528 resultados para Frail seniors


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Contexte: Les centres de jour offrent des interventions de groupe à des personnes âgées qui présentent des incapacités, dans le but de favoriser leur maintien à domicile. Des études récentes tendent à démontrer qu’une utilisation régulière du service serait nécessaire pour induire des effets bénéfiques. Objectifs: Cette recherche visait à documenter l’utilisation des centres de jour par des personnes âgées qui présentent des incapacités. Elle comportait trois principaux objectifs: 1) Caractériser les utilisateurs de centre de jour et ce qui les distingue des non-utilisateurs et analyser les déterminants de l’utilisation du centre de jour. 2) Explorer l’adéquation entre les activités offertes par les centres de jour et les caractéristiques d’autonomie et de santé des utilisateurs. 3) Définir les facteurs associés à la régularité de la participation. Méthodes: Cette recherche s’appuie sur une analyse secondaire de données recueillies auprès de 723 personnes âgées qui ont participé au projet de démonstration SIPA (Services intégrés pour personnes âgées) implanté dans deux CLSC de la région de Montréal. L’utilisation du centre de jour a été documentée pendant une période de six mois, auprès des cinq centres de jour existant sur ce même territoire. Des informations sur le fonctionnement des centres de jour ont été obtenues par des entrevues et des rencontres de groupe auprès de coordonnateurs de ces centres. Les données ont été analysées à l’aide de statistiques descriptives, d’analyses en regroupement et d’analyses de régression logistique et multiple. Résultats: Les résultats sont présentés dans trois articles, soit un pour chacun des objectifs. Article 1: La proportion d’utilisateurs de centre de jour est de 18,8% (IC-0,95: 16,0 à 21,7%). Les facteurs suivants augmentent la probabilité d’utiliser le centre de jour: être plus jeune (RC: 1,12; IC-0,95: 1,06 à 1,19); ne pas avoir une éducation universitaire (RC: 1,92; IC-0,95: 1,04 à 3,57); recevoir l’aide du CLSC pour les activités de vie quotidienne plus d’une fois par semaine (RC: 1,73 et 2,48 pour aide de deux à cinq fois par semaine et aide de six à sept fois par semaine respectivement; IC-0,95: 1,06 à 2,80 et 1,22 à 5,06); faire partie du bassin de desserte d’un centre de jour dont les coûts sont moins élevés (RC: 1,054 ; IC-0,95: 1,001 à 1,108 pour chaque augmentation de 1$); et pour les hommes seulement, avoir déjà subi un accident vasculaire cérébral et présenter davantage d’incapacités fonctionnelles (interaction entre le sexe et la présence d’un AVC: RC: 0,298; IC-0,95: 0,108 à 0,825; interaction entre le sexe et les capacités fonctionnelles mesurées à l’OARS: RC: 1,096; IC-0,95: 1,019 à 1,178). De plus, on observe une plus grande probabilité d’utiliser le centre de jour chez les personnes qui cohabitent avec une personne de soutien. Toutefois, cette relation ne s’observe que chez les personnes nées au Canada (interaction entre la cohabitation avec la personne de soutien et le pays de naissance: RC: 0,417; IC-0,95: 0,185 à 0,938). Article 2: Des analyses en regroupement ont permis de distinguer quatre profils de participants ayant des caractéristiques similaires: 1) les personnes fragilisées par un âge avancé et un grand nombre de problèmes de santé; 2) les participants plus jeunes et plus autonomes que la moyenne, qui semblent des utilisateurs précoces; 3) les personnes qui présentent des incapacités d’origine cognitive; et 4) celles qui présentent des incapacités d’origine motrice. Les activités de groupe des centres de jour ont été regroupées en huit catégories: exercices physiques; groupe spécifique pour un diagnostic ou un problème fonctionnel commun; activités fonctionnelles; stimulation cognitive; activités musicales ou de réminiscence; sports et jeux physiques; intégration sociale; prévention et promotion de la santé. Les activités les plus fréquentes sont les exercices physiques et les activités d’intégration sociale auxquelles ont participé plus de 90% des utilisateurs de centre de jour, et ce en moyenne à respectivement 78% (±23%) et 72% (±24%) de leurs présences au centre de jour. Les autres catégories d’activités rejoignent de 45% à 77% des participants, et ce en moyenne à 35% (±15%) à 46% (±33%) de leurs présences. La participation aux diverses catégories d’activités a été étudiée pour chaque profil d’utilisateurs et comparée aux activités recommandées pour divers types de clientèle. On observe une concordance partielle entre les activités offertes et les besoins des utilisateurs. Cette concordance apparaît plus grande pour les participants qui présentent des problèmes de santé physique ou des incapacités d’origine motrice et plus faible pour ceux qui présentent des symptômes dépressifs ou des atteintes cognitives. Article 3: Les participants au centre de jour y sont inscrits en moyenne à raison de 1,56 (±0,74) jours par semaine mais sont réellement présents à 68,1% des jours attendus. Les facteurs suivants sont associés à une participation plus régulière au centre de jour en termes de taux de présences réelles / présences attendues: ne pas avoir travaillé dans le domaine de la santé (b: ,209; IC-0,95: ,037 à ,382); recevoir de l’aide du CLSC les jours de fréquentation du centre de jour (b: ,124; IC-0,95: ,019 à ,230); être inscrit pour la journée plutôt que la demi-journée (b: ,209: IC-0,95: ,018 à ,399); lors de ses présences au centre de jour, avoir une moins grande proportion d’activités de prévention et promotion de la santé (b: ,223; IC-0,95: ,044 à ,402); et enfin, avoir un aidant qui présente un fardeau moins élevé pour les personnes avec une atteinte cognitive et un fardeau plus élevé pour les personnes sans atteinte cognitive (interaction entre la présence d’atteinte cognitive et le fardeau de l’aidant: b: -,008; IC-0,95: -,014 à -,044). Conclusion: Conformément à leur mission, les centres de jour rejoignent une bonne proportion des personnes âgées qui présentent des incapacités. Cette étude fait ressortir les caractéristiques des personnes les plus susceptibles d’y participer. Elle suggère la nécessité de revoir la planification des activités pour assurer une offre de services qui tienne davantage compte des besoins des participants, en particulier de ceux qui présentent des atteintes cognitives et des symptômes de dépression. Elle démontre aussi que l’intensité d’exposition au service semble faible, ce qui soulève la question des seuils d’exposition nécessaires pour induire des effets favorables sur le maintien à domicile et sur la qualité de vie de la clientèle cible.


