999 resultados para GMP interaction


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El cisplatí, PtCl2(NH3)2, ha estat una de les drogues més utilitzades en la quimioteràpia del càncer des del descobriment de la seva activitat. Però degut a la seva alta toxicitat i greus efectes secundaris, s'han sintetitzat nous compostos amb la finalitat de reduir aquests inconvenients. En aquest sentit, el treball desenvolupat en aquesta tesi doctoral ha estat la síntesi i caracterització de tretze complexos de Pt(II) amb la finalitat d'estudiar llur activitat antitumoral. Aquests complexos presenten unes característiques estructurals comunes: geometria cis, dos lligands làbils de tipus clorur i un lligand diaminoquelatant derivat dels àcids d,l-2,3-diaminopropiònic (Hdap) i d,l-2,4-diaminobutíric (Hdab). S'han dissenyat unes estratègies sintètiques a partir de les quals els lligands han estat funcionalitzats amb diferents grups de tipus éster, aminoàcid i peptídic: Etdap·2HCl, Etdab·2HCl, [(dap-Metala)·2CF3COOH], [(dab-Metala)·2CF3COOH], [(dap-phe)·2CF3COOH], [(dab-phe)·2CF3COOH], [(dap-Mettrp)·2CF3COOH], [(dab-Mettrp)·2CF3COOH], [(dap-ASTTTNYT-NH2)·2CF3COOH], essent Metala= éster metílic de L-alanina, phe= L-fenilalanina, Mettrp= éster metílic del L-triptofà. Aquests lligands diaminoquelatants s'han utilitzat per sintetitzar els corresponents complexos de Pt(II): PtCl2(Hdap), PtCl2(Hdab), PtCl2(Etdap), PtCl2(Etdab), PtCl2(dap-Metala), PtCl2(dab-Metala), PtCl2(dap-ala), PtCl2(dab-ala), PtCl2(dap-phe), PtCl2(dab-phe), PtCl2(dap-Mettrp), PtCl2(dab-Mettrp), PtCl2(dap-ASTTTNYT-NH2). A través de diferents tècniques i assaigs biològics (dicroisme circular, electroforesi en gel d'agarosa, microscopia de forces atòmiques, citometria de flux, assaigs de proliferació cel·lular) s'ha pogut demostrar l'activitat antitumoral d'aquests compostos. A través de la tècnica de dicroisme circular (DC) s'ha pogut demostrar que els lligands lliures no interaccionen covalentment amb el DNA de Calf Thymus i no modifiquen l'estructura secundària de la doble hèlix. En canvi, els respectius complexos han demostrat tenir capacitat per interaccionar amb el DNA i modificar la seva estructura secundària. Els complexos PtCl2(Hdap), PtCl2(Hdab) i PtCl2(dab-phe) mostren un comportament similar al cisplatí, generant adductes cis-bifuncionals que distorcionen la doble hèlix de forma no desnaturalitzant amb obertura de la doble cadena. Els complexos PtCl2(Etdap), PtCl2(Etdab), PtCl2(dap-ala), PtCl2(dab-ala), PtCl2(dap-Metala), PtCl2(dab-Metala), PtCl2(dap-phe), PtCl2(dap-ASTTTNYT-NH2) quan interaccionen amb el DNA generen un canvi en la conformació del DNA de la forma B a la forma C, produint-se un augment de la curvatura de l'hèlix per rotació de les bases nitrogenades. En aquests estudis s'ha comprovat que l'estructura del complex influeix en l'efecte generat sobre l'estructura secundària de l'àcid nucleic. En primer lloc, existeix una diferència en el comportament en funció del tamany del lligand diaminoquelatant, de manera que els complexos amb el lligand (dab) provoquen un efecte més remarcable. També s'observa aquest canvi de comportament al passar dels complexos que tenen el grup funcional esterificat als que el tenen protonat. D'aquesta manera, s'observa un major efecte sobre l'estructura secundària del DNA en aquells complexos que tenen el lligand diaminoquelatant de tres metilens (dab) i amb el grup carboxilat