972 resultados para Fuzzy computing


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This paper is concerned with the computational efficiency of fuzzy clustering algorithms when the data set to be clustered is described by a proximity matrix only (relational data) and the number of clusters must be automatically estimated from such data. A fuzzy variant of an evolutionary algorithm for relational clustering is derived and compared against two systematic (pseudo-exhaustive) approaches that can also be used to automatically estimate the number of fuzzy clusters in relational data. An extensive collection of experiments involving 18 artificial and two real data sets is reported and analyzed. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Soft Computing is an interdisciplinary area that encompasses a variety of computing paradigms. Examples of some popular soft computing paradigms include fuzzy computing, neural computing, evolutionary computing, and probabilistic computing. Soft computing paradigms, in general, aim to produce computing systems/machines that exhibit some useful properties, e.g. making inference with vague and/or ambiguous information, learning from noisy and/or incomplete data, adapting to changing environments, and reasoning with uncertainties. These properties are important for the systems/machines to be useful in assisting humans in our daily activities. Indeed, soft computing paradigms have been demonstrated to be capable of tackling a wide range of problems, e.g. optimization, decision making, information processing, pattern recognition, and intelligent data analysis. A number of papers pertaining to some recent advances in theoretical development and practical application of different soft computing paradigms are highlighted in this special issue.


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The need for intelligent monitoring systems has become a necessity to keep track of the complex forex market. The vast currency market is a foreign concept to the average individual. However, once it is broken down into simple terms, the average individual can begin to understand the foreign exchange market and use it as a financial instrument for future investing. We attempt to compare the performance of a Takagi-Sugeno, type neuro-fuzzy system and a feedforward neural network trained using the scaled conjugate gradient algorithm to predict the average monthly forex rates. We considered the exchange values of Australian dollar with respect to US dollar, Singapore dollar, New Zealand dollar, Japanese yen and United Kingdom pounds. The connectionist models were trained using 70% of the data and remaining was used for testing and validation purposes. It is observed that the proposed connectionist models were able to predict the average forex rates one month ahead accurately. Experiment results also reveal that the neuro-fuzzy technique performed better than the neural network


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The need for intelligent monitoring systems has become a necessity to keep track of the complex forex market. The forex market is difficult to understand by an average individual. However, once the market is broken down into simple terms, the average individual can begin to understand the foreign exchange market and use it as a financial instrument for future investing. This paper is an attempt to compare the performance of a Takagi-Sugeno type neuro-fuzzy system and a feed forward neural network trained using the scaled conjugate gradient algorithm to predict the average monthly forex rates. The exchange values of Australian dollar are considered with respect to US dollar, Singapore dollar, New Zealand dollar, Japanese yen and United Kingdom pound. The connectionist models were trained using 70% of the data and remaining was used for testing and validation purposes. It is observed that the proposed connectionist models were able to predict the average forex rates one month ahead accurately. Experiment results also reveal that neuro-fuzzy technique performed better than the neural network.


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When using linguistic approaches to solve decision problems, we need the techniques for computing with words (CW). Together with the 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic representation models (i.e., the Herrera and Mart´ınez model and the Wang and Hao model), some computational techniques for CW are also developed. In this paper, we define the concept of numerical scale and extend the 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic representation models under the numerical scale.We find that the key of computational techniques
based on linguistic 2-tuples is to set suitable numerical scale with
the purpose of making transformations between linguistic 2-tuples
and numerical values. By defining the concept of the transitive
calibration matrix and its consistent index, this paper develops an optimization model to compute the numerical scale of the linguistic term set. The desired properties of the optimization model are also presented. Furthermore, we discuss how to construct the transitive calibration matrix for decision problems using linguistic preference relations and analyze the linkage between the consistent index of the transitive calibration matrix and one of the linguistic preference relations. The results in this paper are pretty helpful to complete the fuzzy 2-tuple representation models for CW.


