977 resultados para Fragments from Sappho


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As-prepared graphene oxide (GO) contains oxidative debris which can be washed using basic solutions. We present the isolation and characterization of these debris. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) is used to monitor the separation of the debris in various solvents in the presence of different protic and aprotic alkylamino bases. The study reveals that the debris are rich in carbonyl functional groups and water is an essential component for separation and removal of the debris from GO under oxidative reaction conditions.


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Rates of glucose synthesis from several substrates were examined in renal tubule fragments from hyperthyroid rats. A hyperthyroid state was induced by daily intraperitoneal injections of thyroxine (T-4) (100 mu g/100 g body weight) for 14 days. At the end of the experimental period, plasma triiodothyronine and T-4 levels were six and eight times higher, respectively, than initial values. Hyperthyroid rats gained less weight and had lower blood glucose despite an increased food intake. In both control and hyperthyroid rats, rates of glucose production by renal tubule fragments were higher with glutamine and glycerol than with lactate, alanine, or glutamate. T-4 treatment induced a significant increase in the de novo glucose synthesis from all substrates, except glutamine. The highest percent increase was obtained with alanine (64%), compared with 31-40% for glutamate, lactate, and glycerol. The T-4 treatment induced increase in glucose synthesis by renal tubule fragments suggests that renal gluconeogenesis contributes to enhance glucose production in hyperthyroidism.


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Vários sítios arqueológicos de Terra Preta Arqueológica (TPA) encontrados na floresta Amazônica Colombiana também contêm alto conteúdo de fragmentos cerâmicos semelhantes aqueles da Amazônia Brasileira, como mostra o sítio Quebrada Tacana. Seus fragmentos cerâmicos são amarelo a cinza, exibem matriz argilosa calcinada envolvendo fragmentos de cariapé, carvão e partículas de cinza, grãos de quartzo e micas. A matriz é composta de metacaulinita a material amorfo, quartzo, folhas de micas, clorita e sepiolita. Cariapé e cauixi são constituídos de cristobalita, da mesma forma o carvão e as cinzas. Embora não detectados pela difração de raios x, os fosfatos devem estar presentes, pois foram detectados teores de P2O5 de até 2,90 %, possivelmente como fosfatos de alumínio, já que o conteúdo de Ca está abaixo 0,1 %, o que elimina a possibilidade da presença de apatita. Estas características mineralógicas e químicas permitem relacionar estes fragmentos cerâmicos com aqueles encontrados nos sítios de TPA no Brasil e reforça o fósforo como um importante componente químico, originado pelo contato dos vasos cerâmicos com os alimentos do cotidiano dos povos amazônicos pré-históricos.


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Sixty-three pottery fragments from four archaeological sites, numbered RST110, RST101, RST114 and RST114, in the Taquari Valley, vicinity of the city of Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul state, southern Brazil, have been dated by the thermoluminescence method. Some of them from RST110 and RST101 are as old as 1400-1200 years, whereas those from RST114 and RST107 are younger than 800 years. This result indicates that RST101 and RST110 were peopled earlier than RST114 and RST107. The recent dates found are 302, 295 and 146 years and they are possible, since the first German immigrants who arrived in this region encountered Tupi-Guarani Indians still living there. One interesting result refers to the glow curves of quartz grains RST110, RST101 and RST114 that differ from the glow curves of RST107 quartz grains.


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collected and ed. with brief introd. and notes by Wallace Nelson Stearns


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ed. by Richard Gottheil ...


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Sand-sized basaltic glass fragments were recovered in the liner of Core 203-1243B-19R, the deepest recovery from Hole 1243B. Microprobe analysis of 582 glassy cuttings cluster into five compositionally distinct groups, most of which are unlike the lithologic units described on board ship. Drilling operations intended to sweep cuttings from the caving hole and differences between the cuttings and geochemically distinct lithologic units of the upper part of the basement indicate that the cuttings came mainly, if not entirely, from the lower part of the hole. They give information about the part of Hole 1243B that had poor core recovery. Enriched mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB) from the upper part of the hole and transitional MORB from two groups of cuttings from sources low in the hole may be a trace of the Galápagos plume on the Pacific plate or may be a normal consequence of eruptions from two distinct magmas on fast-spreading crust.