8 resultados para Frieseomelitta


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In the absence of the queen, a few workers of F. s. languida developed their ovaries forming nevertheless, only one follicle with a single oocyte which was unable to form yolk spheres. They never showed signals of degeneration or resorption. The corpora allata were homogeneous during all the 5 months of orphanage studied. Its activity might be low but constant, able to maintain the follicle entire, but unable to promote the yolk spheres assembly.


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Frieseomelitta varia worker bees do not lay eggs even when living in queenless colonies, a condition that favors ovary development and oviposition in the majority of highly social bees. The permanent sterility of these worker bees was initially attributed to a failure in ovary morphogenesis and differentiation. Using transmission electron microscopy we found that at the beginning of the pupal phase the ovaries of F. varia workers are formed by four ovarioles, each of them composed of 1) a terminal filament at the apex of the ovarioles, containing juxtaposed and irregularly shaped cells, 2) a germarium with clusters of cystocytes and prefollicular cells showing long cytoplasmic projections that envelop the cystocyte clusters, 3) fusiform interfollicular and basal stalk precursor cells, and 4) globular, irregularly contoured basal cells with large nuclei. However, during the pupal phase an accentuated and progressive process of cell death takes place in the ovarioles. The dying cells are characterized by large membrane bodies, electron-dense apoptotic bodies, vacuoles, vesiculation, secondary lysosomes, enlarged rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae, swollen mitochondria, pycnotic nuclei, masses of chromatin adjacent to the convoluted nuclear envelope, and nucleoli showing signs of fragmentation. Cell death continues in ovarioles even after the emergence of the workers. Once they become nurse bees, the ovaries have become transformed into a cell mass in which structurally organized ovarioles can no longer be identified. In F. varia workers, ovariole cell death most certainly is part of the program of caste differentiation.


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Toward the end of the larval phase (pre-pupa), the reproductive systems of Melipona quadrifasciata and Frieseomelitta varia workers are anatomically similar. Scanning electron microscopy showed that during this developmental phase the right and left ovaries are fused and form a heart-shaped structure located above the midgut. Each ovary is connected to the genital chamber by a long and slender lateral oviduct. During pupal development, the lateral oviducts of workers from both species become extremely reduced due to a drastic process of cell death, as shown by transmission electron microscopy. During the lateral oviduct shortening, their simple columnar epithelial cells show some signs of apoptosis in addition to necrosis. Cell death was characterized by cytoplasmic vesiculation, peculiar accumulation of glycogen, and dilation of cytoplasmic organelles such as mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum. The nuclei, at first irregularly contoured, became swollen, with chromatin flocculation and various areas of condensed chromatin next to the nuclear envelope. At the end of the pupal phase, deep recesses marked the nuclei. At emergence, worker and queen reproductive systems showed marked differences, although reduction in the lateral oviducts was an event occurring in both castes. However, in queens the ovarioles increased in length and the spermatheca was larger than that of workers. At the external anatomical level, the reproductive system of workers and queens could be distinguished in the white- and pink-eyed pupal phase. The metamorphic function of the death of lateral oviduct cells, with consequent oviduct shortening, is discussed in terms of the anatomical reorganization of the reproductive system and of the ventrolateral positioning of adult worker bee ovaries. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Competition for floral resources is a key force shaping pollinator communities, particularly among social bees. The ability of social bees to recruit nestmates for group foraging is hypothesized to be a major factor in their ability to dominate rich resources such as mass-flowering trees. We tested the role of group foraging in attaining dominance by stingless bees, eusocial tropical pollinators that exhibit high diversity in foraging strategies. We provide the first experimental evidence that meliponine group foraging strategies, large colony sizes and aggressive behavior form a suite of traits that enable colonies to improve dominance of rich resources. Using a diverse assemblage of Brazilian stingless bee species and an array of artificial ""flowers"" that provided a sucrose reward, we compared species` dominance and visitation under unrestricted foraging conditions and with experimental removal of group-foraging species. Dominance does not vary with individual body size, but rather with foraging group size. Species that recruit larger numbers of nestmates (Scaptotrigona aff. depilis, Trigona hyalinata, Trigona spinipes) dominated both numerically (high local abundance) and behaviorally (controlling feeders). Removal of group-foraging species increased feeding opportunities for solitary foragers (Frieseomelitta varia, Melipona quadrifasciata and Nannotrigona testaceicornis). Trigona hyalinata always dominated under unrestricted conditions. When this species was removed, T. spinipes or S. aff. depilis controlled feeders and limited visitation by solitary-foraging species. Because bee foraging patterns determine plant pollination success, understanding the forces that shape these patterns is crucial to ensuring pollination of both crops and natural areas in the face of current pollinator declines.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular) - IBRC


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Considering the ecological importance of stingless bees as caretakers and pollinators of a variety of native plants makes it necessary to improve techniques which increase of colonies' number in order to preserve these species and the biodiversity associated with them. Thus, our aim was to develop a methodology of in vitro production of stingless bee queens by offering a large quantity of food to the larvae. Our methodology consisted of determining the amount of larval food needed for the development of the queens, collecting and storing the larval food, and feeding the food to the larvae in acrylic plates. We found that the total average amount of larval food in a worker bee cell of E varia is approximately 26.70 +/- 3.55 mu L. We observed that after the consumption of extra amounts of food (25, 30, 35 and 40 mu L) the larvae differentiate into queens (n = 98). Therefore, the average total volume of food needed for the differentiation of a young larva of F. varia queen is approximately 61.70 +/- 5.00 mu L. In other words; the larvae destined to become queens eat 2.31 times more food than the ones destined to become workers. We used the species Frieseomelitta varia as a model, however the methodology can be reproduced for all species of stingless bees whose mechanism of caste differentiation depends on the amount of food ingested by the larvae. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of the in vitro technique developed herein, pointing to the possibility of its use as a tool to assist the production of queens on a large scale. This would allow for the artificial splitting of colonies and contribute to conservation efforts in native bees.


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O desenvolvimento de práticas sustentáveis está diretamente ligado ao desenvolvimento econômico da sociedade moderna. A região amazônica brasileira é composta por uma grande biodiversidade de abelhas do gênero meliponini, no entanto, os estudos químicos sobre os produtos oriundos dessas abelhas ainda são escassos. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar alguns parâmetros físico-químicos como teor de cinzas, teor de cera e teor de umidade em três amostras de própolis e três amostras de geoprópolis de abelhas nativas sem ferrão. Para o teor de umidade, as amostras de própolis de Frieseomelitta flavicornis e Frieseomelitta longipes não se adequaram ao exigido pela legislação. Na análise de cinzas e teor de cera, todas as amostras de própolis apresentaram conformidade com a legislação