23 resultados para Fulvestrant


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BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of fulvestrant, an estrogen receptor antagonist, in postmenopausal women with hormone-responsive tumors progressing after aromatase inhibitor (AI) treatment. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This is a phase II, open, multicenter, noncomparative study. Two patient groups were prospectively considered: group A (n=70) with AI-responsive disease and group B (n=20) with AI-resistant disease. Fulvestrant 250 mg was administered as intramuscular injection every 28 (+/-3) days. RESULTS: All patients were pretreated with AI and 84% also with tamoxifen or toremifene; 67% had bone metastases and 45% liver metastases. Fulvestrant administration was well tolerated and yielded a clinical benefit (CB; defined as objective response or stable disease [SD] for >or=24 weeks) in 28% (90% confidence interval [CI] 19% to 39%) of patients in group A and 37% (90% CI 19% to 58%) of patients in group B. Median time to progression (TTP) was 3.6 (95% CI 3.0 to 4.8) months in group A and 3.4 (95% CI 2.5 to 6.7) months in group B. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, 30% of patients who had progressed following prior AI treatment gained CB with fulvestrant, thereby delaying indication to start chemotherapy. Prior response to an AI did not appear to be predictive for benefit with fulvestrant.


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Cell culture models of antioestrogen resistance often involve applying selective pressures of oestrogen deprivation simultaneously with addition of tamoxifen or fulvestrant (Faslodex, ICI 182,780) which makes it difficult to distinguish events in development of antioestrogen resistance from those in loss of response to oestrogen or other components. We describe here time courses of loss of antioestrogen response using either oestrogen-maintained or oestrogen-deprived MCF7 cells in which the only alteration to the culture medium was addition of 10(-6) M tamoxifen or 10(-7) M fulvestrant. In both oestrogen-maintained and oestrogen-deprived models, loss of growth response to tamoxifen was not associated with loss of response to fulvestrant. However, loss of growth response to fulvestrant was associated in both models with concomitant loss of growth response to tamoxifen. Measurement of oestrogen receptor alpha (ER alpha) and oestrogen receptor beta (ER beta) mRNA by real-time RT-PCR together with ER alpha and ER beta protein by Western immunoblotting revealed substantial changes to ER alpha levels but very little alteration to ER beta levels following development of antioestrogen resistance. In oestrogen-maintained cells, tamoxifen resistance was associated with raised levels of ERa mRNA/protein. However by contrast, in oestrogen-deprived MCF7 cells, where oestrogen deprivation alone had already resulted in increased levels of ERa mRNA/protein, long-term tamoxifen exposure now reduced ER alpha levels. Whilst long-term exposure to fulvestrant reduced ERa. mRNA/protein levels in the oestrogen-maintained cells to a level barely detectable by Western immunoblotting and non-functional in inducing gene expression (ERE-LUC reporter or pS2), in oestrogen-deprived cells the reduction was much less substantial and these cells retained an oestrogen-induction of both the ERE-LUC reporter gene and the endogenous pS2 gene which could still be inhibited by antioestrogen. This demonstrates that whilst ER alpha can be abrogated by fulvestrant and increased by tamoxifen in some circumstances, this does not always hold true and mechanisms other than alteration to ER must be involved in the development of antioestrogen resistant growth. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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NEWEST (Neoadjuvant Endocrine Therapy for Women with Estrogen-Sensitive Tumors) is the first study to compare biological and clinical activity of fulvestrant 500 versus 250 mg in the neoadjuvant breast cancer setting. We hypothesized that fulvestrant 500 mg may be superior to 250 mg in blocking estrogen receptor (ER) signaling and growth. A multicenter, randomized, open-label, Phase II study was performed to compare fulvestrant 500 mg (500 mg/month plus 500 mg on day 14 of month 1) versus fulvestrant 250 mg/month for 16 weeks prior to surgery in postmenopausal women with ER+ locally advanced breast cancer. Core biopsies at baseline, week 4, and surgery were assessed for biomarker changes. Primary endpoint: change in Ki67 labeling index (LI) from baseline to week 4 determined by automated computer imaging system (ACIS). Secondary endpoints: ER protein expression and function; progesterone receptor (PgR) expression; tumor response; tolerability. ER and PgR were examined retrospectively using the H score method. A total of 211 patients were randomized (fulvestrant 500 mg: n = 109; 250 mg: n = 102). At week 4, fulvestrant 500 mg resulted in greater reduction of Ki67 LI and ER expression versus 250 mg (-78.8 vs. -47.4% [p < 0.0001] and -25.0 vs. -13.5% [p = 0.0002], respectively [ACIS]); PgR suppression was not significantly different (-22.7 vs. -17.6; p = 0.5677). However, H score detected even greater suppression of ER (-50.3 vs. -13.7%; p < 0.0001) and greater PgR suppression (-80.5 vs. -46.3%; p = 0.0018) for fulvestrant 500 versus 250 mg. At week 16, tumor response rates were 22.9 and 20.6% for fulvestrant 500 and 250 mg, respectively, with considerable decline in all markers by both ACIS and H score. No detrimental effects on endometrial thickness or bone markers and no new safety concerns were identified. This provides the first evidence of greater biological activity for fulvestrant 500 versus 250 mg in depleting ER expression, function, and growth.


