954 resultados para GABOR FILTERS


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In this paper, we presented an automatic system for precise urban road model reconstruction based on aerial images with high spatial resolution. The proposed approach consists of two steps: i) road surface detection and ii) road pavement marking extraction. In the first step, support vector machine (SVM) was utilized to classify the images into two categories: road and non-road. In the second step, road lane markings are further extracted on the generated road surface based on 2D Gabor filters. The experiments using several pan-sharpened aerial images of Brisbane, Queensland have validated the proposed method.


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A syntactical brightness model based on a multiscale line and edge representation obtained by a set of anisotropic Gabor filters is quite complex (du Buf and Fischer, 1995 Optical Engineering 34 1900-1911). Although only tested in 1-D, it was shown to yield correct brightness effects for many patterns.


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Gabor representations have been widely used in facial analysis (face recognition, face detection and facial expression detection) due to their biological relevance and computational properties. Two popular Gabor representations used in literature are: 1) Log-Gabor and 2) Gabor energy filters. Even though these representations are somewhat similar, they also have distinct differences as the Log-Gabor filters mimic the simple cells in the visual cortex while the Gabor energy filters emulate the complex cells, which causes subtle differences in the responses. In this paper, we analyze the difference between these two Gabor representations and quantify these differences on the task of facial action unit (AU) detection. In our experiments conducted on the Cohn-Kanade dataset, we report an average area underneath the ROC curve (A`) of 92.60% across 17 AUs for the Gabor energy filters, while the Log-Gabor representation achieved an average A` of 96.11%. This result suggests that small spatial differences that the Log-Gabor filters pick up on are more useful for AU detection than the differences in contours and edges that the Gabor energy filters extract.


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An automatic approach to road lane marking extraction from high-resolution aerial images is proposed, which can automatically detect the road surfaces in rural areas based on hierarchical image analysis. The procedure is facilitated by the road centrelines obtained from low-resolution images. The lane markings are further extracted on the generated road surfaces with 2D Gabor filters. The proposed method is applied on the aerial images of the Bruce Highway around Gympie, Queensland. Evaluation of the generated road surfaces and lane markings using four representative test fields has validated the proposed method.


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Robust facial expression recognition (FER) under occluded face conditions is challenging. It requires robust algorithms of feature extraction and investigations into the effects of different types of occlusion on the recognition performance to gain insight. Previous FER studies in this area have been limited. They have spanned recovery strategies for loss of local texture information and testing limited to only a few types of occlusion and predominantly a matched train-test strategy. This paper proposes a robust approach that employs a Monte Carlo algorithm to extract a set of Gabor based part-face templates from gallery images and converts these templates into template match distance features. The resulting feature vectors are robust to occlusion because occluded parts are covered by some but not all of the random templates. The method is evaluated using facial images with occluded regions around the eyes and the mouth, randomly placed occlusion patches of different sizes, and near-realistic occlusion of eyes with clear and solid glasses. Both matched and mis-matched train and test strategies are adopted to analyze the effects of such occlusion. Overall recognition performance and the performance for each facial expression are investigated. Experimental results on the Cohn-Kanade and JAFFE databases demonstrate the high robustness and fast processing speed of our approach, and provide useful insight into the effects of occlusion on FER. The results on the parameter sensitivity demonstrate a certain level of robustness of the approach to changes in the orientation and scale of Gabor filters, the size of templates, and occlusions ratios. Performance comparisons with previous approaches show that the proposed method is more robust to occlusion with lower reductions in accuracy from occlusion of eyes or mouth.


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Since the pioneering work of Gibson in 1950, Shape- From-Texture has been considered by researchers as a hard problem, mainly due to restrictive assumptions which often limit its applicability. We assume a very general stochastic homogeneity and perspective camera model, for both deterministic and stochastic textures. A multi-scale distortion is efficiently estimated with a previously presented method based on Fourier analysis and Gabor filters. The novel 3D reconstruction method that we propose applies to general shapes, and includes non-developable and extensive surfaces. Our algorithm is accurate, robust and compares favorably to the present state of the art of Shape-From- Texture. Results show its application to non-invasively study shape changes with laid-on textures, while rendering and retexturing of cloth is suggested for future work. © 2009 IEEE.


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This paper introduces a new technique for palmprint recognition based on Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis (FLDA) and Gabor filter bank. This method involves convolving a palmprint image with a bank of Gabor filters at different scales and rotations for robust palmprint features extraction. Once these features are extracted, FLDA is applied for dimensionality reduction and class separability. Since the palmprint features are derived from the principal lines, wrinkles and texture along the palm area. One should carefully consider this fact when selecting the appropriate palm region for the feature extraction process in order to enhance recognition accuracy. To address this problem, an improved region of interest (ROI) extraction algorithm is introduced. This algorithm allows for an efficient extraction of the whole palm area by ignoring all the undesirable parts, such as the fingers and background. Experiments have shown that the proposed method yields attractive performances as evidenced by an Equal Error Rate (EER) of 0.03%.


