1000 resultados para Ferrovias - Marilia (SP)


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The population redistribution processes considered at a micro level, such as that for the Upper-Paulista Railroad micro-region (Marilia) in Brazil, shows that for nearly 50 years there was accelerated demographic growth followed immediately afterwards by varied declines involving the rural and urban populations.-from English summary


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O crescimento desordenado, a precariedade, a obsolência dos espaços e o desrespeito às preexistência construídas e não construídasrevelam áreas humanas deterioradas, vazias e abandonadas, espaços residuais sem destinação e a desvalorização de áreas centrais consolidadas, acarretando uma generalização de ordem moral, em que os espaços públicospassam a ser lidos como Terra de ninguém. Uma questão difícil para ser enfrentada pelas novas gerações, que estão sendo educadas diante da proliferação dos espaços privatizados e autonomizados. Mas, sobretudo, perante uma falta de reconhecimentodo espaço públicocomo um espaço necessário de convíveo e das trocas humanas, como ummeio o Estado de violência, medo e insegurança nas nossas cidades...


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In this work, an analysis of scientific bibliographic productivity was made using the Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciencias, Universidade Estadual Paulista (FFC-UNESP) as example. It is composed by nine departments which offer altogether nine undergraduate courses: 1) Archival, 2) Library, 3) Speech Therapy, 4) Pedagogy, 5) International Relations, 6) Physiotherapy, 7) Occupational Therapy, 8) Philosophy, 9) Social Sciences and six graduate programs leading to M. S. and Ph.D. degrees. Moreover, when analyzing the different courses of FFC-UNESP, they represent typical academic organization in Brazil and Latin America and could be taken as a model for analyzing other Brazilian research institutions. Using data retrieved from the Lattes Plataform database (Curriculum Lattes) we have quantitatively the scientific productivity percentage of professors at UNESP. We observed that bibliometric evaluations using the Curriculum Lattes (CL) showed that the professors published papers in journal are not indexed by ISI and SCOPUS. This analysis was made using: 1) the total number of papers (indexed in Curriculum Lattes database), 2) the number of papers indexed by Thomson ISI Web of Science database and SCOPUS database, and 3) the Hirsch (h-index) by ISI and SCOPUS. Bibliometric evaluations of departments showed a better performance of Political Science and Economics Department when compared to others departments, in relation total number of papers (indexed in Curriculum Lattes database). We also analyzed the academic advisory (Master's Thesis and Ph. D. Thesis) by nine departments of FFC/UNESP. The Administration and School Supervision Department presented a higher academic advisory (concluded and current) when compared to the others departments.


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O Trabalho ressalta a importância da cooperação como instrumento fundamental para a competitividade, não só das indústrias de alimentos de amendoim, como de todo o agribusiness regional do produto, pois apesar de haver boas oportunidades para o crescimento do consumo destes alimentos no Brasil e da exportação, sem a cooperação o setor não conseguiria equacionar seus problemas e vislumbrar alternativas de expansão


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The study aimed to evaluate energy indicators of a new production system of yellow passion fruit in Marilia-SP. Analyzed the inputs of the biological energy, fossil and industrial and output energy in the form of fruits produced per unit area as well as five energy indicators. The input energy amounted 155,810.13MJ ha(-1). Chemical fertilizers and pesticides accounted for 71% and 24% of indirect energy industry, respectively. The activity generated per cycle / ha, 587.700.00MJ, and cultural productivity 0.19MJ kg(-1). The efficiency culture was 3.77. The cultural energy net totaled 431,889.87MJ ha(-1). The energy efficiency (4.17) and energy balance (550,312.91MJ ha(-1)) was favorable. It was concluded that the direct energy consumption from fossil fuels, even though significant, yet permits the production of the fruit of an environmentally sustainable manner. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides were the most representative of indirect energy industry due to the intensification of fertilization as a means of disease prevention.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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OBJECTIVE: to describe elderly mortality from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and neoplasms in Marilia (SP). METHODS: this is a descriptive study of mortality from three diseases as defined by the 10th International Classification of Diseases, between 1998-2000 and 2005-2007. Mortality Information System records were used. Mortality rates by age and sex were calculated. RESULTS: circulatory diseases were the main causes of death among the elderly (39.25%). Neoplasm decline was noticed in both sexes and in those aged 60-69, particularly prostate cancer in men (-83.86%) and breast cancer (-70.96%) in this age group. Deaths from respiratory diseases increased in patients aged 80 and older: 39.31% in men and 57.92% in women. CONCLUSION: mortality from circulatory diseases and neoplasms among the elderly showed a decline, with increased mortality from respiratory system problems in patients 80 years of age and older.