986 resultados para Fruits, physicalchemical analysis


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Mulberry (Morus nigra L.) is a fruit with a great potential for technological uses, which could be employed to manufacture of syrups, ice cream, candies, yoghurts, beverages, jam, etc. Only the leaf from mulberry trees is commercially used for silkworm feeding. This tree is cultivated on many agricultural environments such as small rural proprieties and settlements. Small farmers waste a great amount of their production for not knowing about mulberry technology. Thus, the objective of this work was to access extraction yield and physical-chemical properties of mulberry whole juice from ripe, green and a mixture of both by using press and depulper. Statistical analysis of results was carried by media and standard deviation calculations. 173 kg of mulberry were picked being 49.31% ripe and 50.68% green. Press delivered greater extraction yield of whole juice (80.50% to 81.60%) when compared to press (71.43% to 77.50%). Whole juice obtained from both equipments has shown the following values: soluble solids 7.45% - 12.11%, titrable acidity 0.45 – 1.23%, ratio 6.03 – 26.84, pH 3.69 – 4.35, total reducing sugar 4.05% – 9.96%, reducing sugar 3.95% - 9.15%, sucrose 0.00% - 0.04%, turbidity 221.25 NTU - >4,000 NTU. Whole juices obtained from both equipments has shown similar physical-chemical characteristics except turbidity. The authors concluded that press was the best extraction equipment due to its greater yield and whole juice quality regarding turbidity


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In this work, the separation of nine phenolic acids (benzoic, caffeic, chlorogenic, p-coumaric, ferulic, gallic, protocatechuic, syringic, and vanillic acid) was approached by a 32 factorial design in electrolytes consisting of sodium tetraborate buffer(STB) in the concentration range of 10-50 mmol L(-1) and methanol in the volume percentage of 5-20%. Derringer`s desirability functions combined globally were tested as response functions. An optimal electrolyte composed by 50 mmol L(-1) tetraborate buffer at pH 9.2, and 7.5% (v/v) methanol allowed baseline resolution of all phenolic acids under investigation in less than 15 min. In order to promote sample clean up, to preconcentrate the phenolic fraction and to release esterified phenolic acids from the fruit matrix, elaborate liquid-liquid extraction procedures followed by alkaline hydrolysis were performed. The proposed methodology was fully validated (linearity from 10.0 to 100 mu g mL(-1), R(2) > 0.999: LOD and LOQ from 1.32 to 3.80 mu g mL(-1) and from 4.01 to 11.5 mu g mL(-1), respectively; intra-day precision better than 2.8% CV for migration time and 5.4% CV for peak area; inter-day precision better than 4.8% CV for migration time and 4.8-11% CV for peak area: recoveries from 81% to 115%) and applied successfully to the evaluation of phenolic contents of abiu-roxo (Chrysophyllum caimito), wild mulberry growing in Brazil (Morus nigra L.) and tree tomato (Cyphomandra betacea). Values in the range of 1.50-47.3 mu g g(-1) were found, with smaller amounts occurring as free phenolic acids. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR


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A padronização de um fitoterápico é etapa imprescindível para garantia da qualidade de medicamentos contendo plantas medicinais. Objetivou-se padronizar Syzygiam cumini (L.) Skeels e para tanto se estabeleceram parametros tais como, avaliação morfoanatômica das folhas, morfológica das flores e dos frutos, avaliação granulométrica da droga rasurada (frutos), determinação da umidade, avaliação dos processos de secagem, determinação do teor de extrativos e do teor de taninos (monômeros e polimeros). O estudo anatômico das folhas revelou a inexistência de pêlos no sistema dérmico, assim como a ocorrência de glândulas secretoras, drusas, colênquima e esclerênquima. As flores são hermafroditas, com androceu polistêmone e gineceu com ovário ínfero, gamocarpelar, bilocular com placentação axial. Observou-se elevado teor extrativo (38,57%). O diâmetro médio de partícula dos frutos secos moídos ficou em 0,630 mm. O processo de secagem dos frutos influenciou o teor de taninos totais. O teor de taninos determinado ficou em 5,10% para monômeros e 11,30% para os polimeros.