terminal protonat. Per tal de modelitzar la interacció d'aquests complexos amb el DNA, s'ha estudiat la interacció d'aquests compostos de Pt(II) amb 5'-GMP a través de RMN-1H, observant la variació dels senyals corresponents al H8 de 5'-GMP. Així s'ha pogut demostrar que aquests compostos interaccionen amb la 5'-GMP a través d'un enllaç covalent Pt-N7, de la mateixa manera a com interacciona el cisplatí. A través d'electroforesi en gel d'agarosa i microscopia de forces atòmiques (AFM) s'ha pogut determinar l'efecte que generen els lligands lliures i els respectius complexos de Pt(II) sobre l'estructura terciària del plasmidi pBR322. Els lligands provoquen un augment de l'agregació de les molècules de DNA i un lleuger augment de la compactació de l'estructura terciària. Aquests resultats s'atribueixen a la capacitat d'aquests compostos a interaccionar per pont d'hidrogen amb el DNA. Els corresponents complexos de Pt(II) provoquen un augment de l'agregació i una important compactació, degut per una banda a la capacitat de l'àtom de Pt a interaccionar covalentment amb el DNA, i per altra banda, a la capacitat del lligand a interaccionar per pont d'hidrogen amb l'àcid nucleic. Finalment s'ha estudiat l'activitat citotòxica d'aquests complexos de Pt(II) en diferents línies cel·lulars: A431 (línia de carcinoma epidermoide), HeLa (línia de carcinoma de coll d'úter) i HL-60 (línia promielocítica de leucèmia). Els complexos moderadament solubles en aigua, PtCl2(Hdap), PtCl2(Hdab), PtCl2(dap-ala), PtCl2(dab-ala), PtCl2(dap-phe) i PtCl2(dab-phe), han demostrat ser actius. L'activitat depèn de la concentració de complex, del temps d'incubació i de la línia cel·lular. Per temps d'incubació alts i concentracions de complex elevades s'observa la màxima activitat. Els complexos de l'alanina, PtCl2(dap-ala) i PtCl2(dab-ala), són els que mostren més activitat, mentre que els compostos de la fenilalanina són els menys actius, degut probablement a la voluminositat del lligand, la qual pot impedir o dificultar el transport del compost a través de la membrana cel·lular. L'activitat citotòxica dels complexos insolubles en aigua, PtCl2(Etdap) i PtCl2(Etdab), queda bloquejada per l'elevada concentració de DMSO (12%) necessària per solubilitzar els compostos. Aquests resultats permeten deduir que la presència d'un 12% de DMSO anul·la l'activitat d'aquests complexos, ja que el DMSO pot coordinar-se amb el Pt ocupant les posicions làbils del complex i evitant que es pugui coordinar amb el DNA. Els assaigs de proliferació cel·lular del complex PtCl2(dap-ASTTTNYT-NH2) i del pèptid lliure ASTTTNYT-NH2 han demostrat que ambdós compostos són actius. Tot i això, l'activitat del complex és superior a la del pèptid lliure, ja que el Pt pot interaccionar covalentment amb el DNA i augmentar l'efecte citotòxic. Per tant, el complex presenta un lligand portador biològicament actiu que pot transportar el metall a través de la membrana cel·lular i facilitar així la seva interacció amb el DNA. A través de la tècnica de citometria de flux s'ha comprovat que en tots els casos la mort cel·lular produïda pels complexos ha estat per apoptosi. Per últim, s'ha sintetitzat i caracteritzat un complex trinuclear de Pt(II), {[Pt(Me2Bpy)2][PtCl2(Me2Bpy)]2}, essent Me2Bpy= 4,4'-dimetil-2,2'-dipiridil. La resolució de la seva estructura per difracció de Raig-X ha permès determinar l'existència d'una interacció intramolecular Pt-Pt de 3.474 Å.


