994 resultados para Figure féminine
Edgar Degas, observateur réputé de la vie parisienne du XIXe siècle, réserve tout au long de sa carrière un traitement particulier à la figure féminine. Dès les premières tentatives de tableaux d’histoire et les portraits des débuts, dont un grand nombre concerne des couples et des membres de sa famille, Degas introduit une forme de tension dans les rapports entre les hommes et les femmes. Cette tension se manifeste à la fois dans la structure des œuvres et dans le registre expressif des figures représentées. Elle perdure dans les tableaux de genre qui marquent un intérêt accru de Degas pour les scènes de la vie contemporaine. Ces dernières suggèrent une trame narrative encore aujourd’hui difficile à déchiffrer mais où continue de se manifester une forme d’opposition entre les pôles masculin et féminin de l’image. Ce sont surtout les œuvres représentant des femmes au travail ou à leur toilette, réalisées dans la période de la maturité de l’artiste, qui manifestent cette tension à son maximum et lui confèrent un supplément de résonnance personnelle et sociale. Un pivotement du dispositif figuratif maintient le pôle féminin dans l’espace de représentation alors que le pôle masculin se situe désormais du côté du spectateur. Ces figures de femmes dont la gestuelle, le positionnement dans l’espace et le mode d’adresse suggèrent qu’elles font l’objet d’une effraction du regard qui s’énonce au masculin, résistent par plusieurs aspects au scénario érotique voyeuriste qui se développe à l’époque dans beaucoup de tableaux académiques et dans les illustrations populaires.
De légendaires, les grandes figures féminines des mythes anciens sont devenues, au fil du XIXe siècle, emblématiques. Le mouvement s’amplifie vers la fin du siècle et l’imaginaire « féminin » se nourrit alors d’un discours social qui contribue à construire la féminité en termes de menace et de dépravation. Les figures mythiques prêteront leurs traits à celle de la femme fatale, devenue le symbole de la dégénérescence de la société française. Engrangeant dans son corps représenté tous les vices du siècle, la figure féminine nous est apparue éminemment révélatrice quant à la compréhension d’une époque. Or, la figure de la femme fatale s’avère fondamentalement ambivalente et Lilith, pouvant à la fois incarner l’amour et la destruction, affiche ce double visage de la féminité. Nous démontrons qu’il existe une relation étroite entre la profonde ambivalence du mythe de Lilith et les représentations de la femme fatale et pour ce faire, procédons à une analyse comparative de l’œuvre de Rachilde et Octave Mirbeau qui, dans La Jongleuse et Le Jardin des supplices, réécrivent le mythe de Lilith. De la comparaison des deux Lilith, ressortent deux représentations extrêmement contrastées de la femme fatale : alors que Rachilde dresse toute droite son héroïne dans son désir ascensionnel, Mirbeau construit une Clara toute en mollesse et assoiffée de chair. Par l’analyse des rapports qui s’articulent entre deux écritures, nous démontrons que la dualité inhérente au mythe de Lilith répond à l’instabilité d’une société aux prises avec de multiples angoisses en matière d’identité sexuelle. Cette comparaison nous amène aussi à nous interroger quant aux traces d’une certaine sexuation dans la voix littéraire.
Ce mémoire est consacré à la construction des personnages féminins juifs dans trois romans modernes et contemporains de la littérature québécoise de langue française. Il se penche sur les romans L’avalée des avalés (1967) de Réjean Ducharme, La Québécoite (1983) de Régine Robin et Hadassa (2006) de Myriam Beaudoin. Les fonctions, les valeurs et les discours entourant la présence des figures féminines juives sont analysés par le biais des dialogues entre les lieux et l’espace de manière à cerner les marqueurs identitaires, culturels, sociaux, linguistiques et religieux. Nous avons cherché à inscrire ce mémoire dans le prolongement du chapitre portant sur la figure féminine juive de l’ouvrage pionnier Mythes et images du Juif au Québec (1977) de Victor Teboul. Teboul considère la figure féminine juive comme un personnage principalement secondaire et sexuel. Cette analyse, très ancrée dans les discours sociaux de la période de publication, mérite d’être revisitée avec un corpus plus élargi et plus contemporain. Pour ce faire, nous avons cerné les principaux vecteurs identitaires féminins juifs en analysant les discours entourant leur présence, les dialogues entre identité, culture, Histoire et société et les dynamiques entre espaces et lieux. Nous avons constaté que, en plus de sortir des stéréotypes, l’identité des figures féminines juives des trois romans est modelée en fonction de son rapport aux lieux et à l’espace. D’une judéité littéraire foncièrement iconoclaste, en passant par une judéité culturelle et mémorielle jusqu’à une judéité qui se veut le plus réaliste, les trois romans du corpus diffèrent largement par leur rapport à la judéité.
