984 resultados para Forensic document examination


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A Documentoscopia é a maior área de perícia da Criminalística da PF, respondendo por 24,49% de toda a produção de laudos do Sistema Nacional de Criminalística. Apesar disso, não possui área de concurso ou graduação específicas, e o desenvolvimento das competências da área depende quase que exclusivamente da capacitação oferecida e executada internamente, dentro da instituição e do ambiente de trabalho. Considerando os planejamentos estratégicos da Direção Geral e da Diretoria Técnico-Científica da PF, que manifestaram a importância da valorização de seus servidores por meio da capacitação contínua e da gestão de competências como estratégia para se alcançar suas missões, vê-se a relevância no adequado estudo e desenvolvimento das competências na área da perícia documentoscópica. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar se as competências técnicas dos peritos documentoscópico da Polícia Federal elencadas na matriz da função técnica da PF estão em consonância com as elencadas pela ONU para os examinadores forenses de documentos, e se essas competências estão sendo desenvolvidas nas ações de capacitação oferecidas pela ANP voltadas para a área. Foram identificadas algumas lacunas, ou seja, recomendações da ONU que encontram correspondência nas elencadas na matriz, mas não são desenvolvidas pelas ações de capacitação, além da discrepância quanto à carga horária dos cursos. Algumas sugestões para a minimização ou eliminação dessas lacunas foram colocadas, e outras considerações foram feitas, principalmente voltadas à maior oferta de capacitação, à especialização profissional, à instituição de testes de proficiência e da mentoria.


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Multislice-computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are increasingly used for forensic purposes. Based on broad experience in clinical neuroimaging, post-mortem MSCT and MRI were performed in 57 forensic cases with the goal to evaluate the radiological methods concerning their usability for forensic head and brain examination. An experienced clinical radiologist evaluated the imaging data. The results were compared to the autopsy findings that served as the gold standard with regard to common forensic neurotrauma findings such as skull fractures, soft tissue lesions of the scalp, various forms of intracranial hemorrhage or signs of increased brain pressure. The sensitivity of the imaging methods ranged from 100% (e.g., heat-induced alterations, intracranial gas) to zero (e.g., mediobasal impression marks as a sign of increased brain pressure, plaques jaunes). The agreement between MRI and CT was 69%. The radiological methods prevalently failed in the detection of lesions smaller than 3mm of size, whereas they were generally satisfactory concerning the evaluation of intracranial hemorrhage. Due to its advanced 2D and 3D post-processing possibilities, CT in particular possessed certain advantages in comparison with autopsy with regard to forensic reconstruction. MRI showed forensically relevant findings not seen during autopsy in several cases. The partly limited sensitivity of imaging that was observed in this retrospective study was based on several factors: besides general technical limitations it became apparent that clinical radiologists require a sound basic forensic background in order to detect specific signs. Focused teaching sessions will be essential to improve the outcome in future examinations. On the other hand, the autopsy protocols should be further standardized to allow an exact comparison of imaging and autopsy data. In consideration of these facts, MRI and CT have the power to play an important role in future forensic neuropathological examination.


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Based on only one objective and several subjective signs, the forensic classification of strangulation incidents concerning their life-threatening quality can be problematic. Reflecting that it is almost impossible to detect internal injuries of the neck with the standard forensic external examination, we examined 14 persons who have survived manual and ligature strangulation or forearm choke holds using MRI technique (1.5-T scanner). Two clinical radiologists evaluated the neck findings independently. The danger to life was evaluated based on the "classical" external findings alone and in addition to the radiological data. We observed hemorrhaging in the subcutaneous fatty tissue of the neck in ten cases. Other frequent findings were hemorrhages of the neck and larynx muscles, the lymph nodes, the pharynx, and larynx soft tissues. Based on the classical forensic strangulation findings with MRI, eight of the cases were declared as life-endangering incidents, four of them without the presence of petechial hemorrhage but with further signs of impaired brain function due to hypoxia. The accuracy of future forensic classification of the danger to life will probably be increased when it is based not only on one objective and several subjective signs but also on the evidence of inner neck injuries. However, further prospective studies including larger cohorts are necessary to clarify the value of the inner neck injuries in the forensic classification of surviving strangulation victims.


