980 resultados para Flexible endoscopic treatment
Introduction: Flexible endoscopic treatment is one of the alternative approaches for the management of Zenker's diverticum. The present paper shows our short-term and long-term results with flexible endoscopic cricopharyngeal myotomy/septotomy. Patients and methods: A retrospective analysis of our experience in patients with Zenker's diverticulum treated using a flexible endoscope, assisted by a flexible diverticuloscope, between 2002 and 2015. Myotomy/septotomy was performed with a needle-knife papillotome under deep sedation or general anesthesia. Results: Among the 64 patients treated, two died within 10 days of surgery from causes not directly related to the procedure, and one presented with pharyngo-esophageal perforation, which recovered with conservative management at 47 days after admission. Four additional patients were lost to short-term follow-up. Among the 57 remaining patients, 52 had complete relief of dysphagia after 6 weeks. Eleven of these had recurrent symptoms on the mid and the long term. Eight were retreated with the same flexible endoscopic technique, one with a hybrid endoscopic approach, one with classical open surgery and one refused retreatment. After a mean follow-up of 2 years and a half, 33 of 37 patients reported absent or minimal dysphagia, controllable with punctual dietary restrictions. Conclusions: Flexible endoscopic treatment for Zenker's diverticulum is effective and safe. It represents an option on an equal footing to rigid endoscopy and classical open surgery and may also be used when the latter two are technically impracticable or contraindicated.
Introduction Lower pole kidney stones represent at time a challenge for the urologist. The gold standard treatment for intrarenal stones <2 cm is Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) while for those >2 cm is Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL). The success rate of ESWL, however, decreases when it is employed for lower pole stones, and this is particularly true in the presence of narrow calices or acute infundibular angles. Studies have proved that ureteroscopy (URS) is an efficacious alternative to ESWL for lower pole stones <2 cm, but this is not reflected by either the European or the American guidelines. The aim of this study is to present the results of a large series of flexible ureteroscopies and PCNLs for lower pole kidney stones from high-volume centers, in order to provide more evidences on the potential indications of the flexible ureteroscopy for the treatment of kidney stones. Materials and Methods A database was created and the participating centres retrospectively entered their data relating to the percutaneous and flexible ureteroscopic management of lower pole kidney stones. Patients included were treated between January 2005 and January 2010. Variables analyzed included case load number, preoperative and postoperative imaging, stone burden, anaesthesia (general vs. spinal), type of lithotripter, access location and size, access dilation type, ureteral access sheath use, visual clarity, operative time, stone-free rate, complication rate, hospital stay, analgesic requirement and follow-up time. Stone-free rate was defined as absence of residual fragments or presence of a single fragment <2 mm in size at follow-up imaging. Primary end-point was to test the efficacy and safety of flexible URS for the treatment of lower pole stones; the same descriptive analysis was conducted for the PCNL approach, as considered the gold standard for the treatment of lower pole kidney stones. In this setting, no statistical analysis was conducted owing to the different selection criteria of the patients. Secondary end-point consisted in matching the results of stone-free rates, operative time and complications rate of flexible URS and PCNL in the subgroup of patients harbouring lower pole kidney stones between 1 and 2 cm in the higher diameter. Results A total 246 patients met the criteria for inclusion. There were 117 PCNLs (group 1) and 129 flexible URS (group 2). Ninety-six percent of cases were diagnosed by CT KUB scan. Mean stone burden was 175±160 and 50±62 mm2 for groups 1 and 2, respectively. General anaesthesia was induced in 100 % and 80% of groups 1 and 2, respectively. Pneumo-ultrasonic energy was used in 84% of cases in the PCNL group, and holmium laser in 95% of the cases in the flexible URS group. The mean operative time was 76.9±44 and 63±37 minutes for groups 1 and 2 respectively. There were 12 major complications (11%) in