La création cinématographique de l’étudiant qui accompagne ce mémoire sous la forme d’un DVD est disponible à la Médiathèque de la Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines sous le titre : She is Lars.(http://atrium.umontreal.ca/notice/UM-ALEPH002343877)
Esta dissertação analisa a presença da moralidade no conto "Cinco Mulheres", de Machado de Assis, publicado no Jornal das Famílias em agosto e setembro de 1865, para tanto considera a perspicácia do narrador na composição da personagem feminina e na construção do enredo. Objetivou-se ressaltar como Marcelina, Antônia, Carolina, Carlota e Hortência, mesmo delineadas para figurar em um jornal moralizante, revelam muito sutilmente a ruptura com a submissão que se esperava da mulher da época. Para isso, foram observados, no periódico, as seções, os expedientes, os editorias, as ilustrações, a fim de perceber cintilações da representação de subordinação alegórica da mulher do século XIX. A escassez de textos críticos sobre os primeiros escritos do autor revela o desinteresse com que essas obras têm sido tratadas e a leitura do conto em tela é uma maneira de resistir à compreensão de que somente os textos depois da década de 80 merecem complexidade, o que também é objetivo deste estudo. Com isso, o levantamento da fortuna crítica dos textos iniciais de Machado, em especial os direcionados aos seus contos, oportuniza discutir sobre a composição da figura feminina e como ela era apresentada à leitora do jornal casamenteiro. Ao invés de apresentar o casamento como sustentáculo da sociedade, o "Bruxo do Cosme Velho" apresenta as incongruências possíveis de ocorrer nos matrimônios: enlaces sem amor, infelicidade do casal, traição do marido e da esposa, o que possibilita à leitora da época refletir sobre sua condição subalterna diante da sociedade patriarcal e do cerceamento vivido.
This paper introduces a novel technique to directly optimise the Figure of Merit (FOM) for phonetic spoken term detection. The FOM is a popular measure of sTD accuracy, making it an ideal candiate for use as an objective function. A simple linear model is introduced to transform the phone log-posterior probabilities output by a phe classifier to produce enhanced log-posterior features that are more suitable for the STD task. Direct optimisation of the FOM is then performed by training the parameters of this model using a non-linear gradient descent algorithm. Substantial FOM improvements of 11% relative are achieved on held-out evaluation data, demonstrating the generalisability of the approach.
This work proposes to improve spoken term detection (STD) accuracy by optimising the Figure of Merit (FOM). In this article, the index takes the form of phonetic posterior-feature matrix. Accuracy is improved by formulating STD as a discriminative training problem and directly optimising the FOM, through its use as an objective function to train a transformation of the index. The outcome of indexing is then a matrix of enhanced posterior-features that are directly tailored for the STD task. The technique is shown to improve the FOM by up to 13% on held-out data. Additional analysis explores the effect of the technique on phone recognition accuracy, examines the actual values of the learned transform, and demonstrates that using an extended training data set results in further improvement in the FOM.
The last fifty years have witnessed the growing pervasiveness of the figure of the map in critical, theoretical, and fictional discourse. References to mapping and cartography are endemic in poststructuralist theory, and, similarly, geographically and culturally diverse authors of twentieth-century fiction seem fixated upon mapping. While the map metaphor has been employed for centuries to highlight issues of textual representation and epistemology, the map metaphor itself has undergone a transformation in the postmodern era. This metamorphosis draws together poststructuralist conceptualizations of epistemology, textuality, cartography, and metaphor, and signals a shift away from modernist preoccupations with temporality and objectivity to a postmodern pragmatics of spatiality and subjectivity. Cartographic Strategies of Postmodernity charts this metamorphosis of cartographic metaphor, and argues that the ongoing reworking of the map metaphor renders it a formative and performative metaphor of postmodernity.
