1000 resultados para Food intolerances
Introduction: Great interest is raising in food intolerances due to the lack, in many cases, of a particular sensitizing agent. Objective: We investigated the serum level of possible new haptens in 15 heavy meat consumers for sport fitness affected by various kinds of food intolerance and who had ever been administered antibiotics in their life for clinical problems. Methods: Forty ml of blood were drawn from each patient and analyzed, by means of an ELISA test, in order to possibly identify the presence of an undue contaminant with hapten properties. Results: Four out of fifteen subjects (26%) showed a serum oxytetracycline amount > 6 ng/g (which is considered the safety limit), 10 of 15 (66%) a serum doxycycline amount > of 6 ng/g and 3 out of 15 (30%) subjects had high serum level of both molecules. Conclusions: Although a direct ratio between body antibiotics remnant storage in the long run and chronic gut dysfunctions and/or food allergy did not reached the evidence yet, the blood traces of these compounds in a food intolerant otherwise healthy population might be considered the preliminary putative step of a sensitizing pathway. Our next goals foresee a deeper insight into the sensitizing trigger from human chronic antibiotic exposure via the zootechnical delivery of poultry food.
Coeliac disease is one of the most common food intolerances worldwide and at present the gluten free diet remains the only suitable treatment. A market overview conducted as part of this thesis on nutritional and sensory quality of commercially available gluten free breads and pasta showed that improvements are necessary. Many products show strong off-flavors, poor mouthfeel and reduced shelf-life. Since the life-long avoidance of the cereal protein gluten means a major change to the diet, it is important to also consider the nutritional value of products intending to replace staple foods such as bread or pasta. This thesis addresses this issue by characterising available gluten free cereal and pseudocereal flours to facilitate a better raw material choice. It was observed that especially quinoa, buckwheat and teff are high in essential nutrients, such as protein, minerals and folate. In addition the potential of functional ingredients such as inulin, β-glucan, HPMC and xanthan to improve loaf quality were evaluated. Results show that these ingredients can increase loaf volume and reduce crumb hardness as well as rate of staling but that the effect diverges strongly depending on the bread formulation used. Furthermore, fresh egg pasta formulations based on teff and oat flour were developed. The resulting products were characterised regarding sensory and textural properties as well as in vitro digestibility. Scanning electron and confocal laser scanning microscopy was used throughout the thesis to visualise structural changes occurring during baking and pasta making
Allergies and food intolerances are at the forefront of institutional interest (European Regulation No 1169/2011) for their impact on consumer health. Allergies to peanuts and other nuts and gluten intolerance, makes production processes involving mixtures of powders a great concern for the industry, given the need to indicate the existence of traces of any of them. The food industry requires non-destructive and non-invasive methods of quantification that meet sensitivity requirements but also specificity levels. Optical methods such as NIR spectrophotometry or hyper-spectral image are currently some of the technologies that show potential success. This is the context of this paper that evaluates how to use NIR spectroscopy (900-1600nm) to detect traces of 15 different kinds of nuts and 20 other flours.