group 1 (mainly Grade II complications according to Clavidien classification) and no major complications in group 2. Mean hospital stay was 5.7 and 2.6 days for groups 1 and 2, respectively. Ninety-five percent of group 1 and 52% of group 2 required analgesia for a period longer than 24 hours. Intraoperative stone-free rate after a single treatment was 88.9% for group 1 and 79.1% for group 2. Overall, 6% of group 1 and 14.7% of group 2 required a second look procedure. At 3 months, stone-free rates were 90.6% and 92.2% for groups 1 and 2, respectively, as documented by follow-up CT KUB (22%) or combination of intra-venous pyelogram, regular KUB and/or kidney ultrasound (78%). In the subanalysis conducted comparing 82 vs 65 patients who underwent PCNL and flexible URS for lower pole stones between 1 and 2 cm, intreoperative stone-free rates were 88% vs 68% (p= 0.03), respectively; anyway, after an auxiliary procedure which was necessary in 6% of the cases in group 1 and 23% in group 2 (p=0.03), stone-free rates at 3 months were not statistically significant (91.5% vs 89.2%; p=0.6). Conversely, the patients undergoing PCNL maintained a higher risk of complications during the procedure, with 9 cases observed in this group versus 0 in the group of patients treated with URS (p=0.01) Conclusions These data highlight the value of flexible URS as a very effective and safe option for the treatment of kidney stones; thanks to the latest generation of flexible devices, this new technical approach seems to be a valid alternative in particular for the treatment of lower pole kidney stones less than 2 cm. In high-volume centres and in the hands of skilled surgeons, this technique can approach the stone-free rates achievable through PCNL in lower pole stones between 1 and 2 cm, with a very low risk of complications. Furthermore, the results confirm the high success rate and relatively low morbidity of modern PCNL for lower pole stones, with no difference detectable between the prone and supine position.
Common bile duct stones can be treated with normal endoscopic techniques. Where stones cannot be removed due to their size or number or due to stenosis of the common bile duct, a plastic stent can be inserted, enabling rapid drainage of bile. At the three-month check-up complete removal of the stones was found in 41 (85.4%) of the 48 patients with difficult choledocholithiasis. In the remaining 7 patients (14.6%), the stent in any case resulted in clinical improvement. A permanent stent was necessary in 4 patients, enabling safe drainage with no complications. The use of endoscopy for stent placement was effective in all our cases of difficult coledocholithiasis without any complications.
BACKGROUND: Endoscopic injection of N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate is the current recommended treatment for gastric variceal bleeding. Despite the extensive worldwide use, there are still differences related to the technique, safety, and long term-results. We retrospectively evaluated the efficacy and safety of cyanoacrylate in patients with gastric variceal bleeding. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between January 1998 and January 2010, 97 patients with gastric variceal bleeding underwent endoscopic treatment with a mixture of N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate and Lipiodol(TM). Ninety-one patients had cirrhosis and 6 had non-cirrhotic portal hypertension. Child-Pugh score at presentation for cirrhotic patients was A-12.1 %; B-53.8 %; C-34.1 % and median MELD score at admission was 13 (3-26). Successful hemostasis, rebleeding rate and complications were reviewed. Median time of follow up was 19 months (0.5-126). RESULTS: A median mixture volume of 1.5 mL (0.6 to 5 mL), in 1 to 8 injections, was used, with immediate hemostasis rate of 95.9 % and early rebleeding rate of 14.4 %. One or more complications occurred in 17.5 % and were associated with the use of Sengstaken-Blakemore tube before cyanoacrylate and very early rebleeding (p < 0.05). Hospital mortality rate during initial bleeding episode was 9.3 %. Very early rebleeding was a strong and independent predictor for in-hospital mortality (p < 0.001). Long-term mortality rate was 58.8 %, in most of the cases secondary to hepatic failure. CONCLUSION: N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate is a rapid, easy and highly effective modality for immediate hemostasis of gastric variceal bleeding with an acceptable rebleeding rate. Patients with very early rebleeding are at higher risk of death.
