990 resultados para Foster family.


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This thesis examines the experiences of the biological children of foster carers. In particular it explores their experiences in relation to inclusion, consultation and decision-making. The study also examines the support and training needs of birth children in foster families. Using a qualitative methodology in-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with fifteen birth children of foster carers aged between 18 and 30 years. The research findings show that for the majority of birth children, fostering was overall a positive experience which helped them develop into individuals who were caring and nonjudgemental. However, from the data collected in this study, it is clear that fostering also brings a range of challenges for birth children in foster families, such as managing feelings of loss, grief, jealousy and guilt when foster children leave. Birth children are reluctant to discuss these issues with their parents and often did not approach fostering social workers as they did not have a meaningful relationship in order to discuss their concerns. The findings also demonstrate that birth children undertake a lot of emotional work in supporting their parents, birth siblings and foster siblings. Despite the important role played by birth children in the fostering process, this contribution often goes unrecognised and unacknowledged by fostering professionals and agencies with birth children not included or consulted about foster care decisions that affect them. It is argued here that birth children are viewed by foster care professionals and agencies from a deficit based perspective. However, this study contends that it is not just foster parents who are involved in the foster care process, but the entire foster family. The findings of this study show that birth children are competent social actors capable of making valuable contributions to foster care decisions that affect their lives and that of their family.


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Background: Treatment foster care (TFC) is a foster family-based intervention that aims to provide young people (and, where appropriate, their families) with a tailored programme designed to effect positive changes in their lives. TFC was designed specifically to cater for the needs of children whose difficulties or circumstances place them at risk of multiple placements and/or more restrictive placements such as hospital or secure residential or youth justice settings.

Objectives: To assess the impact of TFC on psychosocial and behavioural outcomes, delinquency, placement stability, and discharge status for children and adolescents who require out-of-home placement.

Search methods: We searched the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register (CENTRAL) 2006 (Issue 4), MEDLINE (1966 to January 2007), CINAHL (1982 to December 2006), PsycINFO (1872 to January 2007), ASSIA (1987 to January 2007), LILACS (1982 to January 2007), ERIC (1966 to January 2007), Sociological Abstracts (1963 to January 2007), and the National Research Register 2006 (Issue 4).

Selection criteria: Included studies were randomised controlled trials investigating the effectiveness of TFC with children and young people up to the age of 18 who, for reasons of severe medical, social, psychological and behavioural problems, were placed in out of home care in restrictive settings (e.g. secure residential care, psychiatric hospital) or at risk of placement in such settings.

Data collection and analysis: Titles and abstracts identified in the search were independently assessed for eligibility by the two authors (GM and WT) who also extracted and entered into REVMAN. Date were synthesised on the few occasions where this was possible. Results are presented in tabular, graphical (forest plots) and textual form.

Main results: Five studies including 390 participants were included in this review. Data suggest that treatment foster care may be a useful intervention for children and young people with complex emotional, psychological and behavioural need, who are at risk of placements in nonfamily settings that restrict their liberty and opportunities for social inclusion.

Authors’ conclusions: Although the inclusion criteria for this systematic review set a study design threshold higher than that of previous reviews, the results mirror those of earlier reviews but also highlights the tendency of the perceived effectiveness of popular interventions to outstrip their evidence base. Whilst the results of individual studies generally indicate that TFC is a promising intervention for children and youth experiencing mental health problems, behavioural problems or problems of delinquency, the evidence base is less robust than that usually reported.The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews is a peer reviewed, international journal, published electronically each month. The 2010 Inpact Factor for the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews was 6.185.The CDSR is now ranked in the top 10 of the 151 in the Medicine, General & Internal category.


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Background The provision of training for foster carers is now seen as an important factor contributing to the successful outcome of foster care placements. Since the late 1960s, foster carer training programs have proliferated, and few of the many published and unpublished training curricula have been systematically evaluated. The advent of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and the research evidence demonstrating its effectiveness as a psychotherapeutic treatment of choice for a range of emotional and behavioural problems, has prompted the development of CBT-based training programmes. CBT approaches to foster care training derive from a ’skill-based’ training format that also seeks to identify and correct problematic thinking patterns that are associated with dysfunctional behaviour by changing and/or challenging maladaptive thoughts and beliefs. Objectives To assess the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural training interventions in improving a) looked-after children’s behavioural/relationship problems, b) foster carers’ psychological well-being and functioning, c) foster family functioning, d) foster agency outcomes. Search methods We searched databases including: CENTRAL (Cochrane Library Issue 3, 2006), MEDLINE (January 1966 to September 2006), EMBASE (January 1980 to September 2006), CINAHL (January 1982 to September 2006), PsycINFO (January 1872 to September 2006), ASSIA (January 1987 to September 2006), LILACS (up to September 2006), ERIC (January 1965 to September 2006), Sociological Abstracts (January 1963 to September 2006), and the National Research Register 2006 (Issue 3).We contacted experts in the field concerning current research. Selection criteria Random or quasi randomised studies comparing behavioural or cognitive-behavioural-base Data collection and analysis Two authors independently assessed trial quality and extracted data. We contacted study authors for additional information. Main results Six trials involving 463 foster carers were included. Behavioural and cognitive-behavioural training interventions evaluated to date appear to have very little effect on outcomes relating to looked-after children, assessed in relation to psychological functioning, extent of behavioural problems and interpersonal functioning. Results relating to foster carer(s) outcomes also show no evidence of effectiveness in measures of behavioural management skills, attitudes and psychological functioning. Analysis pertaining to fostering agency outcomes did not show any significant results. However, caution is needed in interpreting these findings as their confidence intervals are wide. Authors’ conclusions There is currently little evidence about the efficacy of behavioural or cognitive-behavioural training intervention for foster carers. The need for further research in this area is highlighted.