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A study towards the synthesis of a new fulvestrant analogue with improved bioavailability was carried out. In this work a twelve-step synthetic route starting from β-estradiol was optimized and a palladium (Pd)-catalyzed endo-selective Heck reaction for the functionalization of an advanced intermediate was investigated.


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Antioestrogens are among the most widely used agents in the treatment of breast cancer. There has been a recent surge of interest in these compounds because of their potential breast cancer chemopreventive properties. The newer generation of antioestrogens, with increased selectivity and better toxicity profiles, have the potential to increase the effectiveness of hormonal treatment of breast cancer. The selective oestrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) hold the promise of revolutionising the care of healthy postmenopausal women with their beneficial effects on bone and lipids in addition to the chemoprevention of breast cancer.


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Background BRCA1-mutant breast tumors are typically estrogen receptor alpha (ER alpha) negative, whereas most sporadic tumors express wild-type BRCA1 and are ER alpha positive. We examined a possible mechanism for the observed ER alpha-negative phenotype of BRCA1-mutant tumors.

Methods We used a breast cancer disease-specific microarray to identify transcripts that were differentially expressed between paraffin-embedded samples of 17 BRCA1-mutant and 14 sporadic breast tumors. We measured the mRNA levels of estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1) ( the gene encoding ER alpha), which was differentially expressed in the tumor samples, by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Regulation of ESR1 mRNA and ER alpha protein expression was assessed in human breast cancer HCC1937 cells that were stably reconstituted with wild-type BRCA1 expression construct and in human breast cancer T47D and MCF-7 cells transiently transfected with BRCA1-specific short-interfering RNA ( siRNA). Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays were performed to determine if BRCA1 binds the ESR1 promoter and to identify other interacting proteins. Sensitivity to the antiestrogen drug fulvestrant was examined in T47D and MCF-7 cells transfected with BRCA1-specific siRNA. All statistical tests were two-sided.

Results Mean ESR1 gene expression was 5.4-fold lower in BRCA1-mutant tumors than in sporadic tumors ( 95% confidence interval [CI]=2.6-fold to 40.1-fold, P =.0019). The transcription factor Oct-1 recruited BRCA1 to the ESR1 promoter, and both BRCA1 and Oct-1 were required for ER alpha expression. BRCA1-depleted breast cancer cells expressing exogenous ER alpha were more sensitive to fulvestrant than BRCA1-depleted cells transfected with empty vector ( T47D cells, the mean concentration of fulvestrant that inhibited the growth of 40% of the cells [IC40] for empty vector versus ER alpha: > 10(-5) versus 8.0 x 10(-9) M [ 95% CI=3.1x10(-10) to 3.2 x 10(-6) M]; MCF-7 cells, mean IC40 for empty vector versus ER alpha : > 10(-5) versus 4.9 x 10(-8) M [ 95% CI=2.0 x 10(-9) to 3.9 x 10(-6) M]).

Conclusions BRCA1 alters the response of breast cancer cells to antiestrogen therapy by directly modulating ER alpha expression.


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The HSP90 chaperone and immunophilin FKBPL is an estrogen-responsive gene that interacts with estogen receptor a (ERa) and regulates its levels. In this study, we explored the effects of FKBPL on breast cancer proliferation. Breast cancer cells stably overexpressing FKBPL became dependent on estrogen for their growth and were dramatically more sensitive to the antiestrogens tamoxifen and fulvestrant, whereas FKBPL knockdown reverses this phenotype. FKBPL knockdown also decreased the levels of the cell cycle inhibitor p21WAF1 and increased ERa phosphorylation on Ser118 in response to 17ß-estradiol and tamoxifen. In support of the likelihood that these effects explained FKBPL-mediated cell growth inhibition and sensitivity to endocrine therapies, FKBPL expression was correlated with increased overall survival and distant metastasis-free survival in breast cancer patients. Our findings suggest that FKBPL may have prognostic value based on its impact on tumor proliferative capacity and sensitivity to endocrine therapies, which improve outcome.