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Dieser Artikel bietet einen Überblick über die Entwicklung und Zusammenhänge der einzelnen Elemente der Fuzzy-Logik, wovon Fuzzy-Set-Theorie die Grundlage bildet. Die Grundproblematik besteht in der Handhabung von linguistischen Informationen, die häufig durch Ungenauigkeit gekennzeichnet sind. Die verschiedenen technischen Anwendungen von Fuzzy-Logik bieten eine Möglichkeit, intelligentere Computersysteme zu konstruieren, die mit unpräzisen Informationen umgehen können. Solche Systeme sind Indizien für die Entstehung einer neuen Ära des Cognitive-Computing, di in diesemArtikel ebenfalls zur Sprache kommt. Für das bessere Verständnis wird der Artikel mit einem Beispiel aus der Meteorologie (d. h. Schnee in Adelboden) begleitet.


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The study here highlights the potential that analytical methods based on Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) methodologies have to aid both the resolution of unstructured marketing/business problems and the process of scholarly knowledge discovery. The authors present and discuss the application of KDD in these situations prior to the presentation of an analytical method based on fuzzy logic and evolutionary algorithms, developed to analyze marketing databases and uncover relationships among variables. A detailed implementation on a pre-existing data set illustrates the method. © 2012 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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In cloud computing, resource allocation and scheduling of multiple composite web services is an important and challenging problem. This is especially so in a hybrid cloud where there may be some low-cost resources available from private clouds and some high-cost resources from public clouds. Meeting this challenge involves two classical computational problems: one is assigning resources to each of the tasks in the composite web services; the other is scheduling the allocated resources when each resource may be used by multiple tasks at different points of time. In addition, Quality-of-Service (QoS) issues, such as execution time and running costs, must be considered in the resource allocation and scheduling problem. Here we present a Cooperative Coevolutionary Genetic Algorithm (CCGA) to solve the deadline-constrained resource allocation and scheduling problem for multiple composite web services. Experimental results show that our CCGA is both efficient and scalable.


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This article presents a visual servoing system to follow a 3D moving object by a Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (MUAV). The presented control strategy is based only on the visual information given by an adaptive tracking method based on the colour information. A visual fuzzy system has been developed for servoing the camera situated on a rotary wing MAUV, that also considers its own dynamics. This system is focused on continuously following of an aerial moving target object, maintaining it with a fixed safe distance and centred on the image plane. The algorithm is validated on real flights on outdoors scenarios, showing the robustness of the proposed systems against winds perturbations, illumination and weather changes among others. The obtained results indicate that the proposed algorithms is suitable for complex controls task, such object following and pursuit, flying in formation, as well as their use for indoor navigation


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A distributed fuzzy system is a real-time fuzzy system in which the input, output and computation may be located on different networked computing nodes. The ability for a distributed software application, such as a distributed fuzzy system, to adapt to changes in the computing network at runtime can provide real-time performance improvement and fault-tolerance. This paper introduces an Adaptable Mobile Component Framework (AMCF) that provides a distributed dataflow-based platform with a fine-grained level of runtime reconfigurability. The execution location of small fragments (possibly as little as few machine-code instructions) of an AMCF application can be moved between different computing nodes at runtime. A case study is included that demonstrates the applicability of the AMCF to a distributed fuzzy system scenario involving multiple physical agents (such as autonomous robots). Using the AMCF, fuzzy systems can now be developed such that they can be distributed automatically across multiple computing nodes and are adaptable to runtime changes in the networked computing environment. This provides the opportunity to improve the performance of fuzzy systems deployed in scenarios where the computing environment is resource-constrained and volatile, such as multiple autonomous robots, smart environments and sensor networks.


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Software as a Service (SaaS) is gaining more and more attention from software users and providers recently. This has raised many new challenges to SaaS providers in providing better SaaSes that suit everyone needs at minimum costs. One of the emerging approaches in tackling this challenge is by delivering the SaaS as a composite SaaS. Delivering it in such an approach has a number of benefits, including flexible offering of the SaaS functions and decreased cost of subscription for users. However, this approach also introduces new problems for SaaS resource management in a Cloud data centre. We present the problem of composite SaaS resource management in Cloud data centre, specifically on its initial placement and resource optimization problems aiming at improving the SaaS performance based on its execution time as well as minimizing the resource usage. Our approach differs from existing literature because it addresses the problems resulting from composite SaaS characteristics, where we focus on the SaaS requirements, constraints and interdependencies. The problems are tackled using evolutionary algorithms. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency and the scalability of the proposed algorithms.