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The addition of guanosine 5-monophosphate (5′-GMP) to an aqueous solution of Mn2+ ions results in a decrease in ESR signal intensity and an increase in line-width of Mn2+ ions. This can be interpreted in terms of stepwise formation of outersphere and inner-sphere complexes as When Mg2+ is added to a mixture of Mn2+ and 5′-GMP, ESR signal intensity increases, presumably due to the replacement of Mn2+ by Mg2+ in the complex. From the variation of ESR signal intensity as a function of concentration of Mg2+, the product K1K2 for the magnesium complex i s calculated as 125 M−1. This difference in stability constants may indicate that both phosphate group and guanine base are involved in the formation of Mn2+-5′-GMP complex.


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The crystal structures of two ternary metal nucleotide complexes of cobalt, [Co(en)2(H2O)2]-[Co(5?-IMP)2(H2O)4]Cl2·4H2O (1) and [Co(en)2(H2O)2][Co(5?-GMP)2(H2O)4]Cl2·4H2O (2), have been analysed by X-ray diffraction (en = ethylenediamine, 5?-IMP = inosine 5?-monophosphate, and 5?-GMP = guanosine 5?-monophosphate). Both complexes crystallize in the orthorhombic space group C2221 with a= 8.725(1), b= 25.891(5), c= 21.212(5)Å, Z= 4 for (1) and a= 8.733(2), b= 26.169(4), c= 21.288(4)Å, Z= 4 for (2). The structure of (1) was solved by the heavy-atom method, while that of (2) was deduced from (1). The structures were refined to R values of 0.09 and 0.10 for 1 546 and 1 572 reflections for (1) and (2) respectively. The two structures are isomorphous. A novel feature is that the chelate ligand en and the nucleotide are not co-ordinated to the same metal ion. One of the metal ions lying on the two-fold a axis is octahedrally co-ordinated by two chelating en molecules and two water oxygens, while the other on the two-fold b axis is octahedrally co-ordinated by two N(7) atoms of symmetry-related nucleotides in a cis position and four water oxygens. The conformations of the nucleotides are C(2?)-endo, anti, and gauche�gauche. In both (1) and (2) the charge-neutralising chloride ions are disordered in the vacant space between the molecules. These structures bear similarities to the mode of nucleotide co-ordination to PtII complexes of 6-oxopurine nucleotides, which are the proposed models for intrastrand cross-linking in DNA by a metal complex.


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The ternary metal nucleotide complexes [Ni(en)1.3(H2O)1.4(H2O)2][Ni(5?-dGMP)2(en)0.7-(H2O)0.6(H2O)2]·7H2O (1) and [Ni(en)2(H2O)2][Ni(5?-GMP)2(H2O)4]·6H2O (2)(en = ethylenediamine, 5?-dGMP = 2?-deoxyguanosine 5?-monophosphate, 5?-GMP = guanosine 5?-monophosphate) have been prepared and their structures analyzed by X-ray diffraction methods. Both compounds crystallise in the space group C2221 with a= 8.810(1), b= 25.090(4), c= 21.084(1)Å, and Z= 4 for (1) and a= 8.730(1), b= 25.691(4), c= 21.313(5)Å, and Z= 4 for (2). The structures were deduced from the analogous CoIII complexes and refined by full-matrix least-squares methods to final R values of 0.087 and 0.131 for 1 211 and 954 reflections for (1) and (2) respectively. An interesting feature of the deoxyribonucleotide complex (1) is that en is not totally labilized from the metal centre on nucleotide co-ordination, as observed in corresponding ribonucleotide complexes. Apart from extensive intra- and inter-molecular hydrogen bonding, the structures are stabilized by significant intracomplex base�base and base�sugar interactions. The nucleotides in both complexes have an anti base, C(2?)-endo sugar pucker, and gauche�gauche conformation about the C(4?)�C(5?) bond.


