997 resultados para Friends’ characteristics


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Cette étude s’intéresse aux relations d’amitié et aux caractéristiques des amis comme facteurs de risque interpersonnels susceptibles de prédire les changements à travers le temps, de la victimisation par les pairs au début du secondaire. L’échantillon est composé de 524 élèves de secondaire I et II pour lesquels le niveau de victimisation a été mesuré par les pairs lors de deux années consécutives. Les facteurs de risque individuel associés à la victimisation par les pairs (i.e. les comportements agressifs, les comportements de retrait social et le rejet par les pairs) ainsi que les caractéristiques des amis (i.e. agressivité, retrait social et victimisation des amis) ont également été évalués par les pairs lors du premier temps de mesure. Les résultats démontrent qu’au-delà des facteurs de risque individuels, un plus grand nombre d’amis prédit une diminution de la victimisation par les pairs sur une période d’un an. De plus, pour les élèves rejetés socialement, la victimisation des amis permet de rendre compte d’une augmentation de la victimisation dans le temps. Contrairement aux résultats obtenus par d’autres études, l’agressivité des amis permet de prédire une diminution de la victimisation seulement pour les élèves bien acceptés socialement. Pour les jeunes qui sont rejetés socialement, l’agressivité des amis permet de prédire une augmentation de la victimisation par les pairs. Ces résultats apportent un regard nouveau sur l’inter influence entre l’identité des amis et le contexte social dans lequel les adolescents évoluent.


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L’influence du groupe d’amis prend de l’importance à l’adolescence. Cette influence est observable dans plusieurs domaines, dont au niveau de l’engagement scolaire. On remarque en effet une forte similarité du niveau d’engagement scolaire chez les membres d’un même groupe d’amis. L’importance de cette influence des pairs n’est néanmoins pas uniforme pour tous les adolescents: plusieurs facteurs de modération peuvent entrer en jeu, dont le niveau de popularité de l’adolescent et de ses amis. La présente étude vise à examiner l’effet modérateur du niveau de popularité des élèves et de leurs amis sur le lien prédictif entre l’engagement scolaire des amis et le développement de l’engagement scolaire des élèves. Des données ont été recueillies au cours de deux années scolaires consécutives auprès de 403 élèves de secondaire I et II. Les résultats démontrent que le niveau de popularité des amis permet de prédire la diminution à travers le temps du niveau d’engagement scolaire des élèves, et ce, après avoir contrôlé pour la plupart des facteurs associés. De plus, la popularité de l’élève modère l’influence présumée que les pairs peuvent avoir sur le développement de l’engagement scolaire: l’engagement des amis étant positivement associé l’engagement ultérieur des élèves uniquement lorsque ces deniers s’avèrent populaires au sein de leur groupe de pairs.