In der Literatur findet sich eine kontroverse Debatte um eine Differenzierbarkeit ökologischer und konventioneller Produktqualität von Lebensmitteln. Zugleich greifen zahlreiche subjektiv überzeugte Verbraucher zunehmend zu ökologischen Lebensmitteln. Als eines der Kaufmotive wird in vielen Umfragen die Annahme eines höheren Gesundheitswertes und allgemein einer höheren Qualität ökologischer Produkte genannt. Bisher besteht hinsichtlich der Definitionen, Methoden sowie der Einordnung ökologischer Produktqualität keine Einigkeit. Hinsichtlich von Milch zeigen erste Untersuchungen Unterschiede in der inhaltsstofflichen Zusammensetzung. Differenzierungsmarkern aus der Gruppe der Fettsäuren u.a. n-3, CLA sowie spezifischen TFA werden ernährungsphysiologische Wirksamkeit zugesprochen. Wie aber wirkt sich die Produktion in unterschiedlichen Intensitäten sowohl in der konventionellen als auch in der ökologischen Milchviehhaltung auf die Produktqualität aus? Und lässt sich ökologische bzw. biologisch-dynamische von konventioneller Milch differenzieren? Die Arbeit geht der Qualität ökologischer, speziell biologisch-dynamischer Milch nach und prüft in einem ersten Schritt die Verträglichkeit biologisch-dynamischer Vorzugsmilch bei Kindern mit Nahrungsmittelunverträglichkeiten auf Milch. Dabei gliedert sich die Arbeit in drei aufeinander aufbauende Teilbereiche. Das Kapitel 2 „Ökologische Lebensmittel und Produktqualität“ enthält eine Literaturauswertung zur Verwendung des Begriffes „Struktur“ in der Diskussion um die Beurteilung ökologischer Lebensmittel. Die Beschäftigung mit der Begriffsbildung im Zusammenhang mit der Bestimmung ökologischer Produktqualität und den zugrundeliegenden Konzepten sowie der gegenwärtige Entwicklungsstand werden in den folgenden beiden Kapiteln fortgeführt und vertieft. Zudem wird anhand der Arbeitsergebnisse aus Workshops der internationalen Assoziation wissenschaftlicher Institute „Organic Food Quality and Health“ (FQH) und den in diesem Zusammenhang geführten Arbeits- und Abstimmungsprozessen zur weiteren Vorgehensweise bei der Beurteilung ökologischer Lebensmittel dargestellt. Die entwickelten Kriterien dienten zugleich als eine Art Blaupause für die wissenschaftliche Vorgehensweise in diesem Promotionsprojekt und die konkrete Durchführung dieser Studie. In Kapitel 3 „Systemvergleich und Differenzierbarkeit biologisch-dynamischer und konventioneller Milch auf Betriebsebene“ stehen die Ergebnisse und Auswertungen des Systemvergleiches der Milchqualität von konventionellen und ökologischen bzw. biologisch-dynamischen Betrieben in low- bis high-input Orientierung an zentraler Stelle. Der Wissensstand hinsichtlich der Differenzierbarkeit von Milch wird aus der Literatur referiert. Auf Grundlage von u.a. Fettsäuren- und Antioxidantienanalytik wird die Differenzierbarkeit von ökologischer Milch im Sommer wie auch im Winter einer Einordnung und Bewertung unterzogen. Es werden die Möglichkeiten der Differenzier- und Authentifizierbarkeit anhand verschiedener Inhaltsstoffmarker (Fettsäuren, Antioxidantien und Phytansäure) von Milch aus ökologischen und anderen Produktionssystemen dargestellt. Abschließend werden Implikationen für die landwirtschaftliche Praxis in der ökologischen Milchviehhaltung dargestellt. Das Kapitel 4 „Ökologische Milch und Gesundheit“ stellt erste Ergebnisse zur Auswirkung der Produktqualität von Milch auf die Gesundheit des Menschen vor, die in der Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. med. T. Roos entstanden sind. Er führte die Verträglichkeitstestungen im Rahmen unserer Pilotstudie mit Milch unterschiedlicher Herkunft bei Kindern mit Nahrungsmittelallergien durch und konnte eine erstaunlich hohe Toleranz der biologisch-dynamischen Vorzugsmilch im Vergleich zu konventioneller Standardmilch (pasteurisiert, homogenisiert) feststellen. Mit welchen Faktoren in der Produktion und bei der Weiterverarbeitung der Milch dies zu erklären ist, muss in weiteren Untersuchungen zu den qualitativen Zwischenschritten erfolgen. Die Ergebnisse dieser und anderer Studien weisen darauf hin, dass nur gering intensivierte ökologische Milchviehbetriebe, die regelmäßigen Weidegang und möglichst geringe Kraftfutter- und Mais-Fütterung praktizieren, Milch mit einer deutlich differenzierbaren Produktqualität gegenüber durchschnittlicher konventioneller Milch erzeugen. Vor dem Hintergrund wirtschaftlicher Zwänge zu stärkerer Intensivierung geben die vorgelegten Ergebnisse Anlass, die Kriterien der Ausrichtung ökologischer Milchproduktion so zu bestimmen, dass eine „authentische“ ökologische Produktqualität realisiert werden kann. Auch über die ökologische Milchwirtschaft hinaus sind die Ergebnisse dieser Studie von Interesse. Sie hat am Beispiel von Milch in exemplarischer Weise die für eine Qualifikationsbestimmung auch von gesundheitlicher Relevanz erforderliche Kette von Schritten bis hin zum Menschen vollzogen. Die in dieser Studie insbesondere in Bezug auf die Fettsäuren Zusammensetzung gezeigten Qualitätsmerkmale ökologischer und biologisch-dynamischer Milch weisen auf ein auch ernährungsphysiologisch interessantes Alleinstellungsmerkmal der Produktqualität hin, welches die Annahmen gesundheitsbewusster Verbraucher zu bestätigen vermag und dazu verhelfen mag für ökologische Milch und Milchprodukte höhere Preise zu generieren. Im Blick auf die immer wieder neu geführte Diskussion um die Geltung und Konkretisierung der Grundprinzipien des Ökologischen Landbaus kommt dieser Studie besondere Bedeutung zu.