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Elemental analysis can become an important piece of evidence to assist the solution of a case. The work presented in this dissertation aims to evaluate the evidential value of the elemental composition of three particular matrices: ink, paper and glass. In the first part of this study, the analytical performance of LIBS and LA-ICP-MS methods was evaluated for paper, writing inks and printing inks. A total of 350 ink specimens were examined including black and blue gel inks, ballpoint inks, inkjets and toners originating from several manufacturing sources and/or batches. The paper collection set consisted of over 200 paper specimens originating from 20 different paper sources produced by 10 different plants. Micro-homogeneity studies show smaller variation of elemental compositions within a single source (i.e., sheet, pen or cartridge) than the observed variation between different sources (i.e., brands, types, batches). Significant and detectable differences in the elemental profile of the inks and paper were observed between samples originating from different sources (discrimination of 87–100% of samples, depending on the sample set under investigation and the method applied). These results support the use of elemental analysis, using LA-ICP-MS and LIBS, for the examination of documents and provide additional discrimination to the currently used techniques in document examination. In the second part of this study, a direct comparison between four analytical methods (µ-XRF, solution-ICP-MS, LA-ICP-MS and LIBS) was conducted for glass analyses using interlaboratory studies. The data provided by 21 participants were used to assess the performance of the analytical methods in associating glass samples from the same source and differentiating different sources, as well as the use of different match criteria (confidence interval (±6s, ±5s, ±4s, ±3s, ±2s), modified confidence interval, t-test (sequential univariate, p=0.05 and p=0.01), t-test with Bonferroni correction (for multivariate comparisons), range overlap, and Hotelling's T2 tests. Error rates (Type 1 and Type 2) are reported for the use of each of these match criteria and depend on the heterogeneity of the glass sources, the repeatability between analytical measurements, and the number of elements that were measured. The study provided recommendations for analytical performance-based parameters for µ-XRF and LA-ICP-MS as well as the best performing match criteria for both analytical techniques, which can be applied now by forensic glass examiners.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Elemental analysis can become an important piece of evidence to assist the solution of a case. The work presented in this dissertation aims to evaluate the evidential value of the elemental composition of three particular matrices: ink, paper and glass. In the first part of this study, the analytical performance of LIBS and LA-ICP-MS methods was evaluated for paper, writing inks and printing inks. A total of 350 ink specimens were examined including black and blue gel inks, ballpoint inks, inkjets and toners originating from several manufacturing sources and/or batches. The paper collection set consisted of over 200 paper specimens originating from 20 different paper sources produced by 10 different plants. Micro-homogeneity studies show smaller variation of elemental compositions within a single source (i.e., sheet, pen or cartridge) than the observed variation between different sources (i.e., brands, types, batches). Significant and detectable differences in the elemental profile of the inks and paper were observed between samples originating from different sources (discrimination of 87 – 100% of samples, depending on the sample set under investigation and the method applied). These results support the use of elemental analysis, using LA-ICP-MS and LIBS, for the examination of documents and provide additional discrimination to the currently used techniques in document examination. In the second part of this study, a direct comparison between four analytical methods (µ-XRF, solution-ICP-MS, LA-ICP-MS and LIBS) was conducted for glass analyses using interlaboratory studies. The data provided by 21 participants were used to assess the performance of the analytical methods in associating glass samples from the same source and differentiating different sources, as well as the use of different match criteria (confidence interval (±6s, ±5s, ±4s, ±3s, ±2s), modified confidence interval, t-test (sequential univariate, p=0.05 and p=0.01), t-test with Bonferroni correction (for multivariate comparisons), range overlap, and Hotelling’s T2 tests. Error rates (Type 1 and Type 2) are reported for the use of each of these match criteria and depend on the heterogeneity of the glass sources, the repeatability between analytical measurements, and the number of elements that were measured. The study provided recommendations for analytical performance-based parameters for µ-XRF and LA-ICP-MS as well as the best performing match criteria for both analytical techniques, which can be applied now by forensic glass examiners.