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Cette thèse avait pour objectif d’examiner les liens longitudinaux entre les relations d’amitié et l’évolution des comportements d’agressivité physique en début de scolarisation. Guidé par les principes énoncés par les théoriciens de l’apprentissage social, de l’attachement, du développement de la personnalité et de la théorie du jugement moral, le rôle principal et modérateur de certaines dimensions spécifiques à la qualité de la relation d’amitié, ainsi que des attributs comportementaux des amis et des caractéristiques personnelles de l’enfant a été évalué. Des données provenant de l’Étude Longitudinale du Développement des Enfants du Québec (ELDEQ), de l’Étude des Jumeaux nouveau-nés du Québec (EJNQ) et de l’évaluation des effets d’un programme d’intervention dyadique ont été analysées. Les mesures utilisées dans cette thèse ont été collectées entre la maternelle et la 2e année du primaire, soit de 5 à 8 ans, directement auprès des enfants, de leurs amis, leurs pairs, leurs parents et leurs enseignants par le biais de questionnaires, d’entrevues sociométriques et de mises en situation hypothétiques. En lien avec la perspective de l’apprentissage social, les résultats ont montré que l’association à des amis agressifs en maternelle est liée à une augmentation des comportements d’agressivité physique chez l’enfant. Cependant, en lien avec les théories du développement de la personnalité et la perspective de l’attachement, le fait d’établir une relation d’amitié de bonne qualité est reliée à une diminution des comportements agressifs à travers le temps. De plus, une interaction entre la qualité de la relation et les attributs comportementaux des amis a indiqué que le risque lié à l’association à des amis agressifs est atténué dans le contexte d’une relation d’amitié de bonne qualité. Les résultats indiquent également que chez les garçons, la présence de conflits entre amis à la maternelle est associée de façon linéaire à de plus hauts niveaux de comportements agressifs, indépendamment du risque génétique de l’enfant face à cette problématique. Une interaction triple a par ailleurs révélé que le conflit n’était pas lié à une augmentation de l’agressivité physique dans le contexte d’une relation d’amitié caractérisée par l’affect positif et une bonne capacité à régler les conflits. Enfin, les résultats ont montré un effet indirect d’une intervention dyadique sur la diminution des comportements d’agressivité physique, qui opère à travers l’amélioration de la capacité des amis à régler leurs conflits. Ces résultats appuient le rôle bénéfique de la qualité de la relation d’amitié sur l’évolution des manifestations de comportements d’agressivité physique et suggèrent que cet aspect relationnel soit pris en compte dans les programmes de prévention des conduites agressives. En somme, la mise en évidence d’associations et d’interactions significatives entre la qualité des relations d’amitié, les attributs comportementaux des amis et les manifestations de comportements d’agressivité physique en début de scolarisation suggère que certains aspects et dimensions relationnelles positives peuvent être bénéfiques au développement des enfants agressifs. La prévention du maintien et de l’aggravation des conduites agressives par l’entremise de l’amélioration de la qualité des relations d’amitié représente une avenue prometteuse.


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L’objectif de cette étude est d’explorer l’effet modérateur du nombre d’amis et de leurs caractéristiques sur le lien prédictif entre la victimisation par les pairs et l’anxiété sociale. Plus spécifiquement, cette étude s’intéresse aux niveaux moyens de victimisation, de rejet et d’anxiété sociale des amis comme facteurs aggravants potentiels. Les données ont été recueillies à deux reprises auprès de 576 adolescents d’en moyenne 13,5 ans au début de leur secondaire deux et à la fin de leur secondaire trois. Les participants ont répondu à des questionnaires auto-rapportés pour les mesures de victimisation et d’anxiété sociale et ont participé à une procédure de nomination sociométrique pour la mesure de statut social et l’identification des amis. De manière concomitante, les résultats démontrent que la victimisation par les pairs et certaines caractéristiques des amis (niveaux d’anxiété et de rejet social) contribuent respectivement, de manière unique et indépendante, à rendre compte de l’anxiété sociale des participants. De manière longitudinale, la victimisation par les pairs permet de prédire le développement de l’anxiété sociale sur une période de 1,5 ans. Néanmoins, le nombre d’amis et leurs caractéristiques ne contribuent pas de manière additive au développement ultérieur de l’anxiété sociale. De plus, les caractéristiques des amis n’interagissent d’aucune façon avec la victimisation par les pairs pour rendre compte du développement ultérieur de l’anxiété sociale. Cependant, des analyses exploratoires ont permis de montrer que le niveau de victimisation des amis constitue un facteur aggravant pour les enfants rejetés socialement; le rejet par les pairs étant positivement associé au développement de l’anxiété sociale chez les élèves qui entretiennent des relations d’amitié avec des élèves qui rapportent être victimes de mauvais traitements.


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OBJECTIVES: To estimate the prevalence of youth who use cannabis but have never been tobacco smokers and to assess the characteristics that differentiate them from those using both substances or neither substance. DESIGN: School survey. SETTING: Postmandatory schools. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 5263 students (2439 females) aged 16 to 20 years divided into cannabis-only smokers (n = 455), cannabis and tobacco smokers (n = 1703), and abstainers (n = 3105). OUTCOME MEASURES: Regular tobacco and cannabis use; and personal, family, academic, and substance use characteristics. RESULTS: Compared with those using both substances, cannabis-only youth were younger (adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 0.82) and more likely to be male (AOR, 2.19), to play sports (AOR, 1.64), to live with both parents (AOR, 1.33), to be students (AOR, 2.56), and to have good grades (AOR, 1.57) and less likely to have been drunk (AOR, 0.55), to have started using cannabis before the age of 15 years (AOR, 0.71), to have used cannabis more than once or twice in the previous month (AOR, 0.64), and to perceive their pubertal timing as early (AOR, 0.59). Compared with abstainers, they were more likely to be male (AOR, 2.10), to have a good relationship with friends (AOR, 1.62), to be sensation seeking (AOR, 1.32), and to practice sports (AOR, 1.37) and less likely to have a good relationship with their parents (AOR, 0.59). They were more likely to attend high school (AOR, 1.43), to skip class (AOR, 2.28), and to have been drunk (AOR, 2.54) or to have used illicit drugs (AOR, 2.28). CONCLUSIONS: Cannabis-only adolescents show better functioning than those who also use tobacco. Compared with abstainers, they are more socially driven and do not seem to have psychosocial problems at a higher rate.


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When firms contribute to open source projects, they in fact invest into public goods which may be used by everyone, even by their competitors. This seemingly paradoxical behavior can be explained by the model of private-collective innovation where private investors participate in collective action. Previous literature has shown that companies benefit through the production process providing them with unique incentives such as learning and reputation effects. By contributing to open source projects firms are able to build a network of external individuals and organizations participating in the creation and development of the software. As will be shown in this doctoral dissertation firm-sponsored communities involve the formation of interorganizational relationships which eventually may lead to a source of sustained competitive advantage. However, managing a largely independent open source community is a challenging balancing act between exertion of control to appropriate value creation, and openness in order to gain and preserve credibility and motivate external contributions. Therefore, this dissertation consisting of an introductory chapter and three separate research papers analyzes characteristics of firm-driven open source communities, finds reasons why and mechanisms by which companies facilitate the creation of such networks, and shows how firms can benefit most from their communities.


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This paper aims to investigate the linkage between the use of external advice and access to finance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK, with particular consideration of differences in personal characteristics: gender, ethnicity and education. The approach adopted for the research is a telephone survey conducted by the Barclays small business research team in late 2005 on behalf of the authors. These data are quantitative in nature and involve a large sample of 400 SMEs with specific questions analysed by gender, ethnicity and education level. The approach adopted is robust and empirically sound and is a long established research methodology. We find that there appears to be a correlation between the provision of external advice and the ability to raise bank finance. Furthermore, there are clear gender, ethnic and educational differentials in the use of particular sources of advice, for example: Gender • men and women are equally likely to use accountants as sources of advice. • men are more likely to use family and friends and solicitors. • women, however, are around twice as likely to access external advice from Business Link and Enterprise Agencies. Ethnicity • family and friends is predominant amongst Asians or black respondents and the other ethnic group, which is also slightly true of accountants and solicitors. • ethnic minority respondents were considerably less likely to use Business Link/ Enterprise Agencies. Education • graduates are most likely to use solicitors and accountants, whilst they are very low users of advice from family and friends and Business Links/Enterprise Agencies. • O level and A level educated respondents predominate in family and friends and Business Link/ Enterprise Agencies.


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The purpose of this research is to profile the characteristics and entrepreneurial motivations of graduate entrepreneurs from black and minority ethnic (BME) communities. The authors found that: BME graduate entrepreneurs were diverse in terms of their characteristics: size, gender, ethnicity and when they started the business. Almost all interviewees had worked for someone before they started their business. The two most compelling motivations for start up were 'being your own boss', especially for Indians and Bangladeshis; and making more money (31%), in particular for African Caribbeans. Over half of interviewees started a business in a sector in which they had prior experience, knowledge or skills. Two thirds of interviewees obtained advice from family and friends, while just over a third had completed any kind of training or course. This study has provided an insight into characteristics and entrepreneurial motivations of BME graduate entrepreneurs. Though the results of this study are indicative, there is a compelling case for further research into this relatively unexplored group.


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Immigration disrupts an individual's support network; however, the stresses of the immigration process increase the need for social support. The presence of social support becomes essential for immigrant children and adolescents to cope with these important transitional circumstances. Friends are both sources of social support and models for behavior. Furthermore, friendship networks are known to have a significant influence on youths' functioning. Literature suggests that peer relations become more important in adolescence and friend support is related to child and adolescent well-being. Thus, friend relationships may be particularly important for immigrant youths who experience disruption in their friendship networks during the process of migration to another country. In addition to friendship networks and support, friend characteristics also need to be taken into consideration as important factors for immigrant youth adjustment. My study involved analyses of the effects of friend support and friend problem behaviors on emotional and behavioral functioning for elementary, middle, and high school age newly immigrant children and adolescents. ^ Immigrant children and adolescents (N = 503) were interviewed at schools by interviewers fluent in participants' languages. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analyses revealed that friend support and friend problem behaviors were related to children's self-esteem and externalizing behaviors. In addition, friend problem behavior alone predicted children's psychological symptoms and depression scores. Furthermore, age/grade was found to be a moderator for the relation between friend problem behavior and immigrant youth behavioral adjustment such that compared to elementary and high school cohorts, middle school youths showed more externalizing behaviors when they had friends performing problem behaviors. ^ Results supported the idea that both friend support and friend behavior are related to newly immigrant youths' emotional and behavioral adjustment. This study informs further research and interventions concerning the development of programs to facilitate immigrant youths' adjustment by revealing friendship factors related to their adaptation.^


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Peer effects in adolescent cannabis are difficult to estimate, due in part to the lack of appropriate data on behaviour and social ties. This paper exploits survey data that have many desirable properties and have not previously been used for this purpose. The data set, collected from teenagers in three annual waves from 2002-2004 contains longitudinal information about friendship networks within schools (N = 5,020). We exploit these data on network structure to estimate peer effects on adolescents from their nominated friends within school using two alternative approaches to identification. First, we present a cross-sectional instrumental variable (IV) estimate of peer effects that exploits network structure at the second degree, i.e. using information on friends of friends who are not themselves ego’s friends to instrument for the cannabis use of friends. Second, we present an individual fixed effects estimate of peer effects using the full longitudinal structure of the data. Both innovations allow a greater degree of control for correlated effects than is commonly the case in the substance-use peer effects literature, improving our chances of obtaining estimates of peer effects than can be plausibly interpreted as causal. Both estimates suggest positive peer effects of non-trivial magnitude, although the IV estimate is imprecise. Furthermore, when we specify identical models with behaviour and characteristics of randomly selected school peers in place of friends’, we find effectively zero effect from these ‘placebo’ peers, lending credence to our main estimates. We conclude that cross-sectional data can be used to estimate plausible positive peer effects on cannabis use where network structure information is available and appropriately exploited.


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Immigration disrupts an individual’s support network; however, the stresses of the immigration process increase the need for social support. The presence of social support becomes essential for immigrant children and adolescents to cope with these important transitional circumstances. Friends are both sources of social support and models for behavior. Furthermore, friendship networks are known to have a significant influence on youths’ functioning. Literature suggests that peer relations become more important in adolescence and friend support is related to child and adolescent well-being. Thus, friend relationships may be particularly important for immigrant youths who experience disruption in their friendship networks during the process of migration to another country. In addition to friendship networks and support, friend characteristics also need to be taken into consideration as important factors for immigrant youth adjustment. My study involved analyses of the effects of friend support and friend problem behaviors on emotional and behavioral functioning for elementary, middle, and high school age newly immigrant children and adolescents. Immigrant children and adolescents (N = 503) were interviewed at schools by interviewers fluent in participants’ languages. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analyses revealed that friend support and friend problem behaviors were related to children’s self-esteem and externalizing behaviors. In addition, friend problem behavior alone predicted children’s psychological symptoms and depression scores. Furthermore, age/grade was found to be a moderator for the relation between friend problem behavior and immigrant youth behavioral adjustment such that compared to elementary and high school cohorts, middle school youths showed more externalizing behaviors when they had friends performing problem behaviors. Results supported the idea that both friend support and friend behavior are related to newly immigrant youths’ emotional and behavioral adjustment. This study informs further research and interventions concerning the development of programs to facilitate immigrant youths’ adjustment by revealing friendship factors related to their adaptation.


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Films of silk fibroin (SF) and sodium alginate (SA) blends were prepared by solution casting technique. The miscibility of SF and SA in those blends was evaluated and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed that SF/SA 25/75 wt.% blends underwent microscopic phase separation, resulting in globular structures composed mainly of SF. X-ray diffraction indicated the amorphous nature of these blends, even after a treatment with ethanol that turned them insoluble in water. Thermal analyses of blends showed the peaks of degradation of pristine SF and SA shifted to intermediate temperatures. Water vapor permeability, swelling capacity and tensile strength of SF films could be enhanced by blending with SA. Cell viability remained between 90 and 100%, as indicated by in vitro cytotoxicity test. The SF/SA blend with self-assembled SF globules can be used to modulate structural and mechanical properties of the final material and may be used in designing high performance wound dressing.


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Lower levels of cytosine methylation have been found in the liver cell DNA from non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice under hyperglycemic conditions. Because the Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) profiles of dry DNA samples are differently affected by DNA base composition, single-stranded form and histone binding, it is expected that the methylation status in the DNA could also affect its FT-IR profile. The DNA FT-IR signatures obtained from the liver cell nuclei of hyperglycemic and normoglycemic NOD mice of the same age were compared. Dried DNA samples were examined in an IR microspectroscope equipped with an all-reflecting objective (ARO) and adequate software. Changes in DNA cytosine methylation levels induced by hyperglycemia in mouse liver cells produced changes in the respective DNA FT-IR profiles, revealing modifications to the vibrational intensities and frequencies of several chemical markers, including νas -CH3 stretching vibrations in the 5-methylcytosine methyl group. A smaller band area reflecting lower energy absorbed in the DNA was found in the hyperglycemic mice and assumed to be related to the lower levels of -CH3 groups. Other spectral differences were found at 1700-1500 cm(-1) and in the fingerprint region, and a slight change in the DNA conformation at the lower DNA methylation levels was suggested for the hyperglycemic mice. The changes that affect cytosine methylation levels certainly affect the DNA-protein interactions and, consequently, gene expression in liver cells from the hyperglycemic NOD mice.


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The aim of this work is focused on the extraction and characterization of the Brazilian seaweed Sargassum filipendula alginate. Alginates obtained at different seasons were characterized by liquid state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The alginate extraction efficiency was about 20%. Different seasons of the year and different stages in the life cycle of Sargassum sp. in southeastern Brazil influenced the M/G and, consequently, the technological properties of extracted alginates.


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The new social panorama resulting from aging of the Brazilian population is leading to significant transformations within healthcare. Through the cluster analysis strategy, it was sought to describe the specific care demands of the elderly population, using frailty components. Cross-sectional study based on reviewing medical records, conducted in the geriatric outpatient clinic, Hospital de Clínicas, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp). Ninety-eight elderly users of this clinic were evaluated using cluster analysis and instruments for assessing their overall geriatric status and frailty characteristics. The variables that most strongly influenced the formation of clusters were age, functional capacities, cognitive capacity, presence of comorbidities and number of medications used. Three main groups of elderly people could be identified: one with good cognitive and functional performance but with high prevalence of comorbidities (mean age 77.9 years, cognitive impairment in 28.6% and mean of 7.4 comorbidities); a second with more advanced age, greater cognitive impairment and greater dependence (mean age 88.5 years old, cognitive impairment in 84.6% and mean of 7.1 comorbidities); and a third younger group with poor cognitive performance and greater number of comorbidities but functionally independent (mean age 78.5 years old, cognitive impairment in 89.6% and mean of 7.4 comorbidities). These data characterize the profile of this population and can be used as the basis for developing efficient strategies aimed at diminishing functional dependence, poor self-rated health and impaired quality of life.