi appelé « Web 2. 0 », sont des phénomènes nouveaux, qui bâtissent sur l'ouverture et le foisonnement d'Internet. Les environnements numériques qui emploient ces moyens mettent à contribution la communauté qui gravite autour d'une présence virtuelle afin d'en enrichir l’expérience. Suivant une approche constructiviste, nous explorons commnent la collaboration peut servir les usagers d'une banque de donnée de jugements en accès libre par Internet, comme le site de l'Institut canadien d'information juridique (www.CanLIT.org). La collaboration s'articule grâce à un gabarit d'analyse que nous nommons «Cadre de diffusion de la collaboration». Il comporte deux classes d'objets, les usagers et les documents, qui interagissent selon quatre relations : les liens documentaires, les échanges entre usagers, l'écriture (de l'usager vers le document) et la consommation (du document vers l'usager). Le Cadre de diffusion de la collaboration met en lumière les modalités de la collaboration comme mécanisme de création de contenu dans un contexte numérique, au profit d'une classe de documents. Suite à une analyse les modalités de la jurisprudence comme système documentaire et d'un exposé illustratif des besoins des usagers de la société civile, le Cadre de diffusion de la collaboration est employé pour explorer les mécanismes à retenir pour enrichir le contenu d'un système diffusant des jugements par Internet.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Volumes 5-18 have imprint: Paris, Mame et Delaunay-Vallée, 1826.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
O presente trabalho é resultado de um estudo exploratório no âmbito do Mestrado em Intervenção para um Envelhecimento Ativo que incidiu sobre o Programa da GNR Apoio 65 – Idosos em Segurança no concelho de Ourém. Face ao grande número de pessoas idosas a viverem sós ou em companhia de outra pessoa idosa são muitos os riscos que afetam esta camada da sociedade. As necessidades aumentam perante as vulnerabilidades sentidas pelos idosos e torna-se urgente implementar medidas para as colmatar. Diante da situação apresentada, a GNR tem em curso o Programa Apoio 65 – Idosos em Segurança, pondo em prática um trabalho que consiste em acompanhar aqueles que vivem sós ou isolados. Esse Programa permite detetar situações de vulnerabilidade a que os idosos estão sujeitos, proteger, prevenir, sinalizar e encaminhar os casos que possam comportar algum risco, nomeadamente o isolamento, maus tratos, abandono por parte dos familiares, falta de cuidados específicos e más condições de habitabilidade. Para a realização deste trabalho recorreu-se à metodologia qualitativa. Foram realizadas entrevistas ao comandante do Destacamento Territorial de Tomar, aos guardas que atuam no âmbito do Programa e a alguns idosos, principais atores desta intervenção. Os objetivos estabelecidos foram conhecer e descrever o Programa Apoio 65 – Idosos em Segurança no concelho de Ourém, e compreender as implicações que esta intervenção tem na vida dos idosos. Os resultados permitiram perceber como se estrutura esse Programa de acordo com a perceção dos vários intervenientes, que o trabalho realizado pela Guarda cria um sentimento de segurança e contribui de forma positiva informando os idosos e sensibilizando para os riscos que correm. Ainda permitiu compreender a importância que o Programa tem e a articulação que a Guarda estabelece com as redes sociais para dar respostas às situações encontradas sendo a primeira a detetar situações de risco. A principal limitação e constrangimento detetada no Programa foi a necessidade de mais recursos humanos e tempo dos profissionais para se atingir mais resultados positivos.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
O presente estudo exploratório visa analisar a possibilidade de existência de Sintomas Psicopatológicos nas Forças Policiais Portuguesas GNR, PSP e PJ. Por se verificar um aumento do suicídio, nestes profissionais, com uma taxa quatro vezes superior no ano de 2008. O objectivo é essencialmente o de prevenção, conhecendo as causas, poder-se-ia intervir em tempo próprio diminuindo a taxa de suicídio. Para atingir o objectivo enunciado vamos proceder à revisão da literatura e à descrição do estudo. Foram utilizados o questionário sócio-demográfico e o BSI (Brief Symptoms Inventory) na recolha dos dados de 45 polícias (15 GNR, 15 PSP e 15 PJ) que exercem funções na Zona Centro do País e que voluntariamente colaboraram. Uma vez recolhidos os dados, estes foram introduzidos e processados no SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) versão 13.0. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que não existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas diferentes Forças policiais, relativamente aos sintomas Psicopatológicos. / This present exploratory study pretends to analyze the existence of psicopatologic symptoms in the Portuguese Policies Forces, Republican National Guard, Public Security Police and Judicial Police. By the constatation of the increase of the suicidal tendence in this professionals, with a four time superior tax when compared with 2008. The essential objective is the prevention of suicide, well known their causes, we will can act in the own an favorable timing diminishing the tax of suicidal tentative. To obtain the pronounced objective, we will proceed to a reading revision over the behaviour characteristics as the subjects that commit suicide and the role of the police activities that have over the happenings. After, that we will describe the used metodology that involve a social demographic enquire and the BSI that (Brief Symptoms Inventory) over a sample of 45 police man (15 GNR, 15 PSP and 15 PJ) wich activities are situated in the center of Portugal that have been voluntary to this experience. Once data is collected, it was entered into a computerized database and processed in the statistical program SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). The obtained results will allow to conclude if exist significant statistical differences in the various Policies Forces, related with the psicopatologic symptoms.