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This research used the Queensland Police Service, Australia, as a major case study. Information on principles, techniques and processes used, and the reason for the recording, storing and release of audit information for evidentiary purposes is reported. It is shown that Law Enforcement Agencies have a two-fold interest in, and legal obligation pertaining to, audit trails. The first interest relates to the situation where audit trails are actually used by criminals in the commission of crime and the second to where audit trails are generated by the information systems used by the police themselves in support of the recording and investigation of crime. Eleven court cases involving Queensland Police Service audit trails used in evidence in Queensland courts were selected for further analysis. It is shown that, of the cases studied, none of the evidence presented was rejected or seriously challenged from a technical perspective. These results were further analysed and related to normal requirements for trusted maintenance of audit trail information in sensitive environments with discussion on the ability and/or willingness of courts to fully challenge, assess or value audit evidence presented. Managerial and technical frameworks for firstly what is considered as an environment where a computer system may be considered to be operating “properly” and, secondly, what aspects of education, training, qualifications, expertise and the like may be considered as appropriate for persons responsible within that environment, are both proposed. Analysis was undertaken to determine if audit and control of information in a high security environment, such as law enforcement, could be judged as having improved, or not, in the transition from manual to electronic processes. Information collection, control of processing and audit in manual processes used by the Queensland Police Service, Australia, in the period 1940 to 1980 was assessed against current electronic systems essentially introduced to policing in the decades of the 1980s and 1990s. Results show that electronic systems do provide for faster communications with centrally controlled and updated information readily available for use by large numbers of users who are connected across significant geographical locations. However, it is clearly evident that the price paid for this is a lack of ability and/or reluctance to provide improved audit and control processes. To compare the information systems audit and control arrangements of the Queensland Police Service with other government departments or agencies, an Australia wide survey was conducted. Results of the survey were contrasted with the particular results of a survey, conducted by the Australian Commonwealth Privacy Commission four years previous, to this survey which showed that security in relation to the recording of activity against access to information held on Australian government computer systems has been poor and a cause for concern. However, within this four year period there is evidence to suggest that government organisations are increasingly more inclined to generate audit trails. An attack on the overall security of audit trails in computer operating systems was initiated to further investigate findings reported in relation to the government systems survey. The survey showed that information systems audit trails in Microsoft Corporation's “Windows” operating system environments are relied on quite heavily. An audit of the security for audit trails generated, stored and managed in the Microsoft “Windows 2000” operating system environment was undertaken and compared and contrasted with similar such audit trail schemes in the “UNIX” and “Linux” operating systems. Strength of passwords and exploitation of any security problems in access control were targeted using software tools that are freely available in the public domain. Results showed that such security for the “Windows 2000” system is seriously flawed and the integrity of audit trails stored within these environments cannot be relied upon. An attempt to produce a framework and set of guidelines for use by expert witnesses in the information technology (IT) profession is proposed. This is achieved by examining the current rules and guidelines related to the provision of expert evidence in a court environment, by analysing the rationale for the separation of distinct disciplines and corresponding bodies of knowledge used by the Medical Profession and Forensic Science and then by analysing the bodies of knowledge within the discipline of IT itself. It is demonstrated that the accepted processes and procedures relevant to expert witnessing in a court environment are transferable to the IT sector. However, unlike some discipline areas, this analysis has clearly identified two distinct aspects of the matter which appear particularly relevant to IT. These two areas are; expertise gained through the application of IT to information needs in a particular public or private enterprise; and expertise gained through accepted and verifiable education, training and experience in fundamental IT products and system.