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Cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP), a ubiquitous bacterial second messenger, has emerged as a key controller of several biological processes. Numbers of reports that deal with the mechanistic aspects of this second messenger have appeared in the literature. However, the lack of a reporter tag attached to the c-di-GMP at times limits the understanding of further details. In this study, we have chemically coupled N-methylisatoic anhydride (MANT) with c-di-GMP, giving rise to Mant-(c-di-GMP) or MANT-CDG. We have characterized the chemical and physical properties and spectral behavior of MANT-CDG. The fluorescence of MANT-CDG is sensitive to changes in the microenvironment, which helped us study its interaction with three different c-di-GMP binding proteins (a diguanylate cyclase, a phosphodiesterase, and a PilZ domain-containing protein). In addition, we have shown here that MANT-CDG can inhibit diguanylate cyclase activity; however, it is hydrolyzed by c-di-GMP specific phosphodiesterase. Taken together, our data suggest that MANT-CDG behaves like native c-di-GMP, and this study raises the possibility that MANT-CDG will be a valuable research tool for the in vitro characterization of c-di-GMP signaling factors.


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Background: Airway eosinophilia is considered a central event in the pathogenesis of asthma. The toxic components of eosinophils are thought to be important in inducing bronchial mucosal injury and dysfunction. Previous studies have suggested an interaction between nitric oxide (NO) and chemokines in modulating eosinophil functions, but this is still conflicting. In the present study, we have carried out functional assays (adhesion and degranulation) and flow cytometry analysis of adhesion molecules (VLA-4 and Mac-1 expression) to evaluate the interactions between NO and CC-chemokines (eotaxin and RANTES) in human eosinophils. Methods: Eosinophils were purified using a percoll gradient followed byimmunomagnetic cell separator. Cell adhesion and degranulation were evaluated by measuring eosinophil peroxidase (EPO) activity, whereas expression of Mac-1 and VLA-4 was detected using flow cytometry. Results: At 4 h incubation, both eotaxin (100 ng/ml) and RANTES (1000 ng/ml) increased by 133% and 131% eosinophil adhesion, respectively. L-NAME alone (but not D-NAME) also increased the eosinophil adhesion, but the co-incubation of L-NAME with eotaxin or RANTES did not further affect the increased adhesion seen with chemokines alone. In addition, L-NAME alone (but not D-NAME) caused a significant cell degranulation, but it did not affect the CC-chemokine-induced cell degranulation. Incubation of eosinophils with eotaxin or RANTES, in absence or presence of L-NAME, did not affect the expression of VLA-4 and Mac-1 on eosinophil surface. Eotaxin and RANTES (100 ng/ml each) also failed to elevate the cyclic GMP levels above baseline in human eosinophils. Conclusion: Eotaxin and RANTES increase the eosinophil adhesion to fibronectin-coated plates and promote cell degranulation by NO-independent mechanisms. The failure of CC-chemokines to affect VLA-4 and Mac-1 expression suggests that changes in integrin function (avidity or affinity) are rather involved in the enhanced adhesion. © 2008 Lintomen et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Abstract Background Airway eosinophilia is considered a central event in the pathogenesis of asthma. The toxic components of eosinophils are thought to be important in inducing bronchial mucosal injury and dysfunction. Previous studies have suggested an interaction between nitric oxide (NO) and chemokines in modulating eosinophil functions, but this is still conflicting. In the present study, we have carried out functional assays (adhesion and degranulation) and flow cytometry analysis of adhesion molecules (VLA-4 and Mac-1 expression) to evaluate the interactions between NO and CC-chemokines (eotaxin and RANTES) in human eosinophils. Methods Eosinophils were purified using a percoll gradient followed by immunomagnetic cell separator. Cell adhesion and degranulation were evaluated by measuring eosinophil peroxidase (EPO) activity, whereas expression of Mac-1 and VLA-4 was detected using flow cytometry. Results At 4 h incubation, both eotaxin (100 ng/ml) and RANTES (1000 ng/ml) increased by 133% and 131% eosinophil adhesion, respectively. L-NAME alone (but not D-NAME) also increased the eosinophil adhesion, but the co-incubation of L-NAME with eotaxin or RANTES did not further affect the increased adhesion seen with chemokines alone. In addition, L-NAME alone (but not D-NAME) caused a significant cell degranulation, but it did not affect the CC-chemokine-induced cell degranulation. Incubation of eosinophils with eotaxin or RANTES, in absence or presence of L-NAME, did not affect the expression of VLA-4 and Mac-1 on eosinophil surface. Eotaxin and RANTES (100 ng/ml each) also failed to elevate the cyclic GMP levels above baseline in human eosinophils. Conclusion Eotaxin and RANTES increase the eosinophil adhesion to fibronectin-coated plates and promote cell degranulation by NO-independent mechanisms. The failure of CC-chemokines to affect VLA-4 and Mac-1 expression suggests that changes in integrin function (avidity or affinity) are rather involved in the enhanced adhesion.