Résumé: Introduction : L'utilisation de méthodes endoscopiques peu invasives est en constante augmentation pour le traitement des lésions tumorales précoces de l'oesophage. Le but du traitement comprend l'éradication complète de tous les foyers de dysplasie ou de carcinome in situ, notamment dans les métaplasies intestinales de l'oesophage de Barrett, qui peuvent dégénérer en adénocarcinome. Plusieurs techniques d'ablation de la muqueuse oesophagienne (laser, argon plasma, electrocoagulation, photothérapie dynamique, résection endoscopique) ont été utilisées jusqu'à présent, mais aucune n'a vraiment donné entière satisfaction. Les techniques actuelles de résections endoscopiques par fibroscopie sont entre autres limitées par le grand nombre de séances nécessaires à l'éradication complète de la lésion et par la petite taille des fragments de muqueuse obtenus, ce qui rend l'analyse histologique difficile. Dans notre étude animale, nous avons évalué la faisabilité, l'efficacité et la sécurité d'une méthode de résection endoscopique à l'aide d'un nouvel oesophagoscope rigide. Matériel et méthode : Le résectoscope est formé d'un oesophagoscope rigide avec une fenêtre distale transparente à travers laquelle la muqueuse et une partie de la sous-muqueuse sont aspirées et ensuite réséquées avec une anse thermique. Les diverses fenêtres utilisées ont une taille comprise entre 2.2 et 4.4 cm. Le mouton a été choisi en raison de la ressemblance de son oesophage avec celui de l'humain en ce qui concerne l'épaisseur de son oesophage et sa structure histologique. Nous avons effectué 55 résections hémi-circonférentielles sur 21 animaux et 11 résections circonférentielles sur 11 autres. La Mitomycine-C, une substance qui inhibe la prolifération fibroblastique, a été utilisée dans 8 résections circonférentielles à différents intervalles de temps afin d'empêcher la survenue de sténoses oesophagiennes. Résultats : Toutes les résections hémi-circonférentielles ont permis d'obtenir des fragments compacts de tissu avec des bords nets, ce qui permet une excellente étude histologique. La surface du tissu prélevé était en corrélation avec la taille de la fenêtre du resectoscope. Nous avons ainsi pu obtenir des fragments avec des dimensions comprises entre 6 et 12 cm2. Pour les résections circonférentielles, les tissus étaient obtenus en 2 parties, en inversant de 180° la position de l'appareil. La profondeur de la résection a été optimale dans 58 cas sur 65 avec une découpe précise au niveau de la sous-muqueuse sans lésion de la couche musculaire sous- jacente. Il n'y a pas eu de complications après les résections hémi-circonférentielles. Les complications engendrées par les résections circonférentielles (sténose, perforation) n'ont plus été rencontrées après application locale de Mitomycine-C administrée à des intervalles de temps bien précis. Conclusion : Notre méthode de résection endoscopique de la muqueuse oesophagienne offre une nouvelle approche très prometteuse par rapport aux options déjà disponibles. Elle apparaît supérieure en ce qui concerne la taille de tissu prélevé, la précision et régularité de la profondeur de résection, ainsi que la facilité et sûreté du diagnostic histologique et des marges de sécurité. Les résections hémi-circonférentielles se sont révélées sûres chez le modèle animal. Cette nouvelle technique mérite de plus amples investigations pour les résections circonférentielles avant son utilisation chez l'humain. Abstract: Background and Study Aims: We undertook this retrospective study to evaluate the frequency and prognosis of endoscopic treatment of laterally spreading tumors (LSTs) in the rectum. The recurrence rate for lesions of the lower rectum was compared with that of the upper rectum. Patients and Methods: During the period from July 1989 to June 2002, a total of 1237 rectal tumors were detected. LSTs accounted for 6.9% (85/1237) of all rectal tumors. A total of 224 tumors of the lower rectum were detected among the 1237 rectal tumors. LSTs accounted for 16.1 % (36/224) of all the lower rectal tumors. From 85 LST lesions, 67 were evaluated for their prognosis after endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR). Patients whose LSTs had been resected were followed up by endoscopy at the following frequencies: once 15 (22.4%); twice (more than 1 year), 20 (29.9%); three times (more than 3 years), 21(31.3%); and four times or more (more than 5 years), 11 (16.4%). Results: A total of 67 patients with endoscopically treated LSTs were followed up by endoscopy. We observed recurrences in two lesions of the upper rectum (2/38, 5.3%) and five lesions of the lower rectum (5/29, 17.2%) (P = 0.2364); all seven lesions were resected piecemeal. LSTs whose horizontal margin reached the pectinate line frequently recurred in the lower rectum, at a rate of 80% (4/5). However, all patients were completely cured by additional endoscopic resections, the greatest number of treatments being four. Conclusion: For early detection of recurrence and successful endoscopic cure, further colonoscopic examination within a few months after the first treatment is necessary.
