999 resultados para França. Tratado
Nota de conteúdo : V.1. Memoire en reponse aux allegations de la France, accompagne de quelques cartes -- V. 2-3. Documents accompagnes de notes explicatives ou rectificatives, 1. ptie, 1536-1713 ; 2. ptie, 1713-1896 -- V. 4. Texte original de documents traduits dans les tomes 2 et 3 -- V. 5. Album : fac-simile de quelques documents reproduits aux tomes 2, 3 et 4 -- V. 6. Atlas : contenant 86 cartes.
Exemplar manuscrito
Na Europa Central, onde ocorreram as principais batalhas terrestres, chamou-se Guerra dos Sete Anos; na Inglaterra, que foi a principal vencedora, chamou-se A Grande Guerra do Império; Nos Estados Unidos e no Canadá, que passou a ser inglês ao final dos combates, chamou-se de Guerra Franco-Índia.
Seguido da Indagação da mais vantajosa construcção dos diques por Mrs. Bossut e Viallet ; e de hum extracto da architectura hydraulica de M. Belidor... ; terminado pelo tratado pratico da medida das aguas correntes, e uso da taboa parabolica do P. D. Francisco Maria de Regi ; de Ordem de Sua Alteza Real o Principe Regente Nosso Senhor traduzidos por Manoel Jacinto Nogueira da Gama.
A primeira guerra mundial aconteceu entre 1757 e 1763 e é a única guerra que tem diversos nomes nos países que atingiu. Envolveu a Prússia, de Frederico II, o Império Austro-Húngaro, a Rússia, a França, a Espanha, a Inglaterra e o seu tradicional aliado, Portugal.
This study aimed to evaluate the soil microbiota activity associated to S. aterrimum rhizosphere, during the phytoremediation process of a soil contaminated with trifloxysulfuron-sodium. S. aterrimum was cultivated in vases (6, 0 L) filled with soil, after trifloxysulfuron-sodium, at 7.5 g ha -1, was applied or not. Every 15 days after sowing (DAS), rhizospheric soil was collected for soil microbial respiration (amount of evolved CO 2) and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) analysis. To determine herbicide residues in the soil samples, after phytoremediation, Sorghum bicolor L. was cultivated as an indicator species, in addition to high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis. The microbiota associated to S. aterrimum rhizosphere showed to be sensitive to trifloxysulfuron-sodium and may be used as a microbiological indicator of disturbances caused by this herbicide in the environment. Regarding time for remediation, 45 days of development is enough for S. aterrimum to reduce residual trifloxysulfuron- sodium to a level not able to cause toxicity to the indicator plant.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XV - Educação, Cultura e Desporto. Nome completo da autora: Maria Aparecida Andrés Ribeiro.
Discussão do Projeto nº 1.773-A, de 1956, que fixa a data para a mudança da Capital Federal. Demonstração do apoio do Brasil à mudança da Capital Federal, pelo voto de seus representantes na Câmara dos Deputados, onde 172 deputados, dos 194 votantes, manifestaram-se favoravelmente ao regime de urgência para a apreciação da matéria. Refutação dos argumentos de que a mudança da capital inviabilizará a cidade do Rio de Janeiro, uma vez que apenas 10 mil funcionários serão transferidos para Brasília e os portos da cidade terão sua atividade reforçada com a construção da nova Capital.
O exame da admissibilidade financeira e orçamentária de proposições na Assembleia Nacional da França
Analisa o controle da admissibilidade financeira de proposições legislativas, com impacto nas contas públicas na Assembleia Nacional da França. Compara, subsidiariamente, com o caso brasileiro referente à Câmara dos Deputados. Expõe a atuação das diferentes instituições do Estado francês envolvidas no exame de admissibilidade financeira. Investiga as competências e o processo legislativo relacionados, especificamente no que tange à Assembleia Nacional. Detalha os critérios e os conceitos relativos ao exame, adotados por aquela casa legislativa e consigna a evolução histórica recente dos principais aspectos do controle de admissibilidade na França.
The territory of the European Union is made up of a rich and wide-ranging universe of languages, which is not circumscribed to the «State languages». The existence of multilingualism is one of Europe’s defining characteristics and it should remain so in the constantly evolving model of Europe’s political structure. Nonetheless, until now, the official use of languages has been limited to the «State languages» and has been based on a concept of state monolingualism that has led to a first level of hierarchization among the languages of Europe. This has affected the very concept of European language diversity. The draft of the treaty establishing a European Constitution contains various language-related references that can be grouped in two major categories: on the one hand, those references having to do the constitutional status of languages, and on the other, those regarding the recognition of European language diversity. Both issues are dealt with in this article. In analyzing the legal regime governing languages set forth in the draft of the constitutional treaty, we note that the draft is not based on the concept of the official status of languages. The language regulation contained in the draft of the constitutional treaty is limited in character. The constitutional language regime is based on the concept of Constitutional languages but the official status of languages is not governed by this rule. The European Constitution merely enunciates rights governing language use for European citizens vis-à-vis the languages of the Constitution and refers the regulation of the official status of languages to the Council, which is empowered to set and modify that status by unanimous decision. Because of its broad scope, this constitutes a regulatory reservation. In the final phase of the negotiation process a second level of constitutional recognition of languages would be introduced, linked to those that are official languages in the member states (Catalan, Basque, Galician, etc.). These languages, however, would be excluded from the right to petition; they would constitute a tertium genus, an intermediate category between the lan guages benefiting from the language rights recognized under the Constitution and those other languages for which no status is recognized in the European institutional context. The legal functionality of this second, intermediate category will depend on the development of standards, i.e., it will depend on the entrée provided such languages in future reforms of the institutional language regime. In a later section, the article reflects on European Union language policy with regard to regional or minority languages, concluding that the Union has not acted in accordance with defined language policy guidelines when it has been confronted, in the exercise of its powers, with regional or minority languages (or domestic legislation having to do with language demands). The Court of Justice has endeavoured to resolve on a case by case basis the conflicts raised between community freedoms and the normative measures that protect languages. Thus, using case law, the Court has set certain language boundaries for community freedoms. The article concludes by reflecting on the legal scope of the recognition of European language diversity referred to in Article II-82 of the European Constitution and the possible measures to implement the precept that might constitute the definition of a true European language policy on regional or minority languages. Such a policy has yet to be defined.
Define ser lícito o tráfico de escravos nos territórios portugueses ao sul do Equador. Ou seja, em Angola e Moçambique.
Por este tratado, a Inglaterra abre mão da cobrança do restante do empréstimo de 600 mil libras que fizera a Portugal em 1809, a título de indenização.
A importância deste tratado para o Brasil é atribuir a Colônia de Sacramento a Portugal, origem de guerras e disputas posteriores. Em consequência interessa também ao Uruguai e à Argentina.
Analisa esse tratado que põe fim às guerras da Restauração de Portugal, mandando devolver a cada uma das partes as conquistas que à outra tiverem feito. Nas colônias, a paz passaria a vigorar um ano após a sua publicação, dado o tempo necessário para que a notícia chegasse à América e à Ásia.