A taxa média de suicídio nas forças de segurança segundo fonte do Gabinete do Ministro da Administração interna, foi nos últimos 5 anos de 11,3%. Muito embora estes valores se mostrem inferiores às taxas registadas na sociedade civil, torna-se emergente actuar no sentido de reduzir as taxas de incidência do suicídio nas forças de segurança. A realização de estudos que abordem esta realidade assume assim especial pertinência. Para a investigação, a amostra contou com 95 sujeitos, todos militares da GNR, em funções na zona centro do país, e teve como objectivo central o estudo relacional entre a eventual existência de Depressão e comportamentos de risco Suicidários nos Militares da GNR. Para medir o risco de suicídio foi utilizada Escala de Risco Suicidário de Stork, bem como o Inventário Clínico da Depressão (IACLIDE) aferido para a população portuguesa, pelo psiquiatra Adriano Vaz Serra. Foram recolhidos alguns dados de caracterização sóciodemográfica. Os nossos resultados indicam que a amostra em estudo não apresenta valores de depressão, isto é, 90,5% (n= 95) da amostra encontra-se com um grau de depressão considerado normal. Contudo, 1,1% da amostra total apresenta um grau de depressão considerado grave. No que se reporta às dimensões do IACLIDE e tal como esperado, sintomas, factores e previsão de incapacidade apresentam valores mais elevados no caso do subgrupo dos sujeitos com depressão. O resultado dos estudos do questionário de risco suicidiário de J. Stork, revelaram que o índice de risco suicidiário para a amostra em estudo, corresponde a um risco considerado normal. Quanto ao estudo da relação entre variáveis, observa-se uma distribuição irregular em que os sujeitos sem depressão apresentam diversos graus de risco suicidiário, do mesmo modo que indivíduos com diferentes graus de depressão podem ou não estar em risco. / The middle tax of suicide in the strength of security according to the Office of the Ministro da Administração Interna was in the last five years of 11,3 %. Much though these values appear inferior to the taxes registered in the civil society. That makes emergent to act in the sense of reducing the taxes of incidence of suicide in the strength of security. The realization of studies that board this reality assumes so special relevance. For the investigation the sample disposed of 95 subjects, all soldiers of the GNR, in functions in the centre region of the country, and took as a central objective the relational study between the eventual existence of Depression and behaviours of secondary risks in the Soldiers of the GNR. To measure the risk of suicide was used the Stork Scale of Suicide Risk, as well as the Depression Clinical Inventory (IACLIDE) checked for the Portuguese population, by the psychiatrist Adriano Vaz Serra. They were gathered some data of demographic and social characterization. Our results indicate that the sample in study does not present values of depression, i.e. 90,5% (n = 95) of the sample represents a degree of depression that was evaluated as normal. Nevertheless, 1,1 % of the total sample presents a degree of depression that was evaluated as seriously. What concerns the dimensions of the IACLIDE and such as waited, symptoms, factors and foresight of incompetence present values more lifted up in case of the sub-group of the subjects with depression. The questionnaire study results of secondary risk of J. Stork showed that the rate of secondary risk for the sample in study corresponds to a risk evaluated as normal. As for the relation study between the variables there is observed an irregular distribution in which subjects without depression present several degrees of secondary risk in the same way which individuals with different degrees of depression can or can not to be in risk.