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We carried out a yeast two-hybrid screen using a BRCA1 bait composed of amino acids 1 to 1142 and identified BRD7 as a novel binding partner of BRCA1. This interaction was confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation of endogenous BRCA1 and BRD7 in T47D and HEK-293 cells. BRD7 is a bromodomain containing protein, which is a subunit of PBAF-specific Swi/Snf chromatin remodeling complexes. To determine the functional consequences of the BRCA1-BRD7 interaction, we investigated the role of BRD7 in BRCA1-dependent transcription using microarray-based expression profiling. We found that a variety of targets were coordinately regulated by BRCA1 and BRD7, such as estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha). Depletion of BRD7 or BRCA1 in either T47D or MCF7 cells resulted in loss of expression of ERalpha at both the mRNA and protein level, and this loss of ERalpha was reflected in resistance to the antiestrogen drug fulvestrant. We show that BRD7 is present, along with BRCA1 and Oct-1, on the ESR1 promoter (the gene which encodes ERalpha). Depletion of BRD7 prevented the recruitment of BRCA1 and Oct-1 to the ESR1 promoter; however, it had no effect on the recruitment of the other Swi/Snf subunits BRG1, BAF155, and BAF57 or on RNA polymerase II recruitment. These results support a model whereby the regulation of ERalpha transcription by BRD7 is mediated by its recruitment of BRCA1 and Oct-1 to the ESR1 promoter.


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOAR


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Le cancer du sein est le cancer qui a la plus forte fréquence au Canada. En 2012, on estime que 23 200 nouveaux cas de cancer du sein seront diagnostiqués. Deux tiers des tumeurs mammaires expriment ou surexpriment le récepteur des oestrogènes α (ERα). De même, les oestrogènes sont importants pour la croissance de ces tumeurs. La présence des récepteurs hormonaux est un critère qui détermine le choix de la thérapie; à cet égard, le ciblage des récepteurs des oestrogènes par les antioestrogènes a pour but d’inactiver ces récepteurs et diminuer leur contribution à la croissance tumorale. Les antioestrogènes sont des inhibiteurs compétitifs de ERα. Tamoxifene est le médicament le plus utilisé pour traiter les tumeurs mammaires ER+ de tous les stades, avant ou après la ménopause. Tamoxifene est antioestrogène partiel ou SERM qui a un profile mixte d’activités agonistes et antagonistes. Fulvestrant ou ICI 182, 780 est un antioestrogène de type total ou SERD dépourvu de toute activité agoniste. Ce composé est utilisé en clinique chez les femmes après la ménopause ayant des tumeurs mammaires avancées. Fulvestrant constitue, donc, une deuxième ligne thérapeutique en cas de rechute après à un traitement par Tamoxifene. Afin de comprendre le potentiel thérapeutique de Fulvestrant, il est primordial d’étudier son impact sur ERα. Actuellement, la polyubiquitination et la dégradation de ERα sont les mécanismes les plus connus pour expliquer l’inactivation de ERα par Fulvestrant. Par ailleurs, en utilisant des modèles cellulaires ER+ et ER-; nous avons montré que les antioestrogènes totaux induisent une insolubilité de ERα indépendamment de leur capacité à induire sa dégradation. L’insolubilité corrèle avec l’association de ERα avec la matrice nucléaire et avec l’inhibition de sa transactivation. L’hélice H12 du domaine de liaison du ligand joue un rôle important dans l’insolubilité et l’inactivation de ERα par les antioestrogènes totaux. Par ailleurs, les antioestrogènes totaux se distinguent par leur capacité à induire la SUMOylation de ERα par SUMO1 et SUMO2/3. La SUMOylation est rapide et précède la dégradation de ERα dans cellules ER+. À l’aide de dérivés de l’antioestrogène total ICI 164, 384, nous avons montré que la chaine latérale des antioestrogènes totaux est à la base de l’induction de la SUMOylation et de l’inactivation de ERα. De plus, la SUMOylation semble être une marque d’inhibition, car la déSUMOylation restaure une activité de ERα en présence des antioestrogènes totaux. L’hélice H12 du LBD et le domaine de liaison à l’ADN sont requis pour l’induction de la SUMOylation. La recherche de protéines impliquées dans l’inactivation et dans la SUMOylation a permis d’identifier le facteur de remodelage de la chromatine ACF dans le même complexe que ERα. De manière similaire à la SUMOylation, le recrutement de ACF est précoce et constitue une propriété spécifique des antioestrogènes totaux. D’autre part, Fulvestrant induit le recrutement de ACF au niveau du promoteur du gène cible des oestrogènes pS2, ce qui suggère une contribution du remodelage de la chromatine dans les mécanismes d’action des antioestrogènes totaux. La surexpression de la DéSUMOylase SENP1 abolit le recrutement de ACF ce qui indique un rôle de la SUMOylation dans le recrutement de ACF. De même, l’hélice H12 du LBD de ERα constitue un lien entre l’inactivation de ERα et le recrutement de ACF. L’insolubilité, la SUMOylation et l'interaction du complexe ACF sont le reflet des mécanismes d’action des antioestrogènes totaux. Ces observations peuvent être utilisées comme des critères fonctionnels pour identifier d’autres composés avec de meilleures propriétés pharmacologiques que Fulvestrant.