This paper seeks to address the widespread call in the literature for the cross-cultural examination ( and validation) of accepted concepts within consumer behaviour, such as consumer risk perceptions and information search. The findings of the study provide support for a number of accepted relationships, whilst identifying distinct cross cultural differences in external information search and willingness to buy genetically modified (GM) food products by consumers.
Experiments were undertaken to study drying kinetics of moist cylindrical shaped food particulates during fluidised bed drying. Cylindrical particles were prepared from Green beans with three different length:diameter ratios, 3:1, 2:1 and 1:1. A batch fluidised bed dryer connected to a heat pump system was used for the experimentation. A Heat pump and fluid bed combination was used to increase overall energy efficiency and achieve higher drying rates. Drying kinetics, were evaluated with non-dimensional moisture at three different drying temperatures of 30, 40 and 50o C. Numerous mathematical models can be used to calculate drying kinetics ranging from analytical models with simplified assumptions to empirical models built by regression using experimental data. Empirical models are commonly used for various food materials due to their simpler approach. However problems in accuracy, limits the applications of empirical models. Some limitations of empirical models could be reduced by using semi-empirical models based on heat and mass transfer of the drying operation. One such method is the quasi-stationary approach. In this study, a modified quasi-stationary approach was used to model drying kinetics of the cylindrical food particles at three drying temperatures.
Changes in fluidization behaviour behaviour was characterised for parallelepiped particles with three aspect ratios, 1:1, 2:1 and 3:1 and spherical particles. All drying experiments were conducted at 500C and 15 % RH using a heat pump dehumidifier system. Fluidization experiments were undertaken for the bed heights of 100, 80, 60 and 40 mm and at 10 moisture content levels. Due to irregularities in shape minimum fluidisation velocity of parallelepiped particulates (potato) could not fitted to any empirical model. Also a generalized equation was used to predict minimum fluidization velocity. The modified quasi-stationary method (MQSM) has been proposed to describe drying kinetics of parallelepiped particulates at 30o C, 40o C and 50o C that dry mostly in the falling rate period in a batch type fluid bed dryer.
This thesis is a documented energy audit and long term study of energy and water reduction in a ghee factory. Global production of ghee exceeds 4 million tonnes annually. The factory in this study refines dairy products by non-traditional centrifugal separation and produces 99.9% pure, canned, crystallised Anhydrous Milk Fat (Ghee). Ghee is traditionally made by batch processing methods. The traditional method is less efficient, than centrifugal separation. An in depth systematic investigation was conducted of each item of major equipment including; ammonia refrigeration, a steam boiler, canning equipment, pumps, heat exchangers and compressed air were all fine-tuned. Continuous monitoring of electrical usage showed that not every initiative worked, others had pay back periods of less than a year. In 1994-95 energy consumption was 6,582GJ and in 2003-04 it was 5,552GJ down 16% for a similar output. A significant reduction in water usage was achieved by reducing the airflow in the refrigeration evaporative condensers to match the refrigeration load. Water usage has fallen 68% from18ML in 1994-95 to 5.78ML in 2003-04. The methods reported in this thesis could be applied to other industries, which have similar equipment, and other ghee manufacturers.