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A competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method for carbaryl quantitation in crop extracts was validated by liquid chromatography (LC) with diode array detection (DAD). For this purpose, six crops (banana, carrot, green bean, orange, peach and potato) were chosen for recovery and reproducibility studies. The general sample preparation included extraction with methanol followed by liquid-liquid partitioning and clean-up on Celite-charcoal adsorbent column of the vegetable extracts. ELISA samples consisted of a diluted LC extract in assay phosphate buffer (pH 7.5). The potential effect of methanol in these samples was evaluated. It was observed that a maximum content of 10% methanol present in the assay buffer could be tolerated without expressive losses in the ELISA performance. Under these conditions, a IC50 similar to 1.48 mu g l(-1) was obtained. A minimum matrix effect with a 1:50 dilution of the methanolic extracts in assay buffer was noticed, except for green bean samples that inhibited completely the assay. For the vegetable extracts, the ELISA sensitivities varied from 3.9 to 5.7 mu g l(-1), and good recoveries (82-96%) with R.S.D.s ranging from 5.7 to 12.1% were found. An excellent correlation between the LC-DAD and ELISA techniques was obtained. The confirmation of the carbaryl in less concentrated samples was achieved by LC-mass spectrometry interfaced with atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation. The [M + H](+)= 202 and [M + H-57](+)=145 ions, equivalent to the protonated molecular and l-naphthol ions, respectively, were used to carbaryl identification in these samples. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sudamérica es una de las zonas con mayor cantidad de bosque seco tropical a nivel mundial. No obstante, estos bosques han sido poco conocidos y la mayoría de estudios han estado orientados hacia los bosques húmedos tropicales. Los bosques secos se han reducido drásticamente y siguen muy amenazados, corriendo el riesgo de desaparecer en los próximos años. Por ello, es fundamental, generar investigación aplicada para la conservación inmediata de los ecosistemas secos tropicales. En Ecuador, la situación no es diferente y las zonas secas catalogadas como biodiversas están en constante amenaza. Los pocos estudios realizados en Ecuador sobre zonas secas, han permitido mejorar nuestro conocimiento referente a la diversidad y abundancia de las especies, relaciones planta-planta y síndromes de dispersión. No existen estudios sobre caracteres morfológicos en frutos y semillas de las especies leñosas de bosque seco. Sin embargo, nuestra comprensión de la dinámica y estructura de las comunidades ecológicas de zonas secas poco estudiadas, puede mejorar rápidamente mediante el estudio y enfoque de rasgos morfofisiológicos funcionales. El objetivo general del presente estudio fue aportar al conocimiento de la ecología y biología de semillas de zonas secas tropicales mediante el análisis y evaluación de rasgos morfofisiológicos de frutos y semillas de una comunidad de especies leñosas. El estudio se realizó en una zona de bosque y matorral seco, ubicados al sur occidente del Ecuador, a una altitud comprendida entre los 250 a 1 200 m s.n.m. caracterizada por una marcada estacionalidad ambiental, con lluvias desde diciembre a abril y una estación seca de mayo a noviembre. Precipitación media anual de 500 mm con una temperatura media anual de 20° a 26 °C. La zona de estudio forma parte de la región Tumbesina compartida entre el sur del Ecuador y el norte del Perú con gran diversidad de especies vegetales endémicas. Para el estudio se colectaron frutos con semillas maduras previamente a su dispersión de entre ocho y diez individuos de 80 especies entre árboles y arbustos más representativos de los bosques secos ecuatorianos. De los frutos colectados se utilizó una muestra al azar de 50 frutos y semillas por especie para los diferentes análisis. Se midió y evaluó 18 rasgos morfológicos y fisiológicos cuantitativos y cualitativos de frutos, semillas y de la especie. Se realizaron diferentes análisis de asociación y correlación entre los rasgos evaluados, con cinco variables ambientales registradas de las 109 parcelas establecidas en el área de estudio, además analizamos el tipo de dormición y comparamos la respuesta germinativa a la deshidratación relacionada con dos comunidades secas, matorral y bosque seco. Los resultados mostraron que las especies presentan gran heterogeneidad en rasgos continuos de las semillas. La variabilidad fue más evidente en rasgos como tamaño, volumen, masa y número de semillas por fruto. Sin embargo, una alta proporción de las especies tiende a producir una semilla por fruto. Además, la mayoría de las especies de bosque seco se caracterizan por no poseer algún tipo de apéndices o areola en sus semillas, forma ovalada y sin endospermo. La reserva nutritiva de las semillas se encuentra especialmente en los cotiledones de los embriones. Se encontraron seis tipos diferentes de embriones y la mayoría de las especies presentó embriones gruesos e invertidos. La dispersión de semillas está dominada por zoocoria en un 38 %, con relación a anemocoria (22 %) y autocoria (19 %). Sin embargo, encontramos que el 70 % de las especies posee frutos secos. Los análisis de dormición en las semillas de bosque seco, mostraron que el 60 % de las especies de bosque seco presentaron semillas con algún tipo de latencia, menor a la encontrada en especies de bosque deciduo tropical y sabanas, sin embargo, la dormición de las especies de bosque seco fue mayor al porcentaje de especies con dormición de bosque semiperenne y selva lluviosa tropical. La dormición física constituyó el 35 % de las especies de bosque seco, seguido del 12 % con dormición fisiológica, mientras que solamente una especie tuvo dormición morfológica. Encontramos que la dormición de las semillas de las especies en estudio se relaciona significativamente con el tipo y función del embrión y con el endospermo. Existieron relaciones significativas entre los rasgos morfológicos de los frutos, semillas, embriones y atributos de los individuos de 46 especies, aunque en algunos casos con coeficientes de correlación bajos. Hubo pocas relaciones entre los rasgo morfológicos de las semillas con las variables ambientales registradas. Solamente el tipo de testa y la presencia de apéndices en las semillas mostraron relación con el pH y la temperatura media del suelo. No obstante usando el modelo fouth corner-RLQ, no se encontraron asociaciones claras ni significativas entre rasgos morfológicos de semillas y frutos con variables ambientales. Al medir el efecto de la deshidratación en las semillas de los dos hábitats secos tropicales: bosque y matorral seco, los resultados determinaron que tanto las semillas de las especies leñosas de ambientes más áridos (matorral seco) están en gran medida pre-adaptadas a la desecación que las especies de ambientes menos áridos (bosque seco). Los tratamientos de deshidratación ejercieron un efecto negativo en los porcentajes de germinación en todas las especies, excepto para C. platanifolia. Los resultados más sorprendentes se registraron para Senna alata que mostró germinación extremadamente baja o incluso sin germinación a contenidos de humedad de la semillas de 0,10 g H2O g de peso seco. Las curvas de germinación difirieron significativamente entre los tratamientos de deshidratación en cada especie. Aportar al conocimiento la fisiología de la deshidratación y los límites de tolerancia de las semillas de bosque y matorral seco ayudará a entender mejor el papel de este rasgo en la ecología de las semillas y dinámica de las comunidades áridas tropicales. El estudio demostró, que la adaptación ecológica de las semillas de las especies leñosas de bosque seco a factores ambientales extremos, puede verse reflejada en una red de interacciones y correlaciones complejas entre los propios rasgos morfológicos y fisiológicos continuos y cuantitativos, sobre todo en rasgos internos de las semillas, quienes ejercerían una mayor influencia en toda la red de interacciones. Si bien, los rasgos de las semillas no mostraron fuertes relaciones con las variables ambientales, posiblemente las asociaciones presentes entre rasgos morfológicos pudiesen predecir en cambio interacciones entre especies y comportamientos y procesos relacionados con la tolerancia a la deshidratación y dormición de las semillas. ABSTRACT South America is one of the areas with the largest number of tropical dry forest in the world. However, these forests have been poorly understood and most studies have been directed to tropical rainforests. Dry forests have been drastically reduced and are very threatened, risking desaparecerer in the next years. It is therefore essential, generate applied research for conservation of tropical dry ecosystems. In Ecuador the situation is no different and dry areas classified as biodiverse are under constant threat. The few studies made in Ecuador on drylands have improved our knowledge concerning the diversity and abundance of species, plant-plant relationships and dispersion syndromes. Morphological studies on fruits and seeds of woody dry forest species do not exist. However, our understanding of the dynamics and structure of ecological communities dryland little studied, may improve quickly through the study and functional approach morphophysiological traits. The overall objective of this study was to contribute to the knowledge of the ecology and biology of tropical dry seeds through analysis and evaluation of morphophysiological traits of fruits and seeds of a community of woody species. The study was conducted in an area of dry scrub forest, located at the southwest of Ecuador, at an altitude between 250 to 1200 m asl. Environmental characterized by a marked seasonality, with rainfall from December to April and a dry season from May to November. Annual rainfall of 500 mm with an average annual temperature of 20° to 26 °C. The study area is part of the shared Tumbesina region between southern Ecuador and northern Peru with a great diversity of endemic plant species. For the study, we collected fruit and seed madure of eight and ten individuos of 80 species of trees and shrub most representated of the Ecuador dry forest. We selected a sample of 50 fruits and seeds for different analysis. We measure