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Life of children exposed to alcohol or drugs in utero This study focused on the growth environment, physical development and socio-emotional development of children, aged 16 and under, who had been exposed to alcohol (n=78) or drugs (n=15) in utero. The aim of the study was to obtain a comprehensive picture of the living conditions of these children and to examine the role of the growth environment in their development. The study was carried out using questionnaires, written life stories and interviews. Attachment theory was used as a background theory in the study. Over half of the children exposed to alcohol were diagnosed with foetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), one quarter was diagnosed with foetal alcohol effects (FAE), and one fifth had no diagnosis. Most of the children exposed to drugs had been exposed to either amphetamines or cannabis, and a smaller number to heroin. Some of the children exposed to alcohol were mentally handicapped or intellectually impaired. The children exposed to drugs did not exhibit any serious learning difficulties but a considerable number of them had socio-emotional development problems. Language and speech problems and attention, concentration and social interaction problems were typical among both the children exposed to alcohol and those exposed to drugs. Only one child had been placed into long-term foster care in a family immediately after leaving the maternity hospital. In biological families there had been neglect, violence, mental health problems, crime and unemployment, and many parents were already dead. Two of the children had been sexually abused and four were suspected of having been abused. From the point of view of the children's development, the three most critical issues were 1) the range of illnesses and handicaps that had impaired their functional capacity as a result of their prenatal exposure to alcohol, 2) child's age at the time of placement on a long-term basis, and 3) the number of their traumatic experiences. The relationship with their biological parents after placement also played a role. Children with symptoms were found in all diagnosis categories and types of exposure. Children with the smallest number of symptoms were found among those who had never lived with their biological parents. Almost all children were exhibiting strong symptoms at the time of placement in foster care. In most cases, they were behaving in a disorderly manner towards others, but some children were withdrawn. The most conspicuous feature among those with the most severe symptoms was their disorganized behaviour. Placement in a foster family enhanced the children's development, but did not solve the problems. The foster parents who brought these children up did not receive as much therapy for the children and support for the upbringing as they appear to have needed. In Finland, transfer to long-term custody is based on strict criteria. The rights of children prescribed in the child protection law are not fulfilled in practice. Key words: FASD, FAS, FAE, alcohol exposure, drugs exposure, illegal drugs, early interaction, child development, attachment


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A presente dissertação teve como objetivo cartografar o campo de intervenção do Programa Família Acolhedora (PFA) do Rio de Janeiro, com o intuito de perceber máquinas da gestão das menoridades operadas por políticas públicas neste recorte, pelo PFA. Para tal, foram realizados grupos com as famílias de origem, famílias acolhedoras e crianças e adolescentes acolhidos, além de entrevistas com duas famílias de origem e diversos encontros e discussões com uma equipe técnica. A partir do referencial teórico da Análise Institucional francesa e do método cartográfico, a defesa da convivência familiar preconizada nos discursos que sustentam programas de acolhimento familiar foi posta em análise, evidenciando práticas-discursivas que naturalizam modelos de família e cuidado, operando certa gestão da infância que, em última análise, visa à neutralização de uma parcela da população tida como potencialmente perigosa através da inserção ou manutenção em unidades domésticas. A análise das tensões postas nas negociações travadas no cotidiano do Programa explicita o tensionamento da proteção que tutela, inerente à intervenção. A emergência de dinâmicas, como a gestão da solidariedade e da retórica da gratidão, permitiu analisar um campo de relações enunciativas e agenciamentos de posições que produzem os sujeitos em relação e agenciam possibilidades de negociação. Através da discussão do trabalho com grupos e da desmontagem de dois casos, discutimos experiências de famílias de origem e acolhedoras no Programa. Foi possível perceber como as famílias e as equipes técnicas se apropriam do Programa, apesar do caráter impositivo como prática disciplinar de governo, criando linhas de fuga e mantendo algum grau de autonomia, não se confirmando nem rebeldes, nem coitadas.


