965 resultados para Fundição continua


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This study aims to determine the most suitable type of heat exchanger to be applied to the water cooling the mold of a continuous casting process. Basically been studied four types of heat exchangers: shell and tube operating in counterflow, shell and tube operating in parallel flow, plate type and operating counterflow and plates operating in parallel flow. Initially is displayed design of heat exchangers for the conditions of the proposed application. With the heat exchangers dimensioned comparisons were made in order to set the heat exchanger more suitable for application. In the study, one comes to the conclusion that the plate type heat exchangers operating shows counterflow major advantage for this application


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The goal of this work is to report some problems that occur in the in the production of aluminum billets (series 6XXX) produced by the hot top process in the Alcoa aluminum Inc. The aluminum fabrication process is described from its first stage, since the mining until the reduction, smelting and treatment of the metal. One of the plant’s final product, are billets for clients that produce profiles by extrusion. The product’s final quality highly depends on the whole production process. Therefore it’s necessary to use good practices in the treatment of the metal, follow up its fabrication and control its thermal treatment, in order to meet the required standards to satisfy the clients. The billet’s production method and its variables will be detailed through temperature and casting speed, cone of water flow, cooling rate, duration of thermal treatment, degassing and metal “in line “filtering, in other words when it’s still found in its liquid state. The non-conformities of the process were studied by metallographic analysis, both macrostutural and microstructural that will be described and discussed in this work


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The aim of this study is to characterize the macrostructure and microstructure of Al - 1%Si alloy obtained in sand and metallic molds. Aluminium has good mechanical properties, but adding silicon, even in small quantities, can change the microstructure and improves mechanical behavior. Workpieces were castings in metallic and sand molds and one can see a difference in their cooling curve, macroscopic and microscopic structures. The sand mold casting has lower cooling rate and so its grains are larger. Due to the lower concentration of grain boundary, the hardness is lower compared to that found in metallic molds, which has smaller grains and a higher hardness. Therefore, it can be concluded that the cooling rate and alloying elements affect the final microstructure of the workpiece


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The aluminum includes several properties with excellent relation between weight and mechanical resistance. With technological advances, increasingly demand the development of new alloys and other production processes in order to reduce the cost of production and insert these new alloys in broader applications. The process of continuous caster (TRC promoted the unite of the aluminum smelting process with the first stage of rolling, making it most economical through the merger these two phases besides transform the continuous casting process. The AA8xxx series is one of the most versatile aluminum alloys and the most often used in continuous caster process provided a great potential application in the market. In order to further, optimize the process it is necessary to increase awareness of the aluminum solidification phenomena associated with the addition of grain refiner, and control of some aluminum production parameters in the process (production rate, metal temperature, etc.). In this study, AA8011 alloy samples were taken in the raw state obtained by the continuous casting process. The samples were laminated to a thickness of 7mm during the process itself and analyzed at three points along its width by microstructural analysis throughout its thickness, the variation rate of addition of the grain refiner in order to assess the influence of this addition with crystallographic formation and some formation of intermetallic precipitates during the solidification. Through this work, it was possible to improve the knowledge related to the addition of refiner with the monitoring of these production processes


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Vibrational stability of a large flexible, structurally damped spacecraft subject to large rigid body rotations is analysed modelling the system as an elastic continuum. Using solution of rigid body attitude motion under torque free conditions and modal analysis, the vibrational equations are reduced to ordinary differential equations with time-varying coefficients. Stability analysis is carried out using Floquet theory and Sonin-Polya theorem. The cases of spinning and non-spinning spacecraft idealized as a flexible beam plate undergoing simple structural vibration are analysed in detail. The critical damping required for stabilization is shown to be a function of the spacecraft's inertia ratio and the level of disturbance.


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La consideración del contexto en el que se sitúa la empresa queda justificada desde una perspectiva antropológica y sistemática. El entorno, el ambiente, sus circunstancias y cambios inciden sobre la empresa, condicionando sus factores interno y sus factores externos. La cultura, los valores, creencias y artefactos que todos ellos comparten se convierten para la empresa en retos de adaptación si aspira a ser competitiva, a mantener su capacidad para competir. Por ello, la empresa necesita que sus empleados posean ciertas habilidades, en el sentido no sólo de saber, sino de saber hacer las cosas, de saber ser.