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Accurate and detailed road models play an important role in a number of geospatial applications, such as infrastructure planning, traffic monitoring, and driver assistance systems. In this thesis, an integrated approach for the automatic extraction of precise road features from high resolution aerial images and LiDAR point clouds is presented. A framework of road information modeling has been proposed, for rural and urban scenarios respectively, and an integrated system has been developed to deal with road feature extraction using image and LiDAR analysis. For road extraction in rural regions, a hierarchical image analysis is first performed to maximize the exploitation of road characteristics in different resolutions. The rough locations and directions of roads are provided by the road centerlines detected in low resolution images, both of which can be further employed to facilitate the road information generation in high resolution images. The histogram thresholding method is then chosen to classify road details in high resolution images, where color space transformation is used for data preparation. After the road surface detection, anisotropic Gaussian and Gabor filters are employed to enhance road pavement markings while constraining other ground objects, such as vegetation and houses. Afterwards, pavement markings are obtained from the filtered image using the Otsu's clustering method. The final road model is generated by superimposing the lane markings on the road surfaces, where the digital terrain model (DTM) produced by LiDAR data can also be combined to obtain the 3D road model. As the extraction of roads in urban areas is greatly affected by buildings, shadows, vehicles, and parking lots, we combine high resolution aerial images and dense LiDAR data to fully exploit the precise spectral and horizontal spatial resolution of aerial images and the accurate vertical information provided by airborne LiDAR. Objectoriented image analysis methods are employed to process the feature classiffcation and road detection in aerial images. In this process, we first utilize an adaptive mean shift (MS) segmentation algorithm to segment the original images into meaningful object-oriented clusters. Then the support vector machine (SVM) algorithm is further applied on the MS segmented image to extract road objects. Road surface detected in LiDAR intensity images is taken as a mask to remove the effects of shadows and trees. In addition, normalized DSM (nDSM) obtained from LiDAR is employed to filter out other above-ground objects, such as buildings and vehicles. The proposed road extraction approaches are tested using rural and urban datasets respectively. The rural road extraction method is performed using pan-sharpened aerial images of the Bruce Highway, Gympie, Queensland. The road extraction algorithm for urban regions is tested using the datasets of Bundaberg, which combine aerial imagery and LiDAR data. Quantitative evaluation of the extracted road information for both datasets has been carried out. The experiments and the evaluation results using Gympie datasets show that more than 96% of the road surfaces and over 90% of the lane markings are accurately reconstructed, and the false alarm rates for road surfaces and lane markings are below 3% and 2% respectively. For the urban test sites of Bundaberg, more than 93% of the road surface is correctly reconstructed, and the mis-detection rate is below 10%.


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Gaining invariance to camera and illumination variations has been a well investigated topic in Active Appearance Model (AAM) fitting literature. The major problem lies in the inability of the appearance parameters of the AAM to generalize to unseen conditions. An attractive approach for gaining invariance is to fit an AAM to a multiple filter response (e.g. Gabor) representation of the input image. Naively applying this concept with a traditional AAM is computationally prohibitive, especially as the number of filter responses increase. In this paper, we present a computationally efficient AAM fitting algorithm based on the Lucas-Kanade (LK) algorithm posed in the Fourier domain that affords invariance to both expression and illumination. We refer to this as a Fourier AAM (FAAM), and show that this method gives substantial improvement in person specific AAM fitting performance over traditional AAM fitting methods.


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We propose two texture-based approaches, one involving Gabor filters and the other employing log-polar wavelets, for separating text from non-text elements in a document image. Both the proposed algorithms compute local energy at some information-rich points, which are marked by Harris' corner detector. The advantage of this approach is that the algorithm calculates the local energy at selected points and not throughout the image, thus saving a lot of computational time. The algorithm has been tested on a large set of scanned text pages and the results have been seen to be better than the results from the existing algorithms. Among the proposed schemes, the Gabor filter based scheme marginally outperforms the wavelet based scheme.


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Extraction of text areas from the document images with complex content and layout is one of the challenging tasks. Few texture based techniques have already been proposed for extraction of such text blocks. Most of such techniques are greedy for computation time and hence are far from being realizable for real time implementation. In this work, we propose a modification to two of the existing texture based techniques to reduce the computation. This is accomplished with Harris corner detectors. The efficiency of these two textures based algorithms, one based on Gabor filters and other on log-polar wavelet signature, are compared. A combination of Gabor feature based texture classification performed on a smaller set of Harris corner detected points is observed to deliver the accuracy and efficiency.


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Gabor features have been recognized as one of the most successful face representations. Encouraged by the results given by this approach, other kind of facial representations based on Steerable Gaussian first order kernels and Harris corner detector are proposed in this paper. In order to reduce the high dimensional feature space, PCA and LDA techniques are employed. Once the features have been extracted, AdaBoost learning algorithm is used to select and combine the most representative features. The experimental results on XM2VTS database show an encouraging recognition rate, showing an important improvement with respect to face descriptors only based on Gabor filters.


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Texture is one of the most important visual attributes used in image analysis. It is used in many content-based image retrieval systems, where it allows the identification of a larger number of images from distinct origins. This paper presents a novel approach for image analysis and retrieval based on complexity analysis. The approach consists of a texture segmentation step, performed by complexity analysis through BoxCounting fractal dimension, followed by the estimation of complexity of each computed region by multiscale fractal dimension. Experiments have been performed with MRI database in both pattern recognition and image retrieval contexts. Results show the accuracy of the method and also indicate how the performance changes as the texture segmentation process is altered.


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In this paper, we present a study on a deterministic partially self-avoiding walk (tourist walk), which provides a novel method for texture feature extraction. The method is able to explore an image on all scales simultaneously. Experiments were conducted using different dynamics concerning the tourist walk. A new strategy, based on histograms. to extract information from its joint probability distribution is presented. The promising results are discussed and compared to the best-known methods for texture description reported in the literature. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.