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A persistência bacteriana correlacionada à formação de biofilmes bacterianos é, há algum tempo, fonte de grande preocupação médica em virtude de sua ampla associação com a dificuldade de tratamento de infecções crônicas. Por outro lado, as perspectivas de utilização de biofilmes bacterianos em novas aplicações biotecnológicas e até mesmo para fins terapêuticos são promissoras. Há, portanto, grande interesse em compreender os mecanismos que levam as células bacterianas a deixar o estado planctônico, de vida livre, e associarem-se nesses conglomerados celulares altamente complexos. Ao longo das últimas décadas, o segundo mensageiro c-di-GMP – em conjunto com as moléculas que catalisam sua síntese (diguanilato ciclases) e sua degradação (fosfodiesterases) e seus receptores – estabeleceu-se como um elemento central de regulação de uma série de respostas celulares que determinam a formação ou a dispersão de biofilmes. Curiosamente, as proteínas que participam do metabolismo deste segundo mensageiro estão, frequentemente, codificadas múltiplas vezes em um mesmo genoma bacteriano. Em vista dessa observação, estudos mais recentes apontam que, para reger paralelamente uma variedade tão ampla de fenótipos, este sistema opera em modo de alta especificidade de sinalização e que, portanto, o sinal metabolizado por determinados conjuntos de diguanilato ciclases e fosfodiesterases tem alvos celulares específicos. Evidências robustas, porém isoladas até o momento, apontaram que um dos meios pelo qual ocorre a segregação entre sinal produzido e alvo específico é a interação direta entre as proteínas componentes das vias de sinalização. Mais, demonstrou-se que, em algumas vias, a transmissão de sinal ocorre exclusivamente via interação proteica, dispensando a intermediação do sinalizador em si. Para avaliar a validade e relevância global deste mecanismo, propôs-se, neste estudo, a investigação da rede total de interações entre as proteínas tipicamente associadas às vias de sinalização por c-di-GMP em Pseudomonas aeruginosa, utilizando ensaios de duplo-hibrido bacteriano. Para tanto, foram construídas duas bibliotecas de DNA direcionadas e foram feitos testes de interação de forma estratégica para possibilitar o esgotamento e averiguação de todas as possíveis interações entre as proteínas alvo identificadas. O resultado obtido, um mapa inicial, porém abrangente, da rede de interações proteicas em P. aeruginosa, indica uma grande probabilidade de que os mecanismos previamente descritos sejam realmente recorrentes e relevantes para o intermédio da sinalização nesse organismo. Algumas das interações mais robustas encontradas são bastante interessantes e serão, em estudos futuros, mais extensivamente estudadas.


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This paper demonstrates that in order to understand and design for interactions in complex work environments, a variety of representational artefacts must be developed and employed. A study was undertaken to explore the design of better interaction technologies to support patient record keeping in a dental surgery. The domain chosen is a challenging real context that exhibits problems that could potentially be solved by ubiquitous computing and multi-modal interaction technologies. Both transient and durable representations were used to develop design understandings. We describe the representations, the kinds of insights developed from the representations and the way that the multiple representations interact and carry forward in the design process.