and evaluate 18 morphological and physiological traits of fruits, seeds and species. We perform analysis and correlation between traits associated with five environmental variables taken from the 109 plots established in the study area also analyze and compare the germination response to dehydration related to two dry communities, scrub and dry forest. The results showed that the species have great heterogeneity in continuous seed traits. Variability was more evident in features such as size, volume, mass, and number of seeds per fruit. However, a high proportion of species tends to produce a seed per fruit. In addition, most of the species of dry forest is characterized by not having some sort of ppendices or areola in its seeds, oval form and without endosperm. The nutrient reserves of seeds are especially in the cotyledons of the embryos. Six different embryos were found and most of the species presented thick and inverted embryos. Seed dispersal zoochory is dominated by 38 %, relative to anemochory (22 %) and autochory (19 %). However, we found that 70 % of the species has dried fruits. The analysis of dormancy from tropical dry forest, showed that 60 % of species showed seed dormancy, down from species found in tropical deciduous forest and savanna, however dormancy dry forest species was higher than the percentage of forest species dormancy semi-evergreen and tropical rain forest. Physical dormancy corresponds to 35 % of species, followed by 12 % with physiological dormancy, while only one species had morphological dormancy. We found that dormancy of the seeds was significantly related to the type and function of the embryo and the endospemo. There were significant relationships between morphological traits of fruits, seeds, embryos and attributes of individuals of 46 species, although in some cases with low correlation coefficients. There was little relationship between the morphologic traits of the seeds with the registered environmental variables. Only the type of tesla and the presence of appendages on the seeds showed relation to pH and the mean soil temperature. However, using the fourth corner-RLQ model, neither clear nor significant between morphological traits of seeds and fruits associations with environmental variables were found. The effect of dehydration on seeds of two tropical dry forest habitats was evident in dry scrub. The results determined that both the seeds of woody species forest and dry scrub are pre-adapted to drier conditions. Dehydration treatments exerted a negative effect on germination percentage in all species, except for C. platanifolia. However, all species germinated in treatments of extreme dryness, but in low percentages. The most striking results were recorded for Senna alata showed no germination when its moisture content was 0.10 g H2O g dry weight. Germination curves differ significantly between the treatments of dehydration in each species. Contribute to the knowledge of physiology and dehydration tolerance limits seeds dry scrub forest and help you better understand the role of this trait in seed ecology and dynamics of tropical arid communities. The study showed that the ecological adaptation of seeds of woody species of dry forest to extreme environmental factors may be reflected in a complex web of interactions and correlations between morphological and physiological traits continuous and quantitative themselves, especially in internal seed traits, who exerted a major influence on the entire network of interactions. While the seed traits showed strong relationships with environmental variables possibly present associations between morphological traits could predict interactions between species and change behaviors related to desiccation tolerance and seed dormancy processes.


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The influence of the sample matrix in the CC-electron-capture detection analysis of the pesticides dimethoate, diazinon, chlorothalonil.. parathion methyl and fenitrothion in fruits samples has been studied. Experiments have been carried out where the pesticide responses in standard solutions prepared in selected solvent were compared with their response when present in apple, mango, papaya, banana, pineapple and melon extracts. The presence of matrix effects (MEs) and their extent were shown to be simultaneously influenced by several factors (matrix concentration, matrix type, pesticide concentration, analytical range). Pronounced MEs were observed particularly for dimethoate and diazinon in all matrices tested; in lower concentrations, all pesticides presented significant ME. The other pesticides presented variable ME. Higher ME enhancement was detected at lower pesticide concentration levels of and/or at higher matrix concentration solutions. The ME detected for fenitrothion, in the analytical range evaluated, were dependent on matrix type. For each pesticide, solvent and matrix-matched calibrations were compared for all fruit samples, and it could be concluded that quantitation based on standard solutions prepared in blank matrix extract (matrix-matched calibration) should be used to compensate the MEs and to obtain more accurate results for the pesticides studied.


