988 resultados para Fernando Guedes
O planejamento regional de agroecossistemas é um componente fundamental para a sustentabilidade da atividade agrícola, devendo considerar a realidade biofísica e socioeconômica. A agropecuária cumpre importante papel na região de São Carlos, SP, porém esta localiza-se em grande parte numa área de preservação ambiental. Este trabalho visou delimitar a Zona Agroecológica dessa região e diagnosticar seus agroecossistemas por meio de informações edafoclimáticas e socioeconômicas. A delimitação foi baseada no clima, geomorfologia e divisão administrativa. Da área delimitada estudou-se o clima, pedologia, uso da terra, estrutura fundiária e o manejo dos agroecossistemas. A Zona delimitada ocupa 286.824,08 ha, e é composta pelos municípios de Analândia, Itirapina, Santa Maria da Serra, São Carlos, São Pedro e Torrinha. Há potencial para a atividade agrícola, ocorrendo principalmente solos arenosos e de baixa fertilidade. Pastagens e cana-de-açúcar são os usos predominantes; a distribuição da posse da terra é desigual, e existe risco de degradação ambiental, pois não se empregam práticas compatíveis com as características naturais. Recomenda-se o uso de práticas que maximizem a conservação do solo, sua correção, e o aproveitamento de seus nutrientes, assim como o cultivo de espécies adaptadas a solos arenosos, que sejam pouco exigentes em fertilidade e resistentes a estresse hídrico.
Agroforestry systems are indicated as an alternative for sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) cultivation in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, however there are not many field experiments on plant performance under these conditions in the world. The objective of this work was to assess crop yield and partitioning in a sugarcane-rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) interface in on-farm conditions. The availability of irradiance for the crop along the interface was simulated and its effe ct over sugarcane dry matter production was tested. Crop yield was negatively affected by distance of the trees, but development and sucrose were not affected. Above ground dry matter increased from 16.6 to 51.5 t ha-1 from trees. Partitioning did not have a defined standard, as harvest index increased from 0.85 to 0.93, but specific leaf area was not significant along the transect, ranging from 13.48 to 15.73 m² kg-1. Light is the main factor of competition between the trees and the crop, but the relative importance of below ground interactions increases closer to the trees. Feasibility of the system depends on maturity of the trees and management strategies.
A pesquisa propõe a construção de um modelo de gestão pelas competências em uma organização não-governamental a partir da metodologia de pesquisa-ação e de uma abordagem baseada na gestão social. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2005, no Instituto Bola Pra Frente, e está ancorada em um modelo de gestão participativa, contemplando uma reflexão crítica a respeito dos modelos de gestão adotados no terceiro setor, especialmente nas ONGs. Busca-se apresentar uma antítese para os conceitos de gestão estratégica adotados no segundo setor, que possuem uma base utilitarista e não contemplam o mundo intersubjetivo e as experiências e vivências anteriores das pessoas que atuam nas organizações deste setor. Para contextualizar a formação do terceiro setor e das ONGs, o referencial prático é precedido de uma breve retrospectiva histórica a respeito da atuação do Estado na promoção da cidadania e das principais características do terceiro setor e das ONGs.