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Background Along with reduced levels of physical activity, older Australian's mean energy consumption has increased. Now over 60% of older Australians are considered overweight or obese. This study aims to confirm if a low-cost, accessible physical activity and nutrition program can improve levels of physical activity and diet of insufficiently active 60-70 year-olds. Methods/Design This 12-month home-based randomised controlled trial (RCT) will consist of a nutrition and physical activity intervention for insufficiently active people aged 60 to 70 years from low to medium socio-economic areas. Six-hundred participants will be recruited from the Australian Federal Electoral Role and randomly assigned to the intervention (n = 300) and control (n = 300) groups. The study is based on the Social Cognitive Theory and Precede-Proceed Model, incorporating voluntary cooperation and self-efficacy. The intervention includes a specially designed booklet that provides participants with information and encourages dietary and physical activity goal setting. The booklet will be supported by an exercise chart, calendar, bi-monthly newsletters, resistance bands and pedometers, along with phone and email contact. Data will be collected over three time points: pre-intervention, immediately post-intervention and 6-months post-study. Discussion This trial will provide valuable information for community-based strategies to improve older adults' physical activity and dietary intake. The project will provide guidelines for appropriate sample recruitment, and the development, implementation and evaluation of a minimal intervention program, as well as information on minimising barriers to participation in similar programs.


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This submission addresses the following terms of reference: 1) the nature, prevalence and level of cybersafety risks and threats experienced by senior Australians; 2) the impact and implications of those risks and threats on access and use of information and communication technologies by senior Australians; 3) the adequacy and effectiveness of current government and industry initiatives to respond to those threats, including education initiatives aimed at senior Australians; 4) best practice safeguards, and any possible changes to Australian law, policy or practice that will strengthen the cybersafety of senior Australians.