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Stanford Research Institute conducted this study to provide information to assist the Atomic Energy Commission in preparing a research and development program leading to the commercial application of radiation pasteurization for selected fruits and vegetables. Under the Quartermaster Corps' extensive program of research on irradiated foods, the five fruits and vegetables (strawberries, peaches, citrus fruits, grapes and tomatoes) of interest to the AEC have been irradiated experimentally. Results are inconclusive, but there are indications of both shelf-life extension and unfavorable radiation effects observed at dose levels below 500,000 rads.


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Lower fruit and vegetable intake among socioeconomically disadvantaged groups has been well documented, and may be a consequence of a higher consumption of take-out foods. This study examined whether, and to what extent, take-out food consumption mediated (explained) the association between socioeconomic position and fruit and vegetable intake. A cross-sectional postal survey was conducted among 1500 randomly selected adults aged 25–64 years in Brisbane, Australia in 2009 (response rate = 63.7%, N = 903). A food frequency questionnaire assessed usual daily servings of fruits and vegetables (0 to 6), overall take-out consumption (times/week) and the consumption of 22 specific take-out items (never to ≥once/day). These specific take-out items were grouped into “less healthy” and “healthy” choices and indices were created for each type of choice (0 to 100). Socioeconomic position was ascertained by education. The analyses were performed using linear regression, and a bootstrap re-sampling approach estimated the statistical significance of the mediated effects. Mean daily serves of fruits and vegetables was 1.89 (SD 1.05) and 2.47 (SD 1.12) respectively. The least educated group were more likely to consume fewer serves of fruit (B= –0.39, p<0.001) and vegetables (B= –0.43, p<0.001) compared with the highest educated. The consumption of “less healthy” take-out food partly explained (mediated) education differences in fruit and vegetable intake; however, no mediating effects were observed for overall and “healthy” take-out consumption. Regular consumption of “less healthy” take-out items may contribute to socioeconomic differences in fruit and vegetable intake, possibly by displacing these foods.


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Consumers of whole foods, such as fruits, demand consistent high quality and seek varieties with enhanced health properties, convenience or novel taste. We have raised the polyphenolic content of apple by genetic engineering of the anthocyanin pathway using the apple transcription factor MYB10. These apples have very high concentrations of foliar, flower and fruit anthocyanins, especially in the fruit peel. Independent lines were examined for impacts on tree growth, photosynthesis and fruit characteristics. Fruit were analysed for changes in metabolite and transcript levels. Fruit were also used in taste trials to study the consumer perception of such a novel apple. No negative taste attributes were associated with the elevated anthocyanins. Modification with this one gene provides near isogenic material and allows us to examine the effects on an established cultivar, with a view to enhancing consumer appeal independently of other fruit qualities. © 2012 Society for Experimental Biology, Association of Applied Biologists and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Proanthocyanidins (PAs) are products of the flavonoid pathway, which also leads to the production of anthocyanins and flavonols. Many flavonoids have antioxidant properties and may have beneficial effects for human health. PAs are found in the seeds and fruits of many plants. In apple fruit (Malus × domestica Borkh.), the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway is most active in the skin, with the flavan-3-ols, catechin, and epicatechin acting as the initiating units for the synthesis of PA polymers. This study examined the genes involved in the production of PAs in three apple cultivars: two heritage apple cultivars, Hetlina and Devonshire Quarrenden, and a commercial cultivar, Royal Gala. HPLC analysis shows that tree-ripe fruit from Hetlina and Devonshire Quarrenden had a higher phenolic content than Royal Gala. Epicatechin and catechin biosynthesis is under the control of the biosynthetic enzymes anthocyanidin reductase (ANR) and leucoanthocyanidin reductase (LAR1), respectively. Counter-intuitively, real-time quantitative PCR analysis showed that the expression levels of Royal Gala LAR1 and ANR were significantly higher than those of both Devonshire Quarrenden and Hetlina. This suggests that a compensatory feedback mechanism may be active, whereby low concentrations of PAs may induce higher expression of gene transcripts. Further investigation is required into the regulation of these key enzymes in apple.