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This thesis is an assessment of the hoax hypothesis, mainly propagated in Stephen C. Carlson's 2005 monograph "The Gospel Hoax: Morton Smith's Invention of Secret Mark", which suggests that professor Morton Smith (1915-1991) forged Clement of Alexandria's letter to Theodore. This letter Smith claimed to have discovered as an 18th century copy in the monastery of Mar Saba in 1958. The Introduction narrates the discovery story of Morton Smith and traces the manuscript's whereabouts up to its apparent disappearance in 1990 following with a brief history of scholarship of the MS and some methodological considerations. Chapters 2 and 3 deal with the arguments for the hoax (mainly by Stephen C. Carlson) and against it (mainly Scott G. Brown). Chapter 2 looks at the MS in its physical aspects, and chapter 3 assesses its subject matter. I conclude that some of the details fit reasonably well with the hoax hypothesis, but on the whole the arguments against it are more persuasive. Especially Carlson's use of QDE-analysis (Questioned Document Examination) has many problems. Comparing the handwriting of Clement's letter to Morton Smith's handwriting I conclude that there are some "repeated differences" between them suggesting that Smith is not the writer of the disputed letter. Clement's letter to Theodore derives most likely from antiquity though the exact details of its character are not discussed in length in this thesis. In Chapter 4 I take a special look at Stephen C. Carlson's arguments which propose that Morton Smith hid clues of his identity to the MS and the materials surrounding it. Comparing these alleged clues to known pseudoscientific works I conclude that Carlson utilizes here methods normally reserved for building a conspiracy theory; thus Carlson's hoax hypothesis has serious methodological flaws in respect to these hidden clues. I construct a model of these questionable methods titled "a boisterous pseudohistorical method" that contains three parts: 1) beginning with a question that from the beginning implicitly contains the answer, 2) considering everything will do as evidence for the conspiracy theory, and 3) abandoning probability and thinking literally that everything is connected. I propose that Stephen C. Carlson utilizes these pseudoscientific methods in his unearthing of Morton Smith's "clues". Chapter 5 looks briefly at the literary genre I title "textual puzzle -thriller". Because even biblical scholarship follows the signs of the times, I propose Carlson's hoax hypothesis has its literary equivalents in fiction in titles like Dan Brown's "Da Vinci Code" and in academic works in titles like John Dart's "Decoding Mark". All of these are interested in solving textual puzzles, even though the methodological choices are not acceptable for scholarship. Thus the hoax hypothesis as a whole is alternatively either unpersuasive or plain bad science.


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Resumen: El autor enfatiza la calidad moral del mundo de los negocios; destacando la importancia del reconocimiento de la vocación cristiana del empresario que lo dignifica y le impone obligaciones. Luego explica las ideas que considera claves en el documento: la afirmación de que el líder de negocios tiene un llamado divino para administrar los recursos y que es además un agente de la justicia. A continuación, sostiene que el líder debe respetar la dignidad humana y el bien común, para lo cual debe seguir seis principios rectores. Finalmente, destaca la parte final del documento, “Examen de conciencia”, como el aporte más valioso, puesto que invita a los líderes empresariales a llevar a la práctica laboral su vocación cristiana


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380 p. : il., gráf.


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O presente trabalho tem por base o estudo do tipo de atitude revelada pelos docentes de 2ºciclo face à inclusão escolar de alunos com necessidades educativas especiais. A metodologia seguida passou pela entrevista aplicada a cinco docentes de vários grupos disciplinares, observação direta a dois docentes em contexto de sala de aula e análise documental. A análise dos resultados obtidos permite afirmar que os docentes estão sensibilizados para as vantagens da escola inclusiva, contudo, consideram que, para a escola inclusiva ter sucesso, é imprescindível investir na formação de professores, sobretudo, na área das necessidades educativas especiais. Para além de referido anteriormente salienta-se ainda, a necessidade de maior número de horas de apoio por parte dos docentes de Educação Especial, mais recursos materiais, turmas mais reduzidas e apoio de outros técnicos especializados. A inclusão dos alunos considerados com necessidades educativas especiais no ensino regular implica mudanças ao nível das atitudes e das práticas pedagógicas de todos os intervenientes no processo ensino e aprendizagem, da organização e da gestão na sala de aula e na própria Escola enquanto instituição.