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Despite ongoing improvements in behaviour change strategies, licensing models and road law enforcement measures young drivers remain significantly over-represented in fatal and non-fatal road related crashes. This paper focuses on the safety of those approaching driving age and identifies both high priority road safety messages and relevant peer-led strategies to guide the development school programs. It summarises the review in a program logic model built around the messages and identified curriculum elements, as they may be best operationalised within the licensing and school contexts in Victoria. This paper summarises a review of common deliberate risk-taking and non-deliberate unsafe driving behaviours among novice drivers, highlighting risks associated with speeding, driving while fatigued, driving while impaired and carrying passengers. Common beliefs of young people that predict risky driving were reviewed, particularly with consideration of those beliefs that can be operationalised in a behaviour change school program. Key components of adolescent risk behaviour change programs were also reviewed, which identified a number of strategies for incorporation in a school based behaviour change program, including: a well-structured theoretical design and delivery, thoughtfully considered peer-selected processes, adequate training and supervision of peer facilitators, a process for monitoring and sustainability, and interactive delivery and participant discussions. The research base is then summarised in a program logic model with further discussion about the quality of the current state of knowledge of evaluation of behaviour change programs and the need for considerable development in program evaluation.


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This study systematically reviews the published literature regarding inappropriate prescribing in frail individuals aged at least 65 years. Twenty-five of 466 identified studies met the inclusion criteria. All papers measured some surrogate indicators of frailty, such as performance-based tests, cognitive function and functional dependency. Beers criteria were used in 20 studies (74%) to evaluate inappropriate medication use and 36% (9/25) studies used more than one criterion. The prevalence of inappropriate medications ranged widely from 11 to 92%. Only a few studies reported the relationship between potentially inappropriate medication use and surrogate measures of frailty. These diverse findings indicate the need for a standardized measure for assessing appropriateness of medication in frail older individuals. Prescribing tools should address both medication and patient-related factors such as life expectancy and functional status to minimize inappropriate prescribing in frail individuals.


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Background Physical conditions through gait and other functional task are parameters to consider for frailty detection. The aim of the present study is to measure and describe the variability of acceleration, angular velocity and trunk displacement in the ten meter Extended Timed Get-Up-and-Go test in two groups of frail and non-frail elderly people through instrumentation with the iPhone4® smartphone. Secondly, to analyze the differences and performance of the variance between the study groups (frail and non-frail). This is a cross-sectional study of 30 subjects aged over 65 years, 14 frail subjects and 16 non-frail subjects. Results The highest difference between groups in the Sit-to-Stand and Stand-to-Sit subphases was in the y axis (vertical vector). The minimum acceleration in the Stand-to-Sit phase was -2.69 (-4.17 / -0.96) m/s2 frail elderly versus -8.49 (-12.1 / -5.23) m/s2 non-frail elderly, p < 0.001. In the Gait Go and Gait Come subphases the biggest differences found between the groups were in the vertical axis: -2.45 (-2.77 /-1.89) m/s2 frail elderly versus -5.93 (-6.87 / -4.51) m/s2 non-frail elderly, p < 0.001. Finally, with regards to the turning subphase, the statistically significant differences found between the groups were greater in the data obtained from the gyroscope than from the accelerometer (the gyroscope data for the mean maximum peak value for Yaw movement angular velocity in the frail elderly was specifically 25.60°/s, compared to 112.8°/s for the non-frail elderly, p < 0.05). Conclusions The inertial sensor fitted in the iPhone4® is capable of studying and analyzing the kinematics of the different subphases of the Extended Timed Up and Go test in frail and non-frail elderly people. For the Extended Timed Up and Go test, this device allows more sensitive differentiation between population groups than the traditionally used variable, namely time.


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This submission covers the following terms of reference: • the current levels of financial literacy of seniors and how that can be improved, for example by education programs; • what support and advice is available to assist seniors with their independent financial decision-making; • online and internet based vulnerabilities and the prevalence and vulnerability of seniors to scams; • agencies and organisations that provide advice and support to seniors requiring financial protection; and • the role of the financial sector in ensuring adequate safeguards for seniors in relation to financial decision-making.


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Identity crime is argued to be one of the most significant crime problems of today. This paper examines identity crime, through the attitudes and practices of a group of seniors in Queensland, Australia. It examines their own actions towards the protection of their personal data in response to a fraudulent email request. Applying the concept of a prudential citizen (as one who is responsible for self-regulating their behaviour to maintain the integrity of one’s identity) it will be argued that seniors often expose identity information through their actions. However, this is demonstrated to be the result of flawed assumptions and misguided beliefs over the perceived risk and likelihood of identity crime, rather than a deliberate act. This paper concludes that to protect seniors from identity crime, greater awareness of appropriate risk-management strategies towards disclosure of their personal details is required to reduce their inadvertent exposure to identity crime.