BACKGROUND AND AIM: The effects of portal hypertension in the small bowel are largely unknown. The aim of the study was to prospectively assess portal hypertension manifestations in the small bowel. METHODS: We compared, by performing enteroscopy with capsule endoscopy, the endoscopic findings of 36 patients with portal hypertension, 25 cirrhotic and 11 non-cirrhotic, with 30 controls. RESULTS: Varices, defined as distended, tortuous, or saccular veins, and areas of mucosa with a reticulate pattern were significantly more frequent in patients with PTH. These two findings were detected in 26 of the 66 patients (39%), 25 from the group with PTH (69%) and one from the control group (3%) (P < 0.0001). Among the 25 patients with PTH exhibiting these patterns, 17 were cirrhotic and 8 were non-cirrhotic (P = 0.551). The presence of these endoscopic changes was not related to age, gender, presence of cirrhosis, esophageal or gastric varices, portal hypertensive gastropathy, portal hypertensive colopathy, prior esophageal endoscopic treatment, current administration of beta-blockers, or Child-Pugh Class C. More patients with these endoscopic patterns had a previous history of acute digestive bleeding (72% vs. 36%) (P = 0.05). Active bleeding was found in two patients (5.5%). CONCLUSIONS: The presence of varices or areas of mucosa with a reticulate pattern are manifestations of portal hypertension in the small bowel, found in both cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic patients. The clinical implications of these findings, as regards digestive bleeding, are uncertain, although we documented acute bleeding from the small bowel in two patients (5.5%).
Atualmente, o material utilizado para o tratamento endoscópico é o Deflux, porém este é um material não-biológico. Sabe-se que a substância ideal deve ser atóxica, biocompatível, não-migratória, não-antigênica e deve causar o mínimo possível de inflamação no local do implante. A bactéria Zoogloea sp. produz um exopolissacarídeo celulósico (CEP) com baixa citotoxicidade e alto biocompatibilidade. O objetivo deste estudo é investigar, na bexiga de coelho, a biocompatibilidade de implantes de exopolissacarídeo de celulose, produzidos pela Zooglea sp. Foram utilizados como modelo experimental, 20 coelhos adultos da raça Califórnia, com média de seis meses de idade. Os animais foram divididos em dois grupos, sendo o grupo G1, composto por animais mortos três dias após a aplicação do implante (n=9), e o grupo G2, composto por animais mortos três meses após a aplicação do implante (n=11). Cada animal recebeu, no total, quatro implantes, sendo dois de gel de biopolímero e dois de gel Deflux. Foram realizadas as técnicas imunohistoquímicas para marcação de colágeno tipos I e III, alfa-actina de músculo liso, PCNA e reação química TUNEL. Nas amostras de três dias, os implantes de CEP e deflux, eram estruturalmente homogêneos e livres de células inflamatórias ou vasos sanguíneos. Por outro lado, nas amostras de três meses, com exceção de algumas áreas, o CEP estava organizado como feixes curtos que eram sugestivos de um tecido fibroso. Apesar disso, o implante de CEP corou negativamente para colágenos tipos I e III, fibras elásticas, enquanto que o tricrômico de masson, não indicou a presença de colágeno. Em contraste as áreas de implante de deflux nas amostras de três meses estavam fragmentadas, mas ainda eram homogêneas, e ainda não havia nenhuma célula nem vaso sanguíneo em seu interior. As células positivas para PCNA podiam ser claramente percebidas dentro dessas ilhotas, dessa forma indicando um processo inflamatórioproliferativo, em