995 resultados para Fluvial transport


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Ore mines installed in the lower-middle portion of Ribeira de Iguape River (São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil), together with the Panelas Plant are responsible for the contamination of the Iguape-Cananeia-Paranagua lagoon-estuarine complex. The lower-middle portion of Grande Creek Basin, located in the district of Adrianopolis (Parana State, southern Brazil) is under environmental impact because of mining activities. The mines of Perau, at Perau Creek, Canoas at Canoas Creek, and Barrinha at Barrinha Creek and Laranjal Creek have been paralyzed. The transport of lead in fluvial sediments is mainly associated with organic matter, carbonates, the residual fraction, and adsorbables, whereas the transport of zinc is associated with the organic and residual fraction, oxides and hydroxides of iron and manganese, carbonate, and adsorbables. The transport of copper is associated with the residual fraction and oxides and hydroxides of iron and manganese, organic matter, carbonate, and adsorbables.


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The Curimataú estuary is located in the oriental coast of Rio Grande do Norte State in Brazil. Its importance resides in the fact that this region possesses one of the last portions of preserved mangrove in the Rio Grande do Norte State. Nevertheless, it has been severely affected by many anthropogenic activities, as sugarcane monoculture and shrimp farming. Former works demonstrated that an accumulation of heavy metals is occurring in oysters in this estuary, and perhaps it could be explained by the input of metals in this ecosystem deriving from the shrimp farming. To better understanding the origin of these metals, bottom sediment samples, cores and suspended particulate matter were collected for a characterization of metal concentrations (Al, Ba, Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn) and to determine the potentially bioavailable metals. Additionally, the enrichment ratio for each element analyzed was calculated. The mineralogical composition of sediment samples and cores were obtained by X-ray diffraction. Moreover, data of orbital remote sensing were used in order to detect and quantify suspended matter by applying a logarithmic algorithm. Geochemical data of bottom sediments and cores revealed that, excepting Ba and Pb, the elements analyzed presented concentrations characteristic of an unpolluted ecosystem (Al: 0,25 - 8,76 %; Ba: 3,03 - 870 µg.g-1; Cd: < 0,25 µg.g-1; Cr: 1,72 - 82,4 µg.g-1; Cu: 0,12 -25,3 µg.g-1; Pb: 0,38 - 23,7 µg.g-1; Fe: 0,10 - 5,82 %; Mn: 15,1 - 815 µg.g-1; Ni: 0,14 - 36,1 µg.g-1; Zn: 1,37 - 113 µg.g-1). During the dry season a distribution pattern was observed, with higher metal concentrations in the margins, decreasing toward the central portion of the channel. These metal concentrations were well correlated with mineralogical compositions, with clay minerals prevailing at the margins, and quartz and feldspar in the center. However, this pattern was not observed during the wet season, probably because of the high water flux that disturbed bottom sediments. But, as observed for the dry season, a good correlation between metal concentrations and mineralogical composition was also observed for the wet season, with high metal concentrations where there were high quantities of clay minerals. Low enrichment ratios were obtained for the majority of elements analyzed, excepting for Mn, Ba and Pb. Manganese presented the higher ratios downstream for both seasons, and it can be an evidence of anthropogenic impact by shrimp farming. As barium and lead concentrations in sediment samples presented analytical problems during the total sample digestion, one cannot be sure that the ratios obtained correspond to the reality. The highest metal concentrations in particulate matter were obtained in the portion dominated by fluvial transport for all metals analyzed, excepting for copper. Barium and zinc were the only elements that presented elevated concentrations that are not common of unpolluted ecosystems (Ba: 5730 - 8355 µg.g-1; Zn: 3899 - 4348 µg.g-1). However, these high concentrations could not be related to the shrimp farming and waste waters from the town of Canguaretama, once they were obtained from the fluvial particulate matter, that is upstream from the activities above mentioned. The application of the logarithmic algorithm to the processed LANDSAT image was well succeeded, although the acquired image does not correspond exactly to the field campaigns. The IKONOS image provided very detailed views of the suspended sediment concentration at the estuary, as the mixture of distinct water flows at the confluence of Cunhaú and Curimataú rivers, with more turbid waters from Cunhaú river, that is directly affected by effluents from shrimp farming and urban waste waters deriving from the town of Canguaretama