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The introduction of ninhydrin treatment as a chemical technique for the visualisation of latent fingermarks on porous surfaces revolutionised approaches to forensic fingermark examination. Since then, a range of amino acid sensitive reagents has been developed and such compounds are in widespread use by law enforcement agencies worldwide. This paper reviews the development and use of these reagents for the detection of latent fingermarks on porous surfaces. A brief overview is provided, including an historical background, forensic significance, and a general approach to the development of latent fingermarks on porous surfaces. This is followed by a discussion of specific amino acid sensitive treatments.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo geral verificar como uma empresa gerencia seus riscos trabalhistas com vistas a preveni-los. É um estudo de caso único, de natureza descritiva e qualitativa. Foi desenvolvido junto ao Grupo Eberle Mundial, através de entrevista do Gerente de Recursos Humanos, questionário auto-aplicado por sete membros do corpo executivo da organização, exame de documentos e análise de artigos de revistas e de jornais. Paralelamente, buscou experiências e opiniões de quatro especialistas da área trabalhista, também mediante questionário auto-aplicado. Em face dos resultados obtidos, o trabalho descreve a forma de gerenciamento de riscos trabalhistas adotada pelo Grupo Eberle Mundial e atende os objetivos específicos nos termos adiante sintetizados. Demonstra que o Grupo mantém rotinas para identificação de riscos trabalhistas, porém, não pratica a definição prévia do que sejam riscos relevantes e não relevantes. Identifica uma diversidade de riscos trabalhistas percebidos pelo Grupo e verifica que esses não abrangem riscos operacionais. Mostra que o Grupo criou métodos e instrumentos de trabalho próprios para o gerenciamento de seus riscos trabalhistas, atua de forma permanente na prevenção desses e faz a revisão anual de seus processos, buscando chegar à incorporação dessa filosofia à cultura da empresa, contudo, não mantém um sistema que integre seus procedimentos, na forma proposta pela literatura. Confirma que, através do projeto implantado pela nova administração, o Grupo que, em 1998, estava com sua sobrevivência comprometida, até 2003 já reduziu em mais de 50% as perdas financeiras que vinha sofrendo e restabeleceu sua credibilidade e imagem internas e externas. Constata que existe comprometimento da alta direção do Grupo com o gerenciamento de riscos trabalhistas, todavia, esse comprometimento não é do conhecimento de todos membros do corpo executivo da organização. Aponta que o Grupo não mantém área específica para gerenciamento de seus riscos trabalhistas, nem tem claro quem são os profissionais responsáveis por esses procedimentos.


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Clinical forensic examinations of children suspected of having been sexually abused are increasingly part of the routine of medicolegal institutes. The findings collected from 2005 until 2007 at the Institute of Legal Medicine of the Hanover Medical School were analysed retrospectively. Altogether, 91 children (74 females, 17 males, mean age 8.7 years) were examined. In 87.9% of the cases, the examination had been ordered by the police. In 73.6%, the victim knew the suspected perpetrator well or he was a family member. 40.7% of the children were seen within 72 hours after the alleged abuse. 12.1% of the children had extragenital lesions. In 27% of the victims, marked anogenital injuries were found, which were characteristic of sexual abuse in 9%. In 18 cases (20.2%), swabs were taken for spermatozoa detection. 3 of 17 vaginal smears showed positive test results for sperm up to 21 hours after the incident. No spermatozoa could be detected in 4 anal and 2 oral swabs as well as in one swab taken from the skin of the victim's thigh. In summary, the evaluation shows that early clinical forensic examination of children suspected of having been sexually abused is crucial to document evidence that is highly significant for the investigation and court proceedings. Often suspected sexual child abuse cannot be proved by medical findings alone. Of course, the absence of anogenital injuries does nor rule out sexual abuse.


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Multilayer samples of white architectural paint potentially have very high evidential value in forensic casework, because the probability that two unrelated samples will have the same sequence of layers is extremely low. However, discrimination between the different layers using optical microscopy is often difficult or impossible. Here, lateral scanning Raman spectroscopy has been used to chemically map the cross-sections of multilayer white paint chips. It was found that the spectra did allow the different layers to be delineated on the basis of their spectral features. The boundaries between different layers were not as sharp as expected, with transitions occurring over length scales of > 20 µm, even with laser spot diameters <4 µm. However, the blurring of the boundaries was not so large as to prevent recording and identification of spectra from each of the layers in the samples. This method clearly provides excellent discrimination between different multilayer white paint samples and can readily be incorporated into existing procedures for examination of paint transfer evidence.