curso. No grupo sacrificado aos três meses, os implantes de deflux ainda estavam negativos, mas em torno das áreas de CEP algumas células positivas para a técnica do TUNEL eram perceptíveis. Nos implantes de CEP de três meses, muitos vasos sanguíneos eram visualizados, e a sua densidade era de 23.865.48. A densidade de microvasos na lâmina própria (41.5111.19) foi significativamente diferente (p<0.001) daquela no implante de CEP. Nossos resultados mostraram que o CEP possui pouca imunogenicidade e se integra melhor no tecido hospedeiro quando comparado ao deflux. Portanto o CEP deve ser um material eficiente em casos em que a incorporação ao tecido é desejada como por exemplo em estruturas de suporte na cirurgia de reconstrução
O mucocelo é uma lesão quística, benigna, expansiva dos seios perinasais. A sobreinfecção deste, designada de mucopiocelo, pode levar a um período de crescimento rápido, com maior risco de complicações. Relata-se o caso clínico de uma doente do sexo feminino, 59 anos, que recorreu ao Serviço de Urgência após crise inaugural de convulsão tónico-clónica generalizada, com queixas de aumento de volume periorbitário direito e febre desde há 1 semana. Apresentava à direita celulite orbitária e proptose ínfero-externa, com área de flutuação na parte medial da pálpebra superior, oftalmoplegia e quemose do olho direito acompanhada de rinorreia mucopurulenta. Realizou TC que demonstrou volumoso abcesso subperiosteal direito, ao nível da parede medial da órbita, tendo como ponto de partida aparente as células etmoidais anteriores homolaterais e seio frontal direito. Colocou-se a hipótese de mucopiocelo fronto-etmoidal. Foi submetida a drenagem de urgência do abcesso e a cirurgia endoscópica nasal com marsupialização da lesão fronto-etmoidal. Verificou-se resolução completa do quadro clínico. Apesar de consideradas lesões benignas, os mucocelos, apresentam potencial destrutivo, principalmente se infectados, necessitando, por vezes, de intervenção cirúrgica de urgência. A abordagem endoscópica destas lesões reafirma-se como tratamento de eleição.
La prevalencia de coledocolitiasis es de un 10 a 20%. 10-20% tienen coledocolitiasis gigante, es decir presencia de cálculos mayores de 15 mm, aumentando la morbimortalidad por complicaciones. El objetivo principal fue determinar la frecuencia de coledocolitiasis gigante, la presencia de factores predictores del éxito o fracaso del manejo endoscópico. El éxito en el manejo endoscópico está entre 80 y 90%, un 20% requieren cirugía de exploración biliar. Se realizó la búsqueda de las variables utilizando el instrumento para la recolección de la información. Se realizó un análisis univariado y bivariado de las variables medidas y se utilizo STATA versión 10. Como principal resultado, se encontró que la frecuencia de coledocolitiasis gigante en nuestra población fue del 10%, el éxito del manejo endoscopio fue del 89.23% y el factor predictor mas fuerte para el éxito fue el diámetro del cálculo, siendo mayor para cálculos de menos de 19.09 mm. Como conclusión, en nuestro estudio, la frecuencia de coledocolitiasis gigante es cercana a la conocida en la literatura mundial. El manejo endoscópico en nuestro estudio es el pilar en estos casos, teniendo probabilidad de éxito en el manejo que es igual a la publicada en los estudios mundiales, que existe la probabilidad que el tamaño del cálculo mayor a 19 mm de diámetro indique mayor tasa de fracaso y requerimiento de técnicas endoscópicas avanzadas para su éxito. Se requieren estudios, con mayor número de pacientes para determinar la validez estadística de estos resultados.