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La régulation de la transcription des gènes par les récepteurs des estrogènes ERα et ERβ joue un rôle important dans la croissance cellulaire et dans le développement du cancer du sein. Une augmentation de l’expression de CXCR4 et de son ligand SDF-1/CXCL12 corrèle avec un phénotype plus agressif du cancer du sein. Ici, nous démontrons un mécanisme de boucle de régulation positive entre la signalisation de CXCR4/SDF-1 et l’activité transcriptionnelle des ERs dans des cellules cancéreuses mammaires. L’activité transcriptionnelle de ER et l’expression de gènes cibles de ER, dont SDF-1 lui-même, sont augmentées dans la lignée cancéreuse mammaire MCF-7 en réponse à SDF-1. Ces effets sont bloqués par l’anti-estrogène fulvestrant et par la délétion de CXCR4. Par ailleurs, l’expression des gènes et la prolifération des cellules cancéreuses mammaires MCF-7 en réponse à l’estrogène sont altérées par l’inhibition de CXCR4. La signalisation par les facteurs de croissance joue un rôle important dans le cancer du sein. La surexpression et la dérégulation de la signalisation par le récepteur à activité tyrosine kinase ErbB2 corrèlent avec un phénotype tumoral mammaire plus agressif et un moins bon pronostic. Cependant, comment la signalisation de ErbB2 et de CXCR4 sont fonctionnellement reliées dans la régulation de la réponse de ER dans les cellules cancéreuses mammaires n’est pas connue. Nous démontrons ici que CXCR4 régule négativement l’expression protéique de ErbB2 et de son partenaire d’interaction ErbB3 ainsi que la phosphorylation de ErbB2. CXCR4 altère l’activation de la voie PI3-K/Akt par le dimère ErbB2/ErbB3 en réponse à héréguline alors qu’en présence de SDF-1, les niveaux d’activation sont récupérés. Nous avons trouvé que héréguline-β promouvoit la phosphorylation de la sérine 339 de CXCR4, un site important pour l’internalisation et la signalisation du récepteur. De plus, le recrutement de ErbB2 à CXCR4 est favorisé par ErbB3 et héréguline-β. L’activité transcriptionnelle ainsi que l’expression des gènes cibles de ER en réponse à l’héréguline sont relevées avec l’expression de CXCR4 et partiellement récupérées avec l’addition de SDF-1. Ces résultats démontrent que le recrutement de CXCR4 à ErbB2 altère la signalisation médiée par ErbB2/ErbB3 ainsi que l’activité hormonale de ER dans des cellules cancéreuses mammaires. Nous travaux ont permis d’identifier et de caractériser l’impact de la signalisation médiée par des récepteurs membranaires sur la réponse transcriptionnelle de ER dans des cellules cancéreuses mammaires. La signalisation membranaire est un facteur pouvant contribuer à la résistance aux thérapies endocriniennes et donc cibler les récepteurs impliqués s’avèrerait utile pour améliorer les traitements existants et mettre au point de nouvelles approches.