Background Primary prevention of childhood overweight is an international priority. In Australia 20-25% of 2-8 year olds are already overweight. These children are at substantially increased the risk of becoming overweight adults, with attendant increased risk of morbidity and mortality. Early feeding practices determine infant exposure to food (type, amount, frequency) and include responses (eg coercion) to infant feeding behaviour (eg. food refusal). There is correlational evidence linking parenting style and early feeding practices to child eating behaviour and weight status. A focus on early feeding is consistent with the national focus on early childhood as the foundation for life-long health and well being. The NOURISH trial aims to implement and evaluate a community-based intervention to promote early feeding practices that will foster healthy food preferences and intake and preserve the innate capacity to self-regulate food intake in young children. Methods/Design This randomised controlled trial (RCT) aims to recruit 820 first-time mothers and their healthy term infants. A consecutive sample of eligible mothers will be approached postnatally at major maternity hospitals in Brisbane and Adelaide. Initial consent will be for re-contact for full enrolment when the infants are 4-7 months old. Individual mother- infant dyads will be randomised to usual care or the intervention. The intervention will provide anticipatory guidance via two modules of six fortnightly parent education and peer support group sessions, each followed by six months of regular maintenance contact. The modules will commence when the infants are aged 4-7 and 13-16 months to coincide with establishment of solid feeding, and autonomy and independence, respectively. Outcome measures will be assessed at baseline, with follow up at nine and 18 months. These will include infant intake (type and amount of foods), food preferences, feeding behaviour and growth and self-reported maternal feeding practices and parenting practices and efficacy. Covariates will include sociodemographics, infant feeding mode and temperament, maternal weight status and weight concern and child care exposure. Discussion Despite the strong rationale to focus on parents’ early feeding practices as a key determinant of child food preferences, intake and self-regulatory capacity, prospective longitudinal and intervention studies are rare. This trial will be amongst to provide Level II evidence regarding the impact of an intervention (commencing prior to age 12 months) on children’s eating patterns and behaviours. Trial Registration: ACTRN12608000056392
A method for determination of lactose in food samples by Osteryoung square wave voltammetry (OSWV) was developed. It was based on the nucleophilic addition reaction between lactose and aqua ammonia. The carbonyl group of lactose can be changed into imido group, and this increases the electrochemical activity in reduction and the sensitivity. The optimal condition for the nucleophilic addition reaction was investigated and it was found that in NH4Cl–NH3 buffer of pH 10.1, the linear range between the peak current and the concentration of lactose was 0.6–8.4 mg L−1, and the detection limits was 0.44 mg L−1. The proposed method was applied to the determination of lactose in food samples and satisfactory results were obtained.
A fast and accurate procedure has been researched and developed for the simultaneous determination of maltol and ethyl maltol, based on their reaction with iron(III) in the presence of o-phenanthroline in sulfuric acid medium. This reaction was the basis for an indirect kinetic spectrophotometric method, which followed the development of the pink ferroin product (λmax = 524 nm). The kinetic data were collected in the 370–900 nm range over 0–30 s. The optimized method indicates that individual analytes followed Beer’s law in the concentration range of 4.0–76.0 mg L−1 for both maltol and ethyl maltol. The LOD values of 1.6 mg L−1 for maltol and 1.4 mg L−1 for ethyl maltol agree well with those obtained by the alternative high performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection (HPLC-UV). Three chemometrics methods, principal component regression (PCR), partial least squares (PLS) and principal component analysis–radial basis function–artificial neural networks (PC–RBF–ANN), were used to resolve the measured data with small kinetic differences between the two analytes as reflected by the development of the pink ferroin product. All three performed satisfactorily in the case of the synthetic verification samples, and in their application for the prediction of the analytes in several food products. The figures of merit for the analytes based on the multivariate models agreed well with those from the alternative HPLC-UV method involving the same samples.