La hemorragia de vías digestivas altas (HVDA) es una emergencia frecuente. La etiología más común es la úlcera péptica. La restauración del volumen intravascular y la presión arterial son la prioridad del manejo. La endoscopia (EGD) debe realizarse luego de la reanimación inicial y lograda la estabilización hemodinámica, tratar la lesión subyacente mediante hemostasia. Se realiza un estudio en un hospital de referencia de tercer nivel, Cundinamarca, Colombia Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, datos obtenidos de la historia clínica electrónica de pacientes adultos que consultaron por urgencias en el Hospital Universitario de la Samaritana (HUS) por HVDA, diagnosticada por hematemesis, melenas, hematoquezia y/o anemia; a quienes se les realizó EGD durante abril del 2010 - abril del 2011. Resultados: Se atendieron 385 pacientes en el período de estudio, 100 fueron excluidos debido a hemorragia secundaria a várices esofágicas, historia incompleta y hemorragia digestiva baja, para un total de 285 pacientes analizados. El 69.1% eran mayores de 60 años. El 73.3% presentaba hipertensión arterial, el 55.1% reportaba ingesta de Anti-inflamatorios no esteroideos (AINES) y Aspirina (ASA). El 19.6% reportaba episodios de sangrado previos y 17.9% presentó inestabilidad hemodinámica. Sesenta y tres pacientes (22,1%) requirieron hemostasia endoscópica, treinta y dos (11.2%) presentaron resangrado. La mortalidad reportada fue del 13.1%, del cual 55.3% correspondía a hombres. Discusión: La mayoría de la población atendida en el HUS por HVDA son adultos mayores de 60 años. La úlcera péptica, continúa siendo el diagnóstico más frecuente asociado al uso de AINES y ASA.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a evolução pós-operatória de pacientes com divertículo faringoesofagiano submetidos aos tratamentos cirúrgico e endoscópico. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados de maneira retrospectiva 36 pacientes com divertículo faringo-esofagiano atendidos no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu - UNESP. Os pacientes foram distribuídos em dois grupos, na dependência do tratamento: grupo 1 (n=24) - diverticulectomia associada á miotomia do cricofaríngeo, através de cervicotomia esquerda; grupo 2 (n=12) - diverticulostomia endoscópica usando grampeador linear. RESULTADOS: A mortalidade operatória foi nula em ambos os grupos. Complicações precoces: grupo 1 - dois pacientes desenvolveram fistula cervical e outros dois, rouquidão; grupo 2 - sem complicações. Complicações tardias: grupo 1 - sem complicações: grupo 2: recidiva da disfagia em quatro pacientes (p=0,01). O seguimento médio foi 33 meses para o grupo 1 e 28 meses para o grupo 2. CONCLUSÃO: Os dois procedimentos foram eficazes na remissão da disfagia. O tratamento cirúrgico apresentou superioridade em relação ao endoscópico, com resolução da disfagia com um único procedimento. O tratamento endoscópico deve ser reservado para os mais idosos e portadores de comorbidades.
Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a cognitive disturbance characterized by neuropsychiatric alterations. It occurs in acute and chronic hepatic disease and also in patients with portosystemic shunts. The presence of these portosystemic shunts allows the passage of nitrogenous substances from the intestines through systemic veins without liver depuration. Therefore, the embolization of these shunts has been performed to control HE manifestations, but the presence of portal vein thrombosis is considered a contraindication. In this presentation we show a cirrhotic patient with severe HE and portal vein thrombosis who was submitted to embolization of a large portosystemic shunt. Case report: a 57 years-old cirrhotic patient who had been hospitalized many times for persistent HE and hepatic coma, even without precipitant factors. She had a wide portosystemic shunt and also portal vein thrombosis. The abdominal angiography confirmed the splenorenal shunt and showed other shunts. The larger shunt was embolized through placement of microcoils, and the patient had no recurrence of overt HE. There was a little increase of esophageal and gastric varices, but no endoscopic treatment was needed. Since portosystemic shunts are frequent causes of recurrent HE in cirrhotic patients, portal vein thrombosis should be considered a relative contraindication to perform a shunt embolization. However, in particular cases with many shunts and severe HE, we found that one of these shunts can be safely embolized and this procedure can be sufficient to obtain a good HE recovery. In conclusion, we reported a case of persistent HE due to a wide portosystemic shunt associated with portal vein thrombosis. As the patient had other shunts, she was successfully treated by embolization of the larger shunt. (C) 2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.