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Exposés à de multiples facteurs de risque avant et pendant le placement, les enfants placés présentent une prévalence élevée de troubles intériorisés. Ces troubles peuvent entraver leur intégration familiale, sociale et scolaire. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de tracer un portrait des enfants placés présentant des troubles intériorisés afin de mieux les repérer pour ainsi mieux les soutenir, ainsi que les adultes qui en prennent soin. L’échantillon est composé de 62 enfants, âgés de 10 à 12 ans, placés en famille d’accueil régulière et impliqués dans le projet S’Occuper des Enfants (SOCEN). Les données analysées proviennent du Cahier d’évaluation et de suivi (CÉS-C2), outil clinique (avec mesures standardisées) dans lequel l’intervenant, le parent d’accueil et l’enfant inscrivent des informations sur différents aspects du développement de l’enfant. Des variables relatives au placement ainsi que d’autres portant sur l’intégration familiale, sociale et scolaire de l’enfant placé sont mises en relation avec les scores de la sous-échelle des symptômes émotionnels du Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire à l’aide de corrélations de Pearson et d’ANOVA. Près de 19% des 62 enfants éprouvent des symptômes émotionnels élevés. Les résultats révèlent la forte présence de troubles extériorisés (troubles hyperactifs, troubles de la conduite) chez les enfants placés présentant des symptômes émotionnels élevés. Ces enfants éprouvent aussi plus de problèmes avec les pairs. Ceux qui ont vécu plus de trois placements présentent davantage de symptômes émotionnels élevés.


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Devenir parent en accueillant un enfant en vue de l’adopter en contexte de protection de la jeunesse, dans le cadre du programme Banque-mixte, est une expérience particulière, puisque l’enfant arrive dans la famille sans aucune garantie qu’il pourra être adopté. Également, les parents Banque-mixte, en tant que famille d’accueil, ont l’obligation d’amener l’enfant à des visites avec ses parents d’origine et doivent composer avec la présence d’intervenants dans leur vie privée. À l’aide d’une démarche de théorisation enracinée, la présente étude vise à comprendre comment le parent Banque-mixte développe son sentiment de filiation, c’est-à-dire le sentiment d’être le parent de l’enfant qu’il accueille, alors qu’il n’est ni le parent légal, ni le parent biologique. Des entrevues semi-dirigées ont été réalisées avec 25 parents afin d’aborder des thèmes tels que les motivations sous-jacentes à leur projet parental, l’expérience du processus pour devenir une famille Banque-mixte et la relation avec l’enfant. Les résultats permettent de jeter les bases d’une nouvelle théorie, selon laquelle le sentiment de filiation précède la filiation légale dans ces circonstances. Ainsi, le parent Banque-mixte ne devient pas un parent au moment du jugement d’adoption; il le devient bien avant, à partir du moment où il atteint un point de non-retour, c’est-à-dire où il constate de manière rationnelle ou émotionnelle que cet enfant est le sien. En l’absence d’un lien de sang et d’un lien légal, le parent Banque-mixte construit son sentiment de filiation sur la base de son profond désir d’enfant et de trois piliers qui lui permettent de justifier son sentiment d’être le parent, soit l’exercice du rôle parental, la construction d’une relation significative avec l’enfant, ainsi que la reconnaissance par autrui de son rôle de parent. Lorsque le parent Banque-mixte n’est pas confronté à l’incertitude de voir l’enfant retourner dans son milieu d’origine, il doit patienter en attendant la concrétisation de l’adoption, mais l’absence de filiation légale ne remet pas en question son sentiment d’être le parent. Par contre, le fait de se sentir le parent avant de le devenir légalement peut générer des tensions dans l’expérience du parent Banque-mixte, puisque le statut de famille d’accueil est en dissonance avec le sentiment de filiation. Afin de minimiser les effets indésirables de l’incertitude, les intervenants de l’adoption et de l’enfant développent différentes stratégies pour rassurer et protéger les parents Banque-mixte, en plus de minimiser l’inquiétude quant à la probabilité du retour de l’enfant dans son milieu familial d’origine. Finalement, guidés par leur besoin de vivre leur filiation de manière exclusive, les parents Banque-mixte font l’effort de mettre à distance les parents d’origine, tout en conservant une certaine ouverture uniquement dans le but de permettre à l’enfant d’intégrer sainement ses origines. En conclusion, les retombées pour l’avancement des connaissances, l’amélioration des pratiques et l’élaboration de nouvelles législations sont discutées.