This work is the result of a study that aimed to start scoring difficulties that the math teacher is trying to get a historical formation. Considering that the textbook is the material with which the teacher has more contact, start with reading historical texts present in these books. Choose a theme and choose from that we observed limitations ranging from the search for sources of research in relation to the actual historical content. There are many studies that show the importance of the history of mathematics in teacher education and also in the teaching and learning of mathematics. These works , in particular the work of Feliciano (2008 ) entitled : " The use of history of mathematics in the classroom " , along with the information , experiences and opinions given by Professor Anderson Luís de Azevedo Paulo , in some meetings , point to need for materials for teaching , since they show that recognizes the importance of this knowledge and the ability to use it in the classroom , but several factors have pushed aside , even the texts present in textbooks. From the analysis of some of the work and contributions of Professor Anderson Paulo we pointed out some of the factors that make historical texts being ignored by teachers and among them are characteristics in appearance and content in the text. To assist in the preparation of materials that meet the expectations of the teacher, we present a manual with suggestions and / or features to choose or produce a good text. These suggestions can make the history books more enjoyable and thus approach the teacher of historical knowledge and later encouraged to seek, in fact, a historical formation
This paper presents some reflections on the use of narrative analysis as a possible approach to study the History of (Mathematics) Education, mainly to interpret historical situations and biographical data. Its perspective is linked to Walter Benjamin's ideas about the figure of the narrator and how the dialogue between narrator and historian can be seen. Following the perspective of another author, Benedito Nunes, we try to establish relations among narratives, fiction and historiography, also highlighting the ideas of Jorge Larrosa regarding the transmission of experiences. Finally, our focus is turned to Antonio Bolivar and his alternative statements about why and how analysis of investigations, in which narratives are the main source of data, can be done.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The present work aims to show a possible relationship between the use of the History of Mathematics and Information and Communication Technologies (TIC) in teaching Mathematics through activities that use geometric constructions of the “Geometry of the Compass” (1797) by Lorenzo Mascheroni (1750-1800). For this, it was performed a qualitative research characterized by an historical exploration of bibliographical character followed by an empirical intervention based on use of the History of Mathematics combined with TIC through Mathematical Investigation. Thus, studies were performed in papers dealing with the topic, as well as a survey to highlight problems and /or episodes of the history of mathematics that can be solved with the help of TIC, allowing the production of a notebook of activities addressing the resolution of historical problems in a computer environment. In this search, we came across the problems of geometry that are presented by Mascheroni stated previously in the work that we propose solutions and investigations using GeoGebra software. The research resulted in the elaboration of an educational product, a notebook of activities, which was structure to allow during its implementation, students can conduct historical and/or Mathematics research, therefore, we present the procedures for realization of each construction, followed at some moments by original solution of the work. At the same time, we encourage students to investigate/reflect its construction (GeoGebra), in addition to making comparisons with the solution Mascheroni. This notebook was applied to two classes of the course of Didactics of Mathematics I (MAT0367) Course in Mathematics UFRN in 2014. Knowing the existence of some unfavorable arguments regarding the use of history of mathematics, such as loss of time, it was found that this factor can be mitigated with the aid of computational resource, because we can make checks using only the dynamism of and software without repeating the construction. It is noteworthy that the minimized time does not mean loss of reflection or maturation of ideas, when we adopted the process of historical and/or Mathematics Investigation
This essay aims to present and describe a proposal of insertion of Mathematics History into teachers undergraduation. Such addition proposal is expected to take place as curricular component to be taught on initial undergraduation for mathematics teachers. The selection of contents for the proposal has been based on the national Curriculum Guidelines (DCN, 2001, acronym in portugueses) for bachelor’s degree in Mathematics; the National Curricular Guidelines for Elementary School (PCNEF, 1998, acronym in Portuguese); and the National Curricular Guidelines for High School (PCNEM, 1999, acronym in Portuguese). The curricular component now presented is supposed to take a 60 hour workload, and includes the following topics: History of Ancient Numbering Systems, History of Trigonometriy and History of fuctions. For the sake of exemplification, the topic History of Ancient Numbering Systems is discussed and analysed in detail as practice for the new curricular component.
Trabalho apresentado em CISTI 2016. 11.ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação
Parte 1 Conceitos e aplicações: Fundamentos da Certificação, Luis Fernando Guedes Pinto e Laura de Santis Prada - Possibilidades na cana-de-açúcar, Luís Fernando Guedes Pinto, Laura de Santis Prada e Isabel Cristina Rodrigues. Parte 2: Perspectivas do Setor: Produção e suas alternativas, Francisco Alves e Tamás Szmrecsányi - Mercados de Açúcar Orgânico, Antonio Oswaldo Storel Júnior e Pedro Ramos. Parte 3: Desafios Socioambientais: Relações de Trabalho, Marcelo Paixão e Francisco Alves - Agroindústria e Meio-Ambiente, Daniel Bertoli Gonçalves, José Maria Gusman Ferraz e Tamás Szmrecsányi - Especificidades do Nordeste, Paulo José Adissi e Wagner Spagnul
The karyotype of Amphisbaena ridleyi, an endemic species of the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, in State of Pernambuco, Brazil, is described after conventional staining, Ag-NOR impregnation and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with a telomeric probe. The diploid number is 46, with nine pairs of macrochromosomes (three metacentrics, four subtelocentrics and two acrocentrics) and 14 pairs of microchromosomes. The Ag-NOR is located in the telomeric region of the long arm of metacentric chromosome 2 and FISH revealed signals only in the telomeric region of all chromosomes. Further cytogenetic data on other amphisbaenians as well as a robust phylogenetic hypothesis of this clade is needed in order to understand the evolutionary changes on amphisbaenian karyotypes.