823 resultados para Floods -- Environmental aspects -- Catalonia -- Calonge
Aquest és un projecte per fer un estudi d’inundabilitat de la zona de Calonge i Sant Antoni de Calonge per tal de reduir l’impacte que aquestes inundacions ocasionen. La realització de l’estudi és necessària ja que les inundacions a la zona són periòdiques i els efectes no disminueixen d’un episodi a l’altre, per tant, cal establir mesures correctores i/o minimitzadores per tal d’evitar la perillositat d’aquests efectes. Es tracta d’un projecte de final de Carrera, de 4rt de Ciències Ambientals, que va ser encarregat per l’Ajuntament de Calonge, l’Octubre del 2005 un cop finalitzats els greus episodis d’inundacions que tants de danys van ocasionar al terme municipal
Research on alternative fuel for the vehemently growing number of automotivesis intensified due to environmental reasons rather than turmoil in energy price and supply. From the policy and steps to emphasis the use of biofuel by governments all around the world, this can be comprehended that biofuel have placed itself as a number one substitute for fossil fuels. These phenomena made Southeast Asia a prominent exporter of biodiesel. But thrust in biodiesel production from oilseeds of palm and Jatropha curcas in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand is seriously threatening environmental harmony. This paper focuses on this critical issue of biodiesels environmental impacts, policy, standardization of this region as well as on the emission of biodiesel in automotive uses. To draw a bottom line on feasibilities of different feedstock of biodiesel, a critical analysis on oilseed yield rate, land use, engine emissions and oxidation stability is reviewed. Palm oil based biodiesel is clearly ahead in all these aspects of feasibility, except in the case of NOx where it lags from conventional petro diesel.
Large scale sugarcane bagasse storage in uncovered stockpiles has the potential to result in adverse impacts on the environment and surrounding communities through hazards associated with nuisance dust, groundwater seepage, spontaneous combustion and generation of contaminated leachates. Managing these hazards will assist in improved health and safety outcomes for factory staff and reduced potential environmental impacts on surrounding communities. Removal of the smaller fibres (pith) from bagasse prior to stockpiling reduced the dust number of bagasse by 50% and modelling suggests peak ground level PM10 dust emissions would reduce by 70%. Depithed bagasse has much lower water holding capacity (~43%) than whole bagasse. This experimental and modelling study investigated the physical properties of depithed and whole bagasse. Dust dispersion modelling was undertaken to determine the likely effects associated with storage of whole and depithed sugarcane bagasse.
An underground work (such as a tunnel or a cavern) has many, well known, environmental qualities such as: no physical barriers crossing the land, less maintenance costs than an analogous surface structure, less expenses for heating and conditioning; a localized emission of noise, gas, dust during operation and, finally, a better protection against seismic actions.
It cannot be forgotten, anyway, that some negative environmental features are present such as, for example, : perturbation, pollution and drainage of the groundwater; settlements; disposal of waste rock.
In the paper the above mentioned concepts are discussed and analysed to give a global overview of all this aspects.
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Shipping list no.: 93-0331-P.
Bibliography: p. 19-21.
Pt. 2 has subtitle: Hearings before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundredth Congress, first session, on the status of the Department of Energy's effects to address issues concerning the defense materials production reactors ... October 27 and 29, 1987.
Estudi sobre l'aplicació del pasturatge boví al Parc Natural de Cap de Creus com una possible eina per fer disminuir la biomassa vegetal i així intentar prevenir els incendis forestals i la seva expansió enel territori
Aquest projecte estudia la situació actual dels espais Xarxa Natura 2000 del Solsonès amb l’ objectiu de: proposar futures actuacions en el territori, donar propostes de gestió turística sostenible per així assegurar-ne la protecció i establir una base per a la redacció de les directrius de gestió d’aquests espais. Dels espais XN2000 del Solsonès s’han escollit dos: Les Obagues de la Riera de Madrona i el de la Ribera Salada