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For a complete development of oral language it's necessary the development of genetic roots of thought and utterance postulates by Vygotsky, yet the meditation of adult and the influence social and cultural that is around the child. In cases of children moved away from their birth family by judicial ways because of neglect there, is a new modality of refuge in Brazil, that is the home refuge, which is the object of our research. The present study shows an investigation about the development of speech in a child that was moved away from his birth family and forwarded to Foster Family to comprehend the contributions and activities that help in child development. The research was performed through an approach of qualitative interpretation of bibliographic type and area type. The data analysis allowed us conclude the new social and cultural way that the watched child was inserted helps in his development in a significant way enabling a qualitative jump in speech and psychic functions phase


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For a complete development of oral language it's necessary the development of genetic roots of thought and utterance postulates by Vygotsky, yet the meditation of adult and the influence social and cultural that is around the child. In cases of children moved away from their birth family by judicial ways because of neglect there, is a new modality of refuge in Brazil, that is the home refuge, which is the object of our research. The present study shows an investigation about the development of speech in a child that was moved away from his birth family and forwarded to Foster Family to comprehend the contributions and activities that help in child development. The research was performed through an approach of qualitative interpretation of bibliographic type and area type. The data analysis allowed us conclude the new social and cultural way that the watched child was inserted helps in his development in a significant way enabling a qualitative jump in speech and psychic functions phase


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Childhood protection is undergoing several changes. Our study aimed to outline the complex network of meanings which includes adoption as well as institutional and family foster care, by combining theory, research and practice. We investigated various contexts and protagonists: judicial system, foster institutions, birth parents, foster and adoptive parents, and families and their children. Diverse data collection procedures were used: socio-demographic investigations, case-studies, follow-ups, interviews, analysis of foster institutions and legal court documents. Results pointed to "invisibility" of birth family, frequent child (re)abuse, failures in the network of protection, meanings of "healthy family" and role of attachment concepts. Implications for social policies and social practices are discussed.


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A proteção integral à infância encontra-se em reordenamento. Baseadas nas experiências do GIAAA-CINDEDI (Grupo de Investigação sobre Abrigamento, Acolhimento Familiar e Adoção - Centro de Investigações sobre Desenvolvimento Humano e Educação Infantil), buscamos compreender a rede de significações que permeia as práticas de acolhimento familiar, institucional e adoção. Investigamos vários contextos e protagonistas: sistema judiciário, abrigos, mães e famílias de origem, de acolhimento e adotivas. Diversos procedimentos foram utilizados: investigações sócio-demográficas, estudos de caso, entrevistas, pesquisa documental nos abrigos e no Fórum, grupos de discussão. Ressaltamos achados comuns: "invisibilidade" da família de origem; freqüente (re)violação da criança; falhas na Rede de Proteção; significações sobre "família saudável" e papel das concepções sobre apego que permeiam o campo. Implicações para políticas públicas e práticas sociais na área são discutidas.


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As intervenções alternativas são medidas que não devem ser rechaçadas por nenhum governante. O sistema de encarceramento penal existente no Brasil, assim como em muitas nações mundo afora, vem mostrando há décadas, ser um sistema falido, vez que é impossível (res)socializar alguém em cadeias que são verdadeiras masmorras. Não há condições de melhoramento, nem na esfera física ou psíquica deste sistema nefasto, que só funciona para pegar pobres, pretos, analfabetos e moradores das periferias. Dentro dos maiores problemas apontados por pesquisas atuais, a superlotação, a violência, o tráfico de drogas, o abuso sexual e a falta de uma ocupação que garanta a (res)socialização, forma verdadeiras faculdades do crime, onde o preso ou o adolescente chega como estagiário e sai como mestre na arte da criminalidade delinquente. Esta pesquisa em Criminologia e direito comparado, com foco no Brasil (Recife) e na Alemanha (Freiburg), faz uma contextualização histórica do tema, de forma geral e mais focada nos países comparados. Após esta contextualização, o trabalho retrata e analisa a situação dos jovens em conflito com a Lei, e explana as intervenções alternativas à internação, aconselhando a solução do acolhimento por famílias madrinhas.


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Currently, there is limited research and clinical focus on family therapy with transgender adolescents. When an adolescent discloses his/her transgender identity to his/her family, the family can experience an array of emotions, such as fear, distrust, anger, and sadness, along with confusion and invalidating behavior that can threaten secure attachment among family members. The purpose of this paper is to present a family therapy treatment approach for therapists working with transgender adolescents that is both culturally sensitive to the needs of these families as well as based on a systemic family therapy model. Emotionally Focused Family Therapy (EFFT) is a systemic model that is grounded in attachment theory and focuses on using emotion as a key tool in restructuring problematic relational patterns and fostering more secure family bonds. Through the use of a hypothetical case study, this paper aims at illustrating how EFFT can help family members process feelings related to the transgender identity of an adolescent family member and restore their attachment in a manner that strengthens family relationships and bonds.