Le contrôle de bruit est un domaine de recherche très fertile. Que ce soit pour du contrôle actif ou passif, de nombreuses recherches sont menées pour améliorer les méthodes existantes ou pour trouver de nouveaux procédés. Ainsi, dans le domaine du contrôle actif, de nouveaux moyens de production d’anti-bruit sont développés en vue de les substituer aux duos amplificateur/haut-parleur fragiles, gourmands en énergie et encombrants. Le sujet abordé ici est la conception et la réalisation d’un prototype capable de générer de forts niveaux de bruit à partir d’une source d’écoulement d’air à fort débit. Le prototype servira ensuite de source pour le contrôle actif du bruit d’un ventilateur. Pour atteindre ces performances, un design simple a été développé : l’obstruction périodique de l’écoulement d’air comprimé génère une source acoustique harmonique à la fréquence d’obstruction de l’écoulement. Le contrôle de la vitesse de l’obstruction gère la fréquence et la phase de l’anti-bruit émis. Le dispositif conçu dans ce projet permet de générer un bruit tonal réglé en phase et en fréquence sur une référence, pour une pression acoustique de 110 dB à 1 m.
The Republican National Guard has a core role concerning the security of Portugal’s roads since a significant part of them are under its responsibility. Dangerous driving is a crime that happens less times that other two crimes (driving without a license and driving under the influence), but it isn’t covered by the media like those two, much to the small number of reports written by the Security Forces. This work aims to approach the particularity of this crime given it poses a real threat and because its report requirements are far demanding. The thesis is divided in two parts. The first one develops the theory frame through the analysis of documents. The second part deals with the processing of fines from selected samples. The conclusion of this study states that there is a way of reducing situations that could result in this type of crime using fines. Other conclusion points to the fact that the time gap between the occurrence of the crime and a judge’s sentence is substantial, meaning that the military from the Republican National Guard often opt for the second option because the sentences and the security measures for this crime can often find parallel in other type of crimes. The about 200 sentences reached per day from courts all over the country when tied to the 700/800 criminal defenses mean that the National Authority for Road Security is overloaded with administrative work, which is a problem that could be surpassed with the implementation of a new document and a different access to the data of each driver through the National Authority for Road Security’s website.
O objeto de estudo da presente investigação é o SIVICC. Sendo o objetivo geral demonstrar o seu desempenho organizacional nos domínios da dissuasão da ilicitude, do apoio à decisão e do suporte à atividade operacional da GNR, procurando adicionar e aprofundar conhecimento teórico e empírico. Em termos de metodologia optámos por uma estratégia de investigação qualitativa e relativamente ao desenho da pesquisa optou-se pela transversal. Os métodos e técnicas utilizadas foram as entrevistas semiestruturadas com a respetiva análise de conteúdo e a análise documental. Como resultado principal destacamos que, com base numa doutrina assente em princípios centrados em rede e no empirismo resultante das entrevistas efetuadas, o SIVICC proporciona superioridade de informação resultando numa consciência situacional partilhada da organização, o que conduz a melhores efeitos operacionais, que contribuem na prossecução da segurança de Portugal e da UE, através de uma efetiva vigilância diária e controlo do mar territorial e zona costeira. Concluímos que o SIVICC promove um apoio importante na tomada de decisão e suporta eficazmente e eficientemente a atividade operacional da GNR, que se vai refletir numa vantagem competitiva sobre o adversário que é persuadido a mudar os seus comportamentos através da dissuasão que o sistema proporciona. Abstract: The study object of this research is the SIVICC. The overall goal is to prove their organizational performance in the areas of deterrence of unlawful, in decision support and in supporting the operational activities of the GNR, attempting to add and deepen theoretical and empirical knowledge. In terms of methodology we chose a qualitative research strategy and for the design of research we chose the transversal. The methods and techniques used were semi-structured interviews with the respective content analysis and document analysis. The main result we highlight, based on a doctrine sustained on principles of centered network operations and a result empiricism of conducted interviews, that the SIVICC provides information superiority resulting in a shared situational awareness of the organization, leading to better operational effects that contribute to the pursuit security in Portugal and in the EU, through effective daily monitoring and control of the territorial sea and coastal zone. We conclude that the SIVICC promotes an important support decision making and supports effectively and efficiently operational activity of the GNR, which will reflect a competitive advantage over the adversary who is persuaded to change their behavior through deterrence that the system provides.