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BACKGROUND Quantification of the disease burden caused by different risks informs prevention by providing an account of health loss different to that provided by a disease-by-disease analysis. No complete revision of global disease burden caused by risk factors has been done since a comparative risk assessment in 2000, and no previous analysis has assessed changes in burden attributable to risk factors over time. METHODS We estimated deaths and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs; sum of years lived with disability [YLD] and years of life lost [YLL]) attributable to the independent effects of 67 risk factors and clusters of risk factors for 21 regions in 1990 and 2010. We estimated exposure distributions for each year, region, sex, and age group, and relative risks per unit of exposure by systematically reviewing and synthesising published and unpublished data. We used these estimates, together with estimates of cause-specific deaths and DALYs from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010, to calculate the burden attributable to each risk factor exposure compared with the theoretical-minimum-risk exposure. We incorporated uncertainty in disease burden, relative risks, and exposures into our estimates of attributable burden. FINDINGS In 2010, the three leading risk factors for global disease burden were high blood pressure (7·0% [95% uncertainty interval 6·2-7·7] of global DALYs), tobacco smoking including second-hand smoke (6·3% [5·5-7·0]), and alcohol use (5·5% [5·0-5·9]). In 1990, the leading risks were childhood underweight (7·9% [6·8-9·4]), household air pollution from solid fuels (HAP; 7·0% [5·6-8·3]), and tobacco smoking including second-hand smoke (6·1% [5·4-6·8]). Dietary risk factors and physical inactivity collectively accounted for 10·0% (95% UI 9·2-10·8) of global DALYs in 2010, with the most prominent dietary risks being diets low in fruits and those high in sodium. Several risks that primarily affect childhood communicable diseases, including unimproved water and sanitation and childhood micronutrient deficiencies, fell in rank between 1990 and 2010, with unimproved water and sanitation accounting for 0·9% (0·4-1·6) of global DALYs in 2010. However, in most of sub-Saharan Africa childhood underweight, HAP, and non-exclusive and discontinued breastfeeding were the leading risks in 2010, while HAP was the leading risk in south Asia. The leading risk factor in Eastern Europe, most of Latin America, and southern sub-Saharan Africa in 2010 was alcohol use; in most of Asia, North Africa and Middle East, and central Europe it was high blood pressure. Despite declines, tobacco smoking including second-hand smoke remained the leading risk in high-income north America and western Europe. High body-mass index has increased globally and it is the leading risk in Australasia and southern Latin America, and also ranks high in other high-income regions, North Africa and Middle East, and Oceania. INTERPRETATION Worldwide, the contribution of different risk factors to disease burden has changed substantially, with a shift away from risks for communicable diseases in children towards those for non-communicable diseases in adults. These changes are related to the ageing population, decreased mortality among children younger than 5 years, changes in cause-of-death composition, and changes in risk factor exposures. New evidence has led to changes in the magnitude of key risks including unimproved water and sanitation, vitamin A and zinc deficiencies, and ambient particulate matter pollution. The extent to which the epidemiological shift has occurred and what the leading risks currently are varies greatly across regions. In much of sub-Saharan Africa, the leading risks are still those associated with poverty and those that affect children.


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Quality of fresh-cut carambola (Averrhoa carambola L) is related to many chemical and biochemical variables especially those involved with softening and browning, both influenced by storage temperature. To study these effects, a multivariate analysis was used to evaluate slices packaged in vacuum-sealed polyolefin bags, and stored at 2.5 degrees C, 5 degrees C and 10 degrees C, for up to 16 d. The quality of slices at each temperature was correlated with the duration of storage, O(2) and CO(2) concentration in the package, physical chemical constituents, and activity of enzymes involved in softening (PG) and browning (PPO) metabolism. Three quality groups were identified by hierarchical cluster analysis, and the classification of the components within each of these groups was obtained from a principal component analysis (PCA). The characterization of samples by PCA clearly distinguished acceptable and non-acceptable slices. According to PCA, acceptable slices presented higher ascorbic acid content, greater hue angles ((o)h) and final lightness (L-5) in the first principal component (PC1). On the other hand, non-acceptable slices presented higher total pectin content. PPO activity in the PC1. Non-acceptable slices also presented higher soluble pectin content, increased pectin solubilisation and higher CO(2) concentration in the second principal component (PC2) whereas acceptable slices showed lower total sugar content. The hierarchical cluster and PCA analyses were useful for discriminating the quality of slices stored at different temperatures.