Critically responding to Heimo Zobernig's painted green carpet, a semi-permanent architectural intervention realised in the immediate aftermath of my survey show, I painted the windows of the predominantly glazed space red to effectively create a two-colour painting that envelops the viewer and adds a new dimension to the painterly tradition of hinterglasmalerei. The work created an immersive environment for viewers that aimed to promote an affectual experience through the intense saturation of the complimentary contrasts red and green.
The visual systems of humans and animals represent physical reality in a modified way, depending on the specific demands that the species in question has for survival. The ability to perceive visual illusions is found in independently evolved visual systems, from honeybees to humans. In humans, the ability emerges early, at the age of four months. Thus the perception of illusion is likely to reflect visual processes of fundamental importance for object perception in natural vision. The experiments reported in this thesis employed various modifications of the Kanizsa triangle, a drawn configuration composed of three black disks with missing sectors on a white background. The sectors appear to form the tips of a triangle. The visual system completes the physically empty area between the disks, generally called inducers, with giving the perception of an illusory triangle. The illusory triangle consists of an illusory surface bounded by illusory contours; the triangle appears brighter than and to lie above the background. If the sectors are coloured, the colour fills the illusory area, a phenomenon known as neon colour spreading . We investigated spatial limitations on the perception of Kanizsa-type illusions and how other stimuli and viewing parameters affected these limitations. We also studied complex configurations thick, bent, mobile and chromatic inducers - to determine whether illusions combining several attributes can be perceived. The results suggest that the visual system is highly effective in completing a percept. The perception of an illusory figure is spatially scale invariant when perceived at threshold. The processing time and the number of fixations modify the percept, making the perception of the illusion more probable in various viewing conditions. Furthermore, the fact that the illusion can be perceived when only one inducer is physically present at any given moment indicates the potential of single inducers. Apparently, modelling illusory figure perception will require a combination of low-level, local processes and higher-level integrative processes. Our studies with stimuli combining several attributes relevant to object perception demonstrate that the perception of an illusory figure is flexible and is maintained also when it contains colour and volume and when shown in movement. All in all, the results confirm the assumed importance of the visual processes related with the perception of illusory figures in everyday viewing. This is indicated by the variety of inducer modifications that can be made without destroying the percept. Furthermore, the illusion can acquire additional attributes from such modifications. Due to individual differences in the perception of illusory figures, universal values for absolute performance are not always meaningful, but stable trends and general relations do exist.
The performance of a two-phase heat transport device such as the loop heat pipe is influenced by the evaporative heat transfer coefficient in the evaporator. From previous experiments with loop heat pipes, it has been observed that fluids with a high heat pipe figure of merit have a high heat transfer coefficient. Considering an evaporating extended thin film, this paper theoretically corroborates this experimental observation by deriving a direct link between the evaporative heat flux at the interface and the fluid figures of merit (namely interline heat flow parameter and heat pipe figure of merit) in the thin film. Numerical experiments with different working fluids clearly show that a fluid with high figure of merit also has a high cumulative heat transfer in the microregion encompassing the evaporating thin film. Thus, a loop heat pipe or heat pipe that uses a working fluid with a high interline heat flow parameter and heat pipe figure of merit will lead to a high evaporative heat transfer coefficient.
The investigation of the effect of micro impurity on crystal growth by optical microscopy has been validated. The results showed that the growth rate of a lysozyme crystal was affected even if the concentration of impurity of fluorescent-labeled lysozyme (abbreviation, F-lysozyme) was very small. Different concentrations of F-lysozyme had different effects on crystal growth rate. The growth rate decreased much more as F-lysozyme concentration increased. The density of incorporated F-lysozyme on different grown layers of a lysozyme crystal during crystal growth was obtained from the results of flat-bottomed etch pits density. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The dynamics of the fecundity of roach, with emphasis on Rutilus rutilus (L.), were studied in waters in the European parts of the USSR. This translation provides conclusions, and figures and table captions only.