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Benzyl salicylate, benzyl benzoate and butylphenylmethylpropional (Lilial) are added to bodycare cosmetics used around the human breast. We report here that all three compounds possess oestrogenic activity in assays using the oestrogen-responsive MCF7 human breast cancer cell line. At 3 000 000-fold molar excess, they were able to partially displace [H-3]oestradiol from recombinant human oestrogen receptors ER alpha and ER beta, and from cytosolic ER of MCF7 cells. At concentrations in the range of 5 x 10(-5) to 5 x 10(-4) M, they were able to increase the expression of a stably integrated oestrogen-responsive reporter gene (ERE-CAT) and of the endogenous oestrogen-responsive pS2 gene in MCF7 cells, albeit to a lesser extent than with 10(-8) M 17 beta-oestradiol. They increased the proliferation of oestrogen-dependent MCF7 cells over 7 days, which could be inhibited by the antioestrogen fulvestrant, suggesting an ER-mediated mechanism. Although the extent of stimulation of proliferation over 7 days was lower with these compounds than with 10(-8) M 17 beta-oestradiol, given a longer time period of 35 days the extent of proliferation with 10(-4) M benzyl salicylate, benzyl benzoate or butylphenylmethylpropional increased to the same magnitude as observed with 10(-8) M 17 beta-oestradiol over 14 days. This demonstrates that benzyl salicylate, benzyl benzoate and butylphenylmethylpropional are further chemical components of cosmetic products which give oestrogenic responses in a human breast cancer cell line in culture. Further research is now needed to investigate whether oestrogenic responses are detectable using in vivo models and the extent to which these compounds might be absorbed through human skin and might enter human breast tissues. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Over the years, the MCF7 human breast cancer cell line has provided a model system for the study of cellular and molecular mechanisms in oestrogen regulation of cell proliferation and in progression to oestrogen and antioestrogen independent growth. Global gene expression profiling has shown that oestrogen action in MCF7 cells involves the coordinated regulation of hundreds of genes across a wide range of functional groupings and that more genes are down regulated than upregulated. Adaptation to long-term oestrogen deprivation, which results in loss of oestrogen-responsive growth, involves alterations to gene patterns not only at early time points (0-4 weeks) but continuing through to later times (20-55 weeks), and even involves alterations to patterns of oestrogen-regulated gene expression. Only 48% of the genes which were regulated >= 2-fold by oestradiol in oestrogen-responsive cells retained this responsiveness after long-term oestrogen deprivation but other genes developed de novo oestrogen regulation. Long-term exposure to fulvestrant, which resulted in loss of growth inhibition by the antioestrogen, resulted in some very large fold changes in gene expression up to 10,000-fold. Comparison of gene profiles produced by environmental chemicals with oestrogenic properties showed that each ligand gave its own unique expression profile which suggests that environmental oestrogens entering the human breast may give rise to a more complex web of interference in cell function than simply mimicking oestrogen action at inappropriate times. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper addresses the question of whether p-hydroxybenzoic acid, the common metabolite of parabens, possesses oestrogenic activity in human breast cancer cell lines. The alkyl esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid (parabens) are used widely as preservatives in consumer products to which the human population is exposed and have been shown previously to possess oestrogenic activity and to be present in human breast tumour tissue, which is an oestrogen-responsive tissue. Recent work has shown p-hydroxybenzoic acid to give an oestrogenic response in the rodent uterotrophic assay. We report here that p-hydroxybenzoic acid possesses oestrogenic activity in a panel of assays in human breast cancer cell lines. p-Hydroxybenzoic acid was able to displace [H-3]oestradiol from cytosolic oestrogen receptor of MCF7 human breast cancer cells by 54% at 5 x 10(6)-fold molar excess and by 99% at 10(7)-fold molar excess. It was able to increase the expression of a stably integrated oestrogen responsive reporter gene (ERE-CAT) at a concentration of 5 x 10(-4) M in MCF7 cells after 24 h and 7 days, which could be inhibited by the anti-oestrogen ICI 182 780 (Faslodex, fulvestrant). Proliferation of two human breast cancer cell lines (MCF7, ZR-75-1) could be increased by 10(-5) M p-hydroxybenzoic acid. Following on from previous studies showing a decrease in oestrogenic activity of parabens with shortening of the linear alkyl chain length, this study has compared the oestrogenic activity of p-hydroxybenzoic acid where the alkyl grouping is no longer present with methylparaben, which has the shortest alkyl group. Intrinsic oestrogenic activity of p-hydroxybenzoic acid was similar to that of methylparaben in terms of relative binding to the oestrogen receptor but its oestrogenic activity on gene expression and cell proliferation was lower than that of methylparaben. It can be concluded that removal of the ester group from parabens does not abrogate its oestrogenic activity and that p-hydroxybenzoic acid can give oestrogenic responses in human breast cancer cells. Copyright (C) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)