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The purpose of this article is to explore the factors influencing residential decisions of Finnish seniors. Analysis draws on qualitative data gathered from in-depth interviews and open-ended survey questions completed by 37 seniors living in three independent living facilities in Finland. Content analysis was used to identify key factors pushing residents out of their former living situations and pulling them into their respective independent living facility. Analysis indicates that different senior houses attract different types of residents. Nevertheless, as a group, they reported similar motivational factors relating to community, physical, and social environments and to their personal circumstances.


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Aim Frail older people typically suffer several chronic diseases, receive multiple medications and are more likely to be institutionalized in residential aged care facilities. In such patients, optimizing prescribing and avoiding use of high-risk medications might prevent adverse events. The present study aimed to develop a pragmatic, easily applied algorithm for medication review to help clinicians identify and discontinue potentially inappropriate high-risk medications. Methods The literature was searched for robust evidence of the association of adverse effects related to potentially inappropriate medications in older patients to identify high-risk medications. Prior research into the cessation of potentially inappropriate medications in older patients in different settings was synthesized into a four-step algorithm for incorporation into clinical assessment protocols for patients, particularly those in residential aged care facilities. Results The algorithm comprises several steps leading to individualized prescribing recommendations: (i) identify a high-risk medication; (ii) ascertain the current indications for the medication and assess their validity; (iii) assess if the drug is providing ongoing symptomatic benefit; and (iv) consider withdrawing, altering or continuing medications. Decision support resources were developed to complement the algorithm in ensuring a systematic and patient-centered approach to medication discontinuation. These include a comprehensive list of high-risk medications and the reasons for inappropriateness, lists of alternative treatments, and suggested medication withdrawal protocols. Conclusions The algorithm captures a range of different clinical scenarios in relation to potentially inappropriate medications, and offers an evidence-based approach to identifying and, if appropriate, discontinuing such medications. Studies are required to evaluate algorithm effects on prescribing decisions and patient outcomes.


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Objective: In Australian residential aged care facilities (RACFs), the use of certain classes of high-risk medication such as antipsychotics, potent analgesics, and sedatives is high. Here, we examined the prescribed medications and subsequent changes recommended by geriatricians during comprehensive geriatric consultations provided to residents of RACFs via videoconference. Design: This is a prospective observational study. Setting: Four RACFs in Queensland, Australia, are included. Participants: A total of 153 residents referred by general practitioners for comprehensive assessment by geriatricians delivered by video-consultation. Results: Residents’ mean (standard deviation, SD) age was 83.0 (8.1) years and 64.1% were female. They had multiple comorbidities (mean 6), high levels of dependency, and were prescribed a mean (SD) of 9.6 (4.2) regular medications. Ninety-one percent of patients were taking five or more medications daily. Of total medications prescribed (n=1,469), geriatricians recommended withdrawal of 9.8% (n=145) and dose alteration of 3.5% (n=51). New medications were initiated in 47.7% (n=73) patients. Of the 10.3% (n=151) medications considered as high risk, 17.2% were stopped and dose altered in 2.6%. Conclusion: There was a moderate prevalence of potentially inappropriate high-risk medications. However, geriatricians made relatively few changes, suggesting either that, on balance, prescription of these medications was appropriate or, because of other factors, there was a reluctance to adjust medications. A structured medication review using an algorithm for withdrawing medications of high disutility might help optimize medications in frail patients. Further research, including a broader survey, is required to understand these dynamics.


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This study aims to explore frail older adults’ perceptions of what influences their exercise behaviors. A qualitative descriptive design was used. Semi-structured, open-ended interviews were conducted with 29 frail older adults. Thematic content analysis established the findings. Frail older adults perceive exercise as a by-product of other purposeful activities such as manual work or social activities. Progression into frailty appears to be associated with a decline in non-family support, changing traditional roles within family support networks, and lower baseline activity levels. Frail older adults perceive exercise as incidental to more purposeful activities rather than an endpoint in itself. Therefore, exercise programs concentrating on functional outcomes may be more relevant for this population. Strategies that educate and promote social support networks may also benefit frail older adults.