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Este trabalho consiste em um estudo sobre a relação entre subjetividade e meio, mais especificamente, sobre a formação subjetiva no contexto da violência nas favelas cariocas. A reflexão proposta traz, como principal referencial teórico, a noção, adotada, entre outros, por John Bowlby e Donald Winnicott, de uma constituição subjetiva marcada pela intersubjetividade. Dito de outro modo, a subjetividade aqui é resultante do encontro do indivíduo com o meio (inicialmente a própria figura materna); o que significa que um não pode ser compreendido a não ser na interação com outro. Desse pressuposto comum, tais autores partem para construir percursos teóricos independentes, que ora se aproximam, ora se distanciam. Contemporâneos e membros da Sociedade Psicanalítica Britânica da época, Bowlby e Winnicott fizeram parte do chamado Middle Group. Tal vertente psicanalítica, sob a influência da biologia de Darwin, da etologia e da literatura, apresenta como característica fundamental a de conferir uma importância inédita ao ambiente no processo do desenvolvimento emocional. A adaptação dos cuidados maternos às necessidades do bebê, nos estágios precoces de seu desenvolvimento, ganha a função primordial de sobrevivência e desempenha aqui um papel decisivo para a saúde mental do sujeito. Bowlby utilizar-se-á da idéia de que os pais, ou cuidadores, funcionam como uma espécie de base segura a partir da qual a criança pode explorar o mundo com a confiança de que será acolhida caso precise. Para ele, o comportamento de apego sustenta o processo de subjetivação e representa um elemento constituinte da natureza humana, que se manifesta através da propensão para estabelecer laços íntimos. Já Winnicott adotará a idéia de uma maternagem suficientemente boa, capaz de garantir à criança a continuidade de sua existência. Interrupções nessa provisão dos cuidados precoces são, para estes autores, potenciais agentes patogênicos. À luz dessa perspectiva teórica, serão apresentadas as narrativas biográficas de três moradores de uma favela da zona sul carioca representativa dos constantes e violentos confrontos que vêm ocorrendo entre os integrantes do tráfico de drogas daquela localidade com a polícia, com outras facções rivais e entre eles próprios. A experiência da provisão materna, em ambientes prejudicados por um determinado tipo de violência contextualizada, é o que tais histórias pessoais tentam retratar.


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Este artículo revisa la bibliografía existente sobre los problemas que la banda de colada continua, laminada en frío, presenta en su recristalización. Se examinan los impedimentos que presenta la precipitación de elementos de aleación o impurezas, previa o simultánea a la recristalización, para la nucleación de la recristalización y por tanto para ésta. Se explica el uso de las curvas TTT (Temperatura, Tiempo, Transformación) para la determinación de temperatura y velocidad de calentamiento críticas para llegar a la recristalización sin pasar por la zona de precipitación. Se explica también la obtención de curvas CTT (Concentración, Tiempo, Transformación) y "diagramas de tamaño de grano" para aleaciones Al-Mn en función de la velocidad de calentamiento y contenido de manganeso en solución sólida.


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Signaturas: ¶-2¶4, 2¶*2, 3¶-4¶4, A-Z4, 2A-2Z4, 3A-3Z4, 4A-4K4, 4L2 ; ¶-6¶4, A-Z4, 2A-2Z4, 3A-3Z4, 4A-4H4.


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Observations of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emission from an X-class solar flare that occurred on 2011 February 15 at 01: 44 UT are presented, obtained using the EUV Variability Experiment (EVE) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory. The complete EVE spectral range covers the free-bound continua of H I (Lyman continuum), He I, and He II, with recombination edges at 91.2, 50.4, and 22.8 nm, respectively. By fitting the wavelength ranges blueward of each recombination edge with an exponential function, light curves of each of the integrated continua were generated over the course of the flare, as was emission from the free-free continuum (6.5-37 nm). The He II 30.4 nm and Ly alpha 121.6 nm lines, and soft X-ray (SXR; 0.1-0.8 nm) emission from GOES are also included for comparison. Each free-bound continuum was found to have a rapid rise phase at the flare onset similar to that seen in the 25-50 keV light curves from RHESSI, suggesting that they were formed by recombination with free electrons in the chromosphere. However, the free-free emission exhibited a slower rise phase seen also in the SXR emission from GOES, implying a predominantly coronal origin. By integrating over the entire flare the total energy emitted via each process was determined. We find that the flare energy in the EVE spectral range amounts to at most a few percent of the total flare energy, but EVE gives us a first comprehensive look at these diagnostically important continuum components.