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência do transporte fluvial na incidência de lesões tissulares em carcaças de bovinos abatidos no Pantanal Sul Mato-Grossense, por meio da quantificação do número e tamanho das lesões, bem como a identificação e determinação da idade das lesões em função do tempo ocorrido e a localização dessas lesões nos principais cortes comerciais brasileiros. Apurou-se que, do total de 88 carcaças avaliadas, 83 (94,3%) tiveram uma ou mais lesões, totalizando 253 lesões que resultaram na remoção de 39,988 kg de carne, com média geral de 0,454 kg por animal. Com relação ao tamanho das lesões, as maiores médias foram encontradas em animais oriundos das condições I e II. Foi encontrada a maior média em bovinos procedentes da condição II para a idade de lesões em carcaças. Foi constituída diferença na freqüência de lesões nos cortes comerciais nas condições avaliadas. Conclui-se que o sistema de transporte dos bovinos no Pantanal influenciou a incidência de lesões. O aumento do tempo de transporte, associado à longa distância e ao jejum, durante o manejo da fazenda até o frigorífico, provocaram maior número de lesões, porém de menor tamanho.


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This study has the objective of evaluate the influence of fluvial and road transport on the occurrence of bruising in carcass of slaughtered beef cattle. In this study was observed that from 209 evaluated carcass, 185 (88.5%) presented one or more lesions. In total of evaluated carcass occurred 523 lesions that resulted in 96.158 kg removal of bruises (0.519 kg per animal). In this study was possible the determination of age of bruises by color evaluation. We concluded that of way of transport influenced the occurrence of bruises. The most bruises occurred in the last 24 hours of transport. Educational measures will be necessary to reduce the problems of pre-slaughter management.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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We present grain-size distributions of the terrigenous fraction of two sediment cores from the southeast Levantine Sea (SL112) and the northern Aegean Sea (SL148), spanning the time interval from the late glacial to the present. End-member modelling of the grain-size distribution allows discriminating between aeolian and fluvial transport of the sediments and helps to infer palaeoenvironmental conditions in the source areas. Sedimentary and depositional processes during the late glacial and Holocene were controlled by climatic variations of both the northern high latitudes and the African climate system. The sedimentation at site SL112 off Israel is dominated by the suspension load of the River Nile and aeolian dust from the Sahara. Variations in grain size reflect the early to mid- Holocene climate transition from the African Humid Period to recent arid conditions. This climate change was gradual, in contrast to the abrupt humidity change documented inWestern Saharan records. This implies a successive decrease in Nile river sediment supply due to a step-wise aridification of the headwaters. The grain-size data of SL112 show a humidity maximum at 5 kyr BP coincident with a regionally-restricted wet phase in the Levantine Sea. The sediments at the North Aegean site SL148 consist of riverine particles and low amounts of aeolian dust, probably derived from South European sources and with probably minor Saharan influence. The sedimentation processes are controlled by climate conditions being characterized by enhanced deposition of dust during the cold and dry glacial period and by decreased aeolian influx during the temperate and humid Holocene.


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Understanding past human-climate-environment interactions is essential for assessing the vulnerability of landscapes and ecosystems to future climate change. This is particularly important in southern Morocco where the current vegetation is impacted by pastoralism, and the region is highly sensitive to climate variability. Here, we present a 2000-year record of vegetation, sedimentation rate, XRF chemical element intensities, and particle size from two decadal-resolved, marine sediment cores, raised from offshore Cape Ghir, southern Morocco. The results show that between 650 and 850 AD the sedimentation rate increased dramatically from 100 cm/1000 years to 300 cm/1000 years, and the Fe/Ca and pollen flux doubled, together indicating higher inputs of terrestrial sediment. Particle size measurements and end-member modelling suggest increased fluvial transport of the sediment. Beginning at 650 AD pollen levels from Cichorioideae species show a sharp rise from 10% to 20%. Pollen from Atemisia and Plantago, also increase from this time. Deciduous oak pollen percentages show a decline, whereas those of evergreen oak barely change. The abrupt increase in terrestrial/fluvial input from 650 to 850 AD occurs, within the age uncertainty, of the arrival of Islam (Islamisation) in Morocco at around 700 AD. Historical evidence suggests Islamisation led to population increase and development of southern Morocco, including expanded pastoralism, deforestation and agriculture. Livestock pressure may have changed the vegetation structure, accounting for the increase in pollen from Cichorioideae, Plantago, and Artemisia, which include many weedy species. Goats in particular may have played a dominant role as agents of erosion, and intense browsing may have led to the decline in deciduous oak; evergreen oak is more likely to survive as it re-sprouts more vigorously after browsing. From 850 AD to present sedimentation rates, Fe/Ca ratios and fluvial discharge remain stable, whereas pollen results suggest continued degradation. Pollen results from the past 150 years suggest expanded cultivation of olives and the native argan tree, and the introduction of Australian eucalyptus trees. The rapidly increasing population in southern Morocco is causing continued pressure to expand pastoralism and agriculture. The history of land degradation presented here suggests that the vegetation in southern Morocco may have been degraded for a longer period than previously thought and may be particularly sensitive to further land use changes. These results should be included in land management strategies for southern Morocco.


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Sediments from the ODP Site 1085A were studied to investigate the impacts of global cooling in the Middle and Late Miocene on the climate in Southwestern Africa. The size composition of the sediment was analysed emphasising the silt fraction. A comparison with the modern grain size distribution and suitable transport processes made it possible to assign specific transport processes to the grain size composition. Three processes are considered for transport of terrigeneous silt: while there was no evidence found for (1) transport by ocean currents, the analyses showed signals of (2) wind transport indicating dry conditions associated with a cool climate and (3) fluvial transport that points to humid and warm conditions. Three climatic phases were defined. The first phase from 13.8 to 11.8 Myr reveals a stable humid climate in Southwest Africa independent of the Antarctic glaciations. During the second phase from 11.8 to 10.4 Myr the regional climate cooled considerably but was not drier. Additionally, the climate during this phase reacted to the Antarctic glaciations. This cooling-trend continued during phase 3 from 10.4 to 9.0 Myr with a significant increase in dust input, pointing to overall drier conditions. However, fluvial transport still remained as the main source.


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Increased temperature and precipitation in Arctic regions have led to deeper thawing and structural instability in permafrost soil. The resulting localized disturbances, referred to as active layer detachments (ALDs), may transport organic matter (OM) to more biogeochemically active zones. To examine this further, solid state cross polarization magic angle spinning 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (CPMAS NMR) and biomarker analysis were used to evaluate potential shifts in riverine sediment OM composition due to nearby ALDs within the Cape Bounty Arctic Watershed Observatory, Nunavut, Canada. In sedimentary OM near ALDs, NMR analysis revealed signals indicative of unaltered plant-derived material, likely derived from permafrost. Long chain acyclic aliphatic lipids, steroids, cutin, suberin and lignin occurred in the sediments, consistent with a dominance of plant-derived compounds, some of which may have originated from permafrost-derived OM released by ALDs. OM degradation proxies for sediments near ALDs revealed less alteration in acyclic aliphatic lipids, while constituents such as steroids, cutin, suberin and lignin were found at a relatively advanced stage of degradation. Phospholipid fatty acid analysis indicated that microbial activity was higher near ALDs than downstream but microbial substrate limitation was prevalent within disturbed regions. Our study suggests that, as these systems recover from disturbance, ALDs likely provide permafrost-derived OM to sedimentary environments. This source of OM, which is enriched in labile OM, may alter biogeochemical patterns and enhance microbial respiration within these ecosystems.


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The areas of marine pollen deposition are related to the pollen source areas by aeolian and fluvial transport regimes, whereas wind transport is much more important than river transport. Pollen distribution patterns of Pinus, Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae, and Asteraceae Tubuliflorae trace atmospheric transport by the northeast trades. Pollen transport by the African Easterly Jet is reflected in the pollen distribution patterns of Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae, Asteraceae Tubuliflorae, and Mitracarpus. Grass pollen distribution registers the latitudinal extension of Sahel, savannas and dry open forests. Marine pollen distribution patterns of Combretaceae-Melastomataceae, Alchornea, and Elaeis reflect the extension of wooded grasslands and transitional forests. Pollen from the Guinean-Congolian/Zambezian forest and from the Sudanian/Guinean vegetation zones mark the northernmost extension of the tropical rain forest. Rhizophora pollen in marine sediments traces the distribution of mangrove swamps. Only near the continent, pollen of Rhizophora, Mitracarpus, Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae, and pollen from the Sudanian and Guinean vegetation zones are transported by the Upwelling Under Current and the Equatorial Under Current, where those currents act as bottom currents. The distribution of pollen in marine sediments, reflecting the position of major climatic zones (desert, dry tropics, humid tropics), can be used in tracing climatic changes in the past.


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A 200 m long marine pollen record from ODP Site 658 (21°N, 19°W) reveals cyclic fluctuations in vegetation and continental climate in northwestern Africa from 3.7 to 1.7 Ma. These cycles parallel oxygen isotope stages. Prior to 3.5 Ma, the distribution of tropical forests and mangrove swamps reached Cape Blanc, 5°N of the present distribution. Between 3.5 and 2.6 Ma, forests occurred at this latitude during irregular intervals and nearly disappeared afterwards. Likewise, a Saharan paleoriver flowed continuously until isotope Stage 134 (3.35 Ma). When river discharge ceased, wind transport of pollen grains prevailed over fluvial transport. Pollen indicators of trade winds gradually increased between 3.3 and 2.5 Ma. A strong aridification of the climate of northwestern Africa occurred during isotope Stage 130 (3.26 Ma). Afterwards, humid conditions reestablised followed by another aridification around 2.7 Ma. Repetitive latitudinal shifts of vegetation zones ranging from wooded savanna to desert flora dominated for the first time between between 2.6 and 2.4 Ma as a response to the glacial stages 104, 100 and 98. Although climatic conditions, recorded in the Pliocene, were not as dry as those of the middle and Late Pleistocene, latitudinal vegetation shifts near the end of the Pliocene resembled those of the interglacial-glacial cycles of the Brunhes chron.


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The distribution patterns of opal and quartz on the ocean floor of the subtropical southeastern Pacific have been defined by analyzing 59 surface-sediment samples. The opal distribution resembles that of primary productivity in the surface waters, except along the Peruvian and northern Chilean coasts, where dilution reduces opal values. The distribution pattern of quartz represents both eolian and fluvial transport. Quartz distribution extends out as a tongue in the same direction and position as the prevailing southeast trade winds. Along the South American coast, high quartz concentrations are found in patches near shore and decrease rapidly seaward.


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Increased temperature and precipitation in Arctic regions have led to deeper thawing and structural instability in permafrost soil. The resulting localized disturbances, referred to as active layer detachments (ALDs), may transport organic matter (OM) to more biogeochemically active zones. To examine this further, solid state cross polarization magic angle spinning 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (CPMAS NMR) and biomarker analysis were used to evaluate potential shifts in riverine sediment OM composition due to nearby ALDs within the Cape Bounty Arctic Watershed Observatory, Nunavut, Canada. In sedimentary OM near ALDs, NMR analysis revealed signals indicative of unaltered plant-derived material, likely derived from permafrost. Long chain acyclic aliphatic lipids, steroids, cutin, suberin and lignin occurred in the sediments, consistent with a dominance of plant-derived compounds, some of which may have originated from permafrost-derived OM released by ALDs. OM degradation proxies for sediments near ALDs revealed less alteration in acyclic aliphatic lipids, while constituents such as steroids, cutin, suberin and lignin were found at a relatively advanced stage of degradation. Phospholipid fatty acid analysis indicated that microbial activity was higher near ALDs than downstream but microbial substrate limitation was prevalent within disturbed regions. Our study suggests that, as these systems recover from disturbance, ALDs likely provide permafrost-derived OM to sedimentary environments. This source of OM, which is enriched in labile OM, may alter biogeochemical patterns and